i DOUBLE room. One occupant may work for same' if desired. Phonej 1134-:N. 422 E' Washington.1 SMALL Furnished apartment. Warm an(] light., 806 E. Kingsley. MJrs. G. r. Garnett, 806 E. Kingsley. STEAM H IEATiED ROOM S, convenient to campus. Prices ranging from $3.50 to $4.0,0 or 614 Monroe. BROWN LEAT1:I 1R handbag at Mar- xine game. Finder please phone D. SBacon at 885-M. Reward. PEARL BE.AD)S on Ferry Field Satur- day. Finder Phone 2513-M. Re- wardl. WALTHAM AVATCH and chain. Mark- ed M, C. 11. Reward. Finder call 1680-Rbp wx "'rEU A DOBLEroo fo twoboy. $.00 $10 A l)AXT FOR SALESMEN each. Call at 722 "East Kingsley. iCS nbgfrtehldy;awn _ derTul lproposition; commissions LARGE ROOM for 2 2 or,, will. rent l>aicd inlrmedlittely; can use both pant single. Very reasonable. 425 S. time and full time men. Call for Division St. sales manager. Ray Hlurlbut, 712 I First National B3ank Bldg. 2LOCI($MHI GARAGE in vicinity of XVshtrenak ALL KINDS 'of trunks and door keys,. lo~lks repaired. Keeler 1136 W.. u- ron. Phone 2498. and Mil1. Call Miss Styer, 2570 TICKET for the Minnesota game. Phone 2763-W. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUBJECT Or MWD-WEST RedteWnAs Announcement of the question to be " debated in the-Mid-West (tontest which +will be held the-third Friday in March' against thie Universities of Wisconsin and Illinois was made recently by ,Prof. L. M. Eich of the public speaking' dIepartment. The question which will be used in' this~ triangular debate is: "Resolved, That the drainage project of the Chi- cago sanitary. district insofar as in- wolves the diversion from Lake Michi- - gan of such quantity of water as may b~e necessary to provide adequate sani- WHIY THiE "MATH-T PROF,"" tation for the city of Chicago should beDES'TEC permanently guaranteed (internation- OSZTEC al treaty rights waived)."- DOiMESTIC SCIENCE Both of the public speaking societ- Oh,,1Mama! wouldn't he be a ies, Alpha Nu and Adelphi, must have riot in' the" kitchen? By instinct, their tryouts chosen before the Christ- he'd. be. trying to prove. the inas vacation, according to Professor' equation et'a plum pudding with Eich, who is in charge of the teams a log 'book and testing the "nth" this year. Independent tryouts will degree of an egg to determine ' behel in anury.whether or not it had a fourth be hld i Janary.dimension. But we should tell you- Tickets for they grid-graph showing The "Math. Prof." is a specialist of the Wisconsin football game Satur- in his line. day will go on sale today at Graham's, Y011 major in somnethig- Wahr's, Huston's and the Union. and RIDER is a pen expert. When you want to get rid, once WVE DELIVER Remington Portables for all, of your writing troubles,_________ or other used typewriters, any place don't go to. an oculist or a bar- at any time. Stacy R. Black, 604 E. beshp utdoinate Madion, 809.PEN SHOP, 804 S. State St~, and Madion, 809.have RIDER examine your kind OPTICALof writing. You will fand the OPTCALstyle of pen that you like' and WICKEN'4S OPTICAL PARLOR RIDER will grind and temiper Prompt service, first quality mater-: the point to suit your individual iaf, thorough examinations. Satisfac- hand. tory results guaranteed. The. examination is free-why C. S. WICKENS, OPH. D. not come in. today? It will 302 S. State, Ann Arbor. only' take a minute and you will _________________________ never know the joy of writing MUSICALI until you do this .little 'thing- ____________________ 302 S., State St. OF NEXT importance to your insfru- I-- mnen t are the- strings you use. Du r- (' able strings, pure in tone a special-[ A Pam ty with us. 'eri rcs SCHAEBERLE & SON, Music Housep MANDOLIN and BANJOS-Standard . makes, good value. Come In and try them. Schaeberle & Son, Music House, 110 S, Main St. THE MICHIGAN SIRENS present If Joe Sweeniy and his five piece corn-, hiaticu. Call Tustison, 1767-J. 0 AN v Agin t0 r r IIL Ar YOU" MISEIJAEOS.MOTOR TO MADISON. Will take 'TYPE-W\RtTING & MIMEOGRAPHING ! party of 6 in sedan. Phone 25. promptly and neatly done. iWjO MORE MEN for trip to Madison BUSINESS SERVICE CO., in Ford that went to Iowa City. 322 South, State St., ICl oln 9(-Iatrsx ok-(iVr "M" Launch. Phone 993-M CalPln,25-J ftrsx AT ONCE fine ticklets for the Mich.- * Jade green bowl and 3 Narcissus 1m ae Call D .Be,213 blubs, 50c. -______________ Larger bowl andi 5 fine Narcissus A MVAN to tendl furnace. Room given bulbs, 75c. free ini paymfenit. Phone 3032-R. IWe pack carefully and, ship any- where. Come and see our Christmras bowls. HARRIS SE~ED STORE., Washington St., Cor. 5th. STUDENT interested in literature to jreacl two hours a clay. (ldlcr055 Box 81, Mich. Daily. TgiLOIy or do you FANCY DRESS MAKING and gov~pn . AND 'TAILORdEI) clothe~s wear long- Mrs. Ed.: Eimnert, 914 Dewey Ave.I er, ,look better; cost no more. Rea- Phone 2119-M. sona-hlepre. MRS. DELIA T. DAVIS, Tutor in LETCNSE ALR Fec,818 Forest Aye. 115 s. iMain.: (Upstairs.) F0 SA IA I FISTP CLASS HOME LAUNDY work. -$25.00 W IL L B U7Y a . tw inl-cy lin d er S f; w t r a d s r o p a e n y.Hr e - a i s n m t r y l . J y e Ilelbrir, '215 S. 4th Ave. Iho-11 ": V~ "I' T I lREPI RItiVi 1455-MV.- - AT J, MAKES. Agency Woodstock andf TITRtE-PIECP CORDUROY SUITl-- ,t+}. :. ~lSvr t.J p ,it s. STflt k l.nIAld JAt Elio rAIM Size 36. Call at 531 Forest Ave U117 FORD TOURING, $55.00. Call Ilull at 1391 between 5 and 7. GRANT SIX TOURING CAR in good condition. Clie p for cash. Call at 662 S. Main St. Go to Wisconsin. a r i 5i yFORL HIRE X TO MADISON--Closed -ca of eves Friday morning. Reasonable rates. Phone reservations early. 3reuner, 46 46. }OTICE 1,0. TOTIHE 'Michigra-"V f;conin gacne Round Trip fari $10 via'Spe'dwagon. Goodell Bros. 813 E. Ann St. Phone 2877-W. GOINC TO WISCONSIN in IHudson 1 coach. Can take four people. Phone 704 or 264-J. I~Ir. Waterman. 1,0ST{ LOST Sat. night :near Unitarian ~ ,church purple 'silkc umbrella. Ite-I ward. Phone 3011-1=. GOLD WATCH with knife and chain attached, on William St., between, Fifth Ave. and State, Friday be- tween 7 and 10 p._ m. Return to Rleule Conlin Clothing Co., 2001 Main. $5.00 Reward. ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rublber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- tIles. Machines rented. ANN Ali. L-OR TYPEWRITER E]XCJIANG14. Phone 886, downto-Wn TYPEWRITERS T!YPE-WRITERS of all makes Bought, Sold, Rented Exchanged, Cleaned and Repaired. BtSNS SERVIC"E Co., 122 South State Street, over "V Lunch. Phonfe 993-M Don't[Always, be Up-sid About 'Whcrc eto, Eat' Service. Good Food. Reasonable Prices University Restaurant'.1 W I 911 North Univ. Across from Chemistsy Bldg, A BROWN OVERCOAT ' pocket, in Room 2071 Cahull114-M. 'TRe'ward. with "Pot" in1 N. S. Bldg. N ON JEFFERSON AVE. one block :x from Michigan Union, 18 inch black leather traveling bag,. containing pair field glasses, pair Military brushes, new Stanley F