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November 18, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-18

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it -"A cals of the University. They should
.~.study the situation even nore thor-'
r--- - ioughily than' they have, and in con-f
0O'FFICI.AL NEWSPAPER OF THE junction with a committee of stu-
UMV1IYERSITY OF 1MICHIIGAN dents. Sonme definite result,, should be
obtained, some (definit e. penalties in-
P;ublished every morning except Monday p,.,ed. And abo~ive all, their reuteiices
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications, should be uniform. Chcznting is chia'-
-3 ing, or else it is not cbeat jug. If .I*
Mfembers of Western Conference Editorial
isocitionstructors and Iprofessors arc going to
"-report cases 'of cheating, letl them re-
The Associated, Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for prepublicationi of all news port each and every e <. What is
dispatches Credited t#o it or not otnerwise, fair' to one is- fair to another.
credited in this paper and the local news pub.
lished therein. °
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, IEHSA)ISA~
2hchigan, as second class matter. Special rate j e of the LY"T~n er ity of Michligan
o: U~state graned by '1 hird As"3stant Post-
r user Gom:oral. are listening. 11 :a speakier wanlts an
Subscription by car'rier, $3.50; by sn~ail,,I
$4.0o. audenewe'll gy.hmoe a man'
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, M aui~c, gy i n;.
nay d :reet. hazy a Message, well he~ar bim. SO
iihones:,;Editorial, 244and 176-M; Busi-
Hes 90 : they all comie to us and we hear as
Signed' communications, not exceeding 300 ~ly sw ae iefr Slo r
words, will be published in The Daily at we (Jisa l oihted V ;-es htnal
the discretion of the Editor. Upon request, y en htnal
ire ,identity, of communicants will be re-! everyone brings something wortn
gcrded' as confidential. while. Why, cnco in a long while we
even spill a little w'sdom ourselves.
EITORIAL STAFF B ut right here on Michigan's camn-
Telephones, '2414 and 176.H pus is a mlan who can say more, and
say it bcNtcr, than-well, than any-
MANAGING EDITOR j. It is his custom to hunt out some
HOWARD A. DONAHUE solid truth and to show perfectly
News .lditor ..............Julian E. Mach clearly in his address that it is, truth.
Cty Editor. ...........Harry lleey ANnd whatl he says sticks. Bes des, to
Editorial Board Chairman.. .. R. C, Moriarty sy
moInre than eight thous-and of us this
Night Editars .Pan is a friend.
1?. 11. Ailes A. 1B. Connable , ~ ie; s n aro
P.A. Billinton 1. B. iskceNo we lie;o-1on a.rf
1-a-yC. Clark j. (G. Garliughouwe big fri end. Ell~fr~M~io e
P, M, Wagner .0 fr!AlrinL
} JLS lFditor............... Ralph N. Bers F k"Yy Burton has i; ver said hale
E~m~':ttzil..... ...... .Winona Hibbard enoiugh. We wrant to :tar more from
t . e'aph ) iitur........ . . B.Parr
Sunday .Mia :ze Editor....... L. Tilden 1,im. .after all, tb-- i5.tVie only wTay
Music Fditr.........uth A 1-1 wel
AsiiirCity Edtor...Kennseth C.. Kellar (fel ct of UI1ES hiilot liiii he'andwe ye.
Editorial Board flI orsm tm1ha1es ot
E'ullinstein Robert Hansa.y knowing better. We're wa.'ting,
Andrew Propper - Prexy, andi we're listenim).

Read by the Rev. Herbert A. Jump,
Kiwanian, at the dinner given the
university Of Michig-an football term
at the Michigan Union, Nov. 12, 1923.

The Daily's only rival, namely the
Times News, is getting rather Brisban-
ish in her makeup. Wye refer, of
course, to the column of editorial
pleasantry tAat has graced her front
page, column one, for the last week or
so. When it started, it waschitn
crse-ed "Sidelights"; but apparently this
lacked the dignity necessary for front
page column one, so it has been chang-
ed to the good old never-fail name forl
columnns, high school papers, etc.-I
"The Sp)ectator."
It comments on things like the ap-
pie crop, and the fact that we can get

RA Wonder Selection of Personal
Engraved Christmas Cards-
Order Early
Catrs wanlted for ane hour anid na lOil o ec, 1st, to tIAP VIsitin boys on u~ tour o£. city.
(all V. AP, SS n l f.t:-58. :


ERead the verses in the.'
-which they are numbered.

order in

3. 0GlBaetcke R. S. Mansfield
j.N. Berkman E. C. Mack
ieien Brown Verena Moran
Blernadette Qote Regina Reislmma .u
G,. 41. Davis W 11.. S-oeniat
k*..rold Ehrlich H-. 1:. Stone
. Hel~nry N. 1. '1 tal
Oorotlhy Kanin S. B T ernble
Joseph K rugcz W. ]. Waithoair
Teleioue !R60
advertising ... ...............E. L. Dunrne
Advc rtsing.....................C. 1Purdy
Advertising...................W . o-5er
Advit~ing........... .....W. K Sei e
Ace, lts...........C. W. C!)ristze
CI r'atiomi.................Perry M. Hayden
1uaCation..............Lawrence Pierce

Twenty-Five Years
Ago At Michigan
Fromllthe ffj i f 1,e U'. o()L.Daily,
Novembc! I8,, I9 .
Frank 1-I. Van Horn, a law student,
found a 6heck for $432, payable to
bearr on Liberty St. Saturday. Tie
heas not yet found the owner although
h le went without his dinner in tryingI
to locate him. Mr. Van Horn should
make a good domzestic lawyer.}

iew a0t-, dw D.sranramke The following report prepared byI
jon n n Bfazold A. Mark~s President Jenkinson of Indiana shoe's!
Ainm 1. Crouch j Byron Parker terltv noeo ubro
tLouis 1. :Dextr U. M. Rockwell x eaieicoeo ubro
David A. Fo1111LEi. Roe state universities, In 1896 and 1897,
Lauren Haight C. E. White the total income of the University, of
~E. Hlawkinson R. C. Winter M rhgn a 41,635;0o the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, $398,207; of the
_________University of Illinois, $399,429; of the
1University of Ohio, $349,370; of, thej
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1923 }ijniversity of Mvinnesota, $284,091; of
4 ght. Editor-HIARRY C. CLARK !the University of Missouri, $183,777;
of the University "of Iowa, $148,377; of
'OUIYR1UTNiX1UI IIE1) GUEST the Uri 'eraity of Nhebraiska, $ 202,072.
In extending a welcome to Mr. El-j
xil Saar'nen, the University of Michi- IArector Charles Baird returned yes-,
gan not ;only opens .her doors to one ;tcrzday frjvn.z Chicago where the finish-
of Europe's most distinguished mas- t11g touches were put on the arrange-.
ters of architecture, but to a learned mients for the big championship game
scholar and educator. Having estab-! set for '"hlanksgivinig day at Marshall'
lished his reputation through mnertor- i ied. Every detail has been cared for,
ious contributions to several architec- 1 and all tlat remains niow s for stu-
tural competitions of world-wide in-i dents to take advantage of the special
terest, Mr. Saai-inen is now rocogniz- airrangemnents and be at, the game
ed as one of the leading figures in the i jooting for Michigan.
school of modern architecture. The
plans which -he submixcted in the rec-( Wo.1knen are now covering the skel-'
ent Chicago Tribune contest, receiv- cton iron work of the domie ona the
ing second place, were considered b,* man building. 'hens completed the
m~any leadng "critics as deserving of stricture will add mnate-rially to the
the winning place in the competition. appearance of'the building. Work ist
Michigan unfortunately has very being rushed so as to have University
fe x Eironoan scholavs serving on her hall ready for- occupancy when the c
facuLiy, and it is but seldom. thai .a! University opens after the holidays.
nian of suzch engagrig importanceu asi" t
Mr. Saarinen comes to deliver a .5r The herald last went commented on

peacnes )n Jiitanuay £from theI Agon-
tine, a, well as 'itemsa of deeper imlort
ai ; to citizens of the garden spot of Mich-
., I igan.,'j
q q ~Mr. Kison Cowe. '
j v a C
U2 - 0--,-z
q 0 o To the Editor: i.
q c.
C 8 m I After having read W. P.'s able let
c-- c 0 ter in defence of the Marine game, I
,4 u 0 Ican do no less than dust off the cui-
_ o a bass, draw down the visor of my gem-
q q a p; amed helmit, and fare forth.
o o ce a o a o At the outset Ishould say that I
:M q a agree wholeheartedly with the spirit
p q o q q y i~of AN. P., to whom thecant of acer-
o W q o .0-0 tan brand of University quasl-ideal-
a $o . Ism has obviously been too strong
~dose to stonmach without protest. 0l.
Cd q .-V
oS°' a . 0 ly in one detail in which le misquot-
0 ~ d ~ed me do I propose a correction : 1
o a °04 v categorically and flatly deny any at-
4. m q Z o Q~ tempt' in my letter to intimate that
Pq Pi., , , g the Marines were anything bt goo
in ma q sprts. I personally saw no ev dece
A0 that they played anything but hard,
" V a t aggressive football.
a I I~ may also say, for the benefit o
Z 4 o, . ' any ticket-scalpers who are card-in-
02 q -' dexing future customers, that if the
0 .0 o w q 0 0 3 ' Athletic association should see fit to
o k a 0.So w w schedule a gam~e with the hard-hitting
t/2a o C aggregation of head-hunters from
v a o . Cihuahua, I would be among the
-.A I first of the morons to crave leave (.o
I 2 ms 0$2 0 deposit my $15.00 for a rug-side seat.
0 '1 Cd ut while it is true that for W. ?.
o r o °0 P r an I the gage is the thing, and that
q m"'y+ q >~ o for we red-blooded men a gridiron
~ z~ < struggle between two gas-hos
03 d+a teams, providing they pressed one pri-
o, y q other fiercely and used no lead-pipes
~ ' ~over~~ in diameter,, would hold pur
-..- 0Cd .. keenet interest, thw general unier-
~ ~ s 'ty attitu~de""would not necssarily
-z o hold with us. Games which are eqa-
; y y,.a 4) ly wellplayed' and-rclosely fought d,
(P i q. 0 ., , ot there by i Lctbecomle gam.
"-4 dof ,s t attb' atlnditeirest to foliow
o r A a-a° rs of'n4iVezfity sports. It is a -tru
o isrhi, for example, that Yale can it
&n di '~~~bue n sti
0 iclaim" .,,.fe aa successful asnishd-
- ~ f~t.~-Pi~vani Weterthis ahet'ue
.0 0.0is Hilly or not :s beside the point.
10 Co__ However, it is when I think o the
combInatloz,- N political and economic
! Letter 'to tihe Chief1 considerations which must have actu--
(Not from Us) ated the Athletic association in their
The Michigan Daily, highly sophisticated pressagentiig of
Ann Arbor, Michigan, the menagerie of celebrities who
Gentlemen: .Woulid grace the contest, together with
Have you 'been considering a child-I the association of a game which Wvould
ren's corner in the makeup of your otherwise have been in the M. A. C.
paper? Do you realize the value of and Vanderbit category with the ded-
such a feature? It is a well known ication of "a new athletic structrie
tact, that if you interest the childrenI dedicated to the cause of amateur
in your paper or that part devoted to sport, and when I compare these art-
features interesting to them you have less tactics with the oft printed o.t-
one of the best subscription pullers in ci preachments of the local assoca-
the newspaper field. L ion heads regarding the sacrosan~t
SParents, as a rule, will note your ( and guileless nature of the amateur
efforts to instruct and entertain the sport, that a violent retching seizes
youngsters which ,you can do by es-p me. If the game for the money's sake
tablishing a department for children is the thing, let's frankly say so like
'with Nursery Rhyme Puzzles, drawn by men, and get the best athletes avail-
Violet, Moore Higgins, a specialist In( able for Michigan teams, in what way
juivenle illustrations.; we can. But if amateur sport is what
Try and watch results. Read en- the Athleic association heads are sup-
closed ircular, 'take advantage of this porting, let us edsistently favor oth-
series. It will give you a talking point er amateur teams by giving them what
to solicit advertiements for manyI dedicatory honors are' occasionally
lines of trade. wthiin our power to bestow.
Plates of series 'will be shipped Most cf my close friends are ban--
promptly upon recept of order. dits, by the way, for whose abiitie
Yours very truly, I have great respect; but when they
H-. E. Smith, join the Baptist Church and start
SERVICE EDITOR. preachiing the Beatitudes, I leave

otherwise act as "entrepreneur." Thi0
is impr-actical.
*** ABOUT T--
Those who call for a business-like(
goVernment know not, whereof they " HTsek la oiioeooi hn-
iug must distinguf sh between institu-
tions' and corporations. Government
-ias its functions, political and admin-Y
istrative, but the idea that they are
business functions (n the modern ?
wNI .nse) is fallacious and leads to much O ~
nuddled political philosophy. id I -
____ ____ ____ ____ _ r.
It's true efficiency to rse Daily'- _
Limiteds : 6 a. in., 9: 10 a. in. and1
every two hlours to' 9:10 p. in.
Express: 7 a. in, 8' a mn. and every
two hours to 8 p. in.,
Locals: 7 a. i., 8:55 a. im. andI!!!
every two hours to 8:55 p . in.,
1.I. n. rig'. To Ypsilanti only, 11:4'
;. m ., 12:2i a. in. and 'I:15 a. ii. {"
:iniite~is: 8:47 a. in. and every two1 !-41 I
hours to 8: 47 p, m.°f =;
Express (making It cal stops): 9 t
a.in. and every two hourfa to 9-.0 . 11
C ocals: 7:50 a. in.120a.m
., 1 :10 . i . I..~tin he
Centr al Trime ( ;10NV Ti me)
Leave Chamber of ClM merce
Week D~ays Sunc'iy%
6:4g in 6-j . ao
12 :4 5 P. . 6-45 P.m. r
4:45 p M. u;
JAS. HIIiLIIOrr, Proprietor I,
Pun 'e 0:6-'M Adrian Mich. 41
hI~VI N' X11U11Ol T,, 1. S. (V. - - wi. L
00~7 N. Uiversit ,


EaichiEnid of Diagonal
" S
Nights' 54c o $2.5
K Wed. Mat. 50c" to $1.50
Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.00 {ln
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li lll'
R N 160 Id11
I", ply
Sparin~tg New York and Chicago
Comedy Success It-
Tue HarvrdIPrir
N u JA1
A'odrCs 111*1I
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ics of lectures on t!: s camnpus.' With
the recent visit of :~, Paul Vinogra-
doff in the past:, Mr. Saanincn's pres-
onc:e on the camnpus now, and the
prospective visit of Robert Bridges,
,,icigar may ndced feel complinem"-
ed th~at so :ilustl'ious a- group of mel.
deem her worthy of an extended vis-
Se maO.1or of cheating and cribbing
at she time of exam inations has long
been a serious problem for professors
and officials of the University. Every

the sugge^,tion of P.r. Angell as a sen-
atorial candidate, and tooks a 'gloomy
j view of the nmatter, on the ground that
sta tesm anship -n' the United States
senate, however much it was once
thouht to lie necessary, is not so
much, sought for -now.
le corner stone of the Gordon
Memorial college was laid recently at
Kthartoumi, 1Egypt. The college, is
wholly undenominational, and the in-
struction will bie conducted in the
Arab*c language.

Sample of this extraordinary "Serv-


e and tuen some student, rgruM The arranigements committee for the s
r ;riel is are brought before the Jiin~vor Hop announces that its plans MyHihcdidleout,
committee because they have been i-ar"e now nearly completed for the big And I've got to climb the stairs;
honest, while wrting, their examina- 'event. It is expected that the decora- They're drefful dark
tions. They have been' accused of thons Ibhis year will be fully upipto And just the place
i eading their neighbor's paper or of those of. fornier years and: in somec reI One's apt to meet wild bears.
having helped him secure the ans A& er . 'rw ssuperior. A special electric de- I-
to sore question or problem. And so it g' a is being worked up which it is If the S. C. A. or any of the local
has been ever :since the University togtwl d r~tyt h t Sunday schools or kindergartens would
began. Today, <.aee of the get tractveness of the decorations. Macklieigtmrofhstgterwh
er num-oer of z '-attending the and company are to have the -genieral fetching illustration, they can have
niversi'y, the i ule:Ih as b econie supervision of thi,, worl . Schrentser's I'm
mutch n-ore scr s in acute. t band and orchestra of Detroit will PFor a, very nominal fee, "just to
Rece ntly the mni- for such af- furnish the music. Ilangsterfer will cover the, cost of packing, mailing,
fairr. I.Jaced a -Itltudc ut on pro- cater. It is, not knownvi yet who will: etc."
" t °dg ehn f n'teen ~omake the programs.

Government and Business
There are many who claim that gov-
ernment should be based on strictly
business principles. In fact, to many .
government is business. The defini-.
tion is fallacious.. Government pro-
perly is no business b tt all., Govern-
mnent functioned before business, in j'
the modern sense, was known.
Thon~a s Jefferson regarledt govern-
rnit as "a necessary evil '. To keep
the 1 (-ace, to provide justice, to deal
with foreign nations, to ge protoc-


Now-here is' there better

style-Finer fbis, more expr
tailoring- don~t exist-And the fact
that you get extra trousers is an
assurance ofe double wear.
Oth~er suits, $30 10 $65

for having beoi caught with his ,eye sA
on) anc tear man's paper. theysA u Lisbon, :Nov. 17-(13y AP.)--Pre-
ed hat li wa ateipt~g t ge inWnier .Antonio Genislal Machado has
fornuto dihonstl an th re u1 named in his cabinet of all-National-j.
f~~rr.=- orI < ~1 oetl n hrsl sf , to succeed the Silva min'.strys tep a naniteF ht-,
:-t th prbatonandtheE. het- Cunhla Deal, finance; Julio Dantas, {
en th k_, wee rlht Acr wronn411 in I i-b -:. - , ---

The crippled Wolverines, we now
hear, have jolly well knocked hell out
of the hale and hearty Badgers. Old
Eli, furthermore, has taken Princeton
into camp by a most decisive score.
r l~f nnn 4,of +h- +I,,*- - ..._




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