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November 16, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-16

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. ... . .... .

Published every, morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this. paper ana the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of n'ostage 'granted by Third As;:stant. Post-
r~ias'.er General.
Sub cription by carrier, $3.50; by .mail,
Office Annr Arbor Press Building, May-
nald Slrect.
Phones: lditorial, 2414 and 176-M;- Basi-
Signed communications, not exceeding 300
%")I ds," will be published in The IDaily at.
the diswretion of the Editor. Upon requests
the identity of communicants will be re-I
garded as confidential.I
Telephones, 2414 and 176-M3
News E;ditor................Julian E. Mack
Cityr Editor.......... ...Marry Fancy
Editorial Board Chairman.....C. Moriarty
Night Editrs
r. IT. Ailes A. B. Connable
R. A. Billington 7. E. Fiske
Har y C. Clark T. G. Garlinghouse
P.. M. Wagner
Sots Editor ..............Ralph N. Bjers
NNomu r s Editor-............Winona llibbad
Telegraph Edito-.. ... R. B. i air
Sunday Magazine Editor.... ... L. TiAen
Music 'Editor............. Ruth A Howell
Assistant City Editor.....Kenneth C. Kellar
Editorial Board

seems to solve the problem quite sat- g) ( /
isfactorily. The restriction is a mark -I
ed one and serves its purpose. TED L
According to the aim of the pro-
posed regulationtwhich is to prevent THE SPICE
athletes from transferring to a larger OF
institution to participate in athletics THE PROGRAM
there once they have established them- Reviews
selves as high calibre performers at
a smaller school, one would think that Chimes made its appearance yes-
these sterling athletes from the small- terday. We. wish to congratulate Edi-
er schools come to the larger univer- tor Bacon on having gotten out an
sitles in great numbers, and for the even better issue than last time, al-
express purpose of participating in d tw
though we deplorethesomewhatmor-
athletics. Such, in general, is not the bid se interest exhibited in the 'lay
case. It is only the exception where
this situation actually takes place. And of Mr.- Carr's entitled "Mokey
in that case the athletes: are taken Glands'.
care of by the first year ruling, con- The Whole issue has a rather alarm-
cerning participation in varsity ath- ing(radical tige, as witness the nov-
letics. el program planned by the S. C., A,,
The action taken by Minnesota is the debate called "God Versus the
a good ones and hopes are expressed Devil", and cynical. reviews of the
that she set a precedent for all the movies, and the stinging critique of
members of the Big Ten. If athletics the college professionalism ruling.
are to continue in their present stat- But perhaps all this is very sound.
us, good athletes must be encouraged, Editor Bacon has furthermore bold-
and not discouraged. Barring men ly attacked a problem which is daily
simply because they have played and growing more pressing on the cam-l
starred for another school is looking pus: the problem of the long-haired
at it frond more or less of a narrow intellectual and his costume. Things'
viewpoint. Frequently the case is have gotten to a point where these
heard of an athlete who has become fellows that think they're a lot bright-
a star only after he has participated er than the rest just go round with-
for a second or even a third school.' out caring a rip about how they look.
The "migrant" ruling would let him Editor Bacon (who, let us hasten to
slip by as a result. It is a limited say, is most meticulous in the matter1
ruling and should be voted down. of dress himself, and is not therefore
throwing stones from a glass house)
FRESHMAN RULES AND FRESH- says of these shabby intellectuals,
MAN GROUPS very properly, we .think:
After many years experience with ."They should be pitied, not marvel-
led at."
the failures of freshmen, University
officials, investigated the various con- Hurrah!

(The Wellesley College News)
With the opening concert of the ser-
ies of 1923-24 tonight in the chapel,
Wellesley is once more reminded toE
put on her "concert manners". That
college students should have to be
reminded of such is not exactly flat-
tering, but criticisms were unsparing
last year, and a 'little more care and
I thoughtfulness would prevent this re-
-First 'of l; there is the courtesy of
, dress to observe. At first stuients
took pains to dress for the concert,
but as the year progressed and time
naturally 1 ecame more precious, one
saw only too frequently sweaters and
skirts in the. audience. This seems
hardly respectful to the artist, who
' himself takes pain to appear in full
dress, nor to the college, of which he'
gains the wrong impression.
When the tickets for- the concertE
course were issued, there was foundj
printed on. them "at eight o'clock
punctually." Attention need 'hardly
be brought to- the reproach in the
word's. , The disturbance . caused by
i late comers is annoying, not only to
the artis,, but to the audience as
'Ana last we would speak of the ox-
,cesslve c.lapping-calling the musician
tv give an encore again and again.!
ppreciatipn certainly should be
dshow- hut. Awithin the limits of con-


-. i,

A Wonder Selection of Personal
Engraved Christmas Cards
Order. Earl
Cars wanted for one hour and a half on l De. Ist, to fke visiting boys on a tour of city.
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ReA Read The Daly "Classioed" Columns

Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. in. and
everytwo.hours to 9 10 P. r.
Express: 7 a. in., 8 a ni. and everyy
two hours to 8 p. m,
Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:55 p. M.,
1't P. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
p. m., 12:25 a. in. and 1:15 a. in.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two
hours to 8:47 p. m.
Express (making local stops): 9:5u
a. m. and every two hours to 9:50
P. in.
bocals: 7:50 a. in., 12:10 a. m.
S At T W T F S
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IS 1.9 20 21 22 2:3 21
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For College iien
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Paul Einstein
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'Iclen fBrowni
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G. W. Dlavis
If-rold Ehrlich
. C. F inerle
'T. P. Heniry
Dorotby Kami
e Kruger
Elizabeth Lidb

Robert Ramsay
Andrew Propper
e R. S. Mansfield
S E. C. Mack
Verena Moran
te Regina Reibna.n
WV. 11. S*mncmw
h Hi. R. Sto;1ie
e _ . K. E. Styer
N. R.,Ial
in S. B Tremble
> W. J. Waltioar

ditions affecting the first year men and

Jase, old dear; j

Telephone 960
Advcrtisinig ...........E. L. Dunne
Advertsin ...................C. Purdy
Advertising. .....W. Roesser
Advertising................W. K Scherer
Accounts................ .C. WV. Christie
Circulation..............P.erryM. Hayden
Publication ...............Lawrence Fierce
tlennie Caplan Edw. D. Ioedemker
John Conlin Harold A. Marks'
Allin B .Crquch yron Parker
Louis M. Dexter 1Y.M.Roekwe l
avidh 3 . 'F'inn H. E. Rose
avdA. Fox Will Weise
Lauren Haight C. F. White
R. E. Hiawkinson R. C. Winter
N'ght Editor--A. B. CONNABLE, JR.
Information gathered from the read-1
ing of a modern newspaper can, in'

s eraTIGIL. tpte ena of a rect~a ne
their studies, and the result was the Us women, we whom you refeyUtosy and when he
It artlstr invariably. tired and when he;
present ruling regarding the partici- as bims', ,haven't much say in the is gracious enough to give an encore
pation by freshmen in outside activ- 'column', but just now and then one or two, it is appropriate that the col-
ities during the first semester. The of us pauses from the lipstick and lege applaud. But to keep it up 'until
action of the Union in organizing the rouge long enough to observe how cul- the lights in the hall have to be turned
"freshman groups", and planning to ture and refinement come on apace at out, as happened last year, seems but
engage them in various student activ- Michigan. a childish and selfih thing to do.
ities seems to be a violation of the' It was just the other day at our mon- The concerts are an unusual privi-
spirit, if not the letter, of this rule. umental Gothic 'dorm' symbol of de- Ilee. * Wellesley surely ought to show
The intergroup athletic competi- mocracy in education, that a young its appreciation by its courtesy.
I . _ _ ... .v ~ on nfnrt~inat l sh an rlfi f

; . :
i :

tion presents few objectionable feat-
ures although it must be said that
the compulsory gym classes attended
by first'year men would seem to make
these contests worth little as anything
more than social, events, Branching
into dramatics and oratory, as has
been under serious conaideration' by
the 'Unioi~n,is a project to'be greatly
discouraged. These two kinds of cam-
pus work are expressly closed to
freshmen during their first semester
and it seems futile and 'unfair to all
concerned 'to 'lermit competition' in
the Union idea and not in the larger
and more important all-campus activ-
If there is to be any leniency shown
in the enforcement of, the present rul-
ing it certainly should be extended in
the direction of the older student or-

most instances be digested "with a ganizations, who suffer yearly from
grain of salt".. Printing authoritative' the fact that frehnten 'don't get start-
government dispatches, rumors, -spec- ed in their ranks at the first of the
ulative "dope", and propaganda insti-y
i year, drift away, and in the end nev-
gated with hostile intentions all un-: er enter.
der the heading of accurate news,:
many dailies make no discrimination
between what actually is true and
what is supposed to be so.-ITwenty-Fiveears
The note which a local correspond-F
ent struck in a recent talk is signifi- Ago A t ichigan
cant, coming from one who has long;
been interested in newspaper work.:
He scored the many inaccuracies A determined effort is being made
which can:be discovered in almost any to get the band to Chicago for the
issue of the larger metropolitan pa- Thanksgiving game. Subscriptions
pers, and attributed the reluctance were solicited at the game Saturday
with which many prominent men con- and met with a ready response. Sub-
descend' to interviews to this cause. scriptions may be handed to any mem-
Nothing can so arouse the disapprov- her of the Athletic board and will be
al of the public as articles resulting gladly received. Every one is urged
from long, detailed interviews but pre- to turn out at the- mass meeting to-
senting little of the subject's actual night and to contribute something
views and frequent distorted state- from a nickel up to push the thing
ments. along. Get the band to Chicago by
Equally as disturbing, however, are all means.
the conflicting dispatches from "offi-f
cial" sources that so often appear at A considerable' portion of the work
the time of any great political activ- on public debts by Prof. Henry C.
ity. The confidence which newspa- Adams, has recently been translated
pers inspire in their readers is in- into Japanese. The translator is Dr.
variably decreased when they resort Y. Ono who took a doctor's degree at
to half-true or false news, just for the University in 1889. He is now an
the sake of a "scoop". The instance j ofilcial of Japan and an authority on
c f the armistice declaration, while Japanese finance. The manuscripts of
five years removed, still keeps many the translations were revised by Itsua
people prejudiced against those ha- Tokunaga, formerly a student of Dos-
pers which made so much of the hisha College, Tokio, but now a mem-
"false alarm" a few days before the ber of the Graduate school of the
actual signing. Those who played safe University.
are not sorry, though they sacrificed
an opportunity for a great financial Professor J. A. C. Hildner who is
gain. spending two. years at the University
of Leipzig, Germany, is expected home
MINNESOTA DOES RIGHT with his family in May. He has re-
Minnesota has turned down the pro- cently visited relatives of his par-
posed "migrant" rule, which bars ath- ents in Wurtemburg.
letes from competing in any Big Ten :7
institutions if they have previously Students at Chicago university are

woman, ~ tunfortunatei ny ana aim__
dent and intelligent, made application! . . A 1DRIN-ANN AR iOR RI'S M INE
Ltave Chamber of Commerce
fo esdnc. Dd yuknw ' Jae Ccuti'al 'i'ime ( Slow ime)
thatdiffidence was a social error? Oh Y TERXD A Y I Week Days S'nr'ays
' SMTW6:,45 a. m, 6:45 Rstir .,
the best girls don't do 'it. And do .y °YT2:45P,..6:45 pmn.
you know what the tactful, gracious JAS. H. ELLIOT'r, Proprietor
person who. received the application lho" ! 926-M Adrian. Mich.
said? Herewith a few samples. ' Splendid Visons
."You don't act like a cgllege woma. Wo w Wilson's O*gch by radio,'
You act more like a six-year-old." stands out as the leading utterance Phone 26 a
"Only girls with poise are admit-made on the fifth annambf'sary of the IRVING WARMOTS, I. S.C.
ted to Martha Cook".t armistice. In the fin n naolysis, the CH IRMO D. .
"Whein you can come:paok and'ct speech of the war Pry )dent is! a fin-, and ORTIOPIODIST
like a lady, your application mnight be al, expression of Ame iican idealism; 1707 'N.' Unihersity
considered." it is a protest againstaur " selfish is- __
. Then, to a newcomer. "I want you olation"; and the after ath .f a great
to' meet . Miss She doesn't know,) vision-the vision of iorld peace. " --1
why she wants to live 'at Martha.) * * ='CUT RATE
Cook. "No doubt, Mr. Wilson has contempt t
Now you see, Jase, culture and re- for these United Stated-our country- PRTCE
finement are changing. You just got. and his. One can hadly blame hin.
ta have the veneer. What? Oh, why He is a man of bitter dIsappointment on Soles, Heds, and all E
that's high-brow for 'Crust'., Perhaps because the nation whose interests he .
you will agree with me that' it is of controlled during a pio ofcompli- of Shoe Repairing for
the height of vulgarity to make others cation and distress has not: assented : two weeks. First class work,
ill at ease. And Jase,-while you're to his suggestion. His words reveal
out scouting for stuff,-,will you ask, both his disappointment and his ego- = done on all repair jobs.
just casually you know; where do they ism.
exhume these here now social direc- * * *
tors? Try it on the cook at Van's- Apparently Mr. Wilson has joined E THE STATE STREET SHOE
or wait, maybe the janitor would that newly developing class of citizen- PFJ"AIR SHOP
know, and oblige ship which is ashamed of the coun-
Aldebaran try. He calls the nation "ignoble"=301 South State Street -*
* * * and "cowardly"; he condemns the pol1 Next to Wagner& Co. -k
The other day we had the pleasure icy of aloofness-"splendid isolation"=
of watching the local chapter o~f the ie what it used to be called, "Selfish 'IIIlIIIIIhIIlIIIIllliiil iiiiii
R. O. T. C. go through a snappy, work-' isolation" is what he terms it. Mr.
out on their stamping ground over Wilson has definitely aligned himself -
near the Engineering building., . with that group which blames this
When we arrived, a handsome bucko, country for everything from the
attired in the well-tailored -regalia World War to the Japanese earth-
issued to th corps, was calling the quake.
roll; and now and then some guy * * * VII
would answer here. It is strange that Americans still
There were a bunch of other offi-' exist who desire American interven-f'.
cers standing around, some in long tion in European affairs. Time and
pants so they could wear Oxfors, time again American statesmen have
some in leather putts and Sam. Browne' shown themselves (with few excep-
belts. Most of the buck privates look- tions) to be no match for European
I ed kind of assorted. They ha'd on ev- diplomats They permit themselves to

. r4 i

. 5
, ,;
' .,

i +,f ..


* * 9*
Advanced Practice Class for Ladies and Gentlemen
Classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7:30 to 8:30.
Tuition $5 Register
'12 ..essonsNow aN}
For part~culars call1, at Ma'demy Huron Street
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Office IHoise : 10-12 A M.; ' f
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-. ,.2:00
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erything, even sheepcoats over their be outwitted by the practiced and sin-
blouses. ister superiority of European brains
Well, all of a sudden the geezer -brains that have received ages of
that had called the. roll yells out in training on the continental battle-
the hell of a miiitary voice "Front grounds. The Disarmament Confer-
riank-Forwe-e-e-erd HARCH !" and ence was a good example. With ev-
they all shuffled off except one guy. erything to gain and nothing to lose,
Why didn't he go? Fythe statesmen of Europe came hither
He'd forgotten he was in the front and persuaded America to cut down
rank. . armaments and thus loosen her grip
* * * on the Atlantic and Pacific. We call
The etiquette-mongers, we think, it a move for world peace. The Euro-
are rather overstepping themselves. pean snickers at our foolish ideal-
Some of Ann Arbor's most promin- ism. If, as some writer has suggest-
ent society people (with whom we are ed, the Ten Commandments were es-
in constant touch, we assure you) tablished as a basis f a n;oral code
have lately received advertising pro- in international affairs, European
paganda from the publisher of one brains would soon be able to use the
of these books on etiquette, telling Twentieth Chapter of Exodus for the
these good people just howl they can purposes of selfish intrigues and'
brace up and attain social ease. double-crossings. The world is not
And on the outside of the envelope yet ready for bulwarks of world peace
in which this gracious hint appears and other splendid visions.
Si I * * *E

Will not lose
their shape
with use
Their style endures
because their case-
struction is the best

- _ __

res ian Women
You may attend Masques play
and not forfeit a week-end engage-
ent! Be sure to take advantage of this
[li Auditoriu

taken part in inter-collegiate athletics'
at 'any other school. By so doing
Minnesota 'has shown without a doubt
what the thinks of the proposed rul-
ing. She has done right, and it would
be well for Michigan to follow her ac-
tinn The "mieraint" rule if naand

thinking of instituting a duplicate'
whist tournament It will be an inter-
fraternity affair and for a champion-
It is reported that Phil King will
not coach Wicennin aain. THe was

is printed in large blacK letters-
* * *

The Crown Prince states that the
rest of his life will be spent in devo-
tion to tha wnifea rof the FatharinniA




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