7'HEMICHIGAN DAILY gAT .p O- I -~ UYILa, tEL~R~IENT ~w Rea of University of "IS, PT1NDMfl1TAL EEQISITE IS RESPECT lic, Mn.,r Nov. 16-Dr Marion on, president of the University an was the principal speaker ANtA inauguration cernmonies ~ratton Duluth Brooks as res- f the niversity of Missouri. itjBdrton delivered a brief ad- A14' "he Mark of a University sription of the real presiden] tie university can all be gath- i n the one word 'respect,'" f P're idenit B rton. "Te man yuaf! possses this uality lke a" resident. The man who witfil.despite iiitelleta ,lvgtirou initiative .and escrttrceUuoess Icoine oest Opeslti :"0# stide t, as a resecter 6 s, vfeleene 0,1al ~reeie ad piion. HRe is not cndu~hct- per xlnil enterprise. He A$ a .I 'pinus inter p~1es." 1e i t fir personpl plaise but ftr lonal achievement. His chief ~Ou the uwnvesity. ,He isvery tf its n am. Qpo tion, there- n poitsout defects In or- zn, mi'takes in policy or weak- in nrale of the nstituttion s a soure ofmeal enourage- real ,p stent respects facts," d the speaker, "since the at its rat, substtutial facts, heo i t ingrate, an i conolat. or a onist, Siiiilarly, he must know Weigt evidence. He is not drl by vtaii inaginiugs, iposs- tetiona °,or groundless accusa- Ee iop not ,amazed. by waves of antd einotllon. 'He kltiows that Vvalvei is necessary alike -for ~iis anid inite16etal engines. at aned or "disaoraged even frequently reversed conclu- rweary faculties. t 4 e9t tothat scentifcally A- lath is essential Within proper out and always with a dsri- interiretation of them, he bie-. n gtherfijg facts, hintablt-; ptstics,- in preparing gaphlc in studying salary scales,i ping ize of lasses, and in ' te retr, of the training and ao of rspetivre appontes. ll"is a. real~ presidetit with at espet for fades, hed never fore kv, the- hunau data which can een charted muts be the deter- factor, : Bo he sees the man and )r to just~e ersotat.,galities.: spes " v specalit bin being iu real, resident in his repect s will acqiuire a profound ref or th fture.14e wMll conce tor underistlad "that the 08,_ 40f tti!I turett~d is acually pos- :d early discerns the wisdim f clues ions bfi ore they bbniyal id, treubleoth'e facts. He e- Li ly to realize that living or- grzioi, that uniVersties are pto n to3 this law and that t ey related wisely to the chaging rder. With. a world torn by h a rudely ehake* a nd twistedl rdier, with political and eo- "Issutes of paramolt impit- ixst upon us with a suddn- at is startling and disconcert- ulversities are faed by duties ponsibilit lee which static in- s cannoet meet." Uiversty of Mssotr's stew Chemical Trucks Help Timber Owner . . In Fighting Forest Fires In Aort'hwest Mah ,Jong,., 4Read The Daily "Clasifie }I If V AUD EVI L r, PROM CHINA $1,0 to $30 ryaIs. R. & ERR1CK B1G ACTS GOOD SCREEN FEATURE 128 Ubui ci 2654. Beginning a Special Late $pp qtr 7 o .'; M. EXTRAS usc DON'T MS T WASHINGTON tH-lMI4 Was 4ogtou stet : The opep season for forest fires finds timber land owners in the northwest better equipped than in'previous scasons to fight the distastro~us blazes. Powerful chemical trucks are now available, which can 'move on the rough- es l og roads in the -fire zone.. DETROIT UNITED LIKES EAST BOUND Limiteds": 6 "a.. m, 9:10 a. z . and every two hours to 9.10 V. in. Express : 7 a. n., 8 a, mn and every two houtrs to 8 p. M,. Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. mn. and every two hours to 8:55 p. mn., 11, p. . ., Ypstlanti only, 11:40 p. mn., 12:25 a. M. and 1:154,a. . WEST B3D1I Liiniteds': 8: 47, a. in. and every two hours to 8:4 p. . Express (makinig local -staps) : 9: Su a. in. and every two hou~rs to 9:54 P..n Locals: 7:50'a. im., "12:10 a. Mn. ;'r; 1 ii r .±..5,, hlca~c is an educator of wide experi- ence and high reputation. He was l gradua;.ed from Michigan in 1896 and 11. ~a year later won a master's degree at TICKEhITS-fli Harvard'. He has been principal of ~btI 1 seea idewsenscnayschools, superintendent of schools in Cle'veland' and in Boston and until re- General mail ord Gently, president *of the University J f' the Denishawvn coiy {Oklahoma, which position hb resigned 2 nHl uioi to come to Missouri.. During the War26iMlladtru he was United States food admninis-, to all life members trator for Oklahoma. He is the author ! M. Russell,. '24, m of numerousi textbooks and a frequent club, under whose contributor to ecficational publica- will be staged, ur, M91L ORDER der applications for Lcert to be held Nov. m have been mailed sof the Union. John I anager-of the Glee? auspices the recital rgcs all, those who :rs to mail ,theni ii- have not done so 1be, filled in the or- eived. Mail orders been canvassing the student body for the past two days in an endeavor to' fring the number of pledges up tot 2,000. In case a sufficient number of signers have been found, contracts will be let by the Board'of Governofts of the Union, and work started :iin mediately. Tigers Off For -New Hi'i6 1Princeton, N. J., Nov. 16.-Prince-.1 ton's football squad left today for New, {Haven for its final workout in pre- paration. for the Yale game tomorrow. Students gathered last night in a big~ rally and shouted faith ini -the Tiger eleven. Coaiches said theB players were all in good condition. Patronite -The Daily Advertlsers.{ p w , 5 .. t .. ... .. .. .. !.' _ I"" _r IF j , _ . l' He's A Wiii#RI WH1OCAN~~P BY ITS WRAPP+ G ome in id pick *~r t a for its quality BIub -,Front olr" xi. r I"'1 -. Wi iJA I, . .:; SoutI~ern Admirer Lavfds Opera St ar I "I find froma careful scrutiny of the newspaper cut of you that you com- bine all the attributes and charms of enchanting, alluring, fascinating, cap- tivating, exquisite, delightful, and mag- nificient womanhood. 1: say, without fear of contradiction, that you are beauty and physical perfection person- ified, truly a modern Venus and fit to be classed as a 'daughter of the gods.'" Tbu~s is the opinion of Joe Mullaney, Jr., of Mobile, Ala., in regard to Lionel Ames, '24, who plays the leadinge fe- male role in. this year's Union opera,. "Cotton Stockings." Ames received a long letter from Mullaney telling of his opinion of the leading "lady," and requesting an autographed photograph. The request for the picture was made in order to increase the collec- tion of "photos of beauttiful women" that Mullaney has gathered, the letter states. Mullaney is a "firm devotee of physical culture and' such kindred} sports as tend to develop and perfect the human body," he says. Altliough Ames receives hundreds of letters with similar requests that he finds himself unable to answer, the unusual nature of this, one has won his heart. A picture has, been dis- patched and is, now on its way to !Mobile, theme to be added to the 'col~ lection of other, "beautiful women" That Mullanicy has. "1 Patronize The Daily, Advertisers. Wed. Maat. 5Cc to $1.50) Sat. Mat... G0c to.$2.001 Second and La1st 'PeekF up SHTE GOES"I !with GLORIA FOY mnediately if they already. Applications will ddr they are rece 4 . A ' 7 8. 9 .,10 1t"' 14' 1t3 it1 5 16 1 17 iS21' 22 "29 24 2.5 ,2t 7 8 9'so, HATS.' For Co11ege en FACTORtY R*T STORE $17 Packard Lt.,Pboe 1799 (w"O D . & Stops fit stto CQR. STATP may be procured in the lobby of the Union, and at Slater 's or Graham's ; ill1111161111 l 1t11rtIIU11tflh1t(fh L UIII_4 bookstores. A general sale of seats MEAR will not take place until the middle of,- next week. E MR.; BRUCE CURRY SATURDWAY EVENING% POO DIE EUR Sat 9o'clock at the NOTYETCOMLETD ~UPPER ROOM -BIBLE Complete returns on the Union 'poolLAE AL drive which ended Thursday night. are E Mr. Curry will give the. Bible . not yet in, but it is thought by officials Study in his unique and fasci- of' the Union that the pledges willI nating way. Mr. Idea is anxious: number well° over the' two thousand " ohv l Upe 9m e Shear him.Prof. Bowen will mark. Returns from the fraternities hn~ are slw in omingin andit isnot } sing. r. 'rbetare slowrnco il bn an fiis l o proabl tht her wil b ay ofical ~University ven's Cas, Sunday scatement as' to the outcome of the! Morning at 9:30 drive until Monday. Mtembers of, the committees h'av'e ID I YOU will he than l coed with our f n eop4 fi. 33$Maynard4S.,o t O AD1 .AN-~ANN ARMORB BUS JJIMNE Central Time (Slow Time) LeaveChabebr of Commrce W* ,v- DaysSunr4ayss 6:4 a. rm.o..ca 10,.__ 12:45 P. M- 6:45 P.m. JA H.:LLOTrT, proprietor 1'honec ga6-14 Adrcian, WNicb. r- S , N ~f,.. EATS P NEW ARRIVALS FOR SATURDAY i y ! =W r. LA' BFI Flower Ttnnned Hats, Chic Ribbon Trims,:iMetallic Trimmed, .WetI and Silk, Ostrich Trimmed, Velvet, Velour and Felt, in stii igh colored style's, . Very effective and charminrg, 'with the Fui r I4'ied ' I I -w 'Ri 3,4 We have no speckil dishes e ach :dish i PUYEAR &HINTZ Co ke to ulease and satxsf-y you. r 3285S. MAIN STREET t ., ;1 oil Is- iAdIl i Normal Concert Course I:PSILANTI 4 ,Everything -when= you want- it at a pxice you- will lie plesd to pay. Come in arid: try ;some of our deliciously, cooked food---You'll, lke it. JUST BACK OF H.L AUDI TQR:IJM ON T'1AY~ . "4' - , ., ' i at-nbi .. ...._.. _.... l e ero rtII I Ili11 iM Al l iiri fin Wi..ua..aae ro. cr ar.+vv +ew.wu.n..+e. . .ooRa (, I '~' ' * "4' CORN WELL COAL Elie Janis Cky Egg and Lumnp West Va. Egg anid Lump Pocahontas and Coke IMMJEDIATE IDELIVERY I andI CONCERT COMPANY,: CHARACTER SONGS AND IPERSO?{ATIONS I(' =. ' 'U' ,. 101 COMMON AND FACE 'BRICK' CORN WELL COAL MONDAYS NOVEMBER'19: EIHT P. X., .'EASE AUDIT1ORIUM1~ This is the first number of a wonderful series, including: rv .4 N, OSWALD A. HERZ PILONES 81>Fl and 2207 Office ' Cornwell Block i S* ECIAL! 11 WANDA LANDOWSKA ilIarpsi chord Recital-Old IlnstrumehtU DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA J-AN, 22' LONDON STRING QUARTET England's Most Famous Quatt r am -...... MAR., 2 ;= >1 -p e: ',., -4 . :- p .. .S. .:I PAINTING AND DEGORATING IMPORTED ANID DGMESTI-C A.COMPL1ETE LINEVF . '.N'~ N' '4 N' fi ,- i ,I' r..a t - t CHORAL CONCERT WALL PAPUR Nor l Choir and Soloists $10.00 pecial introductory °price for two weeks, Novemiber 12th to 23rd, [i makze a 'thorough examination of your eyes and furnish you high grade shell frames and toric lenses, at the special price FN DOLLARS, guaranteed: to be absolutely correct 'in every FOIR ANY SEAT IN TIJEROUTSE ]RESERV'ED '; iu l 11i2 West Washin gton $Stskcc Single Admission to All Concerts $1.0 Except 'Elsie. Donis, $2.00 Yi ,bet. LL US oct. U x..U ll.n.oRl7i f~nainialn sn1nnl.