1FRIDAY, \TOVrMBER 16,1923 ________ DANINI1G THIS 11TERRACE 4GARDEN DANCING -0-OLMN S I FSTUTDIO CLOSES CLOi ond-hrnr lessonis fors$. T3P..AD~VERTI SING A MClas8es' every Monday and LUM Fridayp P. M:, 7:30 to 8:30. Assembsly until 10 o'clock. We teach all imodern, fancy, SFpJ. REST! LOST ballet, and stage dancing. -_____________-__-- ~We- specialize in teaching SIX ItOOM house. Mlodern. Caill! ., TWEEN School of iviusic and Tap- children. 2365-R. ;pan S. small gold watch with gold ~ -~bi acelet engraved on back Mairgaret L Wuertht Arcade LARGEi ROOM for .2 or will reut -Berlin, 1922. Reward. Phone 570! Phone 241-R single. Very reasonale. 425 S. of call 829 Tappan. Division SLO,{ST SaL ngh narUntaiajRadAd ROOM NEAR CAMPUS 910i Monroe, ( uc upeskubrla e h vn downstairs, front roomn. Phone ward. Phone 3411-T1. 990-J. ~LOST-Keys in brown leather case.! )o L.RkO --ne fdeird.pone iy .,Call 1794=W. I on Al ay r oOM-Onie oecrd.PneayjI__________________l____J 14-v.422 E.Washington.__.LOST.-Glasses inI brown leather bese '__._jCall 1508-AV.be .LtLI AL THE MIHIGAN SIRENS presentI Joe Sweeny and his five piece corn- biatioii. Call Tustison, 1767-J. ;£ TO RENT-Victrolas. We have a furw left. Reasonable rental. Ask about our special plan.4 University Music House. I ~VRI TJ R RE PA hR L3G ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock canid Oliver typewriters, Suindstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, rilebons,' ,j cushion keys, type cleaners and sup'- plies. Machines rentedl. ANN ARBOR TYPEWYVITER. EXCIIANGE. Phone 886, downtown MISCELLANEOUS.; TlYPE VRITING & MIij\EOGR~APIING promptly and neatly docne. BUSINESS SE~RVICE CO., 322 South State St., over "M" Lunch. Phione ,99J-IM LOST-Double Martin Fur Saturday night after Marine game. Return to Mv. E. Cooley, 1405 Hill. Reward. LO ST-Gamma Phi Beta Sorority pin pearl studded. Finder please call 2325. OUNTAINPE~NS .We are the authiorizesu Wahl axed 1E versliarp Service S tati on. Call and soe the new Wahl "Signa- %ture" Pens. T wo sizes, $5.0"")alnd $7.0. hey are til finest self-filling HRIDER'S PEN SHOP. "U 'S. State St. Why risk l tVligyou r pen spoiled with vicious 121lk. Fill at. our tr(e ftIllng station iand be coivinced t1;,0 our .zp, cial furmuLa Dizamond Writing 0,11d s t est ink foe your pen. We uidsell j% iat. ,, an dart! prices. IUD1ERS EN ShJOP 7)Jade green bowl and 3 Nrarcissus blubs, 50c. j V1 )lUNT1'1+ 1Li~111i :w2\G L.arger bowl1 and 5 fine .Narcissus bulbs, 75c. You Nvant youIr Fountain Pens prop- We packc carefully anld sip an- erly repaired. Why take Macen to an where. Conme and see, our Chrinas j undecrtaker? Experienced worhnian- ho viis. ( still)' to bhO bad only at Rider's Pen HARRIS SEED STORE, Sh~op. It costs no mo~re. Washington St., Cor. 5th. i 24 Dour l-Ienm- ' e's ,c -viee. I enneiner the place, 302 S. State FANCY DRESS MAKING and go wns. St. Authorized W Talh and Evesfrshaur, Mtrs. Ed. Emmert, 914 Dewey Aive. service. Phone 2119-1. '--- MRS. I)ELIA T. r.)AVIS, Tt'or in Ill?,A], ESTAIT, 0 French, 818, Forest Ave. LADIES AND GE1i 'TS Cledning,, Pressing,,and Altering. HERMAN, THE TAILOR. 802 S. State. Phone 3341-TA Furniture repairing, upholsterin~g and finishing.' Prompt service by= _ expert 'Workmen. Mr. C. Link. *TILE SQUARli DEAL FURNITURE 305E.PAI IING CO; 35Third. St. Phone 2731-MI . FOR IIIR YOUJ GET THE GIRL; we'll furnish the car; the state furnishes the road and licenge. Call 183-R. FOR $I- A CAR to drive to Wisconsin. Five passenger, six ciylinder' tourirng. Call after 6:00 P. MT. at 1212 Wells St. SIX IROOM fS'F'iI~ALW l fair heat-- largo lot-f. il1 as-,ein ;- SHIAD' E TREE-Close in-S;ul ntidl conduition. Estate 1,111 close for $5,000. Termis if desired.. GORTON REAL ESTATE AGErNCY, EJ m. 2 Wuerth Arcade. Ph1one 243S WANTED SIX ORL. FOUR tizckets ,to the Minne-' Sota game. N o scalpers need ans- JIwer., Phone, 2845-NV. Ask for Pathos. A SUITE of rooms for young married: couple, beginning JIan. 1st. Call 481-M.I THERE IS AN OP'ENINGt in our sales force for a few men-.who must icave' schcol before the first Of the year. Thhese min will be given a territory1 i their own and adjoining states' to' travel and sell class jewelry and commencement stationery to high schools and colleges on a salary plus commission basis. Only imme- diate replies giving thrzee cliaracter references will be considered. QUAYLE & SON, Inc. Aliany, New York. FOR GENERAL labor and assistantsI in testf in evaporation laboratory,! engineer preferred. Sonme knowl- edge of pipe fitting desirable but not necessary. Applicant must ba ab)le to put in at least 2 full half days 'a week regular. See Prof. Badger, Room 3028 Eng. Bldg. FLO WERS , , Y . #. i i S . 7 ,,.. . . ". { d ; . 3 . MODE SHO PPE makes afternoon and evening gowns to suit your individ- ual taste at moderate prices. Also hemstitching. 711 N. University. H-ARLEY--DAVIDSON motorcycle anil side-car, completely equipped. Good as new. Wardner 914 Hill St. 'Phone 2372. FORD--Good running order, 5 good tires and demountable rims. $75. Call 2850-M. THREE-PIECE CORDUROY SUIT- Size 36. Call at 531 Forest Ave. FOR SALE-$20.00 Dodge-stripped for Sport Car. 202 S. Division Ave. Trap Drummers' complete outfits.l fProfessional Instruments at profes- sional prices. Seba'Oberle & Son Music H-ouse. 110 S. Mai. St. BluMaize No. 9 Nickel's Arcade. . 21 It's true efficiency to Classifieds:-Adv.. 1" E Liberty. use. Daily .4 P. FRATERNITIES: FRANK JONES AND HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA have SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, open For Information 'Trite SID W. JACOBS 125 N. TH-IRD STREET SAGINAW, MICH. .AN ELECTRIC CIGAR LIGHTER, for $ 1.50 installed AT THIS PRICE IT DOSENI' PAY TO BOTHER WITH MATCHES Compressed Air Foot Accelorator for Fords