PAGE SIX. THE MICHIGAN DAILY $UNDI1AY, VE MiS F1 923 boasts the resounding title of "Dean couldn't it they wanted .to. cine-which explains much which ap- . B ooks of the School of Literary Arts, Re- In spite of all this, Mr. Fagin has pears in the magazine, even unto the search University, Washington, D. C some hope. He feels that someday, advertisements. Why Our Newspapers somehow the American short story are at Nadir, by Roy L. McCardell, to answer in favor of art, thereby plac- may rise as the American novel is starts out as a miniature Brass Check, THE LLII L RE ng imslf o a ar ithBraderrising, and that both of tliem will go but is better after getting under way; Matthews and Professor Arlo Bates. far ahead. He offers some construct- it seems to he fairly well informed. Illini Poetry, a small crimson and Instead, he shows clearly and bitterly ive criticisms; he expresses convic- As for the stories, the verse, asd the blue-volume published hy Covici-Mc- that the production of short stories, tions;, he calls for effort and intelli- book reviews, one is kind. to say that Gee comprises a collection of poems and particularly of short stories that gence and a little idealism.. He is they are second-rate. Gelecomise collecion of poems will sell, no more partakes of the true clear, sound, forceful, and authorita- seeed rom oe witeny mhemni- spirit of art than does bricklaying, five, for he knows both the field that PGA barsiy ofheIPoetrynocietyuri thelui-From the sanctified Saturday Evening he damns and the field that he praises. versity of Illinois during the five Post to Breezy Stories, the publics- Be begins where most critics of the (Continued from Page Five) years since its organization In 1918. tions that pay demand not quality or short story leave off, and asks his land. When a nation ceases to con- It should be said, first of all, that inspiration, but adherence to the blie- rftro, it falls apart add ceases to be a the hook has enough poetry of beautyprnrue.Tyaeaid reader to go with him. in search of1 print rules. They are aided by our something better than a check from nation. and worth to merit its publication. so-called civilization, which judges the house of Musey. It is a needed History is but the transcription of One discovers this upon second read- a piece of work by the price it brings; plea. the gradual transition- from atnial ing, if not at first glance. Poetry, af- by half-baked 'critics" whose ideal is C. . F. life to social life and thence to divine ter all, ought to be taken in small Octavius Roy Cohen and the movie _life. The idea of nations comes alorg doses, like war news, to give its full writer; by college instructors whose in tIle' middle of the scale of history. effect. taste and ambitious are governed by MAGAZINES Man who has been' an individual The book conttains the usual topical their pocketbooks, sd"n who sing (Continued from Page Four, which we call a savage has learned verse incident to college life, and hymns of praise to 0. henry and Rob- The poem is in Frost's conversational how to get 'along with a certain some verse which must remain un- ert W. Chambers. The demand of the blank verse, and has that delightful group of men, his tribe. Society classified, but Isassuredly more maud- day is for snappy fiction, end the gods love-of-his-fellowmen flavor charac- creates nations, but as the process of lin and less clever than colyum "po- of the day call snappy fiction good. I teristic of his poetry. The Gossip development continues, the- sotiety etry"; this, for Instance Mr. Fagin frankly admits that he' Shop has this to say of him: "Robert idea will finally destroy nations- for "Bursting buds, caressing breezes, has done his share to produce writers; Frost, come to town for a few days, a man who now gets along-with one Nice warm mud that softly squeezes, of stories that sell; that's what he is is returning, he told us, to Amherst cartels group of people but fights an- Little birds and brooks and beeses, paid for doing. But he does not main- in the autumn-a nohle, quiet, splen- other group will eventually learn how Boy! Ain't Nature Grand?" taro that such stories are worth While. I did figure as always." to adjust himself to all men. We will There is a little vers de societe which His indictment of 0. Henryism-not The Literary Spotlight exposes Wil- not have a league of nations, we will Tarkington's Clarence could have of poor Smith himself-is stinging; liam Rose Binet, revealing him as a have an abolition of nations. written with little difficulty, and some his attack upon the movies is equally poet who, though narrowly escaping Whereas nations are small groups poetry of symbolic identification ("I sharp and more significant. The cult the conservatism of Old Alf Noyes, of people mutually bound together for am a stained glass window", etc..), of O. Henry has done its worst and manages to be an easy, if intelligent, the purpose of opposing other groups, which has grown a little wearying has become stationary, at least;that of critic-even of the efforts of the Christianity calls for no division since the first poems of Sara Teasdale. the movies has taken the worst of O. younger experimentalists. Genevieve whatsoever, and considers only one So much for adverse comment. Henry and is gathering speed every1 Taggard in The Poems of the Month large group Christianity is in fact in- There is much true poetry in the day. There are other evil influences, selects his Primum Mobile from The imical to nations. A Christian nation book for a' that. "Solitaire" by Isa- too; prudery, congenital insanity, New Republic, as one of the best for is a contradition in terms. It is like bookryforgea'althat.tyJuly. enclosing infinitywtibonaes dor Lipton has these lines: goody-goodiness, and a host of for- J "Who can make of loneliness a bidden things that involve all these Simon Pure gossips entertainingly Every time you use the word "Ameri- song? and all sorts of special cases. There about American writers from the Lon- canism" you are thereby- declaring It has no love, no fire, are some things one must praise at Idon point of view, the Sketch Book that the United States is essentially No fever of desire, certain times, like the Wilson admin- has some anonymous Confessions of pagan. No beauty, no pain-- istration and the virgin honesty of 1 a Blurb Writer; and What's What By Newell Bebout. One only knows the days are long France; there are other things one Among the Season's Books classifies ...-and long- must praise not at all, like Bolshe- conveniently the new books. "The Jews have done the world one A, who can make of loneliness a vism and the morality of the burger great service. They have made the song?" of Jena. Of course, such qualifica-.1 PEARSON'S MAGAZINE for Octo- Origin and Supporter of the Universe It is perhaps legitimate to single tions do not exist for stories pub- ber continues its editor's fight against something invisible."-By Mark Rth- out for comment the poetry of Lois lished in The Pagan and The Wave- the American Medical Association ad 'erford, from "Last Pages from; a Seyster Montross, co-author of that but such magazines do not pay, and for the Electronic Movement in Medi- Journal." college best-seller of last year, "Town and Gown," since her work occupies fully twenty pages of the ninety-six page volume, although there are twen- ty-eight poets represented. All of the poems which she has contributed are to be enjoyed, and maintain a more even tenor of achievement than do, most of the groups of poems included.- "Taj-Mischa" and "I Wear a Crimson Cloak Tonight" are among the more ambitious, and perhaps the more sig- nificant of her poems, but short lyrics bear the strain of part-quotation best;:- these lines are taken from "To Char-. mian, Unborn": "My laugh is dumb that fluttered wild, My hands are bare of shining rings, My soul goes fasting that a child Be born for silk and songs and wings." Mr. Bruce Weirick, who edits the volume, concludes his preface by re- marking that if the book succeeds in arousing from silence the authors' songless university contemporaries in the middle west (of which Michigan is supposed to be one), it will have served one of its purposes. -Dorothy Tyler BLUE-PRINTS VERSUS LITERATURE SHORT STORY WRITING: AN ART OR A TRADE ? By N. Brillion Fagin.- Thomas Seltzer, $1.50. Mr. Brillion Fagin opens his little book on the short story with the question which forms its title. Is the short story, and particularly the American short story, a form of art, or is it merely a trade at which any ordinary man or woman can become reasonably proficient providing he or she learns to handle the tools and reads the blue-prints? One might expect the author, who Discounting the future At Sixty. Shabby respecta- dangerous busines retbility - Dependence - Re- grets. Recollections of better for you years, of position, influence, hope. 'A depressing outlook isn't it? But we are not pessemistic; nor are we sentimental. Per- haps you are discounting the future. We s u g g e s t you capitlizeit. We have no wish to deal in trite and time-worn phrases about saving, we wish rather to look to the future a little. If you are spending all now, you are d i s c o u n t i n g the future. You are using money you will need at sixty; for you will need it then. 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