TI]URESDA2Y, NOVEMBER. 15) 1923 THE MICHIGCAN DAILY Ji The Girls' Mandolin club will hold a regular business meeting at 5 o'clock today in Newberry hall. All girls' who can mnake posters or who would be willing to do some work to help make money for the University] of Micthigan League building are askedI to call Doris Crouse at 452, or sign upj on the list; which is posted in Barbour gymnasium. All members of Mumnmers who can usher for the Masques play on Tues- .dfay, Nov. 20, meet in Hill auditorium at 9 o'clock Saturday. "Those who wish to usher but cannot be present at that- time call Mary Lila Zang, 3404, or Gertrude Marks, 1463-M, as soon as possible.I The Girls' Mandolin club will hold3 a regular business meeting at 5 o'clock today in Newberry hail Attention is called to the fact that the Club Leaders' training course will meet at 7 o'clock tonight in Newberry hall, instead of Barbour gymnasium. All Panhellenic ball 'comnmittees 1--+-A.A^t brn f R- HOBCKEY TOURNAMENT Iasques Annual Play Has 1being -made by members of the society. Ii Masques society began in a simple! t way eight years ago with one perform-,? ~WINNERS With the h .and inter-dor teams comp]y season fort campus will1 today on Pa Kappa Ga mir will face BetC latter league. Kappa Kap] in the'r tour: pa Alpha ThE score, while through by b ponent, Adeli 16-3. A camrpari: shows thatt somewhat of hour in goals has bucked saries due to had a larger from wldcht !'orrm j6 Lu en 'Za ellC - ape of Piner 's "The Amazons,' be-} jfore a small' audience in Sarah Cas- WITH tRuvit TBA1__________ well Angell hall. They passed rapid- IF A0ORTYlasques, the dramatic organization i severed heads of princes displayed ly from three performances of "Qual- FIALSORTO YCU Uivrit-wmnwllpesn above the gate, the maskers enter the ity Street," to the Whitney theater ~I city and after mingling in the life of with "The Importance of Being Earn- ISSUE itheir eighth annual play, "A Thousand; the city for one day, succeed in bring- est." Masques then marked off for 1 YarsAgo" Tesdy, ov.20,in illing the romantic love of a princess for I'themselves a distinctive field of dram-j inas n te ntr-sroityaidlorlniuner hedirctono~ 'rt.a beggar to a happy climax. ic endeavor by presenting "The YeI- rmitory-and-house hockey J. Raleigh Nelson, of the English do- Professor Nelson has worked with low Jacket" in IHill auditorium. This eted,'the lig game of. the partment. Percy Mackay, author of "Aj h cast in daily rehearsals for six was followed last year by the revivali the championship of the Tho,.usand Years Ago," presents tiwtel anIohh n h ataee-f Eiaehnbreqe, "h take place at 4:30 o'clock Persian tale in the form of the Italian{eksadbthendhectare- Knight of the Burning Pestle." Ac-t 'lerelwhn apaIthusiastic over the results. Masques codnToPoeso esn h a ale il hnKpaimprovised comedy which flourished in ;work-shoptisPopensall day.oProfessor nwneoftefretlyorseveral centuries, the so- i directed M!'asquies' plays for eight years isy Barbour, winner of the called Comed. ia dell' Arte.I Nelson designed the scenery which has Thsfnatc~lyWt t been painted' by 0. S. Davis, of Detroit, 3 hs anastc la wih tssettings adtoehr ih M. and Mrs. I- _ . pa Gamma won first place 1 like Maxfield Parish pictures and its ani ogshferwh f r.rs avedon nanient by defeating hall- ;Hrhilwofryashv oe oriental music and costumes, accord- i -" Leta in the final with a 7-0 ing to Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of thei Professor Nelson's make-up, the prob- 4 Betsy Barbour came Enlshdprtet i hetp f1ms of make-up in connection with taking over thir last op- playwic'iiaque oit sepe- this oriental play have been given spe- PU ia Qheever, by a score of vil&xeifte o owt fet ial attention. The more elaborate cos-; calls for the delicate interpretation! tumnes are being designed and made '' 4Nike$ Arcade son of the two teamsanfnihodealwchasbna by Fritz Schoultz, of Chicago, but' the sorority team has definite aim and ideal of the society I most of the stage crafts and some of ! fl it . lan edge on Betsy Bar-'trugotit itoy he costumnes are, as in former years .rUs uJ fISor s made, but thedomtrj "A Thousand Years Ago" is the Th7lanksgiving Time against stronger adver- jstomy of a band of Italian maskers 'I it ndSar et frgil the fact that they htve who, driven from Europe by. the new Tamt 'ht and Scarf Sets in list of potential players: realists find themnselves in the early --, e three to eight years. to chos:e their firsz team., hours ot dawn, in front of thfe gate brual oshed oo, an andScrSesi jof Pekin. Scenting adve'nture in the})I brse woltas nd 7 I . ? TlAft .... . lChap~pie Coats in brushed wool, I , 1 (1 III our to eight years. f DA C N Szs,, Chinchilla Hats with velvet ( ,Mlined ear laps for hoys, two toK S