WEDNESDAY, \OVEMBER 14, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY x ,._ - TIS RIS OILUIYU CLUMN CLOSE CLOSES A 3 PM. ADVERTISING AT 3 P, Read The Daily "Classified" Columns DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES 19c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion. Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c per reading line for three mr more insertions. White space charged for at same rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about contracts for classified advertising. Classified Colunfl Closes at I o'Clock Noon, Saturday. "Sjnmie-the-Ad Taker" -1 0 FOR RENT SIX ROOM house. Modern. Call 2365-R. STEAM HEATED ROOMS, convenient to campus. Prices ranging from $3.50 to $4.00 or 614 Monroe. LARGE ROOM for 2 or will rent single. Very reasonable. 425 S. Division St. SIX ROOM modern house, convenient to Campus. Tel. 3015. ROOM NEAR CAMPUS 916 Monroe, downstairs, front room. Phone 990-J. " LO(,KS ITH ALL KINDS of trunks and door keys, locks repaired. Ieeler 1136 W. Hu- ron. Phone 2498. IISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING AND.TAILORING Exclusive collegiate styles for young . women. Needlework of all kinds. Experienced workmanship. MRS. R. T. HEAM 411 Thompson. Phone 2763-W. TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING promptly and neatly done. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 322 South State St., over "M" Lunch. Phone 993-MI BROWN LEATHER handbag at Mar- ine game. Finder please phone D. Bacon at 885-M. Reward. WALTJJAM WATCH and chain. Mark-j ed M. C. B. Reward. Finder call 1680-R. PEARL BEADS on Ferry Field Satur- day. Finder Phone 2813-M. Re- ward. ON JEFFERSON AVE. one block from Michigan Union, 18 inch black leather traveling bag, containing pair field glasses, pair MilitaryJ brushes, new Stanley Ferrostat and other articles. Return to Daily of- fice. Reward. MUSICAL E. NORMAN BILBIE (of the Detroit Conservatory of Music). Teacher of violin, piano, harmony. Studio 307' No. Main St. Telephone 611-M. OF NEXT importance to your instru- inent are the strings you use. Dur- able strings, pure in tone a special- ty with us. SCHAEBERLE & SON, Music House MANDOLINS and BANJOS-Standardt makes, good value. Come in and try them. Schaeherle & Son, Music House. 110 S. Main St. THE MICHIGAN SIRENS present Joe Sweeny and his five piece corn- hinatin Call Tustison, 1767-J. I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-EAST SIDE GOING TO WISCONSIN in Hudson Grecian King to Take Vacation coach. Can take four people. Phone Athens, Nov. 13.-It is understood 704 or 264-. Mr. Watcrman. King George is to comply with terms of the military faction and leave F)UNtAIN 1ENS Greece for a royal vacation pending a We are the authorize Wahl and clearing up of the general situation. Everha r SeviceStaion. andHe probably will be gone two months. I'Mrsharp Service, Station. Call and see the new Wahl "Signa- ture" Pens. Two sizes, $5.6 and ,.Il 1 ltlmtIltlittliikIflmtl IIINIItiz $7.00. They are the finest self-filling pens we have seen. RIDER'S PEN SHOP. 302 S. State St. - F FOUNTAIN PEN lINK E Why risk having your pen spoiled with vicious ink. Fill at our free=V a s tilling station and be convinced that our special formula Diamond Writing Fluid is the best ink for your pen. = Ind er w ear We sell i\ at standard prices. RIDERS PEN SHOP --- FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING L -- For these You want your Fountain Pens prop- erly repaired. Why take them to an undertaker? Experienced workman- chilly days- ship to be had only at Rider's Pen Shop. It coRE; no more. C . 24 Hour Penmiaer's Service. Sw iss Ribbed Remember the place, 302 &. State St. Authorized Wahl and Eversharp +i service. . Silk and Wool WANTEDSl n GARAGE in vicinity of Washtenaw = W ool-all st-les and University. Call Miss Styer, :. 2570."". TICKET for the Minnesota game. Phone 2763-W. MOTOR TO MADISON. Will take 2 toLU O party of 6 in sedan. Phone 25.__ A MAN to tend furnace. Room given free in payment. Phone 30R . TYI'EWRITER REPAIR iNO 'ALL MAJES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, Cg cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- GlothingStore plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 86, downtown DOWNTOWN =1 Patronize The Daily Advertisers. ---- fIit IIIIIIIIIIIII1i11i1iflhI illtIIIII College Grocery 516 East William Open Sundays and Evenings for Your Convenience What you want, when you want it, at a price you will be pleased to pay COLL EGE GROCERY C h r s t a s Wl S o e e e I Do Your Christmas bJade green bowl and 3 Narcissus blubs, 50c. Larger bowl and 5 fine Narcissus bulbs, 75c. We pack carefully and ship any- where. Come and see our Christmas bowls." HARRIS SEED STORE, Washington St., Cor. 5th. FANCY DRESS MAKING and gowns. Mrs. Id. Emmert, 914 Dewey Ave. ,Phone 2119-M. MRS. DELIA T. DAVIS, Tutor in French, 818 Forest Ave. TO MADISON and Return by auto, $14.00 Round Trip. Phone 3272-J. FOR SALE . . HUPMOBILE dition-new 1841-J. 514 32-Good running con- tires. $100.00 cash. Lawrence.f HEAVY SHEEPSKIN COAT, size forty, is in good condition. E. Hed- rich, 534 Hill. 2417-M. A CAR to drive to Wisconsin. Five passenger, six cylinder touring. Call after 6:00 P. M. at 1212 Wells St. FOR HIRE TO MADISON--Closed car f'eaves Friday morning. Reasonable rates. Phone reservations early. Brenner, 46. LOSTS BETWEEN School of Music and Tap- pan St., small gold watch with gold bracelet engraved on back Margaret -Berlin,.1922. Reward. Phone 570 or call 829 Tappan. A GOLD Eversharp Fountain Pen. Finder -lease call 2166-W. Liberal Reward. LOST Sat. night near Unitarian church purple silk umbrella. Re- ward. Phone 3011-R. GLASSES IN CASE containing sec- recary's receipt. Call 1901- . A BROWN OVERCOAT with "pot" in pocket, in Room 207 N. S. Bldg, Call 1114-M. Reward. 6 Room Colonial-$9,500 FIRST FLOOR-Entrance hall, coat closet, living room (with fireplace) dining room; finish is grey; oak floors. SECOND FLOOR-Three bedroms, built-in-bath, linen, closet, clothes chute; finish is mahogany and white enamel; oak floors. BASEMENT-Hot air heat, coal bin (with steel chute), laundry tubs, fruit and vegetable cellar. 5 Room Bungalow-Granger Ave FIRST FLOOR-Entrance hall, coax closet, large c mbination lvin room and dining room, large kitch.- en, two bedrooms and built-in bath, oak floors.. BASEMENT-Hot air heat, coal bin, vegetable cellar, two laundry tubs, electric soft water lift. LOT is 50x132; double garage; pos- session at once. Call Mr. Newton with CHAS. L. BROOKS, 215 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 315. Evenings 2064-j SIX ROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW, hot air heat-large lot-full basement-- SHADE TREE-Close in-Splendid condition. Estate will close for $5,000. Terms if desired. GORTON REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Rm. 3 Wuerth Arcade. Phone 2438 TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS of all makes Bought, Sold, Rented Exchanged. Cleaned an'd Repaired. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 322 South State Street, over "M" Lunch. Phone 993-M WE DELIVER Remington Portables or other used typewriters, any place at any time. Stacy R. Black, 604 E. Madison, 1809. NOTICE TO THE Michigan-Wisconsin game Round Trip for $10 via Speedwagon. Goodell Bros. 813 E. Ann St. Phone 2877-W. Shopping Early I AN 8 BY 5 leather note book, taken from Chubb's Thursday noon. Con- tains notes for economics 6 ond four other courses. Please call Oesterle, 265-M. Armstrong Table Stoves Ziefle & Nissle 4 doors South of Liberty Street-On MAIN The Shoe Shop-where they have the classy up-to-date styles always, in Young Men's and Young Women's OXFORDS and PUMPS Come Down Town-Save a Dollar or T'vo Electric Hot Plates Electric Toasters Electric Heaters Electric Irons Electric Waffle Irons Electric Curling Irons i I Electric Lamps Elcctrical Goods of all kinds Eureka Vacuum Cleaners Douglas Shoes f,. 0. Men's Evening Dress Oxfords Patent or I I PRICES RIGHT SERVICE PROMPT 11 E