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November 16, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-16

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'tHE MTCI4TGAN DAILY ________________

_, _._ __ .

:... - ", BYO .. ':

There's ope For The "Ha rolds,
A.s Iliois CGridCaptain.Pro' V e s

DADDIBSLEVE Gridiro Card ForSaturdy
Includes Many Big Contests}
FO A E E I: both the East and the West, to- sedn in tomorrow': clah wit: Athoughi two games remaintob
CohFarel aks 0 emer ~ morrowv's games include contests Brown. Comparative scores give
Cros outr the tthedsom outcom~eo which *IlI large med Harvard, 1-0, while 'te sameI~r of the fraternity teams in the
For Dual Item measure':deterninie real leaders in the team won from Brown by te close sum-fas of the speedball tourna-
- - gridiron sport for ithe season of 1923. score of 16-14. 'Harvard Is confident }went were Ketermined in ,Wednesday
DAVIS, AGAIN IN SH1APE, WILL :'ext in importance to the Mihgan- of victory, however, as roote'i feel iatern'foo' contests. Phi Chi 'on the
MAKE STR2ONdG BID) FOR 11(}NORS Wisconsin clash, the game between that the Princeton game gave the afernonantin league 2, while Beta Theta
1 ~~Minniesota *aiqd owa holds the lime-I tean the necessary confidence, and 1 and Nu Sigma Nu went into a tie
Varsty rosscoutrycoac, fSev-light 'in the Big ten. The Gophers I that vitr~es are assured for the rest "for first honors n league 1.
J. Farrell and his team of ten cap have not yet been defeated, and are I of the season Iarl faffP'!an is count-, As a result of the tie, Beta Theta 1'i
en p-hot on ,the trail of the Coniferec l ed upon to play an imiportant Part in and Nu Sigma N will meet at 4:30,
able performers left for Madison last e} ampionsh ip. Iowa, on the other jsthe big for victory. This° agile backl o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, for the
night where the Wolverine harriersI hand, as been forced to bowv to 111i- !was the bg nose against Princeton, Icanpionshp and the. right to meet
will match their wsares with the nos and Michigan, by close scores.1 and if he is in the same form tomor-! Phi Chi In the finals at 4:30 o'clock,'
strng ader ggegaionina dalThe Hawkeyes have an exceedingly ro, the Brown eleven 'will have ItsI Thursday afternoon.
strng adgr ggrgatonin stalI powerful aggregation, and have rncire hands full 'keeping an eye on thej The Betas have already beaten the
meet tomorrow morning, than an even chance of forcing thei Crimson star. Nu Sigs by a comfortable margin and
Steve deemed it best to leave with nortimen out of the running. Minne' k , e Enaies 'peun l if they continue to display the for-
his team last night so that the-Maize sta rooters consider their team the Penn State is favored to win its ;ward pass games which characterized
and Blue performers will have a. best Gopher combination since the clash with P'en nsy -0itthottoo much their last game with their opponents,
chance to practice over the Wisconsin clays 6,r Wyman, Baston and othe trouble. The are will' e no walk- tlere is no doubt bnt what they will
Barcourse dy sis apneone, gridders who have left Minnesota with away, but State's team has been put- play Phi Chi for the cup and first
coverdoreith a chucko e ing I a blaze of glory. i Captain Martin- ting up a 'great article of football, place on the athletic chart. This Is
rocs, ols ad euCoah paudin bs ahaFbc ast week State aggregaion took' the first time that either of the three
soft spots. The distance of thea corse ,v-e is on a par with any ball-toter inI Georgia Tech into camp, 7-0. This steams mientioned above have played in
is five miles,'with perhaps half of this the West. Oster, star fullback, v:ill be1 alone is a real achievement, and the the semi-finals of the annual speedball
histac fen pedclw tes orced] to remain on the sidelines OnI winl over the "Golden Tornado" showsI tournaments and this fat, adds consd-
hills. account of injuries, but Spaulu ng has the power of thfe team which wil1
Ten vwn ,Makin Trim good substitute material, and etudents sac;p gant ens. erable interest to the outcome.
Ten macen made the trip all of whom are confident that their team will Pt n ahntnadJ fro
have shown their worth in past mets.dw heLweca.angauigo adJrsn Te'stndins p t d t are:
donteIw ln ill tit up an interesting scrap, judg- ............. on" Los
Davis, whto turned his 'ankle Jil the IChicago Faces 0, S.. 'ing; frompast recods. PFtran tp I Seta'1mn~a Nu 1
early part of the meet with Illinois Although the Chicago-Ohio StateI against a srprse in the persons of uSimNu..... ..1 1
and Ohio State last Saturdiay and w"as1 game can have no effect on the Con-+ the Grove City athletes las week, and; Phi Gammna Delta ."......2 2
unable to rkin his usual good race, is! ference standings, it should tie a hard- she emerged victorious by the close Alpha Sigma Pi...........2 2
again )n-good shape and should be a lfought and interesting battle. Thie score of 13-7. The gamie should be Xlh Kappa Sigma...........0 4
strong contender f'or first place lion- 'Buckeyes appear to'have found them-I closely contested, as the two teams LimeTwo Won Lst
ors in the meet with thle Badgers, selves Mast Saturday against Purdue, are capable of playing excellent foot- Phim Chi....... ...........4 0
Captain Arndt, who was the first manJ when they took the Bolermake s into! carried the Big Red eleven 'to victory IPi Sigma Delta............2 1
to breast the tape for the Wolverines camp by a score of 32-0. TPhe Wilce- (Continued on ae eight) ta Psi .............1 2
in the triangular meet last Saturday, men were decidedly superior to their_ Delta Tat Dela........1' I
is in the best , of shape and will no opp onets, and their victoria seemsn: to j,'i r vw 111,, lida Rho Chi ...........1
doubit id'ihigli for a place 'well up the; indicate that they have developed into! I-GRID T'ICKETS l "~ One game, which will not affectthe
list. Arndtt is nowputting' In his third the powerful eleven that they were ex- }otoe ilbIpae nlau
year as a member of the Miciga'nj etdt e!Cia hsadeiel~ OVSA LE TODA Yotoe ilb pae nlau
country andbe.inhiall the thrdcidedONinet week, Phi Sigma Delta engaging
cross conradi l h he efficient aggregation, and the Maroon j ,:eta Psi at 4:30 o'coc-. vsduv aft-
year, he hasneve bee offcol r idders' only defeat was at the hanlds T 7ickets for the grid- raph showig !c" it or,.
a race. Arndt, Js one of the most con- of Illinois by the scant margin o a of" the WVi sconsin game Saturday' in
pisten performers inth . "sngle touchdown. On paper, the llaiorhn ilbesldnte Alcoscutyrnerexcin
"Mike" Reinke, the only Sophomore Hiltauigrimmenlbe havonth I llcrssconty rnnrevercin
on teta is running in great form their traditional rivals. campus in frotof the Librar y fromt 8tgmnhv lih tgeee to ru in the Intramural department's
this ta season a Jn:e cr~y race "Mi1k C" -Ilinois. ill_ ocup:y the day in to 4 o'clock today. 'hey w'll also eI meets tis fall should bear in mind the
seems: to flee ~'a rl'tfe" higher. 'LastI walking 'aver M11sis'Sippi A. and M." on sale at Grahamn's, Wahrs, Htustons, !foloig schedule for the meets under
week "aaint te ston Ilinos ad r nd he lnion.their supervision: Fraternity meet,
weaanttetrgIliisadAlthough :the Ilin i re not anticipat- 1 3 'lcNv 3 l '~e uand he Unon.
Ohio State teams the btilt Sophio- Ing stiff opposition, the game is Ofi It was e~timated yesterday that 33 'cok1Nv 9,abapumet
more prospect copped fifth place, be- little or-no importance, as the Ys5i- more than a thousand tikes had al- : ,30 cloc, Nov. 26, freshman sec-
ing second Wolverine to cross the sippi aggregation is not in the Big ready been sol(d. The prce Is 50 cents i onal 'group meet, 3:30 o'clock, Nov.
tape. Steve expects great things fromn Ten. for the main floor, and 35 cents for I8.
this man. Rearick seemis to be at the- Notre Dame will take the field the balconfies'. A special telephone
peak of his career and It' would not against Butler tomorrow determined w'ire is being arranged between the Ths is the fat dy for the hiandball1
surprise Steve much if thisman turn- to wipe out the sting of ast wecek's auditorium and the field as well as ;mathsi h is on ftefa
ed the tbies,'~i finished near first defeat at the hands of Nebraska. The direct wire service over the Western tent tournament'the dead line "hay-
place;i the : eel tomorrow. Catholics were bitterly disappointed Union. Cheerleaders and the cgjbin- ing been set at 5 o'clock, tonight. Se-
'We. lie to Hilt S rde I at their trimming, and also at the con- ed R. 0. T. C. and freshman bands ond rund mathes will beanounced
Shep~led' , s another Wolverine sequenit fall of Notre Dame stock will be present 'at the affair, in Sunda's aily
who 'is in the 'est'fotta of Is career. among dopesters. The heavy. uter
Shenefield, like Arndt is a consistet eleven will meet the Rockne machiine
performer and can always' be 'counted at an inopportune time, as the Notre-
on to turn in a good rae. -The show- Dame gridders are sure to extend
ling made by Jack BWen last Satur- themselves so as to win by a score of
day in the triangular meet when ° he sufficiet proportions to biring themr /
finished in eighteenth pl~hee was a b back into the good ''races of gridiron
disappointment to the cach.. Bowen gns' throughout the :country. f
on the squad hnd whilla'h'e striks his In 'the ,'Mast, the ale-Princetol n-
usual stride he may ma4'ke trouble for counter holds the ceter of the stage. That\ 1l ®t 1r r o , Fox Tot
a, fewn of his teainmnies -'who have This game is the second of the an- 11A~~L1 VJi j.
been beating him so 'far tis season. nual series between tihe Big Three. ,Y' p __
Nicholson, Polbamus and Mason round Last week, Harvard upset the dlops by Wonder Ift 'sLin l 0 Fox T o
the squad into a formi'dable aggrega- taming the Princeton Tiger. TheSh 'Lo ey ooT t
tion that' will give aly team In the1 score 'Was '5-0. The Princeton team Is
conference a hard fight..- out fdr revenge this week, but the
The conference run 'takes place at Bulldog has thus far trampled ver ! BENNIE KRUEGER'S ORCHE STRA
Columbus, Nov. 24. The 'conference the dpposition in a way that has
run has come to be the classic of the stmeIh ulo sata fe.
Westin hrrir crd~s nalther isceptional mzert. Although this aggre-
little doubt but what the flan will be 1 gatfon is generally hed to be the pick )HearI- t Today at
a hotly contested affair this season. of the Big Three this year, upsets areI
There are no less than four teams common in the "classics$, as the
that may be consideredl as prospects' I games between the three big schools
for first honors in the classic. V are called. Princeton's defeat at the)
- had of Harvard was one of the big The toff et Pliono Shops
Paris, Nov. 15 -The Tiiips says Mr.! surprises of the season, and the Ti er
Wilson's 'acctuation is profoundly tn- is liable to furnish another upset in 616 . LIBERTY STREET 110 E. WA SINTON STREET
Just," in satving France s nd Italy are tomorrow's battle with YMale.
treating the Pcal-e treaty 's"wate Harvard, 8u sied wvithn her get vie-i
Paper. tory of last week, is due for =rough

- ~We are 'making them
M By Kan, of Indianapo lis
-Take a hook at'our Y
Fifty-three Dolar Special
Y- Better grades if 'you desire $53 to $100:
-~~~ tiEEa1z- U nk.-uwmi -


Wrestling Prospects Ihis Year
Bight As arker ae en


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