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November 11, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-11

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Artist to Make Tour of Middle West:
WIl Return to France 4
"By reviving a movement which
started in the 18th century we have
begun a work which is meeting with
much success in Europe and is begin-
ning to be admired by art circles
throughout the United States as fast
as the work Is distributed." Georges
Plasse, who is personally directing
the exhibit of the works of this new
school of French etchers and paint-
ers, stated in an interview yesterday.
"The etchings, combined with a
process of aqua-tintings, as begun in
the 18th century died out without
much lasting success. Only a few of
these works are now existing and are
owned by the art connoisseurs of
Paris. Twenty years ago several of
my colleagues, among whom are Jour-
dain, T. F. Simon, Paul Emile Le-
comte, Louis Icart, W. S. Lambrecht
and myself, grouped together to revive
this almost dead art. We formed the
Society of Original Etchers in Color
and our standards were and are that
all work must be original, none
should be copied, and that we put our
whole life into it, Beginning as a
group of less than a dozen artists, our
association now numbers more than
25, of whom 15 have already met with
much success.
Exhibited In Boston.
"For eighteen years our work has
been exhibited at the art store of
George Petit in Paris, who has the
most valuable art collection in
France. Two years ago we conducted
an exhibition of my personal etchings
in Boston, where my work was very
successful. I have come direct from
Boston and because of the reception
of my work in that city I brought
back with me the work of my associ-
ates, which is shown here."
Versality Necessary.
"To do this work one must be a
painter, an etcher, and a creator com-
bined. Thus we reach a marked orig-
inality of character, and each artist
makes his own plates and proofs.
Colored ink is used on the copper
plates and every proof is numbered
and signed by the artist himself. Ten
of each are made by the artist him-
self, while some have more done by
highly skilled workmen who are able
to do no more than four in one day.
One reason why this is impossible in
Amrica is that no men are valable
who are skilled to the degree neces-
sary. When 350 copies of each etch-
ing are sold the plate is destroyetch
scratching up the surface. d by
"In fifteen years I have done 77
etchings, 20 of which have been ex-
hibited in the United States. In ten
years more than 2000 copies have been
sold, while in the United States only
300 have been sold in the past two
years. This is not astounding, but
when we consider that the movement
is totally strange to the American,. it
shows a good result. M. Henry Jour-
dain, who is much interested in rend-
ering winter scenes, has done 350
etchings in the 20 years of tle growth
of the new movement, 96 of which are
now out of print.
Shows Variety of Tastes
"We each have our individual tech-
nique and work along special lines
which interest us the most. I like the
quaint and picturesque old buildings
in unique settings, while Jourdain pre-
fers the winter scenes, although he
handles other seasons, equally as
(Continued on Page Ten)
--Today In T
First Presbyterian Church
The Soul of a Nation" will be the
topic of Rev. Barrett's discussion at
the 10:30 o'clock Morning Worship at
the FirstPresbyterian Church this
,morning. Open House will be held at
noon and at 6:30 o'clock there will be
a Christian Endeavor meeting at

which Dr. G. Carl Huber, of the medi-
cal school will speak on "Science and
Religion." The lecture will be illus-
trated with slides.
Congregational Church
Continuing his discussion on the
difficulties of current orthodoxy, Mr.
Jump will speak on "The Creed of A
Liberal" at the 10:45 service at the
Congregational Church this morning.
The vested choir will sing at this ser-
vice. "My Adventures In the Japan-

Sikes, '16, Gets Role In Italian Opera
Company As Leading
Chase B. Sikes, '16, and a former
student of the University School off
Music; has won fame abroad as an
operatic singer of the first order, hav-
ing recently been tendered an contract
calling for a three years engagement
with the famous La Scalla House in
Milan. He will sing the basso role in
"La Boheme".
In his school days, Mr. Sikes was a
prominent membe'r of the University
Glee club, and one of the stars of thej
Union opera productions. Ile sang in
the May Festival of 1921 and was a
popular figure in all local concert and
church musical affairs. Ibis five years
of extensive study in the School of
Music was under the tutelage .of The-
odore Harrison.
After his graduation in 1916 from
the University and another year of
study in the School of Music he went
abroad to study in Italy. His rise was,
very rapid and after filling minor en-
gagements he was finally invited toI
sing before the great Toscanini. His
artistry was so well received that the
three year engavement was forth-
His entrance into the famous Ital-
ian opera house has been called an
achievement and as that Milan house
is said to open the doors to all other
famous music centers, the critics areI
firm in their belief that Mr. Sikes will
soon be one of the great bassos. 1

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Buy A Tug On Wednesday To Help The Badger Hunt

Memorial Week Will Re Observed
Dec. 9 to 16 In Honor of Dead


U._Planning to establish as a shrine
Many honors by national education- the Warren G. Harding homestead at
a Marion, 0., and to provide a suitable
al societies have been conferred upon j depository for the remains of the late
members of the University School of President, the ]larding Memorial As-
Education. Those who have received sociation has been organized with na-
recognition from the various organi- tional headquarters at 1414 F. Street,I
zations are as follows. N. W., Washington, D. C., and is per-
Prof. Charles S. Berry has been fecting a national organization for(
carrying out its plan.
given the chairmanship of the sec- win Hold Memorial Week
tion on "Special Education" of the AnniuHoMe ma deey t
American Association for the Study HAnnouncement was made today that
of the Feebleminded, and elected fel- H-arding Memorial Week will be ob-M
low in the American Association for served throughout the country from!
the Advancement A of Science. December 9 to December 16. During
Prof. Calvin O. Davis, elected secre- this time exercises and services of
tary of the commission of. Secondary many kinds will be held commemorat-!
schools of the orthsCntrl Sca-y ive of Harding's life as President and
schools of the North Central associa- ciie. uigthsmmra ek
tion of Colleges and Secondary ( citizen. During this memorial week
schools. (Continued on Page Ten)
Prof. James B. Edmonson, president
of the National association of high Stud
school inspectors; secretary of the
Junior high school committee of the In Poetry Shown
North Central association.
Associate Professor George L. Jack- By Appointments
son, elected Fellow in the American
association for the Advancement of Interest in poetry and in the writings
Science. of verse seems to be increasing late-
Professor George E. Myers, presi- ly in universities and colleges. With
dent of the State Society for Voca- the iannouncement of the consent ofh
tional Education; Member of the Robert Bridges to fill the creative
Board of Directors of the Vocational arts fellowship at Michigan, there will
Education association of the middle now be three poets holding positionsj
west. ( of this kind in America. Percy Mc-l
Professor Guy M. Whipple, secre- Rave holds a non-teaching fellowship
tary treasurer of the National society at Miami University in Ohio and John1
for the study of Nducation; president Neihardt occupies the chair of poetryj
of Section Q, American association for ! at Nebraska.
the Advancement of Science; chair- jIn an article entitled "The Poetsj
man of the committee of the National and the Universities" the Outlook for
In elligence tests of the National Re- October 23rd draws attention to the
search Council. facts that indicate that poetry is being
Professor Allen S. Whitney, presi- taken more seriously by present day
dent of the National society of college scholars and it quotes as an exam-
teachers of Education; president of ple of this awakened interest the
the Michigan state teachers' associa- terms of the Michigan fellowshipj
tion. which Robert Bridges will hold.
Professor Clifford Woody, president "Simnply to pay to the incumbent of
of the National Educational Research the fellowship a salary which will
Association. allow him to live without worrying
over means of subsistence, to provide
--__-- --____ __(_ working facilities, to relieve him of all
academic duties and simply to allo'w
'he Churches him to work at the production of his
own pictures, poems, or wvhat ever3
may be." The Outlook also mentions
the fact that Walter de la Mare, the
First Methodist Church famous English poet, has been ap-
"The Penetrating Light" will be the pointed lecturer on poetry at Liver-
Spastor'ssermon text at the 10:30 pool university in England.

I Vanishing girls are making
Archeology a lively arcourse, if j
what Prof. D. M. Robinson, of
Johns Hopkins University, re- {
I cently said is true..
I "While walking with a young j
Armenian through the hills ofj
Sardis, which are honeycombed
with ancient tombs my friend
j stopped suddenly and cried "I j
smell a tomb.' I was not per- j
suaded, but after digging a fewj
j feet we did actually find a tomb.
j "The surprising experience, j
however, was when I opened thel
door of the tomb and saw a beau-j
tiful girl perfectly preserved,
j surrounded by Etruscan vasesj
and urns. I rushed to tell my j
colleagues of the discovery. But j
when I returned the girl had van-
ished as completely as if she had
been a dream."
The explanation that is givenj
is that the modern air was thej
cause of the body's crumbling,
j magically into the dust of the air.

Burton, Hoban, Rice, Eddy, White
And Wollcott Are Speakers
On Program

YPne Moriya, 'E3, Tells Tale O
Tragedy In Letter To
Out of the ruins of Yokohama and
Tokyo, Japan, comes a message from
a Michigan graduate, Yone Moriya, '23,j
who in a letter to the residents of
Martha Cook dormitory, describes the
horrors and reality of the recent
earthquake and fire which ravaged
prosperous, modern cities of Japan,
leaving only ashes, heaps of ruins
and a few brick-buildings-mere emp-
ty shells now, their interior having
been completely burned.
*After four years residence in the
University of Michigan, Yone Moriya
and Kita Fukui, '23, received their de-
grees and journeyed. to Japan. Kita
Fukui is dead now. The merciless
quake shook the walls of her home
which caved in and killed Ki.ta, her
mother, sister and a baby. Only Yone
lives to tell the story.
"An earthquake, such as the recent
one," writes Miss Moriya, "can scarce-
ly be realized. Our home shook vio-
lently, window glass rattled, the walls
swayed back and forth, pictures, fur-,
niture-everything fell down, while
the plaster from the walls fell in
showers about us. It was as though
Hercules had lifted the house with
his enormous grasp and shaken it
with all the wrath of Zeus."
Violent quakes followed the first
shock for many days, according to
Miss Moriya's description, the popu-
lation of Omori, which is a suburb
halfway between Tokyo and Yoko-
hama, lived in the streets or along
the railroad, these being the only
places of safety from falling houses
and roofs. They cooked their meals
and slept on boards and matting in the
Omor Miraculously Spared
In Tokyo and Yokohama, the earth-
quake was followed by a tremendous,
all-consuming fire. For two days ani
nights the sky on either side of Omori
was a flaming red, broken here and
(Continued on Page Ten)
A field expedition for the purpose of
collecting plants and shells was con-
ducted last summer by W. J. Clench,
grad., and L. E. Wehmeyer, grad. The
work extended over the states of Mich-
igan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Ar-
kansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Ala-
bama and Florida.
Considerable time was spent in the
Ozark mountains of Missouri and Ar-
kansas, the first work being done
along the Black river. Bad roads
were encountered in the Ozarks, ac-
cording to Clench. There were prac-
tically no bridges. Streams too large
to be forded were crossed on barges
and the smaller ones in the automo-
bile which the party was using.
S Later in the season five days were
spent on the Black Warrior river near
Tuscaloosa, Florida, threedays at
Talahassee, Florida, and three weeks
on Sanibel Island. Collecting was
carried on all along the way.
Besides the plants and shells fdr
I which the party was searching other
specimens such as fish, insects and
reptiles were collected. Most of the
fish were marine, found in the bay
along the surf of Sanibel islan. All
the material gathered, approximately
25,000 specimens, is now the property
of the university.
The expedition was supported joint-
ly b the men engaged the zoological


The complete program of events for
the 21st annual Michigan State Older
Boy's Conference were announced at
a meeting of the executive committee
last Wednesday night at Central Y. M.
C. A. The speakers program, which
includes George Sherwood Eddy, Mr.
Harry White, E. C. Wollcott, and Dr.
M. S. Rice, as well as President Bur-(
ton and President Hoban of Kalama-
zoo, was not changed in any way. A
1 schedule of athletic events was set-
tled upon, and several interesting ac-
tivities are promised.
Coach Mather is at work on the
organization of several basketball
teams, and Barker, wrestling coach,
has assured the committee that he I
will be able to put on some remark-
(Continued on Page Twelve)
Five Flivers In
Race To Michigan-
Iowa Grid Battle
An unusual event connected with
the game Saturday was a race between
five flivvers from Ann Arbor to IowaI
City. All the cars were of the well
known Detroit make and were from
four to five years old. There were
no prizes offered but the competition
was none the less keen.

Program Offered Nov. 26 Includes
Many Unusual Features of
Ruth St. Denis, in her concert here
on Monday evening Nov. 26 in Hill
auditorium, in combination with Ted
Shawn and the Denishawn company
will continue in the line of the visual-
izing of music which the famous d4nc-
er has so successtuly offered to the
public in, recent years. The new of-
ferings in music this year will be com-
positions of American composers in
contrast, to, fornmer years when the
musical works. were the products of
foreign composers. "Music Visualiza-
tion" is a term invented by Miss St.
Denis more to express clearly the pur-
pose of the dancer than in order to
avoid the words "Interpretive" and
"Classic" which do not fit her perform-
ance so exactly.
The first section of the program
in music visualizations will be
"Sonata Tragica" and "Polonaise."
The dance writing of the first is by
Doris Humphrey and the "Polonaise"
by Ted Shawn. Musical background
for these visualizations will be fur-
nished by compositions of MacDowell.
Indian Pastoral Offered
"The Spirit of the Sea," an element-
al dance poem, will be the second of-
fering on the program, Miss St. Denis
interpreting the leading role. "Two
American Humoresques" follow.
A pueblo pastoral, "The Feather of
the Dawn," is the next offering, Ted
Shawn taking the role of the "Kwahu,"
the Eagle. The music used was writ-,
ten by Charles Wakefield Cadman.
Costumes are original Hopi Indian
pieces, the duplications being made
at Denishawn, and the headdresses
used were executed by Earle Franke
from authentic designs.
' Stage Spanish Scene
The story of the action of the next
dance, called "Cuadro Flamenco,' a
Spanish Gypsy dance scene, takes
place in a. native cafe, the evening
following the popular bull fight. The
flower girls are plying their trade,
and the cafe life.is just beginning to
get gay. Lalanda enters.in full re-
galia and is persuaded to recount his
afternoon's triumphs -.on the field.
Then the Cuadro Flamenco starts the
night's entertainment of singing and
dancing. La Macarena comes on for
her number. At the end, Lalanda, who
had been her ardent suitor, demands
an answer. She tells him that in re-
turn for the most beautiful shawl in
(Continued on Page Eleven)

Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 10-Col. Willian
J. Simmons, emporer of the Ku Klux
Klan, in a statement Thursday de-l
clared he is "astonished" that imper-
ial wizard H W. Evans, "remains in
liflillo o+7 H rt. ( al l~ i mn lirt hue ltic"h
- --- - - - -



niciing at a critical time ilxe this j

and that newspaper men and klans-I The winning car, owned by E. L.!
men are "unable to find any respons- Potter, '24E, left here at 2 o'clock{
Ible head at Palace headquarters, Thursday afternoon and arrived in
willing to meet those entitled to in- Iowa City at 2 o'clock Friday after-
formation." ! noon. The, passengers were four sen-
"I don't believe klansmen of the for engineers and a law student. The
nation are going to much longer put only difficulty experienced was driving
up with an administration that meets through Indiana and Illinois in dark-
crucial situations like this in such a ness because of burned out head
cowardly manner," the statement lights. The extreme coldness at night
said. was partly allayed by the use of sev-
Dr Fred B. Johnston, chief of staff eral lanterns as heaters.^


Examinations at Louvain University,
Belgium, are all oral, and no marks
are made during the term to help out
in case of a pinch, according to Pro-
fessor Maurice DeWuli of that Uni-
versity. Students are not allowed to
continue their course if they have
failed in any of their subjects, but
must repeat the full year. Anyone
wishing to study for a profession must
take the course prescribed by the par-
liament, with no choice of elections.
Another comparison brought out by
Professor DeWulf concerned hazing.

to EmerorSimmns wh retrned The next car to arrive was ownenI. . . . --'--
cartr w eIto Emperor Simmons . who returned museum and the botany department. Newcomers at Louvain have never ex-
from Birmingham with his superior 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon and Its work officially closed September perienced the joys and pain of initia.
today also issued a statement in which :2nd tion, as hazing is unknown there.
harrived at Iowa City at midnight Fri- 2
he declared he had gone to Birming- day. There were six passengers which
hntogadteeprrbecause accounts for the broken spring that nj V/
of a "reliable tip" that Simmons was v Mc ar n T ls S ot occurred. A bearing was burned out
to be removed "via the murder at LaSalle, Ill., and a valve smashed ay M acLaren Tells Story O f
route". He said numerous telephone at Princeton, Ill., besides three tire D evelopm ent Of R are Talent
calls had threatened the lives of Sim- blow-outs. Twice the car caught fire,
mons, E. Y. Clarke, imperial giant, once from the exhaust after the ex-
and his own life. haust pipe had been lost and another "How do I do it?" Gay MacLaren that the end of the play came before
Peace warrants against three of time due to a short circuit in the repeated as she ran her slender, ex- I realized it. My voice stopped and I
Evan's aides, dismissed here yester- !wiring. ' had to gather myself together in a
day when Johnstone failed to appear The auto of F. Pollen, '24E, had a pessiveigers throughher bla great hurry to leave the stage in time.
in court, will be reissued if the ne- blow-out just outside Ann Arbor and ko har Ifou wld lit If I should stop to think, I might for-
cessity arises, Johnson said. The war- in purchasing a new tire forgot to know nho g I rpde playscwit, get the lines. As I said, itdonot un-
rants against Wizard Evans stand.E pay the dealer. They were stopped , ever learning a line of manuscript, I derstand just how my mind works but
S__- - i r tn o ,v that I do not fully un- ..: , sr



o'clock service at the First Methodist
Church this morning. Student Bible
classes will be held in Wesley Hall at
noon. The Wesleyan Guild armistice
program will be led by Charles Hodg-
man whose subject will be "Fighting
Peace," following the Sunday night
luncheon at 5:30 o'clock.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Services in St. Paul's Lutheran
Church will be held at 9:30 o'clock in

Evidentlyl studeits are becoming
less indifferent to the possibilities cof
poetry and college faculties are rea-
lizing the need of fostering interest
in 'Cis branch of literature. Tllhe ap-
pointment of men like- Robert Bridges
to posts that will enable them to
come in contact with university stu-
dents shout! be of real inspirational
benefit to young men and women in-
terested in writing verse.


t i


German, followed at 10:30 by Bible Two of the best known American
School. "Profit or Loss" is the text poets of the moderndschool, Edna St.
of the sermon to be delivered at the' Vincent Millay and Stephen Benet.
11:30 o'clock service. Young people's developed their talent during their
social hour will be held at 5:30 fol- college days--Miss Millay as an under-
lowed at 6:30 by a discussion. group graduate at Vassar and Mr. Benet

"Her Reputation," Thomas H. Ince's
compelling newspaper drama in which
May McAvoy stars, comes to the Ma-
jestic today to be featured through
I W -.i

nar Jackson by a sheriff and several
deputies who took them to court there
where they paid for the tire and were1
then allowed to proceed. The party,
composed of six students, left here
at 3 o'clock on Thursday and arrived
in Iowa City at 1 o'clock Saturday.
One of the cars had the experience
of stopping at a gasoline station and
finding the owner badly wounded by
some negro robbers who had just left.
Another car was mistaken for that of
+he nrnhihition ntficers when thev

cancei YO uaL L) IV ,Lu=Luupsycho-analycists have wished to find
derstand myself. I see a play five out."
times and then the characters are Talent Appears Early
alive in my mind, they think, talk; act This unusual gift of mimicry has
in the very tones of voice used by been Miss MacLaren's ever since she
the actors who played them. It is can remmebr. She told many amus-
just as though there. were a little ing experiences of her childhood days
stage in my head," and she shielded in a little town out on the prairies of
her brow with her hand, "Pictures North Dakota. BAs a youngster she
form themselves there and the players said she loved to walk behind the wo-
at even in theasmidaleafake.nightmen on thesstreet and imitate their
when I am occasionally awake. various gaits. ",The deacon of our
Depends on Subconscious Mind church had long winded prayers but
"When I am on the stagee. my per- II could recite them word for word


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