vUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 1523 .THVE MICHIGAN DAILY PA E Vim T'LAYS then calmly dropped it on the floor, evening was that of Edward T. Gibson ought to be thoroughly entertaining (Continued from Page Two) and also when he threw another to the as Thorold in the Maesfeld play. He and interesting, and if by that time while she was before us. I still main- ceiling. To me the perfect natural- convinced with his portrayal of the you have recovered from Mr. Nelson's tain that as long as she preserves her ness of such gestures was an excuse grasping, cowardly Norwegian peas- elabroate interpretation of Percy impudent swagger, her burning wig, for everything, his supple wrists alone ant. Lillian McEarchen and 'James Makaye's "A Thousand Years Ago" I her Callot gown, her perfect sense of obliterated the rest. Maloney earned an A each, am sure you will find attendance an good showmanship in other words, she So you can begin to appreciate the While Lionel Ames in Modesty {iid evening well lost. may sing any way she pleases and still point of view. These tricks-and they his work well, I think that his other pull me-and the thousands of others are called tricks only because the playing has led us to expect too much THE INTELLECTUAL -to her worshipful feet. avid press-agent had to label them of him. It is difficult to imagine him, (Continued from Page Three) Naturally such a statement can be something-enhance rather than de- as anything but a sparkling ingenue, the authority of the good old book grotesquely twisted if taken in the tract from a performance; without set in the midst of a chorus of our wrong light. These externals, of them, a performer seems stiff and un- handsomest men, with an orchestra, your. cause is automatically lost, for course, are only symbols; are only interesting, his program - stilted and and pearls, and perfume. the mass assumes the truth of that to possible, in fact, when a perfect dull. Indeed, we are told' that all art The others who deserve mention are begin with. If you advocate investi- tchnique and positive confidence is synthesis, and from this I would Margaret Bissel and Harold Pritche. gaton or ask embarassing questions have been acquired, and represent the advance the thesis that even as ab- -Donald E. L. Snyder. you, have the doubting Thomas story distinctive individuality of the artist. stract .a one as music requires skill- thrown at you. One must not be from Chaliapin, for instance, does nothing ful fusion of all the others, with par- ADVERTISEMENT. Missouri. The most effective weapon but walk in circles for an entire act ticular stress laid on Pantaloon and There has recently been formed an .of all is the deaf ear and most people of "Mephitofle", Mary Garden turns his bag of baubles, organization which bears the formid- use it when their prejudices are as- en the footlights, Leginska refuses to able title of the Interchurch Drama sailed. The literature of revolt is wear anything but black, De Pach- PRODUCTION CLASS League. It merely indicates a urict making itself heard however. It re- annn cries, "Beautiful, beautiful!" at APPEARS IN . . of four denominational 'dramatic fuses 'to be squelched. The intellect- is glorious pianissimo. And to these Professor Holliser's play produc- groups. These societies, in their vr- us is not willing to be hedged in by spontaneous eccentricities there are tion class did some rather good work ious stages of development, are worth- a world which is too small for him, 'always the few who waggle their wish esfield's LockedChest and doccasionally his screams of rage eds in horror and rufuse to see that Mcdesty of Paul Herview. Toiler's they furnish an outlet for the dozens become quite raucous and unrefined, such trifles weld an art together and Wife was unfortunately cast, how- of theatric aspirants which' the ret- s witness the Sunday Magazine fer- ove it through the very fibre of the ever; for two of the best people in ognied clubs cannot use. ment of last year. audience. campus dramatics took the roles rath- To show that even churches can co- Several years ago a book appeared Continui ng with DePachmann, you er uncomfortaby-almost any other operate they are each to pesent a one- which struck what should have been a Mill'recall the incident where he play could not have failed to be a act play in a program to he given in powerful blow at the military system. -pcked a note from the keyboard with success in their hands. Lane Hall this Wednesday evening. It was called crude and revolting. one hand, placed it in the other. and i The cleverest performance of theI Frm many viewpoints theo attempt but it had an undeniable atmosphere p1ftruth about it. That book was 'Three Soldiers, by John Dos Passs. Whether or not it is good literature is aside from the question. It was a work which required an answer, and - ' it has not been answered. But the military system is as strong as ever, and nowhere stronger than in the col- leges, where young university stu- dents are enthuisastically training for more war. The absurdity of the sys- tem is apparent to the person who an- alyzes it and who, like Dos Passos reacts against the machine-like inhu- manity of the army, and the crushing of individuality and the finer feelings there. ven the brutality of military nomenclature is revolting to the per- ,,6son who is sensitive to it. Only such a person, however, reasons out the basic folly of the whole scheme upon wlich modern life rests and maintains ,>ta itself,. Alfred Noyes wrote The Wine Press but who rea it? Too effective n antidote is it for war? It is like casting a snowball into a raging fire inan attempt to quench it. The great mass of humanity goes on as it has always gone, and when the occasion arises nations will fly at each other's throats as fiercely as savage ever as- sailed savage, and just as unreason- ingly. It is not a reasonable world; it it a world of prejudices and passions, dan it will prate of its patriotisms in the future as it has in the past; as if each political unit had a monopoly on * that virtue. And always he who at- tempts to be rational, to keep his head and see the other fellow's viewpoint is xill be frowned upon as dangerous to the'common welfare. So it goes with everything. What those in control do not want to hear or to beheard is censored; Graecum est non legitur. The rebellious ones c I T ailondlh DB lo sesbeat1oeir verbal wings against the y cage of convention. They attract at- tention but they do not escape. Is it any wonder that we have a literature of EnglishBroadcloth and Crepe de Chine of despair? What good is it to cd- cate a man if he must still conform to C OLLEGE women find ultimate satisfaction in tailored bloues. These the opinions and ideals of the mass? Ed t a i r sIn England some time ago Dr. Temple, of English broadcloth, mannishly tailored, in regular sports shirt style a clergyman of the Church of England, are -speiap$510id$595oi ied as follows to a protest from arc especialy attractive at $.0 and . while the embroidered the Bishop of London against his part models of the broadcloth and many over blouses of crepe de chine are very in a certain "Essays and Reviews." popular at $9.75 to $12.95"To tell a man to study, and yet bid hinm under heavy penalties to come t the came conclusion with those who have not studied is to mock him." But ther is the problems of the intellectual I versus the vorld he lives in. SECOND FLOOR MAIN STREET _