______ _____THE MICHIGAN DAILY President Burton and Mrs. Burton' ll4cad LI.st for Panliellenie Function FIRST ALL-SORORITY DANCE WILL BiE HELD NOVEMBER .30 Patrons and patronesses for the Pan- hellenic ball to be given by the Mich- igan Inter-sorority assocition on Fri- day, N'ov. 20, at. Granger's dancing academy have accepted the invitations extended to them by the committee in charge. They are President Marion L. Burton, and Mrs. Burton, Dean John R. Effinger, and Mrs. Effinger, Dean Jean Hamilton, Dean Joseph A. Burs- ley, and Mrs. Bursley, Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys, and Mrs. Humphreys, Dean Henry M. Bates, and Mrs. 'Bates, Dean Hugh Cabot, and Mrs. Cabot, Dean Allan S. Whitney, and Mrs. Whit- ney, Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, and Mrs. Lloyd, Prof. Arthur G. Hall, and Mr:. Hall, Dean George W. Patterson, and Mrs. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Staebler, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss Mar- ion' H. Blood, and Miss Mildred P. Sherman. The Panhellenic ball is a campus af- fair for all University women, the *tbommittee wishes to emphasize. From 60 to 75 tickets will be availableI at the end of the week and may be obtained from the League honor coun-! cil. Lydia Felske, '24, is tempora ryj chairman for the sale of these tickets.! TALES OF SOUTHj SEAS RECOUNTED Miss Augusta Delaporte, of Chica- go, spent several days in Ann Arbor and vicinity recently, telling the story of her life as a. missionary's (laughter in the 'South Sea isands. Miss Dela- porte Is a graduate of Oberlin in the class of '22. Her father was medical missionary to the Marshall islands, 30 miles from- the equator, where he spent 20 years among the semi-can- l nibalistic savages -of the island: of 1'aru. 'Fifteen of these years he spent in working upon a translation of the bible into the native tongue. Miss Del-(I aporto's gift of humor and picturesquec recital made an interesting- and dram- atic narrative of the adventures of her parents among the savages. j She, addressed the residents of Betsy Barbour house and Martha Cook build- ing, the members of the Y. W. C. A. of the Ypsilanti Normal school, the congregation of the Congregational church and a gather ng of students at i Lane hall. Alumna Vkts In City ; Mrs. Gertrude Palmter Cleverdon, '04, of San Diego, Cal., who spent sev- eral dlays in this city as the guest of M Nrs. Mortimer E. Cooley, has joined hei'r husband, Dr. Ernest Cleverdon, in Baltimore, Md., where he is dong research work in Johns Hlopkins un- iversity. While in the East, Mars. Cley- erdon will be the guest of I-enriettal IStratton Jaquette, '04, of Philadelphia; ]Mrs. Jacquette is will known to many Mciiigan alum nae. ALUNAETO REPORT PRORESOf LEAGUE N VI YNOL~AND AU1UIN SENDS~ DETIL OF Y1 0ORKIN P THE Ichology of the younger girl at Cob- hmahr uinbia university last year. Ohstaefr On Thursday evening the third les- in the past. son in basketry will be given at. New- bryhall. HCE SEMI-FINALS INH KE ATIENA t TO SC IITY I NI TI A 'I 15 Athena Literary society will hold its] initiation of 15 new nmembers at 5 l o'clock today in the Alpha Nu roomsjz of University hall. At G o'clock a ban- quet will be0 given in room 318 of the l Union. It :* in charge of a committee consisting of Beata W'agner, '25, chair-!1 man, Margaret Buffington, '27, andi Dor'- othy T~yler, '26. Mary McCully, '4 president of Athena, will act as toast- mistre s, Ellen Nylund, '25, wii wel- come the new members and Dorothy- King, '25, will give the response to theE welcome. Profs. R. D. TP. H ollisterft antd Ray K. Immel, of the public t speakig department, w:11 address the] society. j A. A. 'E. W. CO-MMITTEE ON SCHOLARSHIPS TO GIVE 'EA .Mrs. Harry D. Hutchins and Mrs. Julius Schiotterbeck will be gues;ts of honor at a tea which is to be given at 4 o'clock today at Betsy lBarbour house by the state committee on scholarships and fellowships of the Ann Arbor As-!j sociation of University women. All xvwomen graduate students are Invited I to' attend the affair. on ASTCONiT[ST SET FOR IOOA 'I -Squae will meet at 5 aCo o Catrl o sub-committees of themorwithEnneig uln. cnrlcampaign committees; of the Fnl nteitrsrrt lvso University of Michigan League, will Fnlintenersoiydviso All sewtic;> women are invited to a give reports on their work, and forth- of the hockey tournament will be play- birdge-tea to be held from 3 to 5. er plans for extending the immediate ed oft at 4 :45 o'clock this afternoon o'clock Friday at Betsy Barbolir. dorm- organization of alumnae groups will rwe ap ap amamesKp tory. be discussed at a meeting of the coms-p mittee which is to be held this morn- pa Alpha Theta. Tphe winner of this ;--- ing at the- honme of the chairman, Mrs. match will play Betsy Barbour house, The se tufeacaftrnon dramatcu HerCre dm.the champion of the dormitory teams, cio ofteFclyWm 'slu A report from the New England # hechampionship of campus and whllmeetf .a 2:30L. o'clck, tod am th group as sent by the councillor, Mrs. thrivrcpsgiian fti lc oeoadr.U.BPh ps194Cm Frances R. Russell, '13, of Peabody, ini the hockey world. ig od Mass., wil also be read. Mrs. ltus- The game is going to be a struggle sell, who is a life member of the Un- from b~eginning to end, according toI House presidents who are execeting iversity of Michigan League, is doing Miss Erley, the coach, for both teams to attend Dean Hamilton's supper to- a ge4deltoeterwih heotercan claim exceptionally*srn n night, are requested to hand in at that alumnae from the New Engiand> statesr skillful players. Bailey, a freshman time their definite reports of the nun- to help make the campaign a success-I on the Kappai Kappa Gamma team, has her and kind of articles which their ful one, and personal solicitation is proved her ability in each of the; houses will contribute to the bazaar. Sbeing mace for life memberships i games,, keeping pace with the seasoned Ote rsdtt r se otr i M Aas sachus setts, New Hampshire. players such as "Scotty" McKay andj their reports at Dean Hamilton's Rhode Island, Connecticut and Maine. Schreiber. Gladys Trowbridge of the ;ollice or to send them by mail. f r _ Kappa Alpha Theta team, turned out I t tS )CO+RMVICXI TO 'TAL to be the proverbial "dark horse" Iota Sigma Pi will hold a meeting at ABOUT "GIRLS' P'SYCHOLOGYf" when she step~ped into the place vacat-' 5 o'clock today at Martha Cook build- ed by Clarice Casady after her acci- ing. Members of the Club Leaders' Train- dent, and inmeidately carried the ball I ____ ing course will meet at 7 o'clock to-1 between the posts twice, scoring the The next meeting of the Business tmorrowv and Thursday evenings. atwinning points for her team. Ilays, Women's club will take place at 7:30 Newberry hall. At the Wednesday night session, Miss Ethel McCormick, of the department of p~hysical educa- tion, will address the women on "Girls' Psychology", Miss McCormick completed a special study in the psy- TODAY-THRU THURSDAY ....... . .......... - - -- Have You Tried PALMER'S LOTION SOAP It's a very pure soap, particularlyI jbeneficial to sensitive complexions Price is 25 Cents I THE EBERBACH SON CO. I" 'I 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. ! -- -~s.1-~ - 'r, 0 I He re's a story by ,America's foremost humorist, GEORGE ADJE, featuring- a zdILALE t , By GEORGE ADEa Writer of« and Broke"n - Triday-Saturday- "A WOMAN'S SACiRIFICE" 'eatnring' COI INNTE GRIFFITH y . .: t i" I'd I A AT THE, 't'tit.'A ERR Arcade-"Woman Proof" Thomas Milhan. MAfjestic.-May McAvoy in Reputation", with "FHer / Toda, and Tomorrow' -ON THE STAGE- Famolust Players of 3tusical Novelties and Swiss Bell Ringers ON THE SCREEN- -with- ti TOM MIX and BILLIE DOVE ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENVT! COMING SUNDAY HAROLD LLOYD -IN "WHY WORRY? " W'uerth-"Soft Boiled" With Tom Mix. I "Wildcat Jordan". Stage-This Week in I s; , " ;e, 'I I'" Whitney- Tonight- George M. Cohan's "So This Is London."~ "imam a' 'file lfr/ anzoas' 7ie DENLJANDANCERS and a Synpkony Quartette e t, Monday, Nov. 26 Nlail Orders Start Tomorrolp, N017. 14 Prices Main Floor-$2.50, $2.00, $1.50. First Balcony-$2.50, $2.00, $1.50 Second 'lalcony-$i.00, 75c, 50c. Address wail orders to: tgr. Glee Clubs, 30S8 IIc1h. Union Enclose self'-addressed stamped envelope Get niail order envelopes, at the Union or at all L~ook Stores THE COMEDY CU Announces Its Regular Monthly Performance Two One-Act Playsw - SOp-W'-M Thumb" "Fancy Free" = Sunday, November 1,4:15 P. W~ncr X I- Samuel P WedesaNT iNovember14thl-8:15 P. IVI. =-GRACE JOHNSON .:.KONOLD SARAH CAS'WELL ANGELL HALL =Srx11 {Tickets 35 cents-at Graham's _- .-_---___-__ Zlhursday, lNove-0::cr 22, 8 P. = BR ILLIANT Aft SOLOISTS 11 - -rStrge Schenery nd 'Be y A F6%, x I itets forbindividu Hear' 'm HM an! Hdear 'Ems Gran! Monday, December 4, 8 P. M. -= The Famous Record Makers DETROIT SY 14O1 Playing Both AfternoonI VIC'TOR .I.and Everting I K LAR ,, - - NE _ ~~~- - olfetl Sudy Dee n_,4 1r-.T - - N-- ~q '~ -CONC1"ERT By . oAdmission (t:~re -li ildren 1111d1 No. witless ihQV t11.4 t olbthlaii1 i ROW WsSAXOPoHNE,5'1X . 0_ "a n :Wednesday, December 12, a P. five C'lowns and a Blackface-Combining lMirth and Melody -- On1 the Screen ~ a-Also- THOS.JII. INCE'SY "THREE CHEERS" ZMB IT - f A TwoReel Comedy 4 A Few Tie kets i'or ludivid ii , EUTTON A NEW FABLE CARTOON - -= __