16, 1923 THE M1CHTGANWDAILY has elected the following officers :' Ly- ( I~f fice of the dead of women for a re-3 [AS CK IIAi(a Felske, '24, president; IHelen Lockef Ufund of 25 cents.' Those -who have "HCEAsceayndtartr.O ! secrtaryandtreaurer Ipot pald are required. to pay before 4IA -lO AM r A Jth notn. seilwlllaeMd TLW I 11WE 'I hertunseca wl laealyvern Initiae ison for Annl Arbor tomorrow night.' - Permission to ta vernight either in wQUAI)S WILL BE PICKET) FR0M311 lrew Alembers women will board the Madison or Chicago must be obtained'c PAESA PAMRI- Wisc olsi2 special at 9 O'clockvciy; from the office of the clean of women FIELD Lh Wyvern, junior honorary society for time1, t0Tiiglit enroute for °the Michi- by p~resentation of a written invitation womLn, initiated 11 members Wedlnes- ;g= n zVisetce'min game, accordling to it from the hostess before leaving Ann' day at the Clhi Omnega' house. They! list z ceiv ~l1 by the office 1. the dea i Arbor. No permission wilt be grantedj Class g ames in hockey will be ply;r:Mro aloCalteINg of won n. A znmber more are h- after the train has startedl. The only ed today when the seniors meet the I don, Margaret Dixon, Charlotte lack- fling to drive. The chaperones for til~ train allowing time for a visit 00 Chi- freshmen and 'the iuniors lmeet the ert, June Knisley, Alphra Ladd,: Helen j P(~secial trin~if are to be M1i~s arion7 cago leaves Madison at 5:40 o'clock. sophomores at 4 o'clock on Palmer Porter, Adelaide Sherer, GeraldIine Bloodl, assistant dean :)f women, aund field. Leery class squad will turn out Trulscott, Lillian Wetzel, and' E+velyii Mrs. Mlargaret Stewart. Moscow, Nov. 15.-The Soviet par-y since the teams will be picked at the Widhian. A, special -"1aperona 2 fee of 7:;lainent'has adjourned after approving6 fied. rsLot~isBreval, ad i Members are chosen from the en-. cents is required from all women go-l a new flag-red cloth with a golds fied. rs.Lois ~revol, nd issIfire class onl a basis of campus activ-i ing on the train. Those who paid one sickle, a hammer and a five-pone Liwellyn Wilburn, of the department;pote of hys' a edcaton wil rfere. zies, scholarship, and personality, dollar for the fee may call at the of- star in the -corner. Judging from previous turn-outs a i Teognzto ist rmt h large number of spectators are expect-1 welfare of the junior class and crerAte ed to, attend,i a spirit of cooperation between thie ___________ Close competition between the class-,jno n rsme lse.Ec es should mark the games this aft- srn ohmr oe r lce O Wensathfitgansto membership to form a nucleus for®®1 ernoon. the Wednesday ththeffolowingmyear th raiaintefloigya.of the touinament ser.es were~ held,j In fall they in turn select miembe~crss resulting in a victory for the freshmen frmtejno!ls ocmlt h over the juniors with a score of 1 to 0, ranks, ____ while the sophomores tied with the r_______ seniors 2 to 2. All the teams showed Tld lma oile 'm1A *M r good playing and fighting spirit. M~'iss Tld Auuue oMe Members of the executive commnit- SUNDA PicurYN'or Theresa Maley, of Detroit Teachers'te fth!old gou.f ihia I te oftheToldo rou cfMiciga ,Fascinating than college, and Miss Wilburn, acted as.amr refereea. are planning a special mieet-! ing which is to be held Nov. 20 for theGra t , This year three games will be play- purpose of making out campaign lists. th1re t Stg ed by each class team with a chain-I Several prominent alumnae have beenPly pionship game to determine the winner ;invited to attend the meeting and to,- of the season. The two teams having give their' assistance in the maztter. the highest percentages will play in{ Mrs. John R. Peck, '06, is chairun" . ofl the final game, the executive committee. The interhouse championship game_,"f which was to hav'e been played yes-I Senior women to EnlerIiin at T n terday between Kappa Kappa Gamma All senior women are invited to t?e and Bletsy Barbour was postponed, and !rOetaaddnet egvnfo is scheduled for 4:15 o'clock Thurs- 3 to"5 o'clock today at B~etsy Byari"-ur-' clay,' Nov. 22, at Palmer field, house. Th'is is the first class; affair ! > t ° !given this year'and new girls are p3ar- Sr- ~ticularly urged to come. Refreshments e ersmns " will be served after the bridge party. 1*11 13Hele. Dlbrige,'24, Dorothy Wylie, '2,adMarion Taylor, '24, will pour. ! = RPhotoplay f All girls who can make posters or I f L VE UX R who would be willing to do some work,! AT THlE THE ' ATES ILOVE. UX R to -help make money for the University arnd A GH oMihgnLaubuligaeakdto call Doris Crouse at 452, or sign up t< ;I: on the list which is posted in Bairhour' Svren Today gymnasium. . l '-wl) 11118r C }L' " *Allf members of Mummiers who can usher for the Masques play on Tues- day, Nov. 20, meet in Hill auditorium at 9 o'clock tomorrow. Those whio wish to usher but cannot be present iA that time call Mary Lisla Zang, 3404, or Gertrude: Marks, 1163-M, as soon as possible. A few house presidents who attend- ed Dean Jean H-amilton's supper Tues- (lay evening, were obliged to miss Dr. Bell's health lecture. They will.. be :allowed to make up the lecture by re- S porting to the departuienut Qf physical! edu cation; Optional dancing will be given at 4 'cloek Wednersday3s in Barbour g ym-, nas'iSil, )t .flyiing withii Wedne}C'sday, Nov.1. EeI e v h9 °610 :ros interested is u'd ctI~I out, ilojnor Colnell Elects 'Oftlcf~rs The Honor council of League houses yI Arcade--"A Virgin's Sacrifice." ° IMajestic---"The Eternal Strug- I gle." jI Wuerth-"His Wife's Husband," I and Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper." E Orpheum - "Railroaded," and t "Her Dangerous Path." j I Stage-'l'ids Weekj Garriekt (Detroit)- "Up She Goes," with Gloria Foy. I t s true efficiency to use Daily1 Classified s.-Adv. j x TODAY alid SATURDAY 2:00-3:30I RIEGULAR R:CES-.:30 ARE WOLF-DOGS CAPABL OF DISC.INGIJISHI NG BETWEEN FRIFND OR FOE.? WOE OF TIM THRILLING (TIA1XES IN FEATIURING Griffith AND A BIG CAST TIIE stirring drama of a brave girl who faced her enemies and fought them in the dark aided by her wolf dogs and a brave man who was willing to give all and ask nothing. Tp HERE is a touch of another day in the far north; a breath of chiv- alry lingering in the scent of the pines and firs. 1 t t {{ 1! 5,-x.~ / fifji Nl Pr, Prices: MATINEE All Seats -ADDED- "FASNHIHON'SFLIS9 Prices: EV!ENING Balconly Est. Prices War Tax rl,,4..11 c22c Ile 0 0 Ecit Pripp 0 )ii 11 *GML it LIVID 4zu i i I