THE MICHIGAN DAILY SE ~i r~n~ Adding Ma- lXiilelv ond l~ iijo 1'~:nl Jo; p that (~ipl1lt. l~e i0;1i' S u;; do:- ing cur Sept;iiih~r ile u~i l)OiMlla1~ iio;1 pip' p q I '; S~ '1' 'I :iI >- prlce([ anu sold on I h pa sv >~ 1)1011. Li~iv('PrItY Al ii zIt' ii 1)0 -~ jjI !I ur ke's Dancing' IPavilion, Whitmore '.".. " - . ..". -' L be.Adv. 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for BOARD) three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines penr insertion.! Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, li1c per: BDOARDPRS-Can accommodate sv- for large singile l'owin UPP l);'- L from Campus. $4.00 per e. I1. C. Annas, 820 E. -Wtashl ,,tors. A. FIRST CLASS l,.undresswat work of college6 girls. Wy' equipp~ed to h andleodaini y t; -, t carefully. ('ontr ,cts;to s~oI houses. -Call 1171-AlM or 2115-WVa your conlvenlience. V iLes ood iiarhil 's at reasonY- 'ill . 11N. Univ. Thu. 2, 2nd iversi1,ity Mui ilos Phlone c17 9!). j MICIIAN PEILT Watchfobs--fij II jewecle gardpirns --ladies adsetlcr ees riflis--wate~ll clia rms. A full2 line or l1he best i'wlr. a i n:4 ,.,very repirngin our own shiopj. ARNOLD, ~~STATE SlEiET )jVEE~ j 302 S. State reading line for three or more insertions. White space charged for at same rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about contracts for classified advertising. jme.tiA ak" VOR RENT FRONT SUITE furnished for two. One large single room. It. Daly, "755 E. University FOR RENT-One suit, furnished, $7 for two. No smoking. Telephone 637-R. ONE SINGLE and one double room, reasoi able, ideal location. Call 2897. LARGE ROOM for two students. Two blocks from campus. 425 So. Diviion. Phone 1565-J. Second floor. LARGE SINGLE ROOM in private f - 'mily. Near State on Packard, $4.50 per week. 737 Packard. OCCUPANT WANTED for double room. Excellent location between Williams and Jefferson. Rate rea- sonable. Phone 2816-M; 408 So. 5th Ave. FOR RENT - Light housekeeping apartment, also garage. Call 3443-J 1340 Volland. STANDARD 'and Portable Typewrit- ers, good machines at reasonable rates. 711 N. Univ. Rm. 2, 2d floor. LARGE PLEASANT front room for two or three girls. Two blocks from campus. Inquire Mrs. Harriet McCotter, 821 E. Huron St. Phone 1521-R ONE pleasant double room near Ferr Field. Private family. $.00. 91 Sybil. THREE VERY well lighted double1 rooms for boys. Reasonable and iellocation 812 Catherine St. ONE SUITE and one double room. Rates reasonable. 517 Benjamin. 1665-W.t ROOMVS SUITABLE for business con- cern for society. Reule-Conlin Co. LARGE SUITE and one single room1 for students or business girls. Also hoard. 328 E. Williams. Phone '2578-J. A LARGE downstairs front room for- two. Rent reasonable, 715 Pack- ard. ROOM for instrutor in private familyj- rnear the campus. Phone 541. FIRST FLOOR house keeping suite. Private entrance and semi-private bath. 203 S. Thayer. Phone 137-R. NICE FRONT ROOM first floor will rent either double or singl. Rent reasonable. 923 Greenwood. Phone 2865-W. BIGHT clean front room for two boy students. Two single beds. Mod- ern conveniences, 1030 Church S:, Phone 1421-W. FINE FRONT ROOM down stairs and two excellent suites on second floor. Good dorm available if desired. Call at 422 Hamilton Place. FOR RENT-Double room, 5120 E. Ann St. ONE SINGLE A~ double room. Run- ning water, steam heat. Large clos- et rooms. 500 Catherine St., Phone 2454-J. ONE 4 and one 6 room modrn apart- ment, two blocks from camnpus, for! married couples., 171-M or 1661- I4enings. J. Karl Malcolm. ONE double 'room, two blocks from campus. $3.00. One single with roomate, $2.75. Call 1211-R. SINGLE and double rooms, newly fur- nished, near campus. Also rooms for light housekeeping. Prices are right. 906 Greenwood Ave. PLEASANT dingle room for girl with private family. 167 Geddes. Phone 2907-M.? LARGE FRONT suite on 1st floor for men students or coupl'e. 521 E Jef- ferson. Ph~one 1422-W. LARGE FRONT, SUITE for 2 or 3 men students. Private lavatory, running water. 10121 E. Huron.. 9Phone 2792. A FRONT SUITE-Two or three boys. 315 S. Division. Phone 2332. FOR, RENT-Single room $3. 803 Law- rence. TWO DOUBLE ROOMS in new house,- three blocks from =campus. 711 °S. Division. PLXEASANT ROOM may be had for $5, a week single, or six dollars for two. 904 Packard St. SHAE in large room; east expo-~ GIRLS PLEASANT ROOMS and food board not far from campus. Rea- sonable prices. 2378. P~LEASANT ROOM with young couple one half block from State. Call 506-J. FOR SALE INK Mixed inks usually flow poorly. Good fountain pen ink is scarce. Fill your pen at our free filling station 1 and be convinced that our special ink is always reliable. It pays to buy the best ink. Rider's Pen Shop 302 S. State St. f Same day optical service. Arcade} Jeweler and Optometrist. NEW ls. & E. DRAWING SETS-Isar- fans. Inquire 920 Monroe St Phone 990-W. STANDARD AND) PORTABLE Type- writers, goodI machines at reason- able rates, 711 N. Univ. Ran. 2, 2nd floor. H-AND KNITTED sweaters made of the beautiful newv Sig-Knit-lling Yarn. On display at 923 Greenwood Ave. Phone 2863-W. TWO 1921 Ford Raceabouts. One isj fully equipped, starter, top, wind- shield, disc wheels, etc. Engines completely overhauled. All worn parts replaced with new. Call at 1309 Geddes Ave. I 1 ral girls with board. iPrivatefamn-- ily. Block north of Campus. Phone 2448-IR. A FEW young men to board in private home. Reasonable rates. 500 Cath- erine St., Phone 24544J BOARDERS-Can accommodate 12 ori I15 m en with board. Private family. Home cooking. One-half block north of campus. Phone 2759-R1. FO UND1 A' place to have jewelry and watch repairing promptly done. Arcade Jeweler. Students bring your laundry to 123j tChapin St., or call 3034-M1. Mrs. Louis Tessmer. WANTED HELP n CANVASSERS WANTED. "Kimberly Hills" is Ann Arbor's most beautriful subdivision.: ftots have but to be shown to sell. We want twelve honest fellows able to intelligently present a project without misrepresentation for or- ganized canvassing abo'ut two hours daily, to locate prospects. We show the property, close the deal, and' give you every co-operation. Pre- ceding your call, we lily mail a fold- er which will awaken the prospect's interest. This is strictly on a commission basisj but it's nlo trick at all for a diligent worker to find two buyers a* weekt, which will net him thirty-five and fifty dollars. Your license will cost you $2.00, but we will refund you that with your first sale. Talk it over with Ralph Sprenger in our office. between 3 and 5, or 7 and 8 Monday afternoon or evening. CHfAS. -E. GALLULP-'CO., 206-7 Nat'l B'k B~ldv~. I fours: 1 to 4.P)0 1. AT. WANTED-To buy= violin. 2235-tip.. i'holle el'rs. The Otly port alle -with a stitndardkecy board. Black, t604 E Madison. 1809 W2' L1 sAral Sillv~liI01t 11, I'l- UPPER CLASSMbAN wantis roovnimate for large steamn heated room. ";O Il at 502 E Liberty or phone 879-:V. SENIOR ENGINEER wiants roomn 4 ate Cose to canipus3. Reasoniable in ire 332East Jefferson. ' ~ RIDER'S MAST ERPEKX Rider's Masterpen has stood the lrt of years. No wear oult to it. No) after expense andl it n l-%ays wrtes,, smoothly. Holds 230 drops of ink Our own make. Immediate fact ory service. Rider's Pen Shop 302 S. Stato St. We have added at very comploee lino of AWAHL'S IUHi3131}FIt NTI PENS. They are extrem ely h~anmd- soine and good amerch anser. \V' operate Whl Service Station 1'( 1 Eversharps and WahI Pena. Rider's Pen Slmop 202, S. , , eS a j Y6A.',Ki.'tl. f Y'1 i~ ' f ; rte,.. ° r''rFv v. s6U JA.r moo= ., .. , _ -..__.______ _ __ _... 11 I I--- r AlGi'lah-s. ,-,daneed for one year. ', I .Qwes IieS. -Corona1is $30. !llug:;i 11(1 UIl lle'wod l )orta-- be.L. C. Smiith, Woodstock, TEu- d ;-1xeol I yal, lial'mond, Oliversj Eay ternls if desiredI 17 Nickci Arcade, 1' yi t' &: Sb; ioner'dy store. { ealor:L.C. Sinithld% Corona. i i-U ta;iilz'd 190S. 7Phone 1718. I R :M V 'tVNw }Q. ' 1 S-' , '', r '' .,. ; e t k ' , e:u t ' 7 .1. j I 4x 9", 71' LOt' IiSMIT II ; is ALL KIND)S of trunk and door keys 11126 W. H.uron St, Phone 2198. Keeler ( )l I~ t~lC" S "'D; .Nts imake $10 and" wol I-ailor madeo suits " a' $23.30). .,,: ivger w witbe in Ann A.rbor r-ext W e.frot giving full ;utorniatLoil to 18 l Doroit Savings Bank Bldg;. c vol, Mich. The Perry Co. M for I 'Pots and I T~x L~SO E FOUNTAINPEON IOS-IT-A l, It costs no mnore for ,oru skilled workz- umuiship. Over thirty years exper"i- ence. r The advantage is all your;;. Standard prices. I Rider's Pen Shop 302 S. State St. BEAFTY S.-HO'S CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION Work Guaranteed. Sixteen yea~rs expferienie in the treatment of acne and other shin and scalp diseases. MADAME E. L. ANDERSON, Beauty speciality, (formerly of (Thei- sea). 21 Wuerth Arcade. Phone 241-R. Ad v. i7TBRStlATIE TAILORS. Mr (. ein ery of th~e Inters tate rf lr is at the mer; can Hotel.Ta- Ior n]lcildo suits an.:d overcoats $29.50.1 11101 e 1.23 or call1 at the hotel any aft- RUSSIAN LESS NS Given by a native R-iussFian at your convenience. C ," .';10-W betwen 6Gand 7ph.mi. SPECIAL S,-IX mouths membership atl -.-'C. A. $6.50. All privileges. 17ath and swvim for non-members at! the Y. M. C. A. 35c. )i i'SWA Let us furnish you with a Piano or {Victrola. Very low terms. Rent ap- pliei ci oupurchase. i University Mu sic IHous'e Phonne I.M.! ,:~ ~ALaun ryr Cas~l. FORD TOURING CAR in excellent running order. Just overhauled. The price will surpris.e you. Phonie 1280-W after 7. 1303 Granger. TYPEWRITER. 202 E. Washington St. CANOEING ticket--$7.65 worth not punched for $4. Inquire Tuttle's Restaurant.{ BL1ACK CLOTH- COAT with fur collar anid cuffs. Purchased last year. B~lue brocaded eb armneuse evening dress, feather trimmedA. Sizes: 18,. Prices reasonable. Phone 3115-M. STYLE A, GIB3SON MANDOLIN. Fine tone. In good condition. New canvas case. Lake, 807 S. State. Phone 3010-J. MAN TO SELL men's clothling and furnishings and trim windows. Reule-Conlin Co. A college girl to work for room or board or both at private 'family. In-. quire 1609 S. University.. Young Women to work part time. at. the telephone office.-Meals at -cost Sat the company's cafeteria. Miss B. Edwards, chief operator. Cor. Wasbington and Main. CLOTING SALESMEN reake $60 weekly and up selling all wool tailor made suits at $29.50. Manager will be in Ann Arbor. next week. Write giving full information to. the Perry Co., 818 Detroit Savings Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. JA)Sr WA~an HCNU ATHLETIC 1300K. indr ea4s -iYI;1tI I +CRAl1le ret