THJE MICHIGAN DAILY' SUBSTANQES MAY B[, "MADE TO ORDER"?7 x. .m.r..rrwx..rwr y Methodists LeadI In Number Of ______The Methodist church, with a total ?'.i i ik.z 1d'2r.e of-1nowIedge registration of 1593 has the greatest (~ cn~~ititin o M tte hrough number of student members of any of Use of X-Thays the 30 denominations represented at Michigan, according to the first reli- 1 1)E' raIBE FFE('T"OF RAYS gious census for this semester, comn- i WON ORG4ANIC SUBSTANCES piled by the Student Christian asso- ______ciation. Separate figures have been Substances can be synthetized listed for men, women, preference, for whob(se properties can be predicted men and women, total members, to- froem knowledge of their atomic and ta preference, and the grand total of crystalline structure, when the gen- the various faiths. oral laws of the relations' between The grand total of Presbyterian structure a nd properties of substancest denromination is 1209; Congregational, are solve,, predicted Wheeler . Da-i 837;Episcopal, 811; Roman Catholic, vie, research physicist for the Gen- ! 684; Jewish, 576; Baptist, 470; Luth- eral Electric company, Schenectady, reran, 432; Christian Science, 150; N. Y'., lastA night in west lecture .room, Christian, 143; Reformed, 117; Uni- Physics building. tarian. 75; Evangelical-N. A., 5;; Thle 1bi,4gest advances being made by Evangelical church, 31; United Breth- :cie:nce today are in the bor'derlands' ren, 20; Friends, 11; lEastern Ortho- bectween the sciences, and physics Is dox, 9; Latter Day Saints, 8;' Free th csc;ience on whose b~orders we find Methodists, 7; brethren, 6; Swenden- ther most common ground." declared borgian, 6; A. M. E., 5; Moravion, 4; Dr. Davie, who through the lecture Adventist, 3; Mennonite, 3; Bahai, 2; stresse- t simply for brilliant writers~-these'N 4. T gifts are important, to be sure--blut I NatL uxenb~er . & .ros. for the force and ferr thLiat charac- terizes those persons of having at mlis- N W Y R I, Pak )vi heit pek .e A sle your friends in any Eastern college "Immunity" will be the subject of{ about LUXENBERG clothes and values. Dr. N. S. Frerry, of the medicalre;;; search laboratory of Park Davis coin- pany, when he addresses the mneeting,' C ! ,t _______________________' 1 $ « - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,, " " w - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - . . _ - . . . - - - - - { King's Daughters f To Hold Bazaarq f $3.00; drawing room., $16.50. The special will leave Ann Arbor at 9 o'clock Friday night, arriving at Madison several hours before the game. It will « leave Madison Saturday { fuAillness of knowledge of the laws of replacement of atoms in crystalline f ormis. "We may some dlay be able to do- terminec, atom upon atom, the struc- ture of a substance of any. desired proprerties, and then build our sub- sta.nce according to this determina- ti n," stated Dr. Davie, "though this precti,:on takes us far into the future. tlnti that time the relations between nt, 1_ um' and properties of substanc- es' will contirnue" to be one of the great probleins of modern science." ,E01CAI CLINIC HEARS DRAMA With lumps in their throats and lit- .tle "'Op-O-Me-Thumb" in their hearts a happy-sad audience filed out of Sarah Caswell Angell hall after the Comedy club performance last night. The little unnoticed but notice- craving, loving but unloved Cockney laundress who went into mourning over the customler who was aso late in coming after his laundry will never be forgotten. The interpretation was I given by Phylis Turnbull, '26. Donald E. L. Snyder, '25, who play- ed the part of her "Prince Charming," put sympathy and. skill in his work and is also to be praised. as the di- rector of the piece. The remraining parts in "'Op-O-11Me-Thum" were taken by the following studenats: Clem, Thie United King's Daughters cir clesj night; returning here some time San- of Ann Arbor will hold their annual. day., Tickets have previously been bazaar fromt 3 to 10 o'clock tonmrrow solds in the Union lobby, but it is feltj and all (lay Saturday in the H-i gh; that the demand for themr today andj School aud'torium. All ar iuies sole: toimorrow Awill not be sufficient to at this bazaar are contrib~uted by d'ie make this again necessary. King's Daughters. in addition to reg--_____ ular boothrs there wispll 1)ea tea roomCL B O EN RT I and cafeteria. Supper will be seivde1 v at the cafeteria from 5 to 7 o'clock FOREIGN STUDENTS tomorrow. The tea room will be open during the whole bazaar. Cosmopolitan club will be host to The object of the affair is to rise'I all foreign studlents at a meeting to- money to help pay for the mnaterial morrow night at 7:30 o'clock in Lane. necessary for the eqluip~ment of the [call. A social andc an entertainment University hospital school for crip- will be urovided, as wvell as a program pled and sick children.- Tlhe school !- including duets, and a violin number was established last year and it, in- by Norman Johnson. '25. Also includ- crease in size this year nec;essitate ' ed in tire evening's entertainment will{ several impirovements as well as an? be songs sung in' unison. Refresh- addition to the teaching. staff. Heie 1 inents will be served by Mthe women ofI tofore Miss Ruby Carleton has had en- j the club. tire charge of the school. Several a - All (mub memblers should be there, iversity women have voluntarily help- is several important announcements e(1 her by reading to the children and cocer cning furture meetings wvill be teaching them to read. Now, hoo VO, madat l. xthat timte. itl' considered' imperative that an a:5- __ __ _- sistant for Miss Carleton be procured. Daily classified for real results. Mayo hs hlrncnxe4,11read nor write, coming from illiterate homes. prceds ti~n s 5Oct $ V.5l va tt i 4 .0nR IVThe entire poed of this bazaar fUX at.-Mat..5Cc to $2.00 will be used to finance the Univer sty Ls We school for crippled and sick childre.a GOdyi~l eS": Saginaw Club ftitl1 (A )RIA FOY Like to drink malted inilks? Sure thing, Old Top! Then why not eat 'emr- here's your chance. T HOMPSO'N Pure Mallc M124,Bars contain no cane or beet sugar Safe for Atiletes in Trainiing S Right size ::or your pocket. 'C, Igreat at the game--att he show--on hikes--at school or in your rooin. 5c - At All Deailers -5e Send a nickel for a °samnple. ShOMPSOn's Maled FoodlCCnipauy Makers of, the incomparable fountain drink 710 R1VERfl) : i ". s " " OD, u Apt, xb D AIEVROLETCOP New--y ou canbuy this -at good dis- count excluding extra CHEVROLET SEDAN Here is a snap at $550. See' it, today. DODGE TOURING-A real buy -t ~$0. FRD TOURING -- In good +' odi7 thon. Only $60.':,, 4 Z I I- QmtrqL. 12 S Prof'essor -A. ? iedi, of the U of Pragu,i Ch;lecho-Clovak y'esterday af<' ternoon in the1 piithatre> of the medical ±i : a sbject was "PhIysiol( Pa-thology~ of the Pi1puitary Pru~sso !Aedl is in this co, a seakngtour of the rued! _i ~nduniversities5,and is ki onli'y inationlally but internati( an aluthority oan his subject. Fote;he, last twenty years ben t the u'niversity of r h;as conducted many valuabi me8which have resulted in atin wichhas }been of g.3 r~ent. Hfis lecture yes terd ay teddby most of the medi ;lsion in the city, and way pa1-niedl by-his own slides. UNION PLANS IJ Rtruns from the football Madin ext 'Saturday will ya tialatnee dance which ti hol,"ing from 2:30 to 5:3G t:mar af'Nenoon. Yhe giiea m ub:'sh'ip .... .. is !o 1buy tic kets fcr thi:, dance,1 owicmh will be 74 cents. tkeabegins at 9 o'clock b molnmn~,,g at Zhe main desk l.obbiy. Szisp3ect Studet In House :',llowing thefts from thci cud uce h~aTan houses, lliceTomias A. O'Brien 4a al raternities and sororiti i;:;h (doorzs and wimudows secur, t n igh;t. rI "Wo former students, leas na1 ers>ity during the senses tecent( r of police suspicion' (citf. When last seen they we igthe city in a large truck, l f'nthe'r homes, which are k: oint St. Louis. The police h, t ? reasons for bleieving ~'hy oll the burglaries. Il-tN e hone is held for the t io melos;t articles. t'aronize The Daily Adver; Jn iversi ty A CnnrAr *~JI~Christine Addison, '24; Rose, .Alva lli.Ei:d'lec.!#1616II ts111 Of'ti,11111t[,11111M111Si betuiing Langden, '25; Celeste, Madeline Mc- =+{__I buhn.Gurk, '24; Mine. Didier, Mathie Proud- Osa:lon.2D asee~e oGl and foot, '23. OcrOsn 2D a lct x~and Houghton's "Fancy Free" amused president at the Saginaw tiub wh ch; )untry on - everyone who appreciates. a siime field its first meeting cF the year last . ical cliii oey elatd n lrywi- night at the Union. The other ofificers w- ton. Thi coet satire filled tebl that were elected are : Charles Grube, - , onally as tn hscmd h bl 2 iepeiet;EohYts;2D a? such and was the kind of play that 2,vc-rsdn;EohYts 7,jy hhadpel oaladecs h ato eceay ae ony 2It a the productlon included:. Fancy, Rlica sureOr; and Robert Gillingitai, '26;, fi- MADE BY IaERHiEIMER STEIN COMPANY ~gue, Schlaak, '25; Delia, Vera Katz, '25;; nancial secretary. Arrangements "____________________________' oe repeli- Etheibert, Lester Paliniter, '25; and were also made at the mieeting for at. minform-,y~ reatfd R.o- on wa ealsorsonible. fonr-smoker to be held soon. __ __ for interW so was at- esosbl o the coi-! icas pro- rection. Win. D.' Roesser, '25, ]nau - ............ .......................n te aged the presentations. E. C . M. , sacconl--___ lMME E E- arin i .I)RESSHAKINf . IQuarterdeck, juinior honorary Mar- i Gons DANC~aein. engineering society, initiated four men last night. Harold Kent, T I e ate Nveb212 atos ere tken nto te clb. Moe 0loil fer AovetmertsXc24 gmatMiner, E. S. Richie and S. D. Vince k'}h ), o} clo"" springI.4.i t_,. be mvc en will be chosen for the groipn extr12. ~-~ fi4 3entitled ' lllP EF the price FRATERN NIIS Sale ofi4 ;onorrowv FR Nt. N I AU of the FAKJNSADHSFMU ORCHS.ESTRA. .2Cj ''rI/ ' _ " ry;,: © Pita f have SATURDAY, NOVEMBPR 24th, open k o n 'inlnWieSI V ltOS 125 N. THIRD STREET SAGINAW, MICH. Trigon ,_____ ______ sstaChief olf_____________________________________ ies keep___ -ely lock-'""" vgte ter, are' ~ 7 at pres- ere leav-f.. nown toaY -_ ave soy-- -.-* recovery! IOR A New Y atteriiI.ZOR ties ,-More and more People Are Wear'ing = SAMPLES Our Clothes. ~ That is because the Permanently oan Display a,t Quality is Absolutely There , and 4iU WOLFOK ~o.the Prices Are so Reasonable. .4 P 33 S. State Street -- -- -- -- FOR ROADSTER --- Here b uy for$60. is some And several others just'- s' cheap these and easy tetrms as 1 15 WEST LIBERTY S.rTR2EET PHOI(NE 426 PIA, r U-. F = I _ . 4, \I I k'Itl .00' . I)) * i r - A 1u rn I' , , r I .II KguL 1 Form the T ime-savingHabit Now The use of the typewriter is a tremendous time-saving help to anyone in any walk of life-'business or profession. Use the handy Remington Portable for your themes. Typewrite your lecture notes and assignments. See how quicklyit lightens and lessens all your writing tasks. The Remington Portable is easy to operate; light, compact,. and can be used anywhere. Full, four-row key- board like the big machines, and many other big .c. n features. Yet it fits in a case. only four ichs high. Price, complete with cafe, $60. Easy payment terms if desired' TOMDS M I