THE MICHIGAN DAILY .......... 'THIS THIS COLUMN i a COLUMN CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion. Charged at the rate of 12c- per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c per reading line for three or more insertionz. White space charged for it wane rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about contracts for classified advertising. Chw.sieizd 4coui;!n Closes at 1l. o'Clock Noon, Saturday. "J mnmle-the-Ad.'Taker"1 FOR SALERA ET'' A CAR to drive to Wisconsin. Five passenger, six cylinder touring. Call FOR SALE-EAST SIDE after 6:00 P. M. at 121t Wells St.6 Room Colorial-X9,500 MODE SHOPPE makes afternoon and ; FIRST FLOOR-Entrance hail, coat evening gowns to suit your individ- closet, living roomy (with fireplace) ual taste at moderate prices. Also dining room; finish is grey; oak hemstitching. 711 N. University. floors. [SECOND FLOOR-=Three bed :ons, HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle and built-in-bath, linen closet, clothes side-car, completely equipped. Goodt chute; finish is mahogany and white as new. Wardner 914 Hill St.' enamel; oak floors. Phone 2372. BASEMENT-Hot air heat, coal bin2 (with steel chute), laundry tubs, LOST fruit and vegetable cellar. BETWEEN School of Music and Tap- 5 Room Bungalow-Cranger Ave pan St., small gold watch with gold FIRST FLOOR--Entrance hall, coat' bracelet engraved on back Margaret closet, large combination livingz --Berlin, 1922. Reward. Phone 570; omad(iigrolre ic- oY cll 29 Tppa. 'en: two bedrooms andl built-in bath, TWO TICKETS for the 'Minnesota( FOR GENERAL labor and assistants game. Call after G o'clock. Phone; in tests in evaporation laboratory,' j2934-R.3 engineer preferred. Some know- edge of pipe fitting desirable but not A SUITE of rooms for young marriedj necessary. Applicant must be couple, beginning Jan., 19t. Call able to put in at least 2 full half 48 1-Al. days a week regular.' See Prof. E ^----- Badger, Room 3028 Eng. Bldg. TH-ERE~ IS AN OPENING in our sales force for a' few men who must leave I rnmWl pa oW~enr school before the first of the Year. 1'tPese gen will be given a territory!1 Westerners, an organization cum- in their own and 'adjoining 4tates to posed of students who come from travel and sell class jewelry and points west of the Mississippi, will, commencement stationery to high hodisscn'etn t73 ' schools and colleges on a salaryhlitseod etnga7:00' plus commission basis. Only imme- ; c lock tonight, in .Harris hall. Prof. J. (iate replies giving three character! R. Brumm, of the journalism depart- 'references will be considered. ment, will be the principal speluker.- QUAYLE & 'SON, Inc. Two students from the School of Mus- Albany, New York. is will render muica senletins. " FOR, R~ENT SIX ROOM 'house. Modern. Call 23Gr5-R. STEAM HEATED ROOMS, convenient to campus. Prices ranging from $:3.50 to $4.44)r 614 Monroe. LARGE EIOOMl. for 2 or will rent single. Very reasonable. 425 S. Division St. ROOM NEAR CAMPUS 916 Monroe, downstairs, front, roomn. Phone 990-J. f MUSICAL OF NEXT importaince to your instru-{' mnent are the strings you use. Du- able strings, pure- in tone a special- ty with us. SCHIAEBERLE & SON, Music House MANDOLINS and BANJO S--Standard mnakes, g ood value. Con:e in andc try themn., Seaeberle & ~Son, Music Ilcou c. 110°S. Main St. THE MICIG AN c SiIRNS present J3oe 141 cy ah14- his fite piece c0731- . lintioni, Call Tustison, 17 67-.. TO RENT-Victrolas. We have a few left. Reasonable rental. Ask about our special plan. University Music House. TYPEWRITER RE PA IMI N ALL. MAKFS§. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstran d add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and suip- plies. Machines reuted. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 886. downtown 1A)1K S3$$Tif ALIT; TKINDS of trunks and door keys, , S locks repaired. Feeler 1130 W. Hu- rorn. Phone 2498. 3f ISCE 44,X3\1 E OVS TYPEWYRITING & M.IM OeRA P.IIING pr,'nmptly andl neatly done. BUSINESS SE11VICE Co., 3:22 South State St., over"&" Lunch. Phone 993-'1 Jade green bowl and 3 Narcissus blubs,, 50c. Larger bowl and 5 fine Narcissus bulbs, 75c. We pack carefully, and ship any- Iwhere.._Comie and see our Chris tmas HARRIS SEDSTORE, Washington St., Cur. 5th. FANCY DRESS MAKING and gowns.E Mbrs. Ed. Emnmert, 914 Dewey Ave. Phone 2119-1L. MRS. DEIAT1. l)AVIS, TIutur inl French, 818 Forest Ave. koplpelnan 3 hrdl nun unu nuuu TO MADISON, and Return by auto. $14.00 :7"ound Z' r p. Phone 3272-J.. LADIES AND GE+NTS Cleaning, Pressing and Altering.. HERMAN, TiHE TAILOR. X802 S. Stat~e. Plhone 3341-1N MASQUERADE endl winter gownsa made to order. Mrs. Spaulding, 221t S. Main. Phone 1100-R. TO( MADI SON--Closedl ear (leaves Friday m~orning. Reasonable, rates.; Phone reservations early. Brenner, 4G. LOST Sat. night near Unitarian church purple silky umbrella. Re- ward. Phone-3011-R. GLASSES kiCAE containing ec- recary's receipt. Call 1941-J. AN 8 BY 5 leather note booktaken from Chubb's Thursday noon. Con- tains notes for economics 6 ond four other courses. Please call Oesterle, 265-M. BROWN LEATHER handbag at Ivar- ine- game. Finder please phone D. Bacon, at 885-M. Reward. WALTHAM WATCH and chain. Mark- (dIVM. C. B. Reward. Finder call 1680-R. LOST-Keys -in brown leather case. Call 17.94-W.. LAST SATURDAY night on Huron street, an ivory handled pocket knife, with ten or twelve blades. Valued for personal reasons by owner. Liberal reward if returned to Michigan Daily. Box A. J. R. TIYPE WRITERSt TYPEWRITERS of all makes Bought, Sold, Rented l -tchanged. Cleaned and Repaired. BUSINESS SERVICEi CO., 322 South State Street, over "M" Lunch. Phone 993-M WE DELIVER Remington Portables or other used typewriters, any place at any time. Stacy R. Black~, 604ZE. Madison, 1809. oak floors. .-. ................. ...... ... ..................... .... -- BASEMENT-Hot aheat, coal inn vegetable cellar, two Inundry tubs, .H electric soft water lift. LOT is O3x32; double gacrage; po:s-AAS *41 session at once.~I E Call Mr. Neawton with CHAS. 'L. BROOKS, 215 First Nat'l 'bank( Bld8g. aot Phone 315. Evenings 20fAP;4-J air heatlarge lot -f t ll aseiuent-- { _ NADE TREE-Chose in-Sp6oleid condition. i~lstate 'will close forI $5,000. Terms if desired. dORTnN REAL, EST.ATi AGENCY,=e Rmn. 3 Wuerth Arcade. Phone 24,38 IAo o Dipa GARAG'.E in. vici nl y of WAashiten"Aw and UnivTersity. Call NWi§s Sty Or, .- a TICKET for the Mn~ua'~m PShone 276')-WN. A TIAN 'to tend furniace. XRoomngi, n . ifroe 'in payment. 1"'i one 3038-1Z. WANTED-Two nmore imen to fHniv my Ford. $10 Madison and return. Call'= Maas 2956-J. SIX OR FOUR tickets to the Mlinne K : xr~..EOOK SHOP- sota game. .No scalpers need a wer. Phione 2845-W. Ask for!I E I Ne e -this lifetime, friend :A %Nouns#" Ill 6oo E. Liberty Your Noon Lunch at "THE GREY SHOP"" MA1V IS and NUNNALLY'S Candies ..., ..,,..................................... : ,.._...... .. I" SANDWICHES SALADS . CAK)Es I HOT ORL COLD DRINKS I ICE CREAM SUNDAES; ii-.709 N. UNIVERsiTYr f ~7 Z i TL 7 7;- II - ______-.-.-.-.-.----- .-..- ,----- - S, 'g Now is the time to take inventory of your kitchen needs Include us in your shopping trips and - you can spend the difference .'7A IHillside Hardware Can Sell for. Less 213-215 W. LIBERTY STREET PHONE 554 SNAPPY, S VICEAL AEPO 4711 llkeg9o wi*h Co10e e e -~~1 . aSikers, ~ (YELLOW OR OLIVE) (YELLOW OR. OLVE ) TIu coats (OLIVE) Let-us put tis Victrola No. 215 into your home! Come in and hear it. We shall gladly play any Victor Records for you and show you how this instrument can easily be yours. Get hcquainted with our service and our terms Victor records new every week now!I Hear them! UNIVERSITY LRGHT HOUSE RUo li 7TRAO3 #MARK, BRS 'A Past Tavern ,. T I- j . it, #,. I - t. VX ., N ' A s FP I I