WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY RECORD S BROKEN IN 'ENSIEN DRIVE f Obtain Total of 1032 Subscriptions Oil Opening Day of Campaignj WANT TO S1GN UP %,500 BEFORE CLOSE, THURSDAY All previous existing first day rec- ords for the sale of the Michiganen- sian were broken yesterday, the op- cning day of the subscription drive for the 1924 'Ensian. A total of 1032 SENATE QUIZES FORMER News From Other Colleges ANUL LL LAW Northwestern-Hearty welcome was ened a drive for $3,000. The money extended to dads here on Dads day,' will go toward the University esere T held in connection with the Lake For- fund. The annual all-law sm Washington, Nov. 13.-The Senate est game. The fathers were shown Harvard-"A swimming pool is the held at 7:30 tonight in iinvestigating commiuttee cleared the! i ---i~ro atheUon D, decks for the appearance before about the campus as well as enter- thing that Harvard needs the most,,, room at the Union. De it today of Charles R. Forbes, tained at dinners and banquets. according to the treasurer of the ath- tes and Prof G ( former director of the veterans' bur- ~- . letic assciation here. He said that Je a4l peie eau, who has been the center of fire Princeton-A new timing device was most of the smaller colleges and prep Jennings, '24I, presiden in the enquiry. used at the Harvard game on Satur- schools have adequate pools, but Har-0 A la l atmosphfr Forbes took the stand today day. Toward the end of the last quar- vard with one of the biggest enroll- A legal thee and the expectation is that his ter interest as to the amount of time ments in the country, is limited to a throughout the evening. direct and cross examination will remaining for play is always shown. small and inadequate one. for the m okct' havebes consume upwards of two days. At The new device which removes the Chicago-A collection of 221 rare the form of a sammons. the outset he asked permission to tense moments starts with six minutes books has been presented to the Uni- wiltopteset so ue o read a prepared statement in reply to before the quarter is ended. versity. Of this number 105 were add to the legal nature o the charges that have been made{ printed prior to 1599. siBooth'sduringthestra evening. against him. Minnesota-Marian Harris, the po- si-uigteeeig Besides appearing in his own behalf, pular vaudeville headliner and record be smokes, cider and doup Ithe former director p~lans to call army artist, aided the sales of the Gopher an a y ofies w o il b lu s itoi awhc st e olgWea -B R O HU LM LS IO UPLN l ' T 1A and navy officers who will be ques- Historical, whiche is the college year- I 'OU A1 L. tioned with a view to refuting testi- book. She expressed the opinion that ony which has been given with ie- "audiences in college towns are so DETROTr ard whicthe a r en g iv n tts r auprecat esn c llye towansare so LECTUREL- gard to the awarding of contracts for appr'eiative especially to an act like lI I IIIii 11111111111111111 5MKE Candies T NIGHTI Ciga noker will be the' assemblyf an Henry M. Grismore will ers. Clayton t of the sen- the students. will prevail The tickets yen printed in Each class ct which will f the smoker. furnish mu- There will ghnuts for all. Cookies w I YY 4+1 i W . ' and Cakes Cigars trette s Orders Delivered at Any Time B. F. SIBLEY Monroe Grocery 812 MONROE Phone 11 73-J subscriptions obtained were reported last night. This number is more than double that of last year when 760 were reported at the, end of the first day. When the returns were compiled last night cards had come in from but few of the fraternities and sororities. It is expected that these will greatly swell the total today and tomorrow. Members of the 'Ensian staff at- tribute the success of the first day of the drive to the new system inaugur- ated this year whereby it is not nec- essary to pay for the book when, sign- ing the subscription blank. Many stu- dents have remarked, according to the men in charge of the drive, that the present plan makes it much more con- venient for the purchaser of the book. Several, however, have taken advan- tage of the table placed in the* vesti- bule of the library for that purpose to pay immediately.- It is the opinion of the 'Ensian staff that at the present rate of sales the quota of 3,500 will be easily reached by the close of the drive Thursday night. They are looking forward to two days as successful as the firstI one. The 'Ensian this year will be made, to quite an extent, into a pictorial review of = all campus activities, ac- cording to members of the staff. The tendency has been in this direction for several years and will be carried into effect this year. Comedy Club To Give, two Plays Considerable.interest is manifest in campus dramatic circles regarding the forthcoming production of Comedy club at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Two plays, Houghton's "Fancy Free' and "'Op-O' My-Thumb" by Penn and Pryce, will make up the performance and after the success of the last presentation many are wondering whether Comedy club will "do it again." Mayence, Nov. 13.-A provincial gov- ernment has been set up at Speyer, following the proclamation of a Pal- atinate Republic, say advices received here. Dr. C. G. Abbott The announcement by Dr. C. G. Ab- bott that it is scientifically true that many of the stars furnish twice as much heat as the sun has interested scientists. Dr. Abbott has just return- ed from a study of the stars at Mount Wilson, Calif. He believes that event- ually this star heat may be turned to some use by man. 1 Be Singing This One yi t B t veterans' hospitals. The committee also expects to re- call for cross examination, Elias H. Mortimer, of Philadelphia, whose charges against Forbes proved one of the sensations of the hearing. ' Republican Club To Hold Luncheon Consideration and discussion of po- litical problems will take place at the regular bi-monthly meeting of the Re- publican club, to be held in the Union at noon tomorrow. The meeting will takethe form of a luncheon. All mem- bers are urged to make a special ef- fort to attend. Professor T. H. Reed of the political science departmentl will be the principal speaker.l i - mine". Cornell-The National Academy of sciences held its meeting Nov. 12, 13, and 14. Men of the different sciences and representing institutions through- out the country attended. university of California-"Univer- sity of California boasts of their An- thropological museum as the only place in the United States exhibiting mummies that have been X-rayed;" says A. Warburton of the Museum. Another unique object belonging to the collection is a whistling jar which is 2700 years old and was probablyl used by Inca priests in curing dis- eases. Ohio State-The Y. M. C. A. has op- ALUMNA DlIEAFER1 PROTRACTED ILLNESS Mrs. Hazel Allman Perkins, '18 S of M, wife of Donald L. Perkins of the engineering department died at mid- night Sunday after a protracted ill- ness. Mrs. Perkins taught music in the Milan public schools for several years after she was graduated from the School pf Music. She was married to Mr. Perkins, October 23, 1918. Her husband, two children, Elizabeth aged four, and Donald, Jr., aged two, her mother, Mrs.;Minnie Allman, and three brothers, Charles, Iussell, and! Harold, '17, are the members of her, family who survive her.J The funeral will be at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow from the home of Mrs. All- man at 1104 Forest Avenue. The bur- ial will take place at Forest Hill Cemetery. U. S. Steel Tonnage on Decrease New York, Nov. 12.-Unfilled orders of the United States Steel -corporation on Oet. 31, made public today, totalled 4,672,825 tons, a decrease of 362,925 tons under those at the end of Septem- ber. It's true etilciency to use Dail Classiefieds-Adv. .te . . . . 4.-o~~a I Mr. Burton Holmes, well known world traveler and a lecturer of in- ternational reputation, will give one of a series of five lectures tonight at Orchestra hall in Detroit. Mr. Holmes has been in Europe and Asia during the past five months, and has devoted much time to a study of the conditions 'n the countries of Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, and the neighboring states. He has secured pictures of the cities of Munich, Dusseldorf, Berlin, Vienna, and Cologne as well as of the entire Ruhr district and in addition,1 he wil take his audience by airplane around the western end of the Medi-1 terranian sea. These pictures are said to be some of the most interesting and remarkable ever filmed and exhibited in this country. !!:_ 11 lli ll ill llill ilil111lilliillmlil lir.: CUT IRATE - -I PRICES on Soles, Heels, and all kinds .. of Shoe repairing. Two weeks g guarantee on all work. Re pair- ing done is of first class order.# . -I THE STATE STREET ShOE, REPAIR SHOP 301 South State Street Next to Wagner & Co. ltf1l1lllttim mt111mimiRl uml1lli z I 1 * / /l a As Margaret Young Sings 2459-75c Papa, Better Watch Your Step Somebody's Wrong and other popular songs on Brunswick Records There is the joyfulness of exuberant youth in Margaret Young's singing of popular songs. She breathes into them all the sparkle and pep of her vivid personality. Hear this great Brunswick record at any Brunswick dealer. Here are some other selec- tiohs by this popular artists "Jimbo Jambo" "Stingo Stungo" "Whoa, Tillie,'Take Your Time" Always Something NEW on Brunswick Records Faultless Fitting Footwear --$7.50- ' 3 J 1( J ;i . 0 L 4( 1 l l 4' r L n U . r v u i; : G ' 0 P E test of a shoe is the satis- faction it gives! And reputa- tion, or experience, is your surest guide. In DOROTHY DODD shoes your satisfaction is pledged by the Trade Mark of the muikers, hence your certainty of faultless fit and value, with all that is cor- rect in style. For general wear this Oxford of kid is unmatched. It comes in black and brown with welt sole and trim heel. Priced moderately $7.50. At l The Sign of Musical Prestige F H O N O G R A P H S AND aIRGC O DS ----------- - 0 0 -' aR~ lne d tstdir I 4 I r '~ ? ~ -~'-, '~11 C ca-~-'-. ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ ~j. J1,kv e ~ t~.\\ / 1' -4- . 1% ~ ,j~ j' , V I 4 Q If I /! A DAINTY GIFT -A Get your Ensian a n d Christmas Photos at the same time. GOOD- ' USED CAR /.. I PHONE 598 121 E. WASHINGTON HART SCHAFFNER and J I d I CHEVROLET COUPE New--you can buy this at good dis- count excluding extras MARX SUITS CHEVROLET SEDAN - Here snap at $550. See it today. is They give you style, quality, a I perfect fit. But even more A Juicy Steak If you like a real good cut of meat try our steaks. You have never tasted a real good one until you do. i 4 7 { i i DODGE TOURING-A real" buy at $70. FORD TOURING-- In good condi- tion. Only $60. they give the assurance that you are mighty well dressed! FORD ROADSTER -- Here buy for $60. I: is some $45 Other suits, $3o to $65 And several others just as cheap as these and easy terms II ________________________ I IU rPl-,,.. O d""% It