PAGE FOUR THE MICHIG AN DAILY .......... , THE PURDITE EXPONENT DOES THE UNEXPECTED I) ~,,n m~mnrnftnrnfrnn~lfl a -Ah The recent one-sided loss of the OFFICIAL ?{EIVSJAPER OF THE Purdue football team to Ohio State UNIVERSITY OF 41H1GAN meant more than the mere loss of an{ Pubishd eer' mrnir~gexeptMonayathletic contest. It raised an unlimit- during the University year* by the Poard in! ed amount of criticism from the of- Conrlmtrol of Student Publications.- fic ial organ of Purdue university, The )feabers of Western Conference Editorial Purdue Exponent. The Sunday issue t'"ociat i _______________ of the paper following the game was The Associat~ed Presi is exclusively en- 'delivered to its readers with a great titled to the use for republication of all news b tank space spread, over' the fronti dispatches ert ited to it or not otnerw ie etedilcd in this paper acrd the local Mews pub- page- the editors, .had deliberately ______ Iwithheld all the stories concerning Entered at the poitofflcc at Ann Arbor, the, game. It was 'a forceful act in thej Michigan, as second clas; natter. Special rate of post e grtntcd by Ihi-4 A,,;;stant Post-,,face.,of all -circumstances. rzsr 'Jeneral. I r'h niewe rcdn h Subscription by carrier, $3.s6; by naib o heetrewe peeinih $4.00. aeteEpnn hdwt l t Uiiices: Ano Arbor Press Building, I'day- gm h xoethdwt l t nai d wtreet. sincerity attemnpted to instill into the Phonecs; Editorial, 2414 and 176-Ml; B'I1stuetbd atu n ra Ba fless, 60. suetbd readra Ba °__- - - ___ ___- Ohio" spirit, a "fifty-fifty, spirit with Signed communications, not exceeding 3oo00 wuda, will be T.,ub~ished in The Daily at ! he team as ithey called it," and then the drrtion of the Editor. Upon recitutst,! on the day of the contest to have the' the identity of communicants will be re- garded as confidential.I team suddenly lose about forty per "°"""" -'" 1Lnn ULof Ithat c iri IL 0' mnJ i fnLU i UUUltr G t f t It has been a long time since the insufferable state of affairs has ex- isted on the campus that did exist yesterday. When the 'Ensian starts a drive AND a bunch of, brutal boo- nies get hot about sending the band some place or other, all the same day, it just gets under the cutaneous mend- rites, ii you've had psych 7. REMINISCENCES OF S1*:1IER The Ballad of tie .Bulldog. (D)oggerel) The olds family bulldog Stands mnute by the door, A silent solmen warnin~, "Don't come here any more." i I CAM 'US OPINIONI a r nr , th ?t... ~r.' ., "' " ,tS ..,