SUPr'DAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THIS 1 NI CLOSE$ CLOSES AT 3 P.M, ADVERtTISING AT 3 P.M. ILOST--Priday betvween W llhirdl and Tappan Sts., mink neck. piece. Re- w ard. 1221 Willard. Ph11one ? 6 !f- . 217T OF DI'AWNING instruments. Lib:- eral Reward. If found please call 347.-J.! BLUE SILK umbrella. Reward. Pl'nO' 99f' Thff kinds. Experienced workn aflship. MRS. 1R. T.FI EAM gi11 Thompson.. Phonie 2764-W. W ANTEDI NOTICE 4TYPIN G DONE RIGHT-blest service.. Ruhwork if you need it quiek. C.' A. Benedict,' 711 Arbor. Phone FOR RENT LARGE ROOM, for +2 or will rent single.' Very reasonable. 425 S. Division 'St. Furniture repaIrIng, upholstering and finishing. Prompt service by expert workmen.' Mr. C. Link. THE' SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE REPAIRING CO 305 Third St. Phone 2731-M 1i; I i i I E: ,. F or better health and corset comfort THE KELLOG UPLIFT CORSET. Specialties in hats and women's novelties. MI' LADYS SHOIPPE 24 Wuerth Arcade i ;. j FL1OWERS BluMaize ENo. 9' Nickel's Arcade. 213"f Liberty. 4 TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS. of -all rnikes Bought, Sold, Rented Excbtanged. Cleaned and Repaired. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 322 South State Street,- over "M"~ Lunch. Phone. 993-M~ DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING E~xclusive collegiate styles for youzr~; women. Needlework of all FOR GENERAL labor and assistants i atooghKaiiaios aifc in tests in evaporation laboratory, I thrsughseuamntos. tfc engineer preferred. some knowl- toy rClS guaKaNeed. D edge of pipe fitting desirab'le but not CS IKNS P.D necessary. Applicant mnmt be 30I.SaeAnAbr able to put $n at least . full half FRHR 'lay 'a week regular. See 'Prof. . 'padger, Roomn 3026 Eng. Bldg. . YOU 'GET TIE G4IRL: ; we'll Wfrnli - the car; the state furhish4es the roars TYPING of all' kinds. Book andi short Ad license. Call i8-R story manuscript correctly prepared) I - .x for publications. Theses, themes, F ~A1 sermons, copied at low rates. Phone 3476-M. You want your Fountain Pens prop-)AN ARBOR GIDI SQUAD erly repaired. _Why take them to an ;IOWNS IUGHLAND PARK undertaker? Eixperienced workman- ship to be had only at Rider's Pen (Continued from Page Six) Shop. It costs no more.?;aknanie.rcoryw nRm 24 Hour Penmaker's Service. I , ,a~ic.ecvrywhnPon Remeberthe lac, 32 5.Staemrenuing knocked'down a punt. Remebertheplac, 32 S Stae ':sAlthough Highland Park showed lit- St. Authorized WNahl and Eversharl I! tie of the ability the team is reputed serviceto p~ossess, the Polar Bears have sev- -" eral men who are capable men. FOUND. Stites, in the backeld, proved~ himself ____________________________ to be a performer of real ability. "He FOUND in Ann Arbor, Saturday, N6- ga'iiwd considerable grounrd, --nd vember 10th, a piece of luggage. threw the passes for his team. He is Person describing' property and a last mvan, and .lard to stop; etit, at payig fr ths ad my hae pop-left half, gave the winners something DiaCha-nt worry about on several occasions. rty.AddressGeorhe Captain Rowe handled punts in ac- man St Jhns Mih.ceptable fashion 'and got ay7 * fr a number of long runback~s. Trhe efforts FO'UN1tAIN PEN INK of thie visiting'. backs, however, wre Why risk 'having your pen spoiled not sufficient to, break through the with vicious ink. Fill at our free? Ann Arbor defense. filling station' and be convinced that our special formula Diamond' Writing It's true efficiency to use -Daily Fluid is the best ink for your pen. Classifieds.-Adv.. we sell i t at standard prices. -- RIDERS PEN SHOP Patronize The Daily Advertisers. DOUJBLE, ROQ1OMOne occupant may1 work for same~ if desired. Phone, 1194-M. 422 E, Washfington. THREE ROOM unfurnished apa'rt- mnent, wel1 heated. 513 E. Jefferson: SMODERN SIX ROOM house between Main anld State. Phon18 111-M. PL EASAN'r double r roomi, one-half block fromn campus. Phone 3277-J. 510 E. Jefferson. THE MICHIGAN SIRE~NS present' Joe Sweeny aid his five piece coin- bination. Call 'Tustison, 1767-J. TYPEW1RITER R1EPj1RIJNQ ,t , . ALL MAKES. Agency "Woodstock and iOliver typewriters, Suridstraud add-f irg machiine, Line-a-Time, copy holders, -rubber stamps, ri'bbons,, 1cushion keys, type cleaners and suip- plies. Machines rented;l.. ANN ARBOR "TYPEWRITER. ! EXCHANGE. Phone 885, downtown FANCY I)RtI{l MAKING and gowns. Mrs.,lEd. En meet, 914 Dewey Ave. Phone 2119-M. I FOR SALih Trap' Drummers' complete outfits. Professional Instruments at profes- sional prices. Schacherle & Son Music I House. 110 S. Main St. A HAND embroidered linen lunch set c~onsisting of 9 pieces. Call 1705-2M. ELEVEN ROOMS-Slightly used fur- niture, linen, etc., complete.,(G rooms now occupied by students. +More than paying rent and house Sexpenses. Box 13. J. SIX ROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW, hot fair heat-large lot--lull basemnent-- SHADE TREE-Close in-Splendid condition. Estate will close for $5,00J. Terms if desired. GORTON REAL ESTATE !AGENCY, Rm. 3 Wuerth Arcade. ~ LOST LOST Sat, night near Unitarian Schurch p)urple silk umbrella.Re R-ward. Phone 3011-R. LOST between intersection of Pack- ard and State and S. University on 3State .about one o'clock r;Fviday af-a }ternoon, a wrist watch. Reward.t Phone 1747-M. NU SIGMA NU pin, T1hursday, between SHospital and Huron St. Reward. Phone 397. WANTED-Mature student to make house to' house canvass With ques- tionnaire. 'Investigator, not sales- man, wanted. Must be accurate and dependable. Man interested in ipur- alism, or social sciences desired. Good proposition for right man. Call 2680-M. i I.i Complete FouniPn Service 4IS IJELANEOUISI TIYPEWRITING '& MIMEO GR APHING promptly and neatly done. BUSINES§S SERVICE CO., 322 South State St, over "M" bunch. Phone 9,93-M3 K E NORMAN 131]Il bI (of the Detroit} Conservatory of Music). Teacher of .~violin, piano, harmony. Studio 307 No. Main St. Telephone 611-M. MRS. DELIA T. DAVIS, Tutor inj 'French, 818 Forest Ave. o, w ;n- LADIES AND GENTS A COLLAPSIBLE g.,.' ,penil at' _____________________________________________ Cleaning, Pressing and Altering.: tacked to a dark blue orrigatedl HERMAN, T IL R rbbn.R wad.Banh onsn, ,1TAILOR. ulI811iI1~~l16l~tlIon1IIt Rewal!11ill118'1.l81lblanchlliti JohnsonlllE!!It!,Itltl111~ll ' 02 S. State. Phone 3341-11 2911 - "MPJ / 1 is St. Denis, Mr. Shawn and ~ IMPROV YOUR theoir assistants make a group that . --Lncng A. Rwill happen only once in a century D a cn 'S. ..hse (VY)Een Journal. - at '- - 'AMore (1 splendor to dazzle thecyc m c- ould scarcely be found. in the - Advanced Practice Class for Ladics and Gentlemen -'ole. -e okGoe " _"beginning-_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ "She (Ruth St. Denis) doesn't = irely dance, she is the rhythm of TUES AYNOV MBER 2 -"the world''-New York Evening Classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7:30 to 8:30. WT'Mail. I WITH --- -:l Tuition $5 Register ^J 12 Lessons' Now " For particulars call at Aca~demny trou Set t west of State street. FR S AEDICR R '' or Phone 788 AMRCAS- -Office Hourse : 10-12 A. M. ; t2-4 P. M. - .1. ' ' E ,E ALTS E ANE Ry -a°coDrespciall writhn er' BA I .D - -i WILL APPEAR I . )NIS' NXII SlIANNEW * P El T4EUvl II I " rr ate-2TIEAIO F h - NEW D*, C'S-FEO M NW BLLEd:iPAI SPIRIT___________SEAALGIERS___ f