THE WEATHER 4i& GENERALLY FAIR,IRISING+ TEMPERATURE VOL. XXXIV. No. 44 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1923 EIGHT PAGES ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE MEMBER WESTERN CONFERENCE DITORIA ASSOCIATION PRICE, FIVE CENTS i DETROIT SYMPHONY Alumni Grid Graph Will Help Send Band On Trips Next Year Expenses for sending the Varsity an equal basis. Also next year it is bad to out-of-town football games thought that the board will be shown Dnext year will be partially paid by!in Yost field house in order that larg- M S A PO1 Ueter lleptaypdber crowds can be accommodated. the donatons of the Alumni associa- In the meantime, while the profits tion from the proceeds of the grid- I are split 25 to 75 per cent, it is es- A L L - TSCHAIKOVSKY PROGRAM graph, and within three years probably.timated by Mr. Bradfield that with the BRINGS OUT RHYTHM be entirely paid by that source, it was more complete re-organization of the AND MELODY announced yetserday by John Brad-!Alumni association the funds can be field, '18, business manager of the secured from the alumni in the region IAlumnus,wh is in charge of the; MICHAEL PRESS SHOWS Who that the band will be sent. This year RARE CONTROL OF TONE graph for theassociation. the Iowa alumni made an effort to This will come as a result of the ra'se funds to have the band out there Gabrilowitsci, In Only Ann Arbor plan of co-operation that has been ar- but the short notice and lack of or- Appearance of Year, Thrills ranged between the Alumni associa- ganization prevented. A Aince rtion and the Student council and it is Call Meeting Tomorrow Audience likely that tomorrow's tag day will be The alumni officials have invited the EL.Snyder, the last one necessary to send the Student council and representatives of By.Prsnia Donaldl E. L. Snyde band away. Arrangements for the the band to meet in alumni room of Presenting an all Tschalkovsky pro- working out of these plans are now Aumni Memorial hall at 7:15 o'clock gram, the Detroit Symphony orchestra almost complete. tomorrow n'ght to approve the alumni with Michael Press as guest soloist, Students to Co-Operate action and consider means for placing rendered a brilliant interpretation of Students will co-operate in the oper- the band on a sound financial basis. three of the works of the Russian ation of the graph, starting at the Wis- An administrative head will be se- composer last evening. cons'n game reproduction Saturday, lected from the student body to ap- Gabrilowitach with his characterist- and 25 per cent of the profits will be' point assistants to have charge of the Ic restraint of physical movement in given to the band. In two or three ticket sales, the auditorium and the conducting made his one appearance years the proceeds will be divided on graph. of the season in Ann Arbor. The three essentials for the reproduction of1 Tschaikovsky: rhythm-, a well defined fl melody, and sonorous accompaniments m l d ,a ds n r u c o p nie t R were perfectly incorporated. The E I minor symphony rose to numerous strident climaxes, now melancholy asN in the Andante, now pulsating virily P in the Valse.' I imagine that the form- I- er together with the majestic Marche Eighty Tens Will Canvass Students Aigler Says That We Caninot Afford Slave won the greatest appreciation In Three-Day Effort To Get To Give Them "Practice" from the audience. These are light 2,000 Pledges Games pieces, at least comparatively so, con sidered in regard to subject matter, and ALL UNION COMITTEES ANIE at the same time are of great artistic00 IIEES AD BIG EASTERN TEAMS REFSE significance. If there were more art "4,MOU CLUB MEMBERS All "1 E AND HOME" CONTRCTS ch this everyone would attend A drive that has as its object the The possibility of Michigai having Michael Press played exquisitely. securing of 2,000 pledges who will an Eastern game on ts schedule next Not once did he sacrifice tone to the contribute to the Union swimming I ear is slight, Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, requirements of technique. Nor was pool fund will start this morning and of the Law school, chairman of the his performance weak on the technical last through a period of three days. Board in Control of Athletics, stated side. The runs in thirds which he The student body will be canvassedy d did with a: suooth legato and thestdat I yesterday.E many other heavy demands of the D in an effort to find this many studentsI "With the four difficult games which Major concerto seemed to require little who will pledge $5 to the completion we are practically certain of having effort under his fingers. He possesses of the pool. on our schedule, and with the other vigor, sentiment, a splendid accuracy Eighty teams of four men and a obstacles which confront us in secur- of registration, and an exceedingly captain each will canvass the students a e . . rareoinstrument-Stradivarius 1712- :ng a game with an Eastern school of which he exhibited to me with parental ceo hati been f ided into gEac 't- our own caliber, the likelihood of affection. The ovation which he re- dent will bespresonally interviewed by Michigan's participation in an inter- celved was dobly due him. a worker on the drive and asked to sectional game next year is small," "Amercan orchestras," he said pledge his support. said .Professor Aigler yesterday. through his't Ierpreter, "are vastly hMembers of the winning team in Problems Not Realized superior to, those in Europe because the drive will be presented with tick- i of the material trom which a director ets to the pool. One $5 ticket will be "It is entirely natural that students may select. And you Americans are given each member of the team. and alumni, flushed with a victorious fine-I love American audiences-They Can Start Pool at Once season, should demand a game of this appreciate the big things in music." With the support of 2,000 students character, but they do not cealie the Professor Press is introduced to the promised, it will be possible to com- many problems which the University plete the Union swimming pool im- must face in securing such a contest," witsch.' lie ,was formerly a teacher mediately. If the drive proves suco- he said. widely known in Serilin and Petrograd,'cessful, the contracts for the com- "It is. a question," he continued, and has worked as conductor of the J pletion of the work will be let. The "whether it is physically possible for Moscow Symphny orchestra. j+pool will be completed by next fall if the team to take on any more games this is the case. at present. The Eastern teams are Edward Stark, '24, is chairman of not our natural rivals, and we must the committee that will manage the look first to the arrangement of games drive. He will be assisted in this with those who are. Next year we are work by Robert J. Humner, '25, who practically certain of playing Ohio TO iriONFIRIN will ,have charge of the work in fra- State, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wiscon- TG ternities; H. H. Hubbard, '24w, Paul sin. This should be enough to keep Bruske, 26, Benjami Houserman, us busy."_ '24E, and Kenneth Kerr, '24. Games Before Unsatisfactory Chicago, Nov. 12.--"Trustes and re-~ The men who will work under Professor Aigler then pointed out gents of colleges and universities need Stark in canvassing the students are that our previous games with Eastern knowledge as the prerequisite for ac- members of all Union committees, teams have been almost invariably un- tion, and should be informed as to the those who took part in the drive of the satisfactory, citing our former rela- deasoteir instutionh reor dA- "4,000 club, members of Veterans of tions with Pennsylvania as an exam- nott, secretary of 'the general educa- Foreign Wars, and those who took pie. "At our first game at Philadel- tion board of New York, told the con- part in the recent life membership phia n 1906 there was an attendaice ference here of state universities and campaign of the Union. p '19,06 hereons.naedance collof 9,000 perons. In games of follow- collgst odayi.rm o uTicketsnGood tfr Swims ~ing years the attendance steadily de- OPEN SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE F UR ENSIANNCp 10 i PRICE REDUCED TO EFFORT TO SELL BOOKS $4.50 3,500 IN PLEDGE CARDS WILL BE" USED IN NEW SYSTEM Tables to Be Placed Around Campus for Duration of Three Day Drive With an announcement of a reduc- tion in the price of this year's Michi- g#,nensian, all-campus annual, a three-day subscription drive will be opened this morning. The 'Enslan will be sold this year for $4.50, the lowest price since the war. Five tables, to be in charge of jun- ior members of the 'Ensian staff, will be placed on the campus. Assisting the juniors will be a staff of assistants. Pledge cards may be signed at these tables, but in pursuance with the new system inaugurated this year, no money need be paid at the time of signing. For those desiring to pay im- mediqtely, a table has been placed in the vestibule of the main library. Pledge cards have also been sent to all the fraternities and sororities. The price of the year-book will be $4.50, as announced, providing the money is paid before December 13. Following that date the price will be raised to $5. The final date on which subscriptions will be taken has been set at March 1. Payment may be made by checks made out to the 1924 Michiganensian and, sent to the 'Ensian office in the Press building or paid in person at the same place. The quota this year has been set at { 3,500 subscriptions, approximately 700 1 more than the number of books sold last year. It is the opinion of the 'Ensian staff that most people will take advantage of the new low price of the book and that the quota will be easily reached. Practically the same plan as last year will be followed in the general' make-up of the book. The cover will be of black leatherette with a real gold seal. Additions have been made to the feature and scenic sections of the book. REEVES APPOINTED TO INTERNATIONA JURISTS CONGRESS SCOTT, SECRETARY OF CARNEGIE PEACE ENDOWMENT, ALSO SELECTED WILL REPRESENT U. S, AT MEETING IN 1925 Gathering Is Called to Codify Laws As Advised by Pan-American Congress Washington, Nov. 12.-Announce- ment was made today by the state department of the appointment of Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, head of the political 'science department, University of Michigan, and James Brown Scott, sec- retary of the rJarnegie Endowment for International Peace, as American dele- gates to the International congress of jurists at Rio De Janiero in 1925. They will assist in codifying interna- tional law in accordance with resolu- tions adopted by the last Pan-Ameri- P can conference at Santiago, Chile. Five Pan-American conferences of this character have been held since the organization of the body by the United States in 1890. The first session was held in Washington in 1889-90, the sec- ond in Mexico City in 1902, the third in Rio De Janiero in 1906, the fourth in Buenos Aires in 1910, and the fifth in Santiago de Chile last spring. It was at this latter conference that a resolu- tion was adopted provided for a codi- fication of international law at some future meeting. The conference at Rio De Janiero will be a technical one. pursuant to this resolution. Prof. John R. Dickinson of the aw school department of international law stated last night that the conference is the "most important international con- ference held in the western hemi- sphere. Men of international repu- tation in the field of international law have been the delegates of the United States and other countries in the west- ern hemisphere to past conferences, and it is indeed an honor of the high- est degree to Professor Reeves to be appointed as one of the delegates." In commenting on the. appointment of Professor Reeves, Dean John R# Effinger of the literary college said, "Professor Reeves' appointment is not only a tribute to his ability as a schol- ar of international law, but is a highly signi~ficant honor to the University as an institution." Day Leaves For New York Toda Prof. Edmund E. Day, head of the economics department, will leave this afternoon for New York where he will attend a meeting of the public rela- tions committee of the National Elec- tric Light association, of which he was recently re-appointed a member-at- large. Prof. John C. Parker, formerly o the engineering department, is chair- man of the committee. The National Electric Light association is an organ- Trueblood Gives Recital Tonight Play Production classes will pre- sent their second program of the sem- ester at 8 o'clock tonight in Univer- sity Hall. The entertainment will consist in a recital by Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, head of the public speaking department, of some of the choicest humor of Mark Twain, and of two plays, Eugene O'Neill's "Beyond the Horizon" and Kaufman and Con- nely's "Dulcy." In addition there will be a few miscellaneous interpre- tations. Professor Trueblood's recital will begin at 8 o'clock, being the first number. Single admission is to be 50 cents. Tickets for the whole course of the semester will be sold at the door for $1. 1TG DAY FOR BAND SE[T FOR TOmMORROW Fraternities, Sororities, House Clubs, and Dormitories Asked to Assist $1,200 HAS ALREADY BEEN RAISED; WANT $1,500 MORE A tag day which has as its object the raising of $1,500 with which to send the band, the cheerleaders, the freshman and reserve football squads to Wisconsin will be held on the campus tomorrow. The men will be sent in the order named. Men who are to sell tags will be stationed at each corner of the campus and in front of the library from 8 to 4:30 o'clock. Contributions to this fund will be entirely voluntary, and any amount desired can be given. Each student who donates money will be given a ttag. Fraternities, sororities, house clubs, and dormitories have been asked to assist in raising the required sum through a series 'of letters sent out last night. The members of the or- ganizations are requested to donate. 50 cents apiece, this entitling them to a tag that will be given them Tuesday night. At the present time, $1,200 has been . raised toward sending the band, cheer- leaders and freshman and reserve t teams away. One thousand dollars of this sum was raised when buckets were passed at the gates of the Ohior State game here and the remaining $200 was collected at the Majestic the- ater and raised through a donation of' the manager of that theater. Collections of funds for this project is under the supervision of a special committee of the Student council of which Hugh K. Duffield, '24, is chair- man. The other members of the com- mittee are: Stewart R. Boyer, '24L, Eugene L. Dunne, '25, Edward M. Fox, '25E, Charles W. Merriam, '25, and Carleton B. Pierce, '25M. Britain Will Pay In Liberty Bonds f Washington, Nov. 12.-The British - government has notified the treasury j that its next payment on the war debt, - due December 15, will be made in. Liberty bonds, the payments including $23,000,000 on the principal of the obli- gation and $69,000,000 interest. { BOOTH AND ABBOT TO SPEAK HE1RE AT' PRESIDENT OF DETROIT NEWS AND EDITOR OF MONITOR ACCEPT INVITATIONS ARE WELL-KNOWN INĀ° JOURNALISTIC WORLD Big Ten Editorial Association Will Convene the First Week in December 1 ; i : t I i . l l ' 4 jt { . I a s I !If I ' e . e _{ i TAP PING, AROHE IAODRESS JURALISTS SECOND MEETING OF PRESS CLUB TO BE HELD TONIGHT AT GREE TREE INN T. Hawley Tapping, '16L, and Law- rence LaRoche, '22, will be the prin- cipal speakers at the second meeting of the Press club which will be held at 8:00 o'clock tonight in the Green Tree Inn, corner State and Washing- ton streets. Ralph N. Byers, '24, sporting editor of The Daily, will be the student speaker on the program. Mr. Tapping, who is now field sec- retary for the Michigan alumni asso- ciation, has had a wide newspaper ex- perience and was for a time Ann Ar- bor correspondent for the pers in Michigan. Through his capac- ity as national secretary of Sigma 1 Delta Chi, professional , journalistic fraternity, he has kept in touch with Two of the leading figures in Ameri- can journalism, representing both the East and the West, in the persons of George G. Booth, president of The Detroit News and John Willis Abbot, '84L, editor of The Christian Science Monitor, will be the principal speak- ers at the annual convention of the Western Conference Editorial associa- tion, to be held here on December 7 and 8. The announcement was ande last night, following the acceptance of both men to invitations to take part In the program. Newspaper Administrator Mr. Booth will be the speaker at the annual banquet for the delegates and members of the publications staffs, on Friday night and Mr. Abbott will speak at the closing luncheon before the same audience augmented ,by stu- dents and faculty members of the University who wish to attend. Both men have attained fame in closely related fields of newspaper work. The name Booth has become associated with Michigan newspapers, through achievements of both George Booth and his brother Ralph H. Booth, the latter being president of the Booth Publishing company, which controls eight of the largest'dail newspapers in the state. George Booth has been associated with' the administration of Detroit and Grand Rapids newspapers since,1883. H~ now holds the offices of president o the Evening News association of De- troit and chairman of the board of directors of the Booth Publitsing company, In addition to heading tie Detroit News organization. Is Noted Editor John Willis Abbot is a native Connecticut, and has achieved most o. his fame as an editor In' the ,ofieso eastern publications. e receited hi law dereee from the University in 1884. He enjyed a rapid rise. in his profession in the eight years following his graduation, and in 1892 became managing editor of the Chicago Timxes. He was later writing editor of the New York Journal and part owner of the Battle Creek Pilgrim. H waW Iassociated with the'New York :Amr- can'and The New York Sun as writing editor and chief editorial writer re- spectively. It is in the field of editor- Ial writing that Mr. Abbot has come to be recognized as one o the iost brilliant newspaper editors of the country. Before accepting. the 'edit- orship of the Monitor in 1922, he was finally a correspondent for Colliers weekly and political writ f*for inter- ior papers at Washington. His news- paper today, occupies a unique posi- tion 'among the daily publications of the country. Both men will be guests of the Western Conference .Editrial Asso- ciatioi during their visit in Ann Ar- bor. R ETURN TO FAHERAND BELGIAN PAPER BELIEVES THAT HE WILL BE RESTORED TO THRONE S00N Brussels, Nov. 12.-(By A. P.)-The former German emperor is preparing to return to the Fatherland. He al- ready has in his hands passports for himself and his suite, and in. the Brussels Gazette goes so far as to say that it is expected the Hohenzollern monarchy will be restored on De- cember 4, William, or his son, the former crown prince, Frederick Wil- liam, ascending the throne. Private advices from Doorn, re- ceived by the Agents Telegraphique Bege, say that a courier; von Hoechst, arrived at 4 o'clock this afternoon with twelve German passports for the e-IRaiser and his immediate entour- age. A telegram in cipher was receiv- ed there in the morning, and early in the afternoon there was a long con- tference' between William aid those ? nclose t him. Later ahigh Dutch offi- cial, Dr. Kan, of the ministry 'of the' interior, called and was closeted with the former emperor for 35 miniites. A wireless ystem has beet installed n(at Doorn ho se, which haas been the sI residence of the head of the Hohen- zollerns during the later years of his e internment in Holland and messages are received from Nauen at noon be prepared for- the trustees, by the officers and administration," said Mr. Arnett. A plan for student organiza- tion was read. and referred to the. drafting committee for modifications to be re-submitted tomorrow. The national association of state univer- sities is meeting simultaneously. "If a university is unfortunate enough to have lost some outstanding } man with a state reputation," Pres. S. D. Brooks, '96L, of the University of Missouri, said in addressing the national association of state univer- sities, because a rival institution has called him at a substantial increase of salary, the problem of fixing a fair schedule for salaries is easier." Divisional meetings were held today as a prelude to the 37th annual con- vont'on of land grant colleges which opes temororw. YEA BAND!1 Michigan's fighting band is one _ of the controlling forces upon which Michigan's unbeatable football team depends. Remem- ber that thrill of pride when the band crossed the field led by the powerful strutting of the band- I master. The loyal supporters of Michigan are to be given an op- portunity Wednesday to assist. } drive are making no contribution to , the pool, but are only taking 20 swim- ming tickets that can be used next s year when the pool is completed, a-c- cording to Stark. After the com- pletion of the pool it will be neces- sary to charge 25 cents for each swim in order to defray expenses. The $10,000 that will be realized if l this drive is a success will take care of half of the amount needed to com- plete the pool. It is planned to hold a Fair in the spring where additional funds can be raised, and alumni have expressed their willingness to con- tribute if the completion of the pool in the near future is assured. OFFICIRtS TO EXPLAN, CITY WORK TL LUCHO "Municipal Day" is the designation- of the luncheon of the chamber . of commerce club to be held at 1.2 o'clock. Speeches will be given by members of the various city boards to acquaint .the club members with the nature of city work during the past year. Mayor' George E. Lewis will take charge of the program.k Representatives from the waterI board, fire commissioners, park board, and police commissioners will give short talks. These boards are composed of men who receive no creased. It is beneath the dignity of the University to.tschedule a game which is considered a big game by us, and a practice game by the team we play." He further said that no game should be cons-dered, unless a return game were promised for the succeeding year, and this is impossible with the bigger teams of the East at the pres- ent time. . : . Daily Reporter In Dreamland Makes "Sid" A Ticket Scalper ization made up of the nation's fore. most producers of electricity for do- mestic use. c t] i TICKETS FOP, WISCONSIN SPECIAL HN SALETODAY' Tickets for the Wisconsin special that will run Friday night will be on sale from 2 o'clock this afternoon un- til 9:30 o'clock tonight in the, ticket1 o'flfilce of. the' Union lobby. Reserva- tions that have been made during the past .dew weeks may be traded for} tickets at this time. A similar sale will be conducted to- morrow, this being the last time pos- sible to secure tickets for the special.- Those who have not 'previously made reservations for the train may' secure tickets tomorrow directly from the railroad representatives who will handle the sale. Berths for the trip and drawing rooms may be purchased at this time from the representatives. Immedi-{ ately following the sale, the train will hp hc, 1vLi~-ht to Ann Arhor. It will t . j''i I t ft :4 i , is k F. { 1i VJ s I ; ; I s college trained journalists throughout i he country. His address tonight will ; "Handling 40,000 tickets per football' reporter walked to the back of the deal with the Booth experiment in es- game over a stretch of 30 years and' room. He ran into Harry Tillotson ablishing a news bureau here and then to be pulled in for selling 20 and Louis Burke, village lawyer. These with his knowledge of college journal-' pasteboards," sighed Sid Millard, fellows are filled with humor. The re- sts and their experiences, so-called taxi-driver, yesterday in the porter stood near them waiting for the Mr. LaRoche was president of the Ioffice of Harry Tillotson, business scalping cases. Press club while in school. Since manager of the athletic association. "Sid Millard, had twenty tickets that; graduating he has been a member of Sid has been distributing tickets to he sold for the game yesterday," said the staff of the Port Hluron Times- IMichigan football games in the athletic Harry. The reported jotted something ierald, and has recently directed office for more than 30 years. "He down. Louis Burke saw him. their rur'al 'news organization. This, work will form the basis of his talk. handles every ticket that leaves the: "He's driving a taxi now, I under- Byers' subject will be "The OthertEnd ' office for each game," said Mr. Tillot- stand," said Louis. The reporter jot- of the Extra", in which he will relate son, "and is one of the most loyal ted something else down. The report- his experience in directing the public-,.I supporters of University athletics in er sat down again. ation of The Daily sports extra from Ann Arbor." Hears Other Things the Iowa football field recently. This is how Sid Millard, local print- Two men Peter Lamdo and Sam Me All students on the campus inter.- er, was arraigned before Judge John cero, south Americans were brought ested in journalism are permitted to D. Thomas Saturday In justice court before the court. The reporter sud- attend meetings of the Press club. An 'on the charges of ticket scalping. denly arose again, jotted something assessment of 25 cents per person will Poor Sid was ,home asleep at the down, and left the court. Sunday, be collected at tonight's meeting to time. brought this story on the front page: defray expenses. ' Reporter Evidently Asleep of the Daily. - i A Daily reporter was assigned the "Fines totaling $150 were doled out L unCh eon Giveu cover Saturday night of ticket scalp- last night by Judge John D. Thomas to sers' whose cases were to come up in three men who pleaded guilty to tick- Football Squad Judge Thomas' court. He arrived at' et scalping at the game yesterday. court, sat down, and apparently list- Sid Millard, taxi driver, was fined $100 Thirty-two members of the football ' ened. "People fool you sometimes and costs and Peter Lamdo and Sam squad and the coaching staff, nclutl- though," as Sid says, and we guess this' Mecero were let off with $25 and costs ing Coaches Yost, Little, Sterzneg- reporter, over-stimulated by the after-I each. ger and Weian ,were present at noon's festivities, listened from the Some men are born sleepy, some a. luneo Weivenat noonYesterrdaycool vale of slumber. After the cases achieve sleepiness and others are na-