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September 27, 1923 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-09-27

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SETEMTIER 2?, 1921

"c" Section, French 3 at 9:00 o'Clock:
The "C" section of French 3 at 9:00 o'clock will meet in 109 T. H1. under
Mr. Muyskens instead of 216NS under Mr. Herman as was stated earlier.
A. G. Canfield.
Mathematics 89: Calculus of Variations:
A meeting to arrange hours for this course will be 'held on Friday,
Sept. 28th, at 12 noon, in Room 314 New Engineering Bldg.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
Volume 4 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1923 Number 4
Certain Rules of the Regents of the University of Michigan Communicated to
all Concerned in Accordance with Rule u Below:
1. The Secrtary of the Board of Regents shall cause notice of each
meeting of the Regents to be posted in the proper bulletin board of each De-
partment, within three days after the time of meeting shall have been de-
termined aild on the same day that notice of a meeting is posted, as herein
provided, he shall. cause a copy of such notice to be mailed to the Dean
of each Department.
2. Every communication. to the Board of Regents that calls for action,
must, in order to secure attention, be filed with the President of the Uni-
versity at least eight days before the meeting of the Board at which it is
desired that the communication must be upon blanks to be furnished by
the business office and must go to the President through the Dean of the De-
partment in which the communication originates. When a communication
is not made by the Dean directly, that official should send the communi-
cation, through the President, to the Board, with his written approval or
with a written statement of his views in regard to the question or questions
raised. Eleven copies of each communication must be filed with the Presi-
dent. At least seven days before each meeting of the Board, the President
shall mail to each member copies of all communications that have been filed
with him in accordance with the provisions of this legislation and place the
originals in the hands of the Secretary of the Board. By a majority vote
of those present at any meeting th Board may, but only in cases found by
the Board to be cases of special emergency, waive the provisions of this leg-
islation as to the time of filing communications.
3. Excbpting as otherwise ordered by vote of the Board in cases of spe-
cial emergency, communications shall be considered in the order in which
they are filed with the President. It shall be the duty of the President to
send to each member of the Board, with the copies of the communications
filed with him, a statement of the order of their consideration as fixed by this
4. Before final action upon matters originating within the Board or upon
communications calling for action that will affect other Departments than
the one in which the communications originate, reference thereof for con-
sideration and recommendation to the Board shall be made to the President
and to the Deans of said other Departments.
6. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to send each year to all officers
of administration and instruction printed copies of this legislation.
6. The order of business shall be as follows:
I. Approval of the minutes of the Board.
II. Approval of minutes of committees of the Board.
III. Considetatlon of recommendations of committees.
IV. Resignations.
V. Appointments.
VI. Promotions.
VII. 'ary adjustments.
VII. Leaves of absence.
IX. Special items.
Shirley W. Smith, Secretary.
Correction of Notice In Re Keyes to University Buildings:
In a notice previously published, it was stated that refunds of key de-
posits could be had by surrendering of keys "to the Heads of Departments,"
etc. This notice should have indicated that such keys were to be returned
to the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds who will in turn give to the
key holder the receipt for the surrender of the key.
Shirley W. Smith, Secretary.
Freshmen and Entering Upperciass Women:
The first lecture of the series on Campus Organizations will be given to.
Group III Thursday, September 27th, at 4':00 P. M., in Sarah Caswell An-
gell Hall in Barbour Gymnasium.
All girls who were assigned to' Group III by the Classification Commit-
tee are to report at this lecture and present their classification cards.
Girls who did not report at the lectures on Tuesday are required to do
so today. Attendance is compulsory on the part of all women in their first
year of residence, whether entering as Freshmen or an advanced standing.
ean Hanilon, Dea of Women.
All Pharmacy Students:
There will be an All-Pharmic assembly Thursday evening, Sept. 27 at
7:30 in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Everybody out.
C. C. Glover, Secretary.
Changes In Elections:
Unavoidable changes in elections may be effected by Literary Students
on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 27 and 28, 9-12 and 2-5,-Juniors and Seniors
in the Registrar's officce, Freshmen and Sophomores in the auditorium of
University Hall. The Classification Committee will also meet in the audi-
torium of University Hall on the same days. The penalty will be remitted
only in case of justifiable changes.

D. Kazarinoff...
J. H. Hanford.

English 17:
Meets in Libary 406 instead of Library 301.

3 asques:
Applications for membership in Masques must be made before October
15. The applicant should deposit in tie box in the office of the Dean of
Women, a slip bearing her name, address, and phone number and a brief
statement of her qualifications for membership. All women in the Uni-
versity including Freshmen are eligible.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Director.
Gun and Blade Club:
The regular business meeting of the Gun and Blade Club will be held
tonight at 7:30 in the Reading Room of the Michigan Union. Election of of-
ficers and other important business will be transacted. Mr. Bryce, local
Co-Ordinator of the U. S. Veterans Bureau, will speak on vital topics to
members, and others interested. The club extends a cordial invitation to
,,every trainee of the Bureau on the campus.
John A. Boyce, President.
Alpha Nu
Our first meeting will be held tonight at 7:30 in our rooms on the fourth
floor of University Hall. The subject for debate is: "Resolved that the
United States should subsidize her merchant marine". Mr. E. W. Cory, 26 L.,
will give a ten minute prepared speech. Elmer Salzman, Pres.

English: 11, Seminary:
Meeting Friday at 3, Room 206 T. H., for purpose of arranging hours.
J. IH. Hanford.
English 4a, Section II:
Will meek in Room C. Newberry Hall, M. W. F. at 2.
M. P. Tilley.
Physics I, Sec. 7:
Will meet in Room 301, Physics Bldg. at 2:00 T. and Hh.
E. F. Barker.
Physics III:
Will meet as announced in Room 202 Physics Bldg. at 2:00 T. and Th.
E. F. Barker.
There will be a meeting of the Mathematics Staff of the College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts on Friday, September 28th at 4 P. M. in Room
t10, Tappan Hall.
J. L. Markley.
Nathematics 57:
This course will be given the first semester. First meeting Thursday at
5 o'clock, Room 318. Theodore R. Running.
Physics 25, Theory of Heat:
This course will be given provided a sufficient number elect it. First
meeting Thursday at 2, Room 301, Physical Laboratory.
H. Randall.
Geography 8, M. F.:
At 10, listed for N. S. Auditorium will meet Friday in Room F 214, N. S.
K. C. McMurry.

Economes 82a:
First meeting will be 103, Economics Bldg., Th. at 8.

C. C. Edmonds.

Economics 32:
Sections will meet Th. at 9 and 10, also Friday at 8, 10 and 11. See
bulletin board in Economics Bldg. for rooms.
C. C. Edmonds.,
Economics ic:
Section 3 will meet Friday at 9, Room 312, Eng.
R. L. Masson.
R. 0. T. C.:
The Outdoor Rifle range will be open Friday, Sept. 28th. There will
be firing Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Transpoitation will
leave the R. O. T. C. Office ath 1:10 P. M. on Fridays and 8:10 A. M. on
Saturdays. First semester firing is not open to Freshmen.
Students who wish to fire must arrange to join one of the two sections
and report regularly. Qualification course will be fired.
F. E. Collins, Captain, Infantry.
English lit. 1, Section X:
Will meet hereafter in N. S. G. 321 instead of N. S. G. 317.
J. B. Moore.







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