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November 17, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-17

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Published every morning except Monday
during the Un1,iversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
:Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches Credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper an'd the local news pub-
lished therein.
E7ntered at the postoff'ice at Ann Arbor,
Mlichaigan, as second .;lass nmatter. Special rate
of oCaqe grai'lt by Third Asiistaiit Post-
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Ofticrs: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
1'hons: Editorial, 244 and 176-M4; Busi-
2L1, o9io.
Signcd communications, not exceeding 300
N-o ds, will he pjublished in Thi e Daily at
tl-e d;=' 'tetion of the Editor. Upon request,
the identity of communicants will, be re-
garded as confidential.
Telepbones, 2414 and 176.14
News E5ditor............,..Julian E. Mack
City Editor............... .Hai-ry H'(,ey
Editorial Boaid Chairman.... R. C. Moriarty
Night Edit,rs
E. 11. Ailes A. B. Connable
R. A. fillington T.1. E.iske
Harty C. Clark J. G. Garlinghouse
P. M. Wagner
S oits KEitor................Ralph N. B "ers



must all receive his attention, and ini

hrnnrddrnr'n0 rr


this he must be careful to voice the
opinion of his party, for politics dom-
inates, everything, even the affairs of
nations, and the happiness of mankind.'





who poked his head through the floor
at the noise of the kiss.n Then the bimn
gets sore because she thinks the kissr
was just in a professional way and
holds up the constable.
The whole show is swell-just like
the opening gene. The only thing is
that hero stops being a devil-may-care1

Alumni, students,aLaculty, and family "Yale Cuts Loose and Wins"
-upon which of these groups must W XE had been planning for weeks
the ultimate responsibility for the't say something pungent about the{
liquorutter' inanity and uselessness of foot-
liqor robem n te Uivesit retball action pictures, and were almost
That there is a problem, and a serious set to go when we saw that LIFE had
one, no one will venture to deny. But forestalled us in its football number.
the responsibility-to what source Is W Ze can only supplenent in our
it, directly trace able? ';feeble way, LIFE'S masterful 'satire,I
Recently a regent of the University' by 'adding a comment on football action
made a statement in Chicago before Ipictires as exhibited by the Pathe
a represcutative body of university ad- 1\ewla, the' International . News:, abnd
miitative officials that alunmni wereotr Imtcfms Theaef
almost 'entirely. responsible for the possible, just a little bit more confus-
lamentable situation in university fra- ing and 'unintelligible than~ the stills
ternal organizations. Alumni, he stat- publisheti on Sundays in the rotograv-
ed, exert such an influence on the help- ure section of our Metropolitan journ-
less undergraduate as to invite himI als : it is hard to find the "third man
to drink against his better judgment from the right" in the stills, and it is
in emulation of his superiors, quite impossible to find anything 'at alh
The faculty cannot be held responsi- in the movies. Even the ball.
1,1 4'_. ..i.. 7 ...t _ ,L .__.__..Ml- - . * * * *

6 a


be for studient intemperance. 'They
in every way have striven to eradicate
the evil and have recently'in Michigan,
through the medium of the University
Senate taken measures which arei
likely to prove a potent factor in
eliminating excess drinking among
students. They have taken their stand
in the matter in a commendable way.

We have been informed by a friend
who knows all about architecture aund
is learning more every day in the Arch-
itecua college that we are wrong
about the Masonic Temple. This
building, is lie says, all right. It is
1quite< a good solution of a difficult~j

guy and becomes a homebody and gets
When we perceive. the 'rain that4
pours from the heavens, we rejoice that
we decided not to go to Wisc.
Mr. Jason Cowles
To the Editor:
It is the sad truth that for a lo'ng'j
time drinking and student life have4
been more or le linked together in
the popular mind and perhausthisi
explains why the so-called "drinking
problem" has been, and at preseint is
being, so highly exaggerated at the
University, of Michigan. T~c truth .
that this evil is viewed through a
magnifying glass vere, nii.roscopic
nvestigation would be a far better
mnethod of procedure.
There, is really no drinking problem
in th- University Exan~ipk~s of vi')la-'
,tion arc i solabtd and infIregruent.. 1'ie
vast majiority eiI students g;ive no bec0
to the cup that inebriates and giv~e no
more frequent consideration to at-
tempts at breaking the Eighteenith
Amendment than the; give fo the
other seventeen'-. It is the old pice "e j
of a group of students gather d, in a I
campus saloon and singing trillmte to
Bacchus that still seems to return to'
haunt the imaginations of ofi cialy
(who should know better), as well as
parents abd outsiders.
The University, mo'reover, is not pri-l
marily an institution for the enforce-
ment of laws. It never works "contra
bonos mores" but it is neither a police-
man or a deputy or a sheriff, or one
who follows the crime and seeks to
bring the criminals to justice. The
facnt that the IUniversitv hasiiiudan

AWonder Selectio 'n of Personal
Engraved Christmas Cards-
Cars -ianted for one hour and a half on Dec., lst,,to takie visiting boys on it tour of city.
Call V. Nesoiv at 258.

31any 4). . 1. FaninV'~
State Univrsh.ty footbal1fl qua; c om*:-
posing 27 mep, asCcolmOie:lb Ceh
Wile arndltrttine1s, 1left here la-st anigt o-Cicgn
meet the University, of (i~~ en
Several tliousl id Ohtio floesc
the Buckeyes will leave for icg
tonighit aboard special traiimo
It's true efliciency to use Daily
See Grid-Graph TIillAud itorltin ttido~s


ie. Daily " Glassified" 'Columns
.". rr ^~r ........... .. .1... ......


Wumnlt's Editor............. Winona ibbardu
T'elegiaph Editor .. ............ R. B. Tarr The ultimate responsibility for ex-; technical problem. The reason it'!
Sunday Magazine Editor.......FV. L. Tilden itn odtosrss oee ih dentlo swl ,I ih;h
Music Editor............... Ruth A Howell itn codinsrthwer,wihdentlo aswlagtmgte
Assistanit City Editor..K.Ienneth C. Kellar the students themselves. All of thejI pursues, is because it is made of yel-
Editorial Board above-mentioned factors play a part'Ilow brick, which may not be the arch-
Paud Einstein Robert Rarmsay in shaping their lives, but if theypritc'falbts perhaps due to
Andrew Propperthypr tcsfalbti
Assistants mit such influences to dominate the fact that some member of. the
B. G. Baetcke R. S. Mansfield against all reason they automatically; Order is in the yellow brick business.
N. e~ rkmnan E.C. Mack become unworthy of the privileges of' We apologize to the archtect. Fort-
kenraletote Regina Mrai:nai whcthyaepraig Thcolg untyurfm isotufcety
G. W. al is W.t Reia Scinma.n wic hyaepraig h olg ntlorfm sntsfiinl
iroldt. Ehrlich DavisR. tooeemn student body must assume seriously great to cause him much loss .of pro-
r4,. C. Fngerlc K. 11. Styer its restponsibility as the "upper three' fessional prestige.
iJ. henry N. R. rhtal*
1.ot othy Kamnin' S. B. Tremble~ per cent" and set an example of con-****
losei~lh Krn ex W. ). WattioGUr I duct for those who do not have equal si
Elizabeth LiebermanSHORT STORY
- ---__--- - advantages of education and culture. I was hastening toward the Press
BUSINESS STAFF True character, individuality-these building and your office, Jason. It
'telephone 9SiJ are the necessary attributes of the! was late, and haste spurred me on.
____college student of today. i Comina throug~h the Nickels Arcadeh II


was before a woman wheeling a baby
'WASTED ENERGY3 carriage in a most leisurely manner.

Advertsn.........E .Dne When the two carbon points of an ITinnking to overtake andi circumvent LakL dit L-- -L gistV LL-'-'--~ o ;'Q UU"1
Advetising. .. .. .. .. .... ....... .....C. nePurdy aclgt praheahohr-teha it I turned out to the left. Suddenly ictais rnkn seogh to
Advertising ..............W. Rou serarlihaprahecotrheetII
Advex tising........... ....W. K Scherer thrown off by the ionized medium be- she spied something in a window on show that it will not condone viola-
Acn, t s................ . .C. W. Christie ils
Circv'la'ion .. ..........erry M. Hayden tween the terminals is intensely great, the left hand side. Quickly she tos
lT'ableaion...........LwrecePiecebut light as well as heat is diffused.# changed her course, effectually putting!Tefwcsso ilto htco
Assistants Thai oftemcasm stop- I my progress to a stop. I turned to the ups at infrequent intervals do niot
VonieCln Erdw. eMearelgtadha'mrl eut sright And so did she, the better to rightly constitute a "drinking, prob-
johnni an Harld D. IodM akerducelgtadhtmrlyestss .
Ain B.,Crouch Byron Parker wl an inevitable by product. Thursday examine the window ,on the, rght hand lem" and it is the duly :.f the proper
Louis M. Dexter H. M. .ItRockwellav Bensoba officil ncag flw nocmn
1Joseph J. Finn H." '. Rose the British Prime Minister and his side.I oud'hvebnsoa, casI hrg'f wetrem t
David A. Fox Will WeiseMrLly Gere1mt ifsehdtcotnefomoettaecrofuhrltvlyae
Lauren iHaight -C.F. White predecessor, M. .lod eem T s fsehd' otne o oeIt aecr fsc eaieyrr
thn afihelngh fth1srad.instances, hscag fte"oz
Rt. F. Hawkinson R. C. Winter in the chamber of the House of Coin- j tThisal chargegt of the, "roade
mosi icsin f'h ne-lidI~ialin desperation, I 'stepped up jei" saspook tale as injurious i icsin'o h ne-ale {ialIea'ssas
---- ~~~~problem 4of settling the Ruhr and rep- to her. "Madame," I said, 'would it ia rnos.D .P
Iarations' questions, once and for all! you just as soon draw your baby car- IDPP
SATURDAY, NOVEAMEIR ,17, 19231 time. Plen'ty of heat resulted from, riage to one side for a moment, while'
Night ? ditor-RAY BILLINGTON {their interchange of words, butr not a Ipass" hi, hever.oliinlydi
--particle of light was thrown upon thei and I hurried around it.f
THP EAWEAGINANISUE 'tsituation. Only.,the .by-prod~uct re-; ue I ' A A
sulted, while the purpose of all dis-* * * * By SMYTIE
Political Amerca is beginning to tainndebtwntuflie. NOT AFFECTE'FD BY CLOUDS
awkefmon Is honc tae f le- Mr. Badwvin reiterated his warning Remember not the toils of life;;,
l~'y; t i beinnngto trech tsefthat a split' between France and theE Its sadness, woe, and all that sours, !OE E
atnd test its strength; it is girding itsotealidninsrmndasheBu follow me in what I do, ' Three' times1 has" the" Nobel. prize
onyaalbl oreinteeet For Ircodbut snyhours, been awarded to Americans for inm-
cyioryyfouriyearscinsewhichhiteenjoyshatportant setrvie i iiihe interests of
veyfu er nwihi nosFrance should withhold cooperation in ,~r
to the full extent, the only opportunity! h rpsdcusefr icoigaof cheerf'ul nature e'er am I peace: to 1h d r Roosevelt, Elihu
it has of u-nmistakably registering its Grayscpct ome e b n though the tempest roars andj Root and Woodr~ow Wilson. Likewise
and oiniolioterfr, ofit has been awarded three times to
voice n ma ion ligations. In almost the same words loes
the policies of the nation. Political ash cle it.erie hssumr And everything is dark and drear, Americans fore discoveries or in ven-
piarties are beginning to cast about he threatened France with isolation.; Still I record but sunny hours. tisinpycchmtradmd-
for the candidate which will be most feImsne: in physics to A. A. Michelson, in
Still, his words have aroused no men-;
likely to lead =its banr to victory. tIofln from Paris. But sunny hours do I record, chemistry to T. W. Richards, and in
The ituaionfor he dmocats as'The little Welsh statesman, inspired! As all the years their courses run. mdcn oA arl ioAeia
crystallized the other day when form- ! IihAeic' odilan eiet practice always what I preach, has yet been awa red the Nobel prize
er-President Wilson emerged from his coopAercensureodwitheanpresirie or I'm a dial of the sun. 13-r "DistinctiVe 'W(rk :11n idealistic'
~Period of "splendid isolation" and Miitrfrcnieigaysc! ARISTOPHANES.! literature."~
Miniterfor onsderig ay suh *
spoke to his country men for a few move at a time when the aid of the****
brief minutes from the porch of his ite ttshsbe asrdA1-rCRRSODNENwcmes theannouncA.ment t'~hat
splendid S street home in Washingt nitedeStatsahas-hen asrd FrCREPNEC ow cme te nunement th . ilia', ]at
ton first timhe," he said, this country' erJaeInohr
In~ his" speech,. none of the bitterness hseiecdaydsr oadi As the talented columnist of the been aw adced this year's Ndobel prize in
Nh ich was with him when he left the 'thle elimination of the boulder, whichI Greatest American Daily I think you physics. Mr.- Millikan's achievem"-ant
Whit houe, adefatedmanwashas proven the great hindrance tow- should correct a Grievous Error inioaigad1~umgteivs
inissing. -Iei soundly berated his aud-. ard any mnovemnent for peace. All bmt which has been offending my one good ible ion is certainly notable.
kne fo thir elfshnsshe coled one of the Allies has assured coopera- eye for four long years. Young men
them roundly for not accepting his tion; why shoiuld En-glcnd t::roatr :i ". who tell freshmen about the Big Part-' It was. Mr..Millikan who over year
,:6lution of the problems of the world, throw up ,he job as a failure after ies they used to have in the halcyon ago made the following criticism of
ated blained America mercilessly for succeed ing thuts far? days are not Upperclass AdvisOrs but our edlucational methods:
fhe unsettled condition of affairs in More controversy; more debate; but U. C. Advis Ers. This mistake occurs "We have succeeded in this country
Europe, declaring that our present the world is standing still, waitingI regularly every time the chairman of marvelously well in quantity or npass
policy of non-intervention was "cow- for France. A new proposal for theI said committee applies for a little Pub-' education, as we have in quantity pro-
ardly and Ignoble." Whatever else teG duction. We have not as yet suc-"
g ~~solution would be a relief at least, to licity. The high standards ofth
his peec maymean it ertanlythose who have worn themselves out! Daily require that it educate as well as cee swl shv ubr0
;;hews that Wilson is still the leader marking time while Poincare scratches iform'i. H'ence these tears, other' countries in quality education.
(ef the democrats party, and undoubt-I his head. Webster We have not produced one -half aoi
edly foreasts that one of. the main ___________________ many-I think I may say one -fifth 'r
ptlaniks in that party's platform this," I Mr. Webster: We have called this many-outstanding scientific and t(ech-
yf ear will be the League of Nations. m iatter to the attenian of the Chairman nical men in proportion to our lp"-Pn-
They believe and believe rightly, that V Y ar of the Committee on Style of this pub- Ilto shv olnEgad
thelicatthontheGermany rFrance. The P:^_gli~h
tefcthtthey were repudiated at ; licatio' and it will be taken up at the ! Io
the polls in 1920 by a minority of Agot At ]ViChigan I next meeting of that body. Action will honor system, to take but one exam~nple,
seven million 'votes is no idcto presumably follow, has selected. and trained thc exeep-
that the country. disapproved of the l * * * tional man in England and Canada as
League, but take it as a mere reaction1 From the files of the U. of :4. Daily,I Dear Jasey: dotng nti onr a hsf
to the eight years of the managementI November 7, 1898 While carelessly perusing the col done, and, after all. the prugne~s ofr
o~ r. ilon.Hisnae, however, is! The Good Government club may sue- this morning (this came in several civilization is determined by the very
:.till a. magic name, ;and with his ever ceed in getting Theodore Roosevelt days ago-J: C.) I could not, help niotic- fwmno iinadcpct hc
increasing"-popularity and esteem, any1 to lecture here on its course some 'ing the item in which you expressedI each age develops. There is, then,
candidate whom he indorses will stand time' during' the year, and th'e stuiiens 1your antipathy to inhaling crocodiles, not only a place "but there is tr emeud-
more than a good show for election. will have an opportunity to" hear the' Now as for me, Jase, the ony faultI I ous need in the United States form-
On the other hand, the republicans newly elected governor of New York. would find in a good old Crocodile somen schools which aro designed ti
await a crystallization of their plat- Ilie has signified his willingness to would be this: that a cig with such a furnish exceptional opportun.itiem andi
for-m at the hands of their leader. speak before the club on subjects con-~ unique build might bite the tongue, give exceptional trainng to excentionel
When Congress meets this year, Pres- nected with civil service reform. wot?me-
ident Coolidge must show whether he Colonel Roosevelt lectured here. threeI Yours for Bigger and Better BEERS, ***
is leader of his party or merely the ' years ago on the student's lecture as- Carlo thle Blod.. Coming from a man of Mr. Millikan-s
temporary leader of the nation. The sociation course, but his career since**** calibre, the criticisnm seems well
world looks anxiously for his first that time will snake his reappearance And last night we went to the M~aijIworth attentive perusal'. It cannot be;
message to congress, but the republi- more welcome than ever, again, this time to witness a fillum deidhtmayo"rte ms f

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See Grid-Graph 11111 Auditorium torlamy

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