IrHtRSDAY, SEPTEMBR 27102" ft THIS CLOSES LASSEFI AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 PM. J)AiLuY CLASSIFIED RATES 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9 per reading line forF three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion.j Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c per reading line for three or more insertions. White space charged for at samet rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about contracts1 for classified advertising. J- A Ta Phone 960 11USICAL Let us furnish you with a Piano or Vietrola. Very low terms. Rent ap- plied on purchase. University Music House Phone 1799. VICTOR RECORDS-All the latest al- ways.-New records every Friday- try us for real record service. University 1usic House Phone 1799. Ukuleles and Banjo ukuleles at prices that "Cannot Be Beat"-See us dur- ing our September sale on these popular instruments. Specially priced and sold on the easy payment plan. University Music House Phone 1799.! SPECIAL SALE-One half price on! leather music rolls and bags-Large assortment and wonderful values. University Music House Phone 179. PIANOS FOR RENT-Musical instru- ments repaired. For all your musi- cal wants see Schaeberle & Son; Music house, 110 S. Main St.' COSMETIC SERVCE FOR RENT Large front room on first floor, to instructor or upper classmen. Front suite on second floor. Call 2563-J. 908 Monroe. , One pleasant double room and one single. Reasonable rate, 910 Sybil. Nice big rooms, reasonable. Phone. 729-W. THREE ROOMS furnished for light housekeeping. 802 Packard. TWO SIX ROOM house in the west part of the city. New and modern $60 per month. One furnished rooming house. Two four room apartments at $35 per month. Gorton Real Estate Agency. Phone 2438 or 661-W evenings. FIVE ROOM FLAT-Heated, furnish- ed. Hot water and telephone ser- vice. Stoppet Apts., 507 Detroit I Ave., 2968-M. FRONT SUITE furnished for two. One large single room. R. Daly, 755 E. University FOR REFNT--One suite, furnished, $7 for two. No smoking. Telephone 637-R: ONE SINGLE and one double room, reasonable, ideal locajon. Call. 2897-J. LARGE ROOM for two students. Two blocks from campus. 425 So. Division. Phone 1565-J. Second floor. LARGE SINGLE ROOM in private fa- mily. Near State on Packard, $4.50 per week. 737 Packard. GIRL having a room and desiring a roonmate. 'Please call 2469 before 5 p. nM. FIRST FLOOR house keepiug suite. Private entrance and semi-private{ bath. 203 S. Thayer. Phone 1317-1. NICE FRONT ROOM first floor will rent either double or single. Rent' reasonable. 923 Greenwood. Phone 2865-W.1 BIGHT clean front room for two boy students. Two single beds. Mod- ern conveniences, 1030 Church St., Phone 1421-W. FINE FRONT ROOM down stairs and two excellent suites on second floor. Good dorm available if desired. Call at 422 Hamilton Place. FOR RENT-Double room, 520 E- Ann St.I ONE SINCZLE or double room. Run- ning water, steam heat. Large clos- etroom. 500 Catherine St., .PhoneC 2454-J. ONE 4 and one 6 room modern apart- ment, two blocks from campus, for married couples. 1713-M or 1661-J Evenings. J. Karl Malcolm. THE MICHIGAN DAILY WANTE D Students' washing and ironing. 110 N. Ingalls. 2569. AN Insurance Solicitor. Box M. C. SOPH ENGINEER wants room inate for large single room; one block from Campus. $4.00 per week. H. C. Annas, 820 E. Washington. A FIRST CLASS laundress want:s work of college girls. We are equipped to handle dainty things carefully. Contracts to sorority houses. Call 1171-M or 2115-W at your convenience. WANTED-To buy violin. Phone 2235-W. FOUNTAIN PENS RIDER'S MASTERPEN Rider's Masterpen has stood the test of years. No wear out to it. No after expense and it always writ> smoothly. Holds 230 drops of ink. Our own make. Immediate factory service. Rider's Pen Shop 302 S. State St. We have added a very complete line of WAIIL'S RUBBER FOUTNTAIN PENS. They are extremely hand- some and good merchandise. We operate Wahl Service Station for Eversharps and Wahl Pens. Rider's Pen Shop 302 S. State St. FOUNTAIN PEN HOSPITAL It costs no more for our skilled work- manship. Over thirty years experi- ance. The advantage is all yours. Standard -prices. Rider's Pen Shop 302 S. State St. BEAUTY SHOT'S . . . I. ',t 8,1 AddiD Ma- Dealer: L. C. S. it & Cra Clhises, Rubber Stamps :°md Type----- writer supplies, Line-A-Time (opy ANTE I EL lIId11 IS.- -r- INSURANE, 9 Savings Bank Block (Down ,wn A (college girl to w: (OEs re a .boa d or bot i at. priva_ Ia . In STANDARD AND PORTABLE Type- quire 1609 . i.erity. ' writers, good machines at reason- -RENTALS abler-a tes. 711 N. Univ. Rm1. 2nd Young Wonen to work pert time at Floor. the'telephone ofie.-M.s.. at the company s cFe tria. l sa P0 RTA LE 1-IAMOND tynewriter B. Edwards, chse6 oper tor. Cor, Call M . Newton with extra types, 9 1 Church St. ashington and Ma. Call Wednesday or Thursday morn- ---with ing CLO)TIIG SALESMEN mauti a weekly and up selling nil wool tilor CHARLES L. BROOKS REMINGTON PORTABLE Typewrit- made suits at $29.5 . Manager wv ers. The only portable with a be in Ani Arbor next w:'k. Write standard keyboard, giving full iniormati(n to the P rry Black, 601 E Madison. 1809 Co., 818 Detroit Savings Iauk hlg . 215 First National. Bank Bldg. Detroit, Mich. Telephone 315. Evenings 2064-S Superfluous Ji"ACLUL HAIRS Icemoved d ermaiutii ly by Electrolysis iELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE Hours 1 to 4:3 P. M 224 Nickel's Arcade (2nd Floor.) COLLEGE STUDENTs make $40 and up weekly in spare time selling all wool tailor made suits at $29.50. Manager will be in AnnArbor next week. Write giving full information to 818 Detroit Savings Bank .Bldg. Detroit, Mich. The Perry Co. ONE double room, two blocks campus. $3.00. One single roomate, $2.75. Call 1211-R. from with l- C I JE WELE It SINGLE and double rooms, newly fur- nished, near campus. Also rooms for light housekeeping. Prices are right. 906 Greenwood Ave. I MICHIGAN SPECIALTIES Watch fobs-full jeweled guard pins -ladies and sweetheart lockets-- rings-watch charms. A full line of the best jewelry. Watch and jewelry repairing in our own shop. ARNOLD, STATE STREi_''T JEWELER 302 S. State A NICE SUITE for girls or student and wife who would like to get breakfast and lunch at home. Away during that time. Address box N N ONE SUITE, one single room, also garage with cement floor. 914 Mary St. Phone 2680-J. i ; I i OCCUPANT . WANTED for double room. Excellent location between Williams and Jefferson. Rate rea- sonable. Phone 2816-M; 408 So. 5th Ave. EITHER DOUBLE or single room in private family. Phone 2893-J. 421 Benjamin. LARGE PLEASTNT ROOM with cross ventilation to two students. Private home. No other roomers. Phone 2928-M. ONE HALF of double south room foi a girl. Ideal location. 119 Park Terrace. ROOMS FOR RENT--Large single room and suite. 114 E Ann. Phone P3-M. FOR RENT - Light housekeeping a partment, also garage. all 3443- 1340 Volland. FOR RENT-Large modern house suitT able for club. Location close to campus. The two upper floors are furnished. Can be had next semes- ter. Call 204 W. Ingalls St. Phone 2044-R. THREE ROOM housekeeping suite, -12 dollars per week. 214 S. Ingalls. Phone 854-J.1 STANDARD and Portable Typewrit- ers, good machines at reasonable. rates. 711 N. Univ. Rm. 2, 2d floor.E PLEASANT single room for girl with private family. 1607 Geddes. Phone 2967-M. LARGE FRONT suite on 1st floor for men students or couple. 521 E Jef- ferson. Phone 1422-W. FOR SAL. INK Mixed inks usually flow poorly.' 0Good fountain pen ink is scarce. Fill your pen at our free filling tatiolj and be convinced that our special ink is always reliable. It pays to buy the -best ink. Rider's Pen Shop 302 S. State St. MISCELLANEOUS Dr. M. R. Minnis, chirodopist, has discontinued at the F. W. Demattia Beauty Shop and will be at lier own beauty shop over Zwergel's Book, Stor, 618 W. Cross, Ypsilanti, Mich. INTERSTATE TAILORS. Mr. G. McInnery of the Interstate Tailors is at the American Hotel. Tail- or made suits and overcoats $29..50. Phone 123 or call at the hotel any aft- ernoon. ALL KINDS of trunk and door keys 1136 W. Huron St., Phone 2498. Keeler ANNOUNCING OPENING ARCADIA BEAUTY SHOP Electric facial and body massage, clay bleaches, acme and steady treat- ment, shampooing, voilet ray treat- ment, ladies and children hair cutting. Prices reasonable. $6 tickets for $5. Madame E. Anderson, Room 21, Wuerth Arcade. LOST FOUNTAIN PEN -Between Camipus and 330 S. Main. Name on n Josephine Ciark. Phone 521. Ie- ward. ATHLETIC BOOK. Finder please re- turn to Luther Beachem, 214 Pack- ard or Phone 1551-J. Reward. LOST-Athletic coupon book. Ed- wards, 2332. FOUNI) A place to have jewelry and watch repairing promptly done. Arcade Jeweler. '.zaumssay smor 's Itl 'ZIM-r2i l l'a o 0dnuM 'a]apu e. 9 s I1 t i I i i r -. II IX V.T11 @ TWO ROOM furnished suite, half blk. from Campus. No other roomers. Reasonable. 213 S. Ingalls. 3050-W NICE LARGE ROOM, second floor for two girl students or teachers. 511 Cheever Court. LARGE PLEASANT front room for two or three girls. Two blocks from c'ampus. Inquire Mrs. Harriet McCotter, 821 E. Huron St. Phone 1521- FINE SINGLE ROOM-$4.00 per week. Five minutes from campus. 515 Wal- nut. Phone 2105-R. ONE pleasant double room near Ferri Field. Private family. $5.00. 916 Sybil. THREE VERY well lighted double rooms for boys. Reasonable and ideal location 812 Catherine St. ONE SUITE and one double room. Rates reasonable. 517 Benjamin. 1665-W. - ONE large front room for two; one three-room furnishe light house. keeping apartment. 1007 Monroe. ROOMS for rent. Two nice large single rooms. Also large double room close to campus. 427 Thomp- son St. ROOMS SUITABLE for business con- cern for society. Reule-Conlin Co. LARGE SUITE abd one single room for students or business girls. Also board. 328 E. Williams. Phone Same day optical service. Arcade Jeweler and Optometrist. NEW K. & E. DRAWING SETS-Bar- gans. Inquire 920 Monroe St Phone 990-W. STANDARD AND PORTABLE Type- writers, good machines at reason' able rates, 711 N. Univ. Rm. 2, 2nd floor. FORD Speedster, $75. Good condi- tion. Call '2583-W 118 North Thayer Thayer. 'OR SALE-Ford Roadster, 1920 Model. Good running condition. Good tires. Call 2333-J at noon. HAND KNITTED sweaters made of the beautiful new Sig-Knit-Ring Yarn. On display at 923 Greenwood Ave. Phone 2863-W. T SQUARE for sale and students fur- niture at reasonable price. 608 Packard. Phone 211-J. Also room to rent. ATTRACTIVE evening gown. Very latest style. 504 East Liberty. NEW K. & E. log log duplex slide rule With leather case. Inquire 913 Mary St. Phone 2016-W. FOR SALE-Democratic, collegiate Ford roadster. Best model made. Phone Jerome 80 between 6 and 7 p. m. $70 cash. POLYPHASE DUPLEX SLIDE rule, especially suitable for civil engineer. Call Fowler, 811-W. E':" FOR THREE NIGHTS COMMENCING I I SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 29 wvvnitney inevtre: MONDAY, OCT. 1, TUESDAY, OCT. 2 1 MIGHIGAN REPERTORY THEATR E Presents the Three-Act Comedy By HUBERT HENRY DAVIES MEMBER~S' TICKETS EXCHANGED AND PUBLIC SEAT SALE AT BOX TWO 1921 Ford Raceabouts. One is fully equipped, starter, top, wind- shield, disc wheels, etc. Engines completely overhauled. All worn parts replaced with new. Call .a 1309 Geddes Ave. BOARD BOARD-Upper class and graduate women will find excellent board al f 119 Park Terrace. Call 2184. DINTY MOORE'S FILLING STATION. We have enlarged the old tank so H OFFICE fHURSDAY AT 10 . A. M. I 9