EIGHT TH-E 'MICHIGAN DAILY SUXD A Y, NOEU3R 1S, 1121 Likens Cannibal He Discovers I "Lost Israeli ites1W HAT'S GOING ON SUND)AY 9 :30-U~niversity Men's bible class meets in Upper room in Lane hail. 12 :00-Prof. Bruce Curry speak,, on Ithe bible, Congregational church rforum. 12:00-Baptist students' bible class i meets at Guild house. ". :00-(Pltlippine-Mfieligau club iiectN at Lane hall. Professor Hayden to :10-11iiidustan club ,.meets in Lane hail. Professor Hayden to speak. 5:30-B3aptist students social hour. :3f}-J aain-Aieriecaii-night at Coon- gregational Students' Fireside Chat. :4-tudents' supper in..Uniitarians Ichurch parlors. 6:30-Unitariaii students Union dis- cusion under leadership of Dr. Slos- son. 6 :30-Bapt ist students evening devo- tional meeting. 7 :13-The Jewish Students' congre- gation meets in Lane ball auditor- ium. Rabbi Henry J. Blerkoritz will speak. 7 :31- Prof. Bruce Curry speaks in Methodist church. Frank I- ese days' MONDAY an flesh 4 :30-Freshmen Girls' Glee C--:b in e bill of B~arbour gymnasium. hanege. 1 St rag glingr Feuedou an abundance of rain, it was' I wvish I had gone to M4adison, guess ia1cofrtoseheunora-T gtobd H aunt Ann Arbor'lze that the football weather at Mad-' ison was "perfect". Those who bum-h Paris, Nov. 17-(By A.P.)--Tire Left behind and dejected, a few' med were to be envied, not pitied at Bourse directors attribute the unfav- straggling remnants of the student this pretty turn of affairs.! orable market conditions to the Ruhr Noon-oh, that I were in Madison,'situation, "accentuated by growing di- body wandered around the -town yes- the common plaint. 2: 30-will the vergencies, in the French and Briti-Ai' terday. Small comfort it was that the team win without me? 3 o'clock--,viewpoints". Iweather had cleared-only an added well, I suppose I might as well" go, reason for sorrow. "Why didn't I go down to the Union and watch the re-1I t's trL.3 efficiency to use Daily. to Madison?" each person asked him-. suits come in. 6 o'clock-why wasn't Classifieds.-AnV, elf., I there to see it all. Oh, well, there's'.- Afera oleyof"Itod ou~'"a show at the Maj. 10 o'clock-gee,s Patronize The D~aily Advertisers. the day before when the clouds pour- ill _ N'RK ii I Capt. Frank Hfurley New York, Nov. 1' -Capt. Hurley is eating his meals the back in the land where hums isn't the choicest edible on the fare. And it's an agreeable el Hurley, internationally kn+ an aviator and explorer,.has turned from a two-year, trip wilds of New Guinea. Tphe tion was made mostly by it The 'sight of the "bird rn frightened the natives greatly ing to Hurley. But when. th bers of the exploring partyc earth the fright disappeared in measure and many of thec tribes met sort o' hankered foi juicy meal at the expense of two Of the more plump mem' the party. AT YOUR SER VICE You Will Aluayvs COURTESY QUALITY and Find N.EW NECKWEAR H UND.RE DS OF PATTERNS SELECTED WITH ,SPECIAL CARE FOR OUR COLLEGE TRADE 75c to $1.50, own as just re- into the explora- irp lane. ro ster" accord- camne to ia great can nibals Sa nice eone or cbers of TUE SOAY 4 :15--University Girls' Glee meets in Barbour, gymnasium. club brought back much data concerns them. They explorer was official ph( grapher with. the Shackleton expl tion from 1914 to 1917 and later fl from London to Australia with RB Smith. fLondon, Nov. 17-(By A.P.)-q angora government intends to, fo Hurley has reported to historians the abdication of the Caliph, says that he found one tribe which mright Daily Telegraph's diplomatic Corr be taken for lost Israelites. Hie pondent. 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