" 18, 1923 THE MICHIGAN D AILY, .y ,.f.omen'..a..y AINOUCE JNIOR oungest Officer GIRLS'_PL9AIDAT WIl Gie F ie Perfiormanices A ,Whitnzey TIheare Beginnzing March 19{^rI I ROFESSOR JOHN. R. BRU)PLi1.M AGAI TO )IR ECT L'RO1)ICTIO'N, The twentieth annual Junior Girls' play will be given by the class of 1925 on March 19~, 20, 21, and 22, writh.: a' matinee oni the last flay at the Whit- ney theatre. The play is. being se- lected and d~ates. for tryouts. will be announced .latcr. Prof. John R. Brumm haz been engaged to direct the ~play 'again this year. Following the tradition of presenit-, ing the play, the opening performance will be given in honor of the senior women. Oan the remarining nights the 1general public is invited. This year's play will be the second to be opened Sto a public audience. K13 amen i The class bockey games which were scheduled for Friday were pstponed and will be played at 4" o'clock tomor- row at Palmer field. ' The seniors will play the freshmen and the juuior team ,the sophomores. There will be -in imiportant meeting if the Junior Girls' play committee ait. 1:30 o'clock tomorrow in the parlors r f Barbour gymnasium. i SFreshmen Girls' Glee club will mect ':;t 4:.30 tomorrow in the parlors of .larbour gymnasium. U{Inivbrsity Girls' Glee club, %will ° etat 4:15 o'clock -Tuesday in the ,parlors of B~arbour gymnasiunm. Miss Anita PollitZrC Youingest nati()n-aI officer (if the Woman's party is Miss Anita l'ollitzer, I, who holds the office of sec ecry o:' that organization. ]Vbliss Poll itZer's home is in Cl,,zlestown, R. C., All members or ]t iummers isI n to uherfor Masques' l t. y must be! present at the rear eiutntce of Hill auditorium piromnptly ait 8 o'clockt to- morrow night.I I'ayden to Speakt science dprmn ilsekbfr a metingof then Philippine-Mlichigan t club to be held at 2 o'clock today in~ L Tanc- hall. Daily Want Ads always bringl good resultUs. cosstngbythepridvofte alumniar MI1CIH-1iGAN LEAGUE chosnstingof efiv eofte alumni hoar association shall from. time to time' Run' f 8 lu i S i consider and make recommendations .~ml I1 concerning any questions relative toE UILIIIU the business and affairs of the also- - ciation that may be submitted to themI IPeali Henry X. Bates Alids BuilIding by the board of directors. The board. I Association Ini Preliminary of directors appoints a central cam- W ork of Campaign paign committee and has the power to enlarge its membership for cam- FIVE ALlTMN1I WILL ACT paign purposes. The chairman of~ AS ADVISORY COMMIITTEE this commtittee mnay appoint a direc- tor, of the campaign and any other I committees and agents that are nec- SOfficers and members of the Uiniver-Iesry Thficleaofteas- sity of Michigan League building as- eciaionTtermia er ofunhe, adth sociation, with the assistance of Dean;eatotrmnesnJue1adth Henry M. Bates, of the Law school,j principal office must lbe established reenlydrew up the by-laws for the m atintainecd in Ann Arbor. association at a special meeting held This corporation has been legally for hat urpoe. neceysary inl order to make the erec- for hatpurpse.tion of the League building. a possi- Membership in the organizationF bility., It is a temporary association I consists of the officers of the AlumnaeI which will automatically be dissolved; fCouncil of the Alumni Association of} after U has filled the purpose for the University and the board of (di-, which it was originally incorporated. rectors is made up of the officers of The work of the building association the association and at' least two mema- represents only one of the activities bers elected at large from it. This; of the alumnae, being at the present board which meets the first Monday time their primary interest.,. of each month manages and controls The raising of $1,000,000 for the j the business, property and general af- University of Michigan League build-j fairs of the organization. ing is a part of the work of the Uni - The general advisory committee. versity of Michidgan League building. Woodward tharu to Washington f~f rfl $3.0 .. W'ti aL Be.ontDisplay aptl POLLY LITTLE'S. TUESDAY and WEDNESI4AY I, Together w~ithm other smart tailored and sport# apparel especially suitable for college iwcar. Tell your wardrobe secrets to Frances Ames! , ,t' ''t ; ( a t 1 ! '. 3r af . w i; I' -x! ALWAYS SMART. COATS FOR WOMEN Dropped over the back of a chair, slung carelessly across your shoulder, or just tucked in the crook of your arm, a H-art Schaffner & Marx coat always looks well. The silk linings, exquisite needlework, careful attention to de- tail, mnake the rich, soft fabrics fall into gracef ul lines no matter where they are. ........ ....___ ~ IZ IIL iY I . - -- ----.............. -. ' :.=#ll#IiI!l IE#I EElllli l11111:211111111111 l llli lii! 1111! 111i lE I#ll11 llil 111 111 ~ hrsaNvme 2 .M. CoaUnn S r - OSI FANW TUTTE OPERA C0. -Direction WILLIAM WADE HINSHAW I BRILLIANT HEADED BY MSOLOISTS IR ENE IL.LIAMS ~ - Stige Scenery and Beautiful costumes r; A Few t'ickiets for hIdividual, Coicerts Available. SSunday, November 25, 4:155 P. M. Faculty Concert Series r. ~UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Samuel P. LOCKWOOD, Conductor -. kGRACE JOH1'SONY OR No dmssonSoprano 1Violonccllist,, No Adiso harg-Children udrTwloYears of ng6 not ad- ~ mitted unless they first obtinin ticket at the School of Music ~Tuesday, December 4, 8 P. M. Extra Concert Series . DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA - VICTOR Rich: rdl': KOLAR CROOKS. -Conducting 1tjrj = ~Course Tickets-- 2'.00, $3.00, $1.00, $.4 SSunday, .December 9, 4:15 P. M. Faculty,,.Concert Series CONCER'T'' BY FACULTY -of thIe UNIVERSIYY ',o('1,,0)OF 1MUSW SNo Admission Charge-Cfildrn nHuder Twelve Years of age not at. raite wuiles owt,~~&iuy fist o#. ain tRiket at te School 0ofLMusic c Wdnesday,. December -12, 8P. M. Choral, Union Series , E 'RIMFENOuWNED . . ZM ALIST . 'VIOLINIST A Few Tickets for Individual Concerts Available.- -+ r r t t1 .1 TVT * 1 1 Every garment backed. by a 100 Per Cent of satisfaction G uarant4ee R i~ r .. r -.dgoum r r AWAMPW- Al LI. 1'ATATNTAT' T TPFRTV 11 3 1G k A'3V1J111' lYtt114V $ 11.f?. f_ Unl . a l t 3IIv,'wi-11....