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November 14, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-14

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EMBER 14, 1923

TCR1OSS COUNRY TEAM Parental Pride Will Suffer
The last run against time be Because Of Broken Shin Bone
fore the final race of the season f__
E will be held next Friday after- }
noon at 4:15. Every Freshman I Injuries, serious and trivial alike, studies different football formationsyT
who intends to try for his num- have been common among football and sgnal practices of different teams iErly 1
erals in the final race should } players since the game was first or- which he has typewritten out on pa-
f participate in this trial. No i zed. Few of them, however, pos per.,
practice will be held Thursday s4 g he gag__nhaEE_
afternoon. Tickets to the Ma sessed the great significance that ac- IEEAlLh ClI
jestic theatre will be given to the companied the fractured shin bone
first six runners to finish.} which Irwin C. Uteritz, plucky Mich- - Basing his
The Annual Freshman cross igan quarterback, suffered in the r material th
country race will be held Friday, Marine game, Saturday. WLULENIIN UIU U iote..w ll call for can
SNov. 23. A list of the awards will Mchigan has lost the greatest inaterjcal tha
be posted next week. quarterback that ever wore the Maize GRANGE, ILLINii ; STAR, HAS first hiieara
'and Blue; Uteritz has been crippled CREIT FOR MOST POINTS Fisher, the f
so that he must watch from the side IN SECTION tor, expects
r n rmlines the last two games of college the standard
lan nfootball in which he might have play- Only six Western backs have scored basketball te
ed, but more than all this, the mem- more points during the current seas- Because o
lflv Tf bhers of his immediate family, through on than Herbert Steger, Michigan's squad, origin
OO1K FRT Ihis injury Saturday, have been denied brilliant half. has been red
for all time the privilege of ever see- I "Red" Grange, the Illinois star, the time the
ing him play college football. And it tops the list w th eleven touchdowns. Fisher expe
LAST LAP OF SEASON WILL STARBVis this feature of the whole thing that giving him a total of 66 points. Fol- outfit down t
WITH GAME THIS |still worries "Utz" as he consoles lowing Grange are Miller, Maher, and
WEEK himself to the fact that other Mich- Crowley, of Notre Dame, Workman of
igan backfield men will be able to lead Ohio State, Martineau of Minnesota,
With a rcserve-frosh contest billed the team during the next two games. and Steger, who has made five touch-
for some day this week as a feature, Never during his three years of col- downs. Miller has lugged the ball
and both reserves and freshmen look- lege football has any member of his over the goal line nine times, while
ing forward to an engagement which family seen him participate in a game. Maher has scored on eight occasions.
will be full of thrills, reserve-frosh But they had expected to and it was Captain Kipke, the Wolverines' All-
football swings into the final stage of for the Wisconsin game at Madison American halfback, stands twelfth
the 1923 season. With the frosh out on Saturday of this week that they had among the point-scorers, with 26
for blood, and the reserves eager to planned a party, reserved seats and ponts to his credit. Other Michigan
claw Mather's men, all indications made all arrangements to see Mich- gridders have scored as follows: Park- /
point to the hottest contest of the igan's great field general perform. But er, 18 points, Blott 15, Uteritz 8, Mill-
season, and one worthy of no little Fate decreed against such premedita- er, Rockwell, Herrnstein and Vick 6
'consideration. With victories in the tion and instead of taking part in the each, and Curran 1. Rochester,
s last two of the scheduled four Con- No single Conference team has its
past for each, it is difficult to fore- ference games, "Utz" will be on the members bunched at the top of the list, pagn to es
cast. thrsltoheipedig sidelines of the field with his leg in a but the scoring averages up fairly shln Thm
t e s tc a s t
Coach Mather is putting the frosh t.closely among the various -elevens. yarsggob
through one of the stiffest practice He expects to be out of the hospital Notre Dame has three men at the head years gone b
thrughoneof he tifestpratic !within a day or so and hopes to make of 't'ie sheet, but the Caho'cs are tion of the
schedules they have yet had. The with, the rev
the trip to Wisconsin. But his opes not in the Big Ten. Although Illi1nois
frosh squad has great wealth of ma- of performing for the first time before has the honor of holding down first bit safer a
terial this year. Vick, heady quarmebrofiss listen to ple
terback, will probably engineer the m s family and friends who place, the Suckers cannot boast a well-
yealins aaint Fshe's e Cokwere planing a great celebration have balanced score sheet. The- great
yearlings against Fisher's men. Cook, been shattered. relhates to think of Grange and his running mate, Britton Speaking
right half, tears off long runs around having to watch the game from the have run up 87 points between them, come to lig
end while Bowles makes smashing sidelines while the other Illini gridders can Milwaukee a
gains through the line. Stamin is an- Tee isn't a chance that his frae- account for only 13 markers. c of age is
other speedy bask from whom much tured shin bone will be in shape for Steger's record is especially corn- fan. It se
is expected. Baer, Fitz, Keller, Moore either the Wisconsi or Minnesota mendable when the fact that lie did cry heavyw
and ICampbell will undoubtedly be giv-sic18,v
game. He will probably have to wear not play in the M. A. C. game is taken since 1888,
en a chance to oppose the, reserves, the cast four or five weeks. into consideration. Against the Farm- knocked ou
The freshmen have a strong lin,e a "Utz" has received several letters ers, "Herb" could undoubtedly have rounds at M
speedy backfield, and work well on and telegrams of sympathy from added materially to his string. How- I February 70
both offsene and defense. They have friends and admirers since his injury. ever, comparative standing with re-
developed an aerial attack which will! His small , room in University hos- spect to points scored is of little or Note by s
give the reserves some little difficul- ptal is perfumed with large bouquets no value in rating players as to all- Note by s
'ty of flowers and everything has ileen around ability. Steger and Kipke are Iiled by a1
Day, reserve quarterback, has prov- done to make his thort stay at the undoubtedly among the four best backs [ players of t
en himself capable of directing the re- hospital as cheery as possible. e in the West, and they have few peers proximately
serves by various performances. Mote j has had several callers including mem- in the country, yet they are not among I caddies. W
and Savage have also indicated their bers of the football team. the four athletes who have scored the er didn't br
worth at backfield positins. Kruger,I Capt. Harry Kipke called to see most points in the West this year.
who has shown form at end, will prob- I teritz Tuesday morning. As Kipke Workman, of Ohio State, Fisher, of Tyrus Ray
ably be supported by Welling on the left "Utz" reminded him to "keep up Iowa, and Britton, of Illinois, are tied teen long ye
opposite end. that pepper out there and don't let for field goal honors. Each has boot- to the select
Every man on both sides is in good 'em down till its all over." ed the pigskin over the bar four times. nounced rec
condition. The game will probably Uteritz said Tuesday that Saturday I'pke and Blott, of Michigan, are tied would be hi
feature a good deal of overhead play night after he had had his leg treated for next place with two goals each er, but that
and is looked upon as the climax cf his throat was very sore caused, he-' some baseb
the season. thought, from the yelling he did during Berlin, Nov. 13.-Munich advices say his retireme
the game. He kept yelling, the spec- Dr. Von Kahr, Bavarian dictator, has
London, Nov. 13.-The Daly Mail's tators will attest, to buoy up the spin- issued a decree dissolving the Con- From Ken
Rome correspondent reports the death it of the Mchigan team after the Mar- munist party and banning Socialist man directo
of Msgr. Andreoli, archbishop of Re- ines had made a touchdown in the newspapers. track. She
caniti and Loretto, Italy, through a f first few minutes of play.
fall into a well. During his spare time Uteritz still

wth the close of the football year
thera will be many more contenders
rEXPE"CTS ; fr basketball positions, who are now
,Iplaying with the '27 football squad.
11 The advent of the football mete on
zi U the court will undoubtedly again raise
the personnel of the squad to dimen-

Is Appear Up to Par;
IL Report Afier Grid
opinion on the wealth of
t has answered his firstl
ndidates and the knownl
t has not as yet made itsI
ince on the court, Coachl
reshman basketball men-
his charges to maintain
set by former freshman
f its unwieldy size, the
ally one hundred strong,
duced by some 25 and by
football season is over
cts to have his working
o 30. R is expected that

sions that will make effective work
almost impossible and in view of this
fact Coach Fisher believes that one
other cut will be a necessity.
In tke practices which are held from
3:30 to 9:30 the first four nights of the
week, Coach Fisher is engaged not so
much in taking note of the stars as in
weeding out the material that seems
just about hopeless as far as further
deveopment goes. The policy right
I now is in 'reducing the squad to a
manageable size and at the same time
to givE every man who has basketball
ambitions a fair chance to show his
. As yet little can be said concern-
ing any individuals. It is much too
early in the season to pick out the
shining lights from the ordinary run
of basketballers but from general in-
dications it looks like a banner year
for the freshmen basketeers.


T'M0- 111M 11 11


fir . . - -
I _

"ti!; 16



N. Y., has started a cam- er, noted Dixie horsewoman. She has
store football to its high been named for the governing board
t number of casualties re- of the Suthern California Jockey club,
this national pastime in which will stage its races over the
y brought about the aboli- Culver track, near Los Angeles.
sport, but it seems that * *
vised rules the game is a, ?Just a few years ago Rogers Horns-
nd the pedagogues may by, second baseman and right-handed
as. 1 hitter, came from Dennison, Tex., to
* * * the Cardinals for the reported price
of champions, it has just of $500, a mere pittance. Today this
ht that Herman Loewe of same Rogers is being sought by the
and some sixty-five years great leader, John McGraw, and the
American champion fight latter is reported to have offered no
ems that he has seen ev- less than $250,000 for the great bats-
eight championship fight man. One might almost say that
when John L. Sullivan Hornsby is worth his weight in gold.
at Paddy Ryan in nine * *
lississippi City, Miss., on Of course the complexion of things
of that year. I may change quite materially before
* * * Thursay, 'November 29, when the
some recent stttiaisso grand smash takes place, but it looks
ome recent statistics com- " as though Yale, Cornell and Syracuse
golf fiend, that the golf top the gridders in the east.
he United States, pay ap * * *
$10,000,000 every year to Genesta, a very famous racer at one
e're sorry now our fath-; time, died recently on the R. J. Wil-
ing us up to be a caddy. son stock farm near Lexington, and
* * * it is interesting to note that the ver-
ymond Cobb, who for eigh- dict of the veterinarian who held an
ars has batted his way in- autopsy was that her death was the
t circle of .300 hitters, an- result of eating grass upon which
ently that , 1924 probably white frost had fallen.
s last as an active play- * * *
he likely would maintain According t a statement issued by
all connections following Benny Leonard himself, just a few
nt. days ago, he will not box Johnny Dun-
* * * dee at Tia Juana December 24, as or-
tucky comes the first wo- iginally reported, but instead of that
r of an American race will take on another one of his ring
is Miss Caroline Schreib- (Continued on Page Eight)



II 4:w





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