Dissolution of Entente Cordiale Seen
As Two Nations Seem
London, Nov. 16.--The British gov-
ernment will not accede to the de-
mands of France for punitive mea-
sures against Germany and .has
notified the British ambassador in
Pars to so inform the Council of Am-
After the cabinet had deliberated
today at length on the reiterated terms
of M. Poincaire, the foreign office to-
night telegraphed Lord Trewe, the
Brittish ambassador to France, to in-
form the Council of Ambassadors
when it resumes its sitting that Great
Britan remains firm against the im-
position on Germany of the severe
coercive penalties threatened by
As Premier Poincaire declared
France will enforce these penalties
separately if Great Britain refuses to
join her, there appears to be a hope-
less deadlock between the two nations
whnch some of the political observers
believe portends an ultimate dissolu-
tion of the Entente Cordiale.
It is felt in ministerial circles here
that matters are exactly where they
were last August when Lord Curzon,
the British foreign secretary, sent his
famous note to Premi4er Poincaire in
which he declared that Great Britain
could not much longer delay separate
action toward a settlement of the
Ruhr situation without the gravest
conseuences to the recovery of trade,
and to the peace of the world.
Rome, Nov. 16-'7h Italian gov-
ernment can not give its approval to
any further occupation of German ter-
ritory," declared Premier Mussolini In
the Senate tonight.
"One must have the courage to say
that the German people can not be
destroyed," the .Premier continued
"they .are a people that have known a
civilization which tomorrow may again
be an integral part of European cvliz-
ation." .
Signor Mussolini intimated that Italy
did not contemplate - such a gravs
step as breaking with, France which
would, in a certain sense, be equiva-
lent to declaring the treaty of Ver
sailles void and might involve another
European conflagration and leave
Italy isolated.
The Premer declared the request to
deport the former Crown Prince from
Germany was a mistake. It meant an-
oth'er deadlock for the Prince could
not leave Ge~rpiany without further
complicating the situation. -
Tickets for the play, "A Thousand
Years Ago" to lie given Tuesday eve-
ning -Nov. 20 by the members of
Masques, may still be obtained today
and Monday and Tuesday afternoons
at 111 auditorium.
Although the tickets were placed in
every organized woman's house on the
campus, the women have not support-
ed the play in the usual manner, and
have not responded in the ticket sale.
This is the only play given by
Masques during the year for which
admission is charged, and therefore
an unusual amount of support is need-
ed. Support in the sale is urged by
those in charge.
Health-.Service Crowded
Patients at the Health service in-
firmary yesterday morning numbered j
so many that the later arrivals had to
be turned away. Afternoon saw the;
condition altered, when four students
were discharged and room was made
for the incoming patients,
'Presidential Booms Resound As
Candidates. Cast flats In Ring
Chicago, Nov. 16.-Two presidential "Theoretically under our system,
booms, emanating from Chicago; re- the people thems.elWes select their
sound throughout the country today president; those states with presi-
with formal announcement by Senator dential preference primaries not only
Hiram W. Johnson of California that recognize this theory, but put it in
he is.inthe contest for nomination as practice.They preserve the spirit as
Republican candidate for 'president, well as the letter of American institu-
and the indorsement from Omaha, tions. It is an American's birthright
Neb., by William Gibbs McAdoo of a to submit himself to the decision of
statement issued here by David L. I his fellow citizens.
Rockwell, of Ravenna, 0., that sup- "He is entitled to their decision and
porters of the former secretary of the I they 'are entitled to make it. I rec-
treasury intend to nominate him in ognize no prescriptice right to office
the Democratic convention and elect I and I deny that any one or any num-
him to the presidency, her of men may disregard the popular
Senator Johnson launched his boom will, and in defiance of it, dictate our
with a formal statement issued after a candidates. Peculiarly should this be
conference here with party leaders, so -at the present time.
who'favor his candidacy, in which he "Discontent Is Abroad."
assailed present policies in domestic " i
and national affairs and enunciated "Discontent-is abroad in the land
the principles upon which his race and there is threatened disintegra-
will be made. He expressed un- tion of the Republican party. The dis-
equivocal opposition to the League of content and party differences are aris-
Nations, "and all its subsidiaries," in- ing from lack of popular government.
cluding the world court, and set him- "Two warring philosophies of gov-
self up as the "progressive" candidate ernment struggle for mastery he
in contrast to the "ultra-conservative" said. "Designate them as you wille
and "ultra-radical." the contest between them is age old.
Citizens Must Decide The one, ultra-conservative and ma-
Sounding his keynote in the state- terialistic, invites an ultra-radicalism.
ment that "the ensuing contest will. The other, mindful of existing rights,
determine whether the Republican but recognizing conditions and man-
party shall be the permanent instru- jind's gradual progress, is idealistic
ment of reaction or whether it shall and forward-looking.
respond to present day conditions and "Reaetion and progress must fight
aspiration," Senator Johnson made a it out again in the Republican party1
this declaration: in the coming presidential primaries."
Changes Wrou ht by Election, Death $. .
and Resignation Account
for Vacancies
Washington, Nov. 16.-M a r k e d
changes in the personnel of the Sen-}
ate's two most prominent commttees,
foreign relations and finance, are fore-
casted by returning Republican and L
Democratic leaders. These two com- Senator Hiram Johnson
mittees have suffered most sinc'e thef
last congress through changes Senator Johnson has officially an-
wrought by the election, death and inounced that he is in the contest for
resignation, six seats in each commit- nomination as Republican candidate
tee being vacant, for president. The announcement fol-
Places on both committees are muchl
sought. There are three republican owed a conference of party leaders in
and three democratic vacancies on. the -(Chicago yesterday in which Johnsonj
foreign relation committee now di- assailed present domest'c and foreign
vided between ten republicans and six policies.
democrats but there is a prospect of aI
change in the committee's representa-
tion to a nine to seven division because j
of the reduced Republican majority -
in the .Senate. This would leave forI
the Republicans but two of the vacan-
cies to four for the Democrats.
Senator Pepper of Pennsylvania inWP S
theopinion of many Republicanlead-
ers, is scheduled x to fill one of the~~
majority vacancies' on the foreign re- Pri'vate Wire to Connect Auditorlum
lations cammittee. Senator Edge of with Football Field atI
New Jersey is another prominently: Madison
mentioned. For the Democratic va-:
cancies, Senator Robinson of Arkan- STUDENT COMMITTEE WILL
sas, Democratic leader, and Senator MANAGE ENTIRE PROGRAM
Underwood of Albama are among the !
reported "favorites." Complete play by play results of the
Geographical conditions are expect- m plete playnsy payesths ofte
ed to figure prominently in filling the !Michigan-Wisconsin game this after-
finance committee vancanicies of which noon will be shown on the grid-graph
five are now on the Republican side, in Hill auditorium by the Aluri as-
Here too a reduction in the party rep- sociation. Preliminary reports from
resentation'- is a prospect. Senator the game are not expected until about
Smoot of Utah tunder the seniority rule 2:45 o'clock but the doors of the aud-
is scheduled to become chairman of itorium will be opened at 2:15.
ifhis committee, but those to.'be selected Two cheerleaders will be present to
for the vacancies are regarded as lead the yells. The men, who have
somewhat uncertain at this time. been appointed officially by Lyman J.
Special to The Dan m
Madison, Wis., Nov. 16.-Prom-
ises by the weather man made
late tonight of a cold dry day for
the Wisconsin-MY chigan football
game tomorrow have made hap-
py the thousands of fans who
are flocking to Madison to see
the tilt. With a dry field, spec-
ulation is keen here as to wheth-
er Kipke or Wisconsin's speed
backs will be at the greater ad-
vantage. Rain fell for a few
minutes this afternoon.
Famous As Leader Of Modern School
And For Originality Of
Assembly To Convene On Jan.
Instead of Dec. 20 As -
London, Nov. 16.-Parliament was
formally dissolved today and a royal
proclammation printed in the Gazette
tonight summons a new Parliament to
assemble Jan. 8. It was thought that
the new session would convene Dec.
20 but the cabinet decided upon the
later date.
Two prolonged cabinet meetings
were held today, one ostensibly to
draft the government ,election.. mani-
festo and the other to discuss election
routine. Rumor has it that Premier
Baldwin is having great difficulty in
holding his part and that of the gov-
ernment together.
The Premier will begin. .his new
campaigning under adverse auspices.
Not only has he had the greatest dif-
ficulty to prevent deflections of col-
leagues with free trade beliefs, but he
has failed to consolidate his party by
securing Lord Birkenhead and J. Aus-
tin Chamberlain as members of the
The inside story of this affair shows
it was the revolt of colonial office
which deferred the Premier from tak-
ing Lord Birkenhead and Mr. Cham-
berlain into the cabinet.
A political surprise today was the
announcement that Lord Robert Cecil
had been raised to the peerage. The
Lord Privy Seal has held his present
title of Lord by reason of the fact
that he is a son of the- third Marquis
of Salisbury. His elevation to the
peerage is a clear indication of the.
difficulty Premier Baldwin is exper-°
feneing. Lord Robert is a stalwart
free trader and had already decided
not to contest his seat in the House
of Commons.
The official explanation of his de-
cision not to run isthat Lord Robert's
physician advised him to avoid great
exertion until after Christmas. It
adds that as Lord Robert has to at-
tend a meeting of the Council of the
League of Nations during that per-
iod he will be unable to take part in
the general election.
Oklahoma City, Nov. 16.-The prose-
cution in the impeachment trial of.
Gov. J. C. Walton today completed
testimony on the charge that the exec-.
utive abused his pardon and parole
powers and announced that tomorrow
it will rest, holding in abeyance the
six articles in the impeachment in-,
volving marshal law.,
Defense council protested.vigorously
and in a statement asserted that if the.
executive is convicted without intro-
duction of evidence on all charges the
case "most certainly will go to the
United States Supreme court."
The defense will begin presentation
Reappointment Of Wayne County And
Enaction Of Gasoline Tax
Expected .
Lansing, Nov. 16.-A three week's
special session of the legislature,'
when it convenes to consider reappor-
tionment Dec. 4, is expected by state
officials. The governor and others ex-
pressed the belief that in that time the
assembly will adopt a plan of reap-
portionment which will give Wayne
some increase over its present rep-
resentation in the legislature and will
enact a gasoline tax supplemented
either by a reduced license fee sys-I
tem or a graduated weight tax.
The rearrangement of the legis-
lative districts must, according to
the constitution, be done in 1923.
Highway finance may be considered,
any time. It-is presumed, however,
that the legislature will adjourn the'
week before Christmas and will try
to clean up its work by then. It is not
considered likely that the session
will be resumed after the holidays.
The members only get paid for 20
days in a special session. The as-
sembly is expected to adjourn not lat-
er than Dec. 21, and not come back
unless another special session is
The prevailing belief among state
officials is that the assembly will give'
Wayne 4 or not more than 6 addition-
al representatives and perhaps 2 sen-
ators. Highway finance, according to
the popular predictions, will be solved
with a 2-cent gasoline tax and a
weight tax. Many members have al-
ready informed the governor that
they Will support a combination high-
way finance plan.
It generally is conceded that there
will be a stiff fight over apportion-
ment. Upstate members avowedly
are opposed to any regrouping of the
diAo,.4-. ti :x-.'r-. , i-- --A---
Glasgow, '25, Varsity cherleader, are
Fred Cuthbert, '26, and Clay Owesley,
flN I a iNNutniriinr 25M. . The combined R. O. T. C. and{
u freshman bands will play before the
game and between the halves.
FESU1TG OFM inArrangements for the operating of
the graph and handling of the crowd
.ninthe auditorium have been madel
Results of the big football games in through a student committee, headed
the country and of the Michigan-Wis- by Charles Livingston, '25, who will
consin game will be given out this aft- operate the board this afternoon, un-
ernoon in the Union. Play in most of der the direction of John Bradfield, '18,
the games starts at 3 o'clock and re- business manager of the Alumnus.
turns will begin to arrive shortly after Special Wire Arranged
that time. Lyman Savage, '25, who was to have
Play by play results of the Wiscon- operated the board with the assistance
sin game will be given in the- reading of Livingston is confined in the hos-
room of the Union. A miniature foot- pital, so the entire running will fall
ball field has been erected upon which to Livingston, as well as managing the
the plays will be enacted as the games taking and selling of tickets. The
progress. board was set up yesterday afternoon
Reports on the other big football 'in the auditorium and is now in readi-
games in the West and East will be ness.
announced in the tap room, at the Results will come direct from the
matinee dance that the Union is giv- field at Madison over a special wire,
=ng, in the billard room, and in the j and be received on a ticker at the
lounging room. The scores will be re- aud"torium. If arrangements can be
ceived between quarters and announc- made. a special telephone connection
ed as well as being posted on bulletin will be maintained to supplement the
boards. Milton Peterson, '25, is in telegraph.
charge of arrangements in giving the Arrangements for the sending of
results.-a ntfrom Mai o rnthe
Eliel Saarinen, noted Finnish archi-.
tect, arrives in Ann Arbor today toI
act in the capacity of visiting Pro-q
fessor in Architectural design for af
period of one month. Mr. Saarinen re-
ceived the second highest award in thec
contest held by the Chicago Tribuneo
for the design of that paper's newa
building. .
Arrangements have been made with
the. Union for rooms for himself, hist
wife and two children who are accom- i
panying him. His work in the archi-
tectural college will consist in ther
teaching. of an advanced course V
design. j
Mr. Saarinen is considered as .one
of the 'foremost architects of the day.
and is known throughout Europe 'and
America as, a leader of the 'modern
school of architecture and for his or-,
iginality. In 1905, he was one of thet
brilliant contributors to the designj
contest of the Hague Peace Memorialg
at the' Hague. a
Announcement has been made of aC
pageant and banquet to be given in
honor of the visiting architect at thes
Union the evening of December 12.C
Speakers of prominence are e:pectedC
to attend, although their names have
not been made public. The pageant,
given by students in the architectural
school, will be among the features ofC
the evening. It is to be a unique rep-
resentation of the history of the arts
of design. Arthur F. Hyde, '24A, is I
general chairman of the committee in
charge while Harry S. Booth, '24A, isl
to head the committee in charge of ther
pageant. Prof. A. L. Trout of the
architectural college, will take charge
of the finances of the function.
Wisconsin Women
against Drinking'
Madison, Wis., Nov. 16.-By a unan-.
imous vote at a compulsory meeting
here last night, 3,000 University off
Wisconsin co-eds went on record ast
opposed to drinkng among students of
both sexes, and decided to appeal tot
Federal authorities to check drinking'
and its sources in Madison.
A resolution prohibiting co-eds from
"making dates" with men who dr:nk
failed to pass. Protesting this reso-1
ultion, girls attending the meeting
chorused: "How can we tell if they]
have been drinking?"i
The resolution adopted declared:i
"That the women of Wisconsin go oni
record as opposed to drinking, and
that the women of Wisconsin shall
sign a petition and present it to the,
Federal authorities in order to have',
definite action taken against intoxica- i
tion, and its sources, in the City of
The meeting was called by Lois Ja&-
obs, president of the Girls' Govern-
ment association, who declared that
unless something was done to check
conditions, the enrollment of 'womenj
would be considerably lower next
Penn Ready For State
Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 16-Pennsyl-
vania's varsity team is resting up to-
Squad Given Workout at Camp Ran.
dali; Babcock, Hawkins
on Lineup
Special to The Daily
Madison, Wis., Nov. 16.-With the
prospect of playing on a .wet Geld lac-
ing, Michigan's crippled Varsity foot-
ball squad arrived here today and took
up their quarters at the Park htetl.
Coach Yost spent two hours aboard
the train giving instructions to Rock-
well and Grube, both of whom will
probably see service directing the
team against the Badgers. Upon
awakenign this morning, Yost called
a meeting of the entire squad and held
a lengthy discussion on the offense and
defense that will be employed in to-
morrow's game.
Team Has Workout
Upon their arrival in Madison the
squad was taken to their hotel and
then proceeded to Camp Randall,
where a light drill was engaged in.
The men who are scheduled to take
the field when the opening whistle
blows were all in fine shape.
During the drill, which consisted for
the most part ,in signal practice with
Rockwell and Grube alternating as
quarterbacks a light rain fell for a
few minutes. It is hoped in the Mich-
igan camp that the dark clouds will
clear away before dawn, but a soggy
field, which is bound to prove a seri-
ous handicap to runners like Kipke
and Rockwell, will only serve to in-
creasesthe determination of the Wol-
Tomorrow's struggle recalls to mnd
the famous' battlethatwas fought hre
two years ago between the Badgers
and the Maize and Blue. Wisconsi
had defeated all her rivals ad wasm
looked upon as Confertence champions,
Michigan :d h lost to OhiQ' State' and
managed:to''beat Illinois 3-0;, with a
patched up 'eleven, and then traveled
to Wisconsin, crippled as she is this
year, to do battle with the then Rich-
ard coached aggregation. Wisconsin
ruled :the heavy -favorites, with even
the most optinistic Wolverine sup-
porters expecting defeat. The strug-
gle that took'place on that memorable
afternoon has gone down in the rec-
ords as the most gruelling football
battle that Michigan has engaged in
since the incep~tion of the modern style
of play. The game resulted in a tie
each team scoring a touchdown and
liclfng the goal afterwards.
Machines Arrive
A large array of gaudy colored ma-
chines have already arrived from Ann?
Arbor and fleeting about the city, add-
ing to the excitement that is prevail-
ing here. Many more cars are ex-
pected before the game 'starts torpor-
row and the squadron of flivvers will
probably form.a' parade in the morn-
mng. 'Alumni 'of both schools have ar'
rived but the main body of Wolverine
rooters are not due until the special
come .some time tomorrow. -
The Badger squad is in shape for'
the tussle, as no serious in juries were
reported after the game with the l111-
ni. The team is set upon wiping out
the sting of last week's defeat by fin-
ishing on the long' end of the sore
against the Yostnmen.' With both
teams keyed up to the highest pitch,
nothing short of a great battle should
ensue when the eleven lock horns in
the stadium.
It is rumored that Coach 'Ryan will
make an eleventh hour change in his
kneup, seilding in Eagleberger or Wil-
liams in place of Holmes at half back.
The former is the fastest man on the
Badger squad, and Coach Ryan figures
that the speedster will be able to run
the Michigan ends. The new mentor
is satisfied with his line.
(Continued on Page Six)
Washington, Nov. 16.--President
Coolidge believes that the American
people will sympathize' with any action
to be taken by the allied govern-
ments to prevent restoration of the
Hohenzollerns -to power, in Germany,
although the American government
can not, in accordance with its long
established policies, take definite ac-
Gruszka Refutes
astricts which wits materially reduce o i ~iltr~
their representation. It is believed,
however, that a strong enough major-
ity will be secured from districts Dr. Sylvester Gruszka, of Detroit,
which will not be affected to give Consul of the Republic of Poland, spoke
Wayne some increase. 'at a smoker held by the Polonia Lit-
erary circle last night at the Union."
r eHe spoke in Polish and on the sub-
ject, "The true conditions in Polandj
Ml. A. C. Scholars Iand its relations with other European
{ "The report that Poland is foster-I
East Lansing, Mich., Nov. 16.-Sor- ing miiltarism is absolutely unfound-
orities at the Michigan Agricultural ed," said Dr. Gruszka and he contin-
college led the fraternities in scholar- ued, "Indeed in comparison with other
ship work in the past year, according European countries Poland might bef
to statistics released today by the reg- described as underarmed."
istrar's office.
With fraternities outnumbering the Action Planned On Law Violators.
sororities more than two to one, two Washington, Nov. 16.--Action byl
sororities headed the list, and the top President Coolidge within the near fu-
fraternity was forced to take third ture in the matter of clemency for im-
place. Besides this, six places out of prisoned violators of war law was in-
the first eight were taken by sorori- dicated today at the White House.
ties. The sorority lowest on the list Investigation by the Department of
placed above eight of the largest fra- Justice into the case of the war law
ternities in the institution. ° offenders still in prison is expected to
The order in which the societies be concluded shortly. President
placed on the scholarship list is: Pyt- Coolidge plans to take action as soon
hian, Letonian, Alpha Gamma Rho, as the results of the inquiry are at
Sororan, Dorian, Ero Alphian, Alpha hand.
Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Trimoira,
Eunomian, Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta London, Nov. 16.-A dispatch to the
g p11l u s L1 ,ll.S.JA Urul u l.
bands of Hawley Tapping, '16L, field
secretary of the Alumni association,
who will be in that city today in con-1
nection with the registration bureauw
that is to be established for alumni at
the Park hotel.
Tickets on Sale
Tickets for the grid-graph have been
on sale at the Union, Huston's,
Graham's and Wahr's for the past few4
days, and were sent to various fra-
ternfties and sororities yesterday. Ad-
vance sales point to a large crowd.
The prices for the showing are 50
cents for the main floor and 35 cents
for the balconies.
The graph is arranged so that every
play, who makes it, what type it is, and'
the yardage gained, is shown. A min-
iature gridiron is in the center of the
board, while the quarter score, anti
the downs are shown by lights at the
top. At the bottom are the'.types of
plays, whether pass, kick, or plunge,
while the players' names are placed {
at the sides.
For the entertainment of those who
While our hearts are in Madi-
son, we are liable to get excited
over the result. Should You
forget anything or lose some-