T IAE ,1 vHC-1iGAN DAILY SUN DAY , NOVEMBER 18, ULGARI A TURNS TO NEW PRODUCT K lan 0 a s P r o m So e n ne a ie For, Cobuldrn, /VUrdrc AVr~ of Exv- izardl Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov. I7-(A.P.)- ! The production of tob~acco is fast su- p;ercetl'ng wheat growing in Bulgaria.j On:ce almnost exciusively a wheat rail- ing contry, todayi- Bulgaria has tenl acres in tobacco against of e in thea cereal. Pu1garian fartners were taken in toj Eur ope.n7ir'urkey before, the war to ~Worin cie tobacco fields, and learned j ~hebuinssthoroughly. Unsettl{ ~coditonshave killed the industry in ,1uv-1;es ;o the Bulgariang are return- inl. ta their OWn country bringing the n m~y wh ~hin. Farmers; find 14~ ~ t, (.:i SX teght times inore profit n field! of tobiacco than in a field of ',nw}ea!. of the samei size. DiscuIsse-s Oper I HAVE NOVELTIES Hv o re extensive exhibit will lbe displaed by1PA ME ' the Department of Agriculture at' the IKO I N S A Internationel Livestoc:k Exposition fi cMX C.hicago the latter poxrt ofNovenibei It's. a very pure soap, particularly and continuing through' the first week eeiil osniie opein in December. Live beef steers illus eeiia osniiv opein trating the four gradts,(10C, l'-Q iumconmo_ an l i erorl wil CM- ;lPrice is 25 Cents pose one exhibit making (Rear by mar-I he prices and values what better ani-I mals mean in dollars and cents to tn,, farrmer.I Another special exhibit will show 'T~~h~r live hlogs, illustrating, the resuhis in THI~riuxu u O the live aiinimal of pl'Q)~rmethyods0 20-04E LB RT T breeding , _rd feeding. Exhibits will 2024E IE T T be showvn of the oi-gariization. of a farm ;.......................sil.......}k.}M~}{....... ...*.....R.i .. far livestock, producwtion; use and j____________________ maintenance of pastures and rough-' ag-es for livestock; co.rn for livestock; profitable beef production ~ nmalhing .money with :hogs; fkheep that pay, and Horses on the farm. (Continued front_..Page Nine) . over; two hundred opera houses where;:: Italian is sung., Only occasionally an opera is sung in French for some spe- cial military or social function. In France there are 105 opera houses whiere only French is rendered. In Germany arid Spain and in the north- ern countries opera is sung-in the lan- guage of the country."- - 3fichigpat Shows Aniericanlsm High officials of 'the Ku Klux KMan Conlcluading Mrs. Cook ,said: "Your! former Kleage and attorn~ey for Will own University has shown sane Amer- i Atlanta, Ga., by Philip E. fox, publi .canisut And a forward looking spirit! of murder. its the all-Engnlish musical, programs that have been given by its school of j t ' t6ui . 1 h v a tcual oic df v lY h o , this and hope that the delightful, well Theme Sn,. jcci arran"ged programs are-appreciated a, ___ soy Aho ild he.. I believe that theyy Iaree ~,< . By the way, did you notice when iae," Yahoo," "Ratiocinati tn." Cal Ii Curci received the most ap-i were the subjects from which a class lplaseAftr hr sogs n EglihIin freshman Rhetoric at the In ivot -: Po a userf e r+onsi"Enlssty of Indiana recently was asked to ___________________select a themne. The profcssor found the results most interest;ng and en- Fas quelleMI; lightening. One student incei'pora~ed Grqnb on .Herelall three subjects in. the following -- "if a wave is a wave and a Yai.cw; FRowran Fasquelle, now a sophomore I s a Yahoo, what is a Ratiocination?" on theC caxmpus, is the grandson of! The majority of themnes were built the University's first professor of around the waves. There were hand! 1 chci. Prof. Loulis Fasquelle wasj waves, sound wraves, waves of cx.-a hie re from 18~46 to 1865 and establish-; demics, marcel waves, waves of the" eod the(, chair of modern languages. sea, and light waves. He wote everal French texts dur- The women were especially interest- Igthis lieriod, hip French grammar ed in marcel waves. One conara~d beving the a ccepted one at that time. them to people. She pointed out tt~ Thee boksare out of print now and sm epeaeol ipe hl have bcecome rare.; others are rough roiling and sonixc- _________________times tidal. it'stru eficincy o ue Dily The professor stated that an astton - It'stru " ffiieny t us baly ishing am.ount of ignorance was shown Classifiods.-Adv. when the students (id not know that AT THE THE ATER"S' a Wconducted the fun oral : exvices at the, hurial of Capt. *W iliarn S. Cobuim, I iam J.simniuoll,., wizard o the Klan. Coburn was murldered in, his -office in idi ty mhnn for the presont langimUtao. Fox aat trial On a charge' the Yahoos' were in Gulliver's 'Yzav Is. li1tonti'7 Twur of 'ountlrv- ??'ost of them. associated the "yiAlnos"V "ThcBfat,".'wh ich vi itedl Ann Armor G with the -wort", "-_o c". Others last y;ear, is now o-., its third tour ofr thought that the name was connected,; thxe country. At a onie night stancidin with some Indian tales. Oklahopul recently the cast was tore- Of those wh) chvs.e the word t'a~o 5d tb re peat the performance twice in cination someO wroSt 'aint was o,-(*0'-the dan-evening to 4 coini mod ate lthe 1 ected with "ratio" andI "nation." 0tht- throng which gathered to see the ers thought that the ectymology of the, shoo Ili addition to the American word Ixac somiething to do with radio. ") panies, 'two groups of Scandtinav- '~hee Wise Fools," starring Elea- nor -Broadian, andl Baby Peggy iri ~~fp,~are featured at tine Orplieum today. ri-ugh'Tuesniday. The two [ol- lowigds NWilliam Destyiond wiji appear in "Shadows of th~e- i~o to. - gether with a. comiedy, "CracLed Wed- ding Bells." Friday. and Saturday Edna Murphy' comes in "11cIr Dangeri- oils Path! T1HEY WORK'FAST, j j17 in actors are said to ye nmaking quilte' a sucecess wvith the play in Norway ;anid Sweden.{ Da ly clasgifiad for rea resmj r, gym 8 'UT WA MER6 The trelhat ComesTo'ko (e HILL AUDITORIUM EU S A Y9IIAT I - Nov~mb~r27 VNO- Ol,J( JViT lt JL -AS'OCIATI ()N [PROM' )I a4nd often get :away with it. Don't underestim ate the cleverness and skill of the "yegg" We don't.. That's why we are selling burglary insurance and wh Iy you should carry; a policy if you have valuables. Our JFyou have the welfare of Iyour c lot h es in mind you'll have theme cleaned in Benzol. Here! For, we're the only ones in town that use 'it. Costs us more...Yet we inage ol$and pressing men's suits. GOLDMAN'S lTe l e p h o n o 3 P1 , i i Dolicy gives you full protection against loss. BUTLER INSURANCE f M0 First Nat'l Bank Building PHONE 401- M Dispose of Your, uHingrty Ieelrng at -4:00) I I p. i. A I L . . . . _, . .. , ; - - wum, U' a z -, M, m m w u F - T he Y Inn Mae ~ ~kof oasters Sunday dinner! Youll like WHETHER YOU WISH A GOOD MEAL ~and C :: Utenlsl WEEKLY RA TES A BANQUET FOR ANY N UMBER 4 it here. Supedrbly prepared foods inh a v~zriety gjreater' than youvl finid el'sewh.er e. Atprices ubelievablylow. Or SerVie Awaits Yous OUR SUNDAY DINNERS GIVE COMPLETE SA TISFAC TION f - - A - .a'j ,' :'S r r _. - tL urPrices ConTsistent "One price the year round, good work here every day," Is our motto to have and to hold, And the fact that we're here in business to stay, Is a tale that will ever grow old. Upos tairs, N7 ickels A "-eads Mirro Au MumRoasters Pried from $1.00 to $6.00 Reed Enamel X.are Roasters Priced from $1.75 to *$4.50 ENJ$R CINE4 Cleaned Gorments Have No Comparison --TRY PHONE us- 2508 High Grade Carving Sets Priced from $3.50 t0 $18$.00 The- Scientific otary Fruit and Vege- table Press. "The Press that Presses," and only T$2.315 Mirro Aluminum Double -Boilers PRICES RIGHT SERVICE POMPiwT I U anl Analysis take yFi mes e orsucss- RIGHT WORK, SPELLS-SCC S WRONG WORK SPELLS=-FAILURE 4 Your choice of a vo4-tion or life work is of vital importance. t'A 'e r ~ it is too late you shiould consult competent' counsel. Voaioa exford 1ha rve (of Detroit), VoainlExpert, Psychologist 410, NbRTH STATE STBEET _,.. :. 77 i I