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November 18, 1923 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-18

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?iAs Two


SUNDAY, $OVEMBER 18,. 1923

SOMETHING TO MAKE YOU-WISE. they are determined to beat the duf-
In a fascinating room filled with fers in New York that furnish our
brit-a-brac from Tunis. two gentle- present dramatic rubbish, and elevat-
men with passionate enthusiasm were ing it in that they hope to gain as
fervid-an appreciation for Ibsen and
telling me of the new plans of the Shaw as we now have for George M
Michigan Repertory Theatre. -The oIan and Avery Hopwood. The floor
organization, it seems, has sitiied was covered with- gorgeous, thick red
its initial venture with sufficient cour- rugs. Frederic McConnel, of course,
age to attempt a continued Season willremain as director, while Miss
.Kellys and -Hr. Reid will carry the
during the coming months. I noticedholandoMrs:.RUndwillnaryths
eavier oles. Unfortunately, I also
that the room was furnished with-ad- discovered, the funny man with the
mirable taste in red and silver. Tsere.f puppet legs from .The Theatre Guild
will he three productions, each being has-beencalled back to New York, bu
given a run of two performances, without uestirn his place will be
March Hares by Harry Wagstaff Grih- filled by one &s capable. A dusty per-
ble in January, Ann Pettersdotter by forated Turkish lamp glowed in the
Wiers-Jensen in February, and George corner. The- plays themselves are de-
Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman lightfu: the first a sophisticated com-
in March. A soft pastel of a nude art- edye of manners, the second a power-
ist's model hung on the opposite wall.-I fu tragedy of peasant life, and the
Briefly, the fundamentalideal, so they third . . . G. B. S. The prices or
said, is to put drama on a continental the season tickets, too, are very reas-
basis. In Europe, I was to under- .onable-I did not quite catch the ex-
stand, there are no travelling compan- act figures, but they must have been
ies as in this country, but instead. suqrisingly low-so that there is
every town of anypretensions.at al; really no financial excuse for not sub-
has its own group of resident players scribing. A beautiful gilded screen
-what we think of as a stock company hid something. ,. . This, I believe,
only infinitely better. A weird. bril- exhausted their repertorial informa-
liant doll with a dozen braceletand. tion, so in conclusion they confident-
wicked eyes dangled over my head. j ly commended the proposition to me.
Such a system not only creates a thor-, It is folly as worth while and as
oughly appreciative audience-for sound,, they agreed, as the various
-everyone buys a season ticket each concert series, the oratorical course,
year to the theatre-and places the the several other combinations which
organization ona sound financial bas- steal one's five dollar bills. By "sup
is, but aloWakes it possible for even porting it in its inception one will ad-
the most provincial person to see the mit himself to the finest drama, and
very best of modern and classical, dra- everlastingly aid a progressive pro-
matic literature. A brick r scarf ject to become permanent. A Literary
with a hundred tiny mirrors was Times Jay on the table
thrown over the door. It must be ad-
mitted that in America we have adopt- 'THE ACTOR IN EVERY ARTIST
ed this method in regard to music, 'You-will recall that an Orlando
as illustrated by the local Choral Un- Bebe recently contributed an article
ion series. Similarly, the final pur- ne -Pachmcnt d t ice
pose of the Repertory Theatre i to on .Do Psebman to this eminent
gain sfiraconfencerynThaptrov-'tJournal -of Words. With a scathing
gain as firm a confidence and approv- display -of similes he contended that
al for the theatre; eventually it Is -de Pachm inn utterly misinterpreted,
hoped to establish an annual spason even mangled, his divine Chopin, pre-
of ten or twelve productions of the ettngma-tlypatheChpiture
most representative plays available. last thrut was particularly obvious
In a corner lay a water-pipe of ham- and u -wa r thlrlovit
mered silver. Like all art theatresand unfair:-Choose rather to pity
the sponsors heartily disclaimed any he little -old man rather than scor
ambition to be highbrow or to elevateh . e t
the mob, but obviously this is untrue This disturbed sue immensely, for I
In the highest sense of the word, am sure that to the majority he ap
told them, they are highbrow In that peared not as a "little old man", bu
- as a genius -with the immortal youth
bat comes only with superb artistry
F. L. Tilden..........Editorf-and my distraction makes me grow
Donald E. L. Snyder-....Books --prosey. Truly we were all ready for
Normand Lockwood-....Music the blood of this Bebe-whoever he
Robert Bartron Henderson... was-determined to pound the folly
.. . . . .Drama ronhim. On investigation, however,
Gordon Wier...............Art he gentleman proved to have a very
Lisle Rose, Halsey Davidson, ormidable .name, one whose musical
Newell Bebout, Sanuel Moore,,
Nr.,eMxwell bout, sa re, opinionwas always respected and as-
Jr., Maxwell Nowels. s epted We had been ready to tell
The Sunday Magazine solicits y h was wrong, all
manuscripts from all persons af- cliiikflatly that e
filiated with the University. Man- wrong-like that-but now .
uscripts must be typewritten, Upon cautious consideration it has
triple spaced and written on one (.been decided to rest the proof else-
side only. * * * where. Of course, I am certain that
The Sunday Magazine acknowlI De Pachmann is the one and only, but
edges The American Secular Un- I would lay the claim to the actor
ion review service for "The Un- in him rather than to his musica
official Observer" department. * subtlety, still maintaining, you under-
stand, that it could be proven by those
capable that his various interpreta.

tions were justified.
It iihe policy of his magaine to Acording o the theory, then,
publish articles of opinion by boilt Acodig t h hoy hn
students and faculty members if, is musician to be a true artist must be
the judgment of the editor, these arti-
cles are of intrinsic value and interest. fully a third part actor. No matter
This doe s notwean tit manuscripts how great his technical ability he wil
oiie,,o outxariy offeredar ! gy
necessarity in accord with editorial remain forever a cultivated mechanii
rr ix principle or feru. if he lacks that personality, imagin-

ation, natural magnetism-call it what that on the night Mary Garden ap-
you will-that somehow sweeps an peared here one of the fake sopranos
audience figuratively it not literalW of the School of Music, who happened
to their feet. to be sitting back of me, did nothing
Of course it is this that makes but crack a soiled smile the whole
Mary Garden such a great figure, and evening; the same lady, -mind - you,
Farrar and Chaliapin and Matzenauer. who drove everyone into the street
They are actors and who cares.how with her own tinny palate- had., the
they sing. .As long as they truly thrill collosal impudence to censure such a
us, what difference if they upper or matchless personality.
lower register is right or wrong. Perhaps Mary's high C's were, a
However, there are plenty who dir- trifle thin, but who thought of that
fer with the assumption. .Iremember (Continued on Page Seven)

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