THE MICHIGAN DAILY To the undergraduates who attended the conference, the spirit demonstrated NEWSPAPER OF THE 3ITY OF MICHIGAN cry morning except Monday versity year by the Board in dent Publications. Western Conference Editorial ed Press is exclusively en- e for republication of all news ited to it or not otherwise paper an4 the local news pub- he postoffice at Ann Arbor, ond class matter. Special rate :)ted by Third Assistant Post- by carrier, $$.5o; by mail, Arbor Press Building, May- orial, 2414 and 176-M; B'si- unications, not exceeding 300 published in The Daily at >f the Editor. Upon request, of cominunicants will be re- dential. TORIAL STAFF aes, 2414 and 176-M 1AGING EDITOR ARD A. DONAaUE ............Julian E. Mack ........arry 1lP,ey iChairman.... R. C. Moriarty Night Edit.ars A. B. Conna~ble on I. E. Fiske k M.Wg r Garlinghouse ............Ralph N. Byers ...........Winona Hibbard or.............. .R. B. TarrF ine Editor..,. .F.L. Tilden . Ruth A -owell Editor......Kenneth C. Kellar Editorial Board Robert Ramsay Andrew Propper Assistants R. S. Mansfield E. C. Mack Verena Moran Regina Reichmarn W. 11. Sfoneinan 3. R. Sto a K E. Styer N.' R. Thal S. B. Tremble W. J. Waitour erman by the alumni was especially edifying. It would have been edifying to the student body in general and to more than one who attended the meetings Saturday, the one regret growing out of the affair is due to the fact that the words of wisdom from the lips of these interested and intelligent men was notj preserved that-it might be passed on tok others who owe allegiance to the Yel- low and Blue.1 It was a meeting where there were no axes to grind. The University assumed a receptive attitude-toward ideas-and .the alumni were enthusi- astic in offering the best counsel that they could make available. This type of gathering makes the student and faculty man proud that OAVED RLL SING HO I POLLYANNA PHILOSOPHY Let's cease our troubles to re- hearse, And try the Pollyana game When sorrows come and hopes go lame, For naught's' so bad It can't be worse. Today I bought a pack ofI The clerk was rude and bru and frowned, And banged his carbon around: I'm mighty glad that he's twins. pins. asque pad not they are Michigan men. OUR IMMIGRATION LAW TO CONTINUE There seems to be no question in the mind of President Coolidge and of most high government officials that the United States must continue a pol- licy of restrictive immigration; not only are they firmly convinced that such a policy be continued, but they are also considering the possibility of adding new restrictions. To go back to the old system of limitless immi- gration is now entirely out of the4 realm of their thought.I It is generally conceded that immi- gration must be held in check in order' to insure national security and well- being. On' the other hand it is only with the greatest of efforts on the part of those in charge of this work that any amount of success can be attained.j The great inconveniences and suffer- ings that many people are forced toI undergo because of the unfortunate workings of part of the law are only' too well-known. Many distressing problems have arisen since the new immigration laws have been in effect, and 'the lack of cooperation on the part of the ship companies has tended to augment the seriousness of the sit-' uation. Many solutions 'have been of- fered and some of them acted upon, but seemingly without any great amount of success. One of the greatest obstacles to a common-sense solution of the problem is the fact that all of the work of selecting our future citizens is done on this side of the water. There arel countless numbers who come here only to be sent back because their country's quota has been filled or be- cause they are not the type desired.I This is both a trouble and'a needless' expense to our government and by no means of small account to the individ- uals themselves. It would be better for our government to provide for' new and more efficient agencies in the Amid the subway's noise and dins A carman snapped at me and growled Because I heard not what he howled: I'm mighty glad that he's not twins. A chauffeur wearing leers and grins O'erthrew me in a crowded street And laughed as I regained my feet: I'm mighty glad that he's not twins. I hooked a fish with great big fins (It was a monstrous whale, I deem) Which pulled me in a rushing stream: I'm mighty{ glad it wasn't twins. There jumps and leaps like Be- douins My aching tooth that can't be cured. What can't be cured must be en- dured: I'm mighty glad that it's not twins. There are some girls that nice- ness wins. Perhaps some day I'll find a bride When H. C. L. has lost his stride, And glad I'll be if she's not twins. Dire ups and downs and outs and ins Have harried me through all my life And brought their toll of toil and strife: I'm' mighty glad that I'm not twins. So let us ne'er our troubles nurse, But try the Pollyanna game When sorrows come and hopes go lame, For naught's so bad it can't be worse. ARISTOPHANES * * * * EDITORIAL COMMENT BRAIN TESTS FOR MARRIAGE (The Boston Evening Transcript) A classifying and testing age ever delights in seeking out and prescribing new tests. The card index Multiplies and grows steadily in popular favor. The day of the test tube is reaching its meridian. And now a member of the faculty of the University of Wis- consin, the well-known sociologist, Professor E. A. Ross, has come for- ward with the very definite prediction that within twenty years. we may look forward to intelligence tests as a re- quirement for those who would enter upon the holy state of _matrimony. How, it may be asked, can we detect the presence in sufficient quanities of "natiive intelligence" and how; can we be sure that so many grams of this precious metal of mkind,, and not a cer- tain quality of heart, the pure gold of the spirit, is not really the magic ele- ment needed to avoid matrimonial shipwreck? Intelligence, which is really a combination of common sense;I and a fair modicum of gray, matter, is a desirable possession both for the married and the unmarried. Is it, however, an infallible bulwark against the perils that beset the domestic hearth? The ability to work out an algebraical formula, the ability to put two and two together, the power to reason from a series of observations. C is without question useful, and with- out question adds to the enjoyment and appreciation of life, yet this abil- ity has not always sufficed to insure the success of marriage. There have been many intelligent persons who could emerge with flying colors from any examination set by the professors, whose married lives have not been conspicuous either for their unity. their concord or their harmony, Others there have been, both men and women, who would have failed miser- ably at every hurdle presented by the intelligence-seeking questionnaire, whose married lives-at least in their own estimation, and that after all is the crux of the matter-would have satisfied the most exacting demands of the moralist. If Professor Ross's prophecies are borne out, and it is not for us to say that they will not be, the marriage license bureau will become an exami- nation center as well. A certificate of intelligence ordinarily will accompanv the marriage license, and it is to be supposed that there Wlfl be a.doublt fee to be paid. No'doubt there will ip cramming schools and special tutors for the backward, and the forward youth who would aspireto his lady heart and hand will not only have to 0 NESS STAFF lephone 960 INESS MANAGER .ENCE H. FAVROT ... E. L. Dunne ........ ......... C. Purdy ..., ....W...W. Roesser . K Scherer ... ......C. W. Christie ...Perry M. Hayden ..Lawrence Pierce Assistants Edw. D. Hoerlemaker larold A. Marks I Byron Parker er H. M. Rockwell n H. E. Rose Will Weise C. F. White >n R. C. Winter C, NOVEMBER 13, 1923 or-THOMAS E. FISKE PSED LIBERALISM various countries from which most of' ie reactionary and radical our immigrants come, rather than to which have occupied so have these people come here and be rtion of; the public's atten-; sent back. The problem is one of the he initial attempts to over-! most serious and vital that our nation, :ing governmental and sod has to cope with. a decade ago, Dr. Nicholas, tler of Columbia university . ced himself that liberalism { -. r e of partial, if not complete, Twenty-Fie Yers r over the w orld. The learn- A o A t)c s tioargom da r can see the traditioq~al sapieri ocofrmedtiberaln iappearing from this coun- From the files of the U. of M. Daily,! 'd and basically dependent November 13, 1898 eals of progressive liberals. g the situation into which This afternoon, Michigan will line' ignorant of the ideals of' up against Illinois on the D. A. C. 'y, are thrown at their ar- grounds in the first football contest 3utier fears that the mean-\ they have ever entered together. A eralism itself will be dis- hard game is expected by supporters$ hin the course of a few of both teams. Michigan had been' policies are not maintained, looked upon as a sure winner until{ s disembark at Ellis Island last Saturday's game with Northwest-I homes in Eastern Europe, ern, where she only won by a narrow!' seeking American ideas.m in. ie, when they are in the Ative mood, anti-liberal, il- The new uniforms in which the Var- radical doctrines are given sity band make their appearance today'j eir newly formed associates are of a military style, blue in color and, all under the guise of with silver trimmings, are neat and Among those who have serviceable. They are furnished by tvers of discrimination, the the Athletic association in return for s are opposed, and eventu- the numerous courtesies extended them ht to discouragement, but by the band in playing at games and the name of liberalism, a mass meetings. ly applied to un-AmericanC Many become liberal A letter recently received from Prof. . the sense that they adopt Mortimer E. Cooley of the Engineer- asures for socialistic causes ing department, states that the naval, satisfaction of prejudices. authorities have given out that allI beralism of conflict and not engineers must remain in service until peace is finally consumated. z universities have the pow- ---- re classic liberalism in this The last issue of the University of 'outh is a liberal by nature, Chicago weekly has the following to ly in the process of sophis- say about our playing: A goodly ,num-I at that ideal becomes pole her of Chicago students went up to educating the young man Evanston Saturday to see Michigan i according to the doctrines play Northwestern. They saw an ex- eral thinkers, men such as ceedingly close contest, but disgust- and Roosevelt, our progres- ingly poor football (except for a few a may be restored, and the j brilliant intervals) on the part of the eclipse will be removed. Michigan. I-er team played like a lot of tyros. Their game was slow, un- SE 31EN OF THE EAST, even, and characterized with a sur-' I, WE-ST AND SOUTH prising lack of team work. As for in- k a small body of alumni terference, it was only in evidence ear and far corners of the spasmodically and then was fregnently me to Ann Arbor for f shattered by Northwesterners. Unless with the President and Michigan advances wonderfully, Chi-' rs of the University. They cago, provided she reaches her old i ii I . Ten A. 1. Sunday at Van's "Rolls! "-Shuffling of feet-Square- toed shoes-Round-toed shoes-Stub- toed shoes-Dainty pumps leading to alluring ankles-Boots that suggest a tenderfoot in the North Woods-Shuf- fling, mixing, shifting, bumping, dis- appearing under tables and appearing before chairs-"Make it a pair!"- Clattering of dishes being pushed off, a table with one fell swoop into a tini basket by a cocky-looking individual with a rakish chef's cap and a dirty' rag-Co-eds--In Fur coats-In knick- ers-In long gloves-In fuzzy sweaters. --In browns and blues and reds-! Light colors are sporty now-Light blues, faded buffs, washed-out browns --Shimmering black for church- Black with a touch of soft white lace descending in pleasing ruffles-"Wheat cakes!"-Buzz of female* conversation -Hum of male parlance-Mumbled in- troductions over coffee cups-ExcitedI recitals of the night before over grape- fruits-Rattle of change from the counter--Cheerful "Hi old Topper" and dour, dark-brown-taste-in-the- mouth "'Lo!"-A fond papa at the counter with his snappy little daugh- ter-Evidently it is her day-Parental dignity and protection, male superior- ity, fade before the flash of a new world-"A Denver!"--A brown-spot- ted punch bowl heaped with sugar- Co-eds with coffee in one hand and. rolls in the other making a poor at; tempt at looking out of place and helpless-Fuzzy bobbed hair and ele- phantine ear-rings - Zanzibar? -Col-{ legiate looking men lolling over ai table and smoking pipes-smart young chaps with Dobbs Hats-A pall of cig- arette smoke-"Rolls!" THE HALIBUT * * * * iiii I 3 f' , it show that he is able to pay the first month's rent and groceries, but that ior Collige Mcn he can also aiswer 1i uesti0n that - may be asked of him by:the examin- J'A(TORY RAT STORE ing authorities. But this Wre are given (17 Packard St. 'hone 1792 to understand will not take place fore (WhrM em ory, S B ookStte I (Mhere 1). 1'.It Stops at Sjtate) o-r another twenty years, which seems to - leave a considerable margin of safety for the present generation of under- graduates, even for the ',,members of CU FLOW ERS It is never too late to begin. Start now the class of 1927. ' I 'I tirto lte ob g n. Sa t ow for while Michigan is beginning another i YESTERDAY YOUR BEST championship season. Bty SMYTHE WISH ESI A NEW KIND OF CRESS __--. There's always something new. The PHONE 119 latest is radio on the gridiron. The story comes from the Birmingham News and seems to be a fact. Cousin & H alI V1J * * *a* | "Football headgears wil have to be rf closely inspected before each game in E._A order to see that wireless phone re- ceiving sets are not being used. 'Boots' - Frederickson, a sophomore in the en- gineering school at the University of Alabama, has invented a wireless phone that can be used to convey sig- nals and information to the players e e . " from the sideline. 'or grandstand. Hi4 invention would certainly wreck a Confecti ery Uu fless--Near Campus football game if a coach could get away with it. However, the invention.. will not cause any change in the rules, We are pleased to offer a confectionery business for sale; it is located in one of the best as coaching from the sideline is al- business districts in 'Ann Arbor--thousands of people pass in this block every day of the ready prohibited." year. The store includes: * * * *-- The story goes that this invention was, tried out last Tuesday in Tusca- loosa between the Alabama varsity and the Alabama freshmen. There had been much keep rivalry between the two teams and the Freshmen had held the Varsity to very small gains throughout the year. Thjs time, how- ever, the Varsity had easy sailing, going through the freshmen at will. After the game an examination re- Adv. vealed the fact that six varsity play- A lot of the advertisers try to get ers had receiving sets ;oncealed in a big drag with the stoodent body their headgears and had been getting on the days before the games by the their instructions from .one of the rather simple process of starting their coaches on. the sideline. ads with some such phrase as "The * * * * Marines vs. Michigan," thinking thus Alabama intends to demonstrate the to attract the loyal student's eye. practicability of this device between And the loyal student's eye, having' halves of the Alabama-Kentucky game. flown to the heading, reads on to this' Two teams, one equipped with wireless effect: phones, will oppose each other. The Michigan boasts that she will win. quarterback will simply line up one i ;, { I