THE WEATHER WARMER AND PROBABLY SHOWERS L Akv Akv t an low att LEASED WIRE SERVICE ASSOCIATED PRESS MEMBER WESTERN CONFERENCE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION VOL. XXXIV. No. 45 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE C ... 1 WILL SELLTAGS TODAY TO R9SE MNEYFORBANDT PLAN TO SEND BAND, CHEER- LEADERS, FROSH SQUAD, TO WISCONSIN $1,200 ALREADY GIVEN; HOPE TO RAISE $1,500j Men Will be Stationed on Diagonal 9 to Receive Contributions from 8 to 4:80 Students will be given the opportun- ity of supporting the band today in a ta day that has as its aim the raising of $1,500 to send the band, the cheer- leaders, and the freshman football squad to Wisconsin: Tags will be sold1 at each corner of the campus and in front of tae library from 8 to 4:30 o'- clock. May Give Any Amount I Any amount desired can be givenI in exchange for a tag. The giving of funds will be entirely voluntary, each student beng allowed to contribute all that he feels able to do toward the fund. Twelve hundred dollars has been re- alized at the present time toward send- ing the band, cheerleaders, and fresh- men to the game. Most of this was collected when buckets were passed at the Ohio State game here. The' crowds contributed $1,000 to the fund at this tim. The remaining $200 was collected when buckets were passed by the Majestic theater at the time7 of the Iowa game, the amount collect- ed in this way being doubled by the manager of the theater.s Fraternities, Clubs Solicited 1 The collection of the money is be- ing carried on by a special committee of the Student council of which kiugh1 K. Duffileld, '24, is chairman. Other members of the committee are: Stew - art R. Boyer, '24L, Eugene L. Dunne,1 '25, Edward 1M. Fox, '25E, Charles W. Merriam, '25E, and Carleton B. Pierce, Fraternities, house clubs, soroties, and dormitories have been asked to support the drive through a series of letters sent them. Members of the comittee called at all of these or- ganijations last night, collecting the money that they hd raised and giving I tago' to those who had supported the drive, SOPHOMORE ENINEERING1 COMMITTEES APPOINTED Sophomore Engineering class com- mittees were selected last night at a meeting of the class of(icers. The chairmen, appointed by Hubert Goe- bel, president of the class, are: ath- letic committee, J. P. Vose; and so- cial, W. T. Colman. Colman will also have charge of the arrangements for the Sophomore Prom. The members of the committees, chosen by the chairman, are as fol- lows: athletic, E. C. Eddy, and Rich- ard Earhart; social, G. F. Burke, E. F. Westover, R. E. Wertz, J. B. Dean, E. E. Deister, and R. F. Koler. A class meeting has been called for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning in room 348 Engineering building. The - class representative will be elected at this time to serve for two years on the Engineering honor committee. Class officers and the committee chairmen will outline work for the year. Many Freshman "Bibles" Remain Five hundred freshmen handbooks remain undistributed at Lane hall. This means that 500 freshmen have failed to read the Koran of the first year man. It is urged that those who do not have a booklet obtain one im- mediately. As the criterion of a freshman's be- havior, it contains words of admoni- tion to the first year man. This year's Bible, well bound and neatly printed, opens with a welcome to the class of '27 from President Marian L. Burton. Throughout theremainder of it, there. are tales of the different activities of Regent Beal Declares Alumni Responsible For Drunkenness (By Special Correspondent) looks upon the alumnus as a sort of Chicago, Nov. 13.-Junius E. Beal, god parent and consequently accepts regent of the University of Michigan, the invitation of the old grad to 'have a little, drink' as a virtual command." In a speech before the meeting of Regent Beal suggested as the most the governing board members of state educational institutions declared here probable remedy an appeal to the hon- today that alumni of the University or of the student body and alumni on were responsible for the intemper- Ithe moral issue in the question. "In ance on the campus. He declared Michigan," the regent continued, "fra- tet heedri wang of l or in the frs ternities are writing circular letters pressing problems. facing the admin- to the alumni urging them to refrain Istration, and while steps had been! from such violations. This should taken by the University Senate to wipe prove effective." out the evil, it was still fostered! Mr. Beal further declared that the through the action of the alumni use of automobiles by students was themselves. a serious question. "There Is no rec- "The alumnus is the principal cause ord of anyone having been helped in for drunkeness in our colleges wihch his studies by automobile rides," he ic now one of the imperative problems said. "Shall we make a student inel- facing us," Mr. Beal said. "He brings igible to drive a car if he is not up liquor to the campus on gala days. in his classes as we make an athlete The impressionable young student ineligible when he is standing low." ... CURRYlTOCON'OUCT BIBLE STUDY-HERE' Professor from New York Seminary Stleduled to Arrive Today WORK TO BE PLANNED INDER ' AUSPICES OF Y. W. C. A.-S. C. A, Coming here to give training in Bible study for an entire week, Bruce Curry, author of "Jesus and His Cause", and numerous Bible study outlines, and at present a professor inj the Biblical Seminary of New York. will arrive here today and plan his' work under the auspices of the Y. W.< C. A. and S. C. A. He has been re- leased from hist work at the seminary ffor one year, to travel among col- leges under the direction of the na- tional students department of Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. Curry will have classes each day3 during his stay. He will train groups of people interested in leading Bible -study groups and also devote his time! .to study ,groups composed of those who are interested in developing per- sonal Bible study. The Community classes that are scheduled for the mornings will not meet. Sunday after- noon he will deliver his first address. before a public audience. His sub- ject will be "Where Does the Bible Come In"? A graduate from Davidson college in 1907, Bruce Curry received his A.M. degree in 1922 and his Ph.D. from New York University. In 1923 he graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary and became professor of the English Bible at the Biblical Seminary of New York. Was In Army Work He spent two years in the army Y. M. C. A. in charge of Bible study for Army and Navy and several months' in France. Beginning in 1918 and in the five following years he was con- nected with the Summer student con- ference of the Y. W. C. A. All who are interested may join the student classes which will be held each. afternoon at 2, 3 and 4 o'clock and at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. Those who have already signed will be notiffed by telephone. Any who have not been informed inquire at Lane Hall or at the Y. W. C. A. in Newberry hall. Mr. Curry will be at Lane hall every morning for personal or group interviews. SCIENTIST, TO DISCUSS ALUMNI WIL AI Student Council Members To Confer With Directors On Formation Of Permanent Fund 25 PER CENT OF GRID GRAPH RECEIPTS DONATED TO CAUSE Members of the Student council and representatives of the band will meet tonight with the officers of the Alumni association to discuss means for putting the band on a firmer finan- cial basis. The gathering will be held at 7:15 o'clock in Alumni room of Alumni Memorial hall, at the invita- tion of the alumni association. This action is being taken following the move of the Board of Directors of the association last Friday when they resolved to donate a certain percent- age of the grid-graph receipts sending the band to out-of-town games, start- ing next year. It is expected that before three more years the band trips will be financed completely from this source. It is also hoped that a tag day will not be necessary .next year. Twenty-five percent of the profits taken in at the showing of the graph Saturday for the Wisconsin game will also be donated to the band trips of next year. SENATE COUT MAY CUT CHARGE AGAINST WALTON~ Oklahoma City, Nov. 13.-Plans to expedite the trial of J. C. Walton on 22 articles of impeachment charging corruption in office, moral turpitude, neglect of duty and incompetence, in-. volved a lengthy executive session last night in which members of the senate- court were said to have discussed rules of procedure. No official announcement was made, Lt it is understood 'a proposal to el- imtnate certain of the impeachment articles on the basis they could not be termed impeachment articles was con- sidered. That action, it is pointed out, would remove the necessity for num- bers of witnesses and thereby shorten the trial, which now threatens to drag on possibly through the new year. Financing of the purchase of the executive mansion, with which was TAPPING ASSAIL INACOUACESIN I MODERN PAPE ---1 ALUMNI SECRETARY CHARGES MISQUOTATION RESPONSIBLE FOR FEAR OF INTERVIEWS PRESS CLUB INVITED TO DINE IN LIBRARY Prominent Speakers Secured for Fu- ture Meetings to be Held at Green Tree Inn T. Hawley Tapping, '16L, field sec- retary for the Alumni Association gave the address of the evening last night at the second meeting of the Press club held at the Green Tree Inn. The subject chosen by Mr. Tapping was the Booth News bureau, on which he worked in Ann Arbor up to the time he was appointed to his present posi- tion. Describes Booth Bureau "The Booth bureau is an organiza- tion for news-gathering in which there Is made some attempt at discrimina- tion between spot stories and more stable news. Choosing only such stor- ies as are known to be exciting much interest and comment from the read- ing public, an endeavor is made by this bureau to attach some local in- terest to it by securing the personal comment of persons well known and highly thought of by the communi- ty" -{ In the case of the world court, says I Mr. Tapping, various attempts were made to secure the opinions of differ- ent professors on the campus. In this manner he found them to be very reticent about giving interviews and statements, the reason for which, he says, is as follows; "So often have these statements, given to the press in the most hearty good spirit, have been amplified and abused that the man naturally is afraid of having the same thing happen twice. These misquotations, the shame- ful lack of accuracy on the part of our modern newspapers, has resulted in an almost universal fear of allow-' ing statements to be published. It is just this situation that the Bureau is endeavoring with some success to ov- ercme." Praises College Papers Mr. Tapping closed his remarks with his expression of the value of a jour- nalistic training on the staffs of the various college newspapers. He also pointed out the fact that Ann Arbor was complimented by the fact that the Associated Press has a special rep- resentative here at all times. Ralph N. Byers, '24, Sports editor of The Daily, related some interest- ing experiences while on "the other end of the Extra". His remarks were followed by those of Lawrence La Rouche, '22, who explained in a very amusing manner his experiences while acting as rural representative for the Port Huron Times-Herald. BRITISH CABINET FICS issarnhidr nitinnil IlTifilh Preliminiary Acts to Tourney Presented by Five Sections Wll beI Publications To Hold OpenHouse Student publications of the Univer- sity will hold open house for faculty members -in the publication offices of the Press building from 7:30 to 9 o'- clock tomorrow night, instead of to- night as previously announced. the purpose of the gathering is to give faculty members interested in the welfare of the publications, opportun- ity to meet the younger upper staff members of these organizations. Mem- bers of the Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications will be present, and all other faculty members interested are invited to attend, according to the committee in charge. FRE1SHMEN TO MEET ATUINIOIH HOHENZOLLERN REMAINS IN DOORN AT CUSTOMARY TASKS; NEW STATE MAY BE lFORMEI THANKSGIVING DINNER PLANNED FOR TEN GROUPS OF YEARLINGS' Freshmen from all colleges in the University will gather at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the reading room of the Un- ion at the second all-freshman meet- ing of the year held by the Union freshman activities committee. The first of the vaudeville presentations of the year will be given at this time.y The acts that will be given tonight are preliminary to the all-freshman vaudeville tourney which will be stag- ed in a few weeks by the committee. At this time it is planned to give suit- able awards to the groups presenting the best acts. The acts that will be given by the groups at the meeting tonight are as follows: Zenith Symphony by group 9; Dark Clouds from Alabama by Group 8; thq Kirk band by group 1; the Heston Jinglers by Group 5; and Syncopation from the South Eastern- ers by Group 10. After the general meeting, the ten groups, made up of the entire fresh- man class, will gather in separate rooms at the Union. Future plans that the groups will follow will be discuss- ed, including a group dinner fof Thanksgiving which each group will1 give. WILL GIVE OUT TICKETS, FOR WISCONSIN SPECIALi Tickets for the special train which will run to Wiscon'sin Saturday will be given out from 2 o'cloek this after- I noon until 9:30 o'clock tonight in the ticket booth in the lower corridor of the Union. Today is the last day that tickets may be bought for this train. Reservations taken out with Dennis Donovan, house manager of the Un- ion, during the past few weeks may be traded at this time for regular l round trip tickets. It is also possible for students who have not made reser- vations to buy the tickets directly at this time. DECISION TO DECREE AUTONOMY FO RHINELAND FINALLY CONCLUDED CHAOS OF GOVERNMENT' B R I NGS FORTH ACTION Ebert, Streseman Hold Conference With State Premiers, Ruhr, Rhineland Leaders Berlin, Nov. 13-(By A.P.) -The fol- lowing official statement was issued here this evening: kWith regard to many reports abroad that an autonomous Rhineland was to be proclaimed with the consent of the Imperial government, it is stated in authoritative circles that the Imper- ial government maintained its attitude that no discussion is possible with re-, gard to alterations in the legal rela-, tions of the Rhineland and the Ruhr to the Reich. "The Imperial government will nev- er take any steps in this direction and will never sanction the proclamation of a Rhineland republic. The only Reich is the constitution of the Reich. Berlin, Nov. 13-($y A.P.)--Official' announcement of the creation of an automonous Rhineland state within the German federal republic will be forthcoming tonight, as a result of a conference of the ministers with theE federal premier, today. President Ebertdand Chancellor. Streseman were in conference throughout the day with the premiers of the federated states and a special, committee of 15 Ruhr and Rhineland' leaders. The delibreations were sur- rounded with complete secrecy, theirI progress being concealed even from' the Reichstag leaders, but it is learned' on good authority that long delayed decision to decree automony for the Rhineland is now finally concluded. The action wasttaken as a resultdof the chaotic political, economic, and social condition in the district, which is daily becoming more confused through the agressiveness of the Sep- aratists and the government inabil- ity to arrive at an understanding with the occupying powers with respect to the resumption of economic activi- ties, and the restoration of German administrative authority in the Ruhr and Rhineland since the recall of the passive resistance. ESTIATE500 SIGNED o IN UNION__POOL. DRIVE While official figures on the Union Pool' drive were not given out last night, Edward Stark, '24, chairman of the drive, estimated that more than IZAA .... hthai -nari A.n 4n 1mmnn SOJOURN OF AMSTERDAM DOCTOR INDICATF1S 11 ,1 EA ,TH OF . FORMER KAISER CROWN PRINCE ARRIVES SAFE IN GELS, GERMANY Visit of Dr. Kan of Dutch Ministry May Have Influenced War Lord To Stay In Holland Doorn, Holland, Nov. 13.--(By A. P,) -William Hohenzollern, the former German emperor, goes calmly about f his customary tasks at Doorn house, notwithstanding tihe reports that he was preparing to depart for the Fath- erland. It is asserted here that there is no foundation for the report that he and the members of his entourage have been -granted passports for a journey to Berlin, or elsewhere in.. Germany and those close to him de- clare that he has no intention of lea'- ing Doorn. Dr. Kan of the Dutch ministry of the interior, who had a long conference with the former emperor yesterday, may have had something to do with the announcement that the former war lord would continue to reside in Holland, for it is believed that the purpose of his visit was to inquire into tole Ex-Kaiser's position and to reit- erate in view of the Crown Prince's hasty departure the difficulty that might face Holland at the hands of the allies if the head of the House of Doorn followed in his son's foot- steps. Moreover it is saidI that the Ei- Kaiser is not in good health and his personal physician who resides i Amsterdam \has been here for some days. Doorn, Holland, Nov. 13.-(By A.P.) -Baron .chimnel Pennick, Burgo- master of Doorn assured the corres- pondent of the Associated Press today on his word of honor that he was not aware of any intention on the part of former Emperor William to leave Doorn. The Baron added that he considered that such folly as the ex-emperor's returning to Germany was unbelievable. It is' known that Dr. Kan of the Dutch ministry of the interior had a conference with the Ex-Kaiser at the Chateau, but nothing has transpired as to the purpose of his visits. Baron Schimmel Pennick's assurance, how- ever, followed inquiries in this con- nection. Washington, Nov. 13.-(By A. P.)- President Coolidge believes the tradi- tional policy of the American Govern- ment would preclude it from joining with the Allied governmentsi in pro- testing to Germany against the retu ru of Crown Prince Frederick William or his father, the former Kaiser, or in measures to prevent the re-estab- lishment of the monarchy. Berlin, Nov. 13.-(By A. P.)-It is officially denied here that former Em- peror William has been authorized to return to Germany. I linked the names of prominent Okla- homa oil men, was described by wit- nesses at yesterday's session of the "Applications of the X-Ray n the trial, and will be the subject at today's Sciences" will be the subject of a{session. lecre wl W heeler P Dve t reseah It was testified $30000 worth of notes lecture by, Wheeler P. Davey, research1gvnb o.Wltna atpyet physicist for, the General Electric gvnb Gov. Walton as part payment copnysicsf he eyN.Y.,ratE70'- for the residence were purchased by company, Schenectady, N. Y., at 7 '-E. W. Marland, Ponca City oil man,. clock tonight in the west lecture roomE of the Physics building. The lecture will be of a popular -llT rather than of a technical nature. Dr.RTO Davey will deal pr:ncipally with the relation of the x-ray to the fields of I TDIII biology, surgery, chemistry, and met-{ U F UUall FyIN allurgy. Dr. Davey has been with the physic- Vienna, Nov. 13 --In 9 report ij- al research laboratories of the General sued in Vienna, Dr. Zimmermain Electric company for 10 years, during sums up the following features as evi- which his study has been for the most deuce of satisfactory progress towards part in the application of x-rays to liv- the restoration of Austria's finances: ing organisms and to crystal struc- The deficit of the budget has been ture. He is now in charge of the com- reduced 760 billion kronen in six pany's x-ray crystal structure re- months; the nation's savings have search. been increased from 32 to 400 billions in the past twelve months; the con- troller has been required to advance wzsco szn F vors } 800 billions less for the half year RI Il 1 C1111fl H I The special will leave Ann Arbor 9Io'clock Friday night andL($y AjP.)-- In adi'cockseFraylnhtrandeareh overthedproject. Through a misun- London, Nov. 13.-(By A. P.)- -- in Madiso serdal nours bef.arrive derstanding, the teams failed to turn British government officials reiterat- -but ex-I game. It will leave Madison Saturday in official reports of the results of ed today that they were entirely sat- London, Nov. 13.-In a brief g .the first day's activity. isfied with the adequacy of the assur- citing reopening session for a parlia- night. Returning here Sunday. The With 80 teams of four men and a ances given by Holland that the form- ment elected only a year ago on the round fare trip is $15.16 exclusive of captain canvassing the campus for er Kaiser would not be permitted to f"t lity" that paria- berthsthree days, the prospect of getting leave Dutch custody. They say that, senodafounditseyfcondemthe necessary 2,000 pledges is consid- up to the moment, they have no rea- ItTrueblood Likens ered good by those connected with the son to suppose he proposes to decamp immediate death-not because the gov- } drive. Competition between teams is and even if so they are confident the ernment had suffered defeat in the Twain To- Dickens being stimulated by an award offered Dutch government will frustrate the House or reverses in a bye election to members of the high team. attempt. No new representations, which are the customary reasons for Prof.Captains and men will turn in their therefore, have been made to Hol- hchreheusmryrsnsfr Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood of the pledges tonight and tomorrow . night land. dissolution but because Mr. Baldwin, public speaking department presented pledges toight at t r ighd lnd who succeeded to the premiership on five reading selections from the works I from 7:30 to 10:00 at the main desk teilesoBoa Laseeks a of Mark Twain at a meeting of theIofteUin Brussels, Nov. 13-(By A. P.)-Ac- the illness of Bonar Law, ofksa fthe Tai Union.ig f h cording to advices from various sourC- new mandate from the country au- Play Production classes last night in IcringDtornvicesors urc- thorizing his government to resort to University hall. Professor TruebloodesinDo a journey to Berlin have been hand- protective duties on manufactures as gave a short introductory talk in U[LII B U IUN U ed to the former German Emperor. a remedy for unemployment, which which he compared Twain to the oThe former German Emperor is pre- is the most difficult domeste prob- world's greatest humorists such as T rmetorerantEmterFase-1d. lem facing the government today. I Cervantes and Dickens, also stating RTRheOF ยข L bREt paring to return to the Fatherland. In a speech explaining his position that in his opinion Mark Twain was and his suite. The Brussels Gazette to the public the prime minister said the greatest American author. Paris, Nov. 13-(By A.P.)-Action says it is expected the Hohenzollern that after giving the subject much The selections read were: "Unex- Pri N ov. ca3-( 's suggeAtion sarhy is e eted en4ol thouht e bcam covincd tat e ptte Acqainanc" fom Theon Premier Poincaire's suggestion monarchy will be rstored Dec. 4, Wil- t h b m n t T rmptdAroad"afe"pagereaTh that the reparations committee appoint liam or his son, the former Crown could not undertake to remain in his Tramp Abroad", a few pages regard-n expert committee to conduct an Prince Frederick William ascend- present position to steer the country in the guise from "The Innocents inquiry into the reparationquestion ing the throne. through the winter, unless he were Abroad", His Encounter with an In was deferred by the commission today Private advices from Doorn say allowed to use an instrument which t terviewer", the first sight of a steam was defrte sion tay Pat a ies om Doom ay he had been precluded from using, boatfioHim The Gilded Ageandi" been heard regarding the Reich ca- Doorn at 4 p. m. Monday with the having regard for Mr. Bonar Law's di usucklebetween uc an m pacities to pay. 12 German passports. pledge. .yThe suggestion, made through Louis A telegram in cipher was received Explaining that he wanted a man- Barthou, was that the experts be there in the morning and early in the- date in time to include the new du- Chinese Alumnus charged with estimation of the "pres- j afternoon there was a long confer- ties in the next budget he declared it Ch eent capacity of Germany". Sir Jhn ence between William and those close was necessary to have elections at the M anages agazine Bradbury, the British representative, im. earliest possible moment. He had ad- is understood to have declared its vised the king accordingly and he saw' Headquarters of The Chinese Stu- would( provide for an even closer re- --els, Germany, Nov. 13C-(By A. P.) no reason why parliament should not; dents' Monthly has been moved to striction of the inquiry than that pro- he forerGer Coro wi rn Ai the campus, stating definite about each at the same time. facts' 'TAG DAY Michigan's loyality will once again be taxed. The Band must go to Wisconsin if the proper Michigan Spirit is to be present Liquor Clean- Up than the funds in hand allowed of; LCPjunemployment has decreased 54 per- rant_______ with 1r0a.r, , F