r; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1929 H IHIA AL THE MlCHIGAN. DAILY ... ---- - tt ti IS 1I $. i . e k , ey 4 7 ' is K 5 fi LEAGUE OUTLINES DRIVE DIVISIONJS Masques' Annual PayWill Have Arabia;i Nights Thele r3 biin nizhts storvr 1e'1imf wxith flit to e i t i Alumnate Committee 1)hIdes Coi~nfr y Into 1A8 Distric'ts VorI Campaign: MICHIG~AN LEADS WIV-1 AORE THAN 4200 ALUMNAE An outline dividing the countryinto sixteen districts for campaign pur-1 poses, drawn up by the central com- mittees on organization and quotas, has been submitted to and approved by the central campaign committee of the University of Michigan League. The divisions are as follows: District 1-Maine, New Ham~pshire, Vermont, Massachussetts, Connecti- cut; the New England states have 238 alumnae. District 2-New York anda New Jersey with district headquarters at New York City, 514 alumnae.t Dlstr ct 3-Pennsylvania, Maryland,, Delaware and the District of Colum- bia, 'headquarters at Washington or3 Philadelphia, 357 alumnae. District 4 j -Virginia, West Virginia, North Car-,f olina, South Carolina, Georgia and1 Florida, headquarters at H~untington, West. Virginia, 123 alumnae. District 5 includes the statenl off Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabamna, and Mississippi, headquarters at Lotus-c yulle, 70 alumnae. District, 6--Ohio,e headquarters at Toledo, 558S alumnae.9 District 7-Indiana, with head quar- r ters at Indianapolis,' 244 alumnae.I District 8-Michigan, with headquart-T ers ' at Ann Arbor, 4268 alumnae.s District 9-Illinois, with headquarterse at Chicago, 1620 alumnae. District 10 -Wisconsin, Minnesota, NIorth Dako- ta, .South. Dakota, headqutarters at ' Minneapolis, 274 alumhnae. I .The states of 'Missouri, Kansas, and I Nebraska make up district 11, head-1 quarters at St. Louis, 320'F alumnae. District 12-Louisiana, Arkansas, Ok- lahoma, Texas, headquarters at Tulsa, of a Ch1inese prince-'s for a )gr prince and opening in front of th~e gates of Pekin on the d1awen of ail eventful day, will be -re'sent ; by Masques dramatic .,ocioty Nov. 20, in HMlI auditorium. TLhe plo y waus Fr:At produced in New Yorhkrinder t he di- rection of William Prady. It's cnh- tinct literary merit marked it, as ;t realj contribution to our dram~tatic litera- ture. The plot will rrcall in a o instances the production of. "1'toeYel- low ,jacket", presented by M asqn('s two years ago, haut "A Th1otuand 4Y ar-s Ago" is a Persian tale with all the glamour of the orient. fThto scenery, which has been 'ei n t- ed by Professor ). Rale'igh Nloof the English (departmuent, is now W ing painted by 0. S. Davis of De)troit. The music is another feature of the per- fornmince. The satmospere of t he1 Chinese stage twa:3 crested in ..11 e 9 Yellow Jacket" two years ago by the consistent use of Chinese mus, ic. Thi' year the music will be work ^d out with equal care, according t o Pro- fessor 'Nelson. The Shieherazade off I Rimsky-Korsakoff, the 11 ,eriit a (ordo of J~IMLehman, tho 'Turksish ar tch of Mozart are some of the vources from wvhich the music has hlen drawn.I The cast for the play includes s-,- oral wiomen iWho. havc een01prc:aisin- f ent in former Mlasques' productions. The cast of characters include: Tu- randlot, prince.ss of Pekin, Charlottal Ewing; Altoum, her father, th e:gm-t peror, Nellie Rittenhouse; Zelinia, herI slave, J:une Kneisley; Calaf, her lov- er,' Isabella *WaterWorth; Barak, his servitor, Marguerite Coodman; Chantg, chief servant of the harem, Margaret A\nn Keegan; Scaramouche, Veina Leigh Carter;. Punchinello, Hortense (loadl; Pantaloon, Ruth Christensen; hlarlequin, Ruth -Vermilyea ; Capoco-t nico, Elizabeth Pike. Tickets are on, sale on the campusI thiis wee~k and can be obta~ined fromn-E 'sale will be held Saturday, Nov. 17,1 The nex Monday, Nov. 19; and Tuesday, Nov. 20 Women'st at Hill auditorium. Tickets wvill bie ! 'clock~ Tu 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. IA. Miss ( members of Masques. The b)ox office:; of educati "V cations THEETEAMS 1RMAN #Th i IN HODCKEYCOMPETITlION a~ljsr't _-- I Allzi l xt meeting of the Business club will take place at 7:30 aesday night at the Y. VvW. C. Cleo Mturtland, of the school ion, will give an "address on al Education". higan D~amcs will m~eet a'4 S uesday night in the Faculty club house, w2(3 South lIg who expect to receive credl- i Three teams only remain in the i competition for the trophy in the hockey tournament to date. Betsy Ilarbour house has established itself as the champnion of dormitories inI this sport, but the superiority of the :sorority houses is still un decided. K appa Kappa Gamma and Kappa Al- I pha Theta, will probably play on TlueU-. day to settle this point, and the win- ner of this game wvill meet Bectsy Bar- bour' on Thursday for the big g anie of the season. Tentative puans for basketball arel already undler way, and Miss Erley isj anxious to have an alumnae interest- ed in forming_ a team communicate with her immediately. Class teams wvill be organized as soon as possible,' and dormitories, leag~ houses and sororities will follow suit. Students To Register Students wishing to register for teachers' positions for next year are requested to do so tomorrow, at the school of 'education. Enrollment on this dlate will be free and after that a fee of $1.00 will be required. Announce 1ar-lake Announcement has been made of the amarriage of Catherine Chave, '25, to, Eiigene Conner, '26D, which took, p~lace Sept. 22 in Detroit. Miss Cave is a member of the Alpha Xi Delta sorority. Conner is a member of the' JIMj Omega fraternity. The couple will make their home at Los Angeles,j Cal. [-Sxf ;jf Alb I I , A DAINTY GIl Get jour E nsian a n d Christmas Photos at the same time. . PHONE 598 Oklahoiima, 118 alaumnae. District 13 s---------~----------u,"x"'u ' , ~a _________________f_.___ _._.___________ -Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona. Utah and Nevada, headquarters a =ltlllliliiiloat+o ii nroreo-raarea.. ..~,rr~yp(ete(aesa tliit t~ltta~l~d:td.4;llla 11ill111l11l~111 1~ 111~liliilt1I111i I1141~1111111Bli111i1t1N Denver, 162 alumnae. District 14-} - Montana, Wyoming and Idaho, head- quarters at Missoula, 105 alumnae.f District 14-Washington and Oregon I= with headquarters at Seattle, 205 I 2= t alumnae. District 16--California with I headquarters at Los Angeles and San, Francisco. This state has 451 alum- '2 Alumnae 'To Form i - Basketball Team- Alumnae interested in the organiza- _____________________ tion of basketball teams are request- .;MTNE-EE1t ed to communicate with Miss Lrley as MATINERTyNG__TODAYN soo asposbl.1:10-3:110-4:30 I7:00-8:10 With the approach of the finals inaT the hockey tournment, all thoughts are being centered on the net im- o h portant cometitive activity and namm- ufs ey o feoga n e bers of the physical education de- partment are enthusiastic about lans : they are making for the formation of t ^ll o$enB.i a basketball team for the alumnae toHed Not ie ny Gil' o ey be arrainged against the various class= { teams. N*,o girl was going to sting him! No, Sir! Then a beautiful little "Zipper" AT TlE HEAERScame buzzing aong and--lIT'S THE BEES KNEES Screen-Today I - }Arcde-"Woman Proof" with JI ( I Thomas Meighan. o I Majestic---May MeAvoy in "TieIr I Reputation".2 IWuerth-"Soft Boiled" with Tomn I v2 f Mix. - IOrpheum---Richard Talmadge in w o mn o " Wildcat Jordan". II' I II Stage-This Week 1- 1 hte-usaGog V.I= Can we add more unless it's to say that this trio oif ~.::: .- Cohan's "So This Is London". i2 THE, CAST favorites made "BACK HOM AND BROKE" E__________________ Tom. Rockwood, an engineer...r, THOM IVAS MEIGHAN r - Louise Halliday, Ihis fiance...esC C ii's ..v.-s _LILA LEE ~W~~........ .~ J e !" ~Milo I'leech, a lawyer, John Scinpoles _4f> ,:Wilma Rockwood ......Louise Dusser 'Thlomas Meighan( in a pri :c : a'?:Ic te tou.nd1ofanxous. Dick Rockwood .......Robert Agnew YO l w .rL)5 h h u n s o a m iu . :- - kn w wh t th t me ns! e ha ~ itf.in d out if it is really so. - ~Cecil Upydke.......Edgar Norton we isstuea" eas' the ad'l'o(rlaowmngfit Vilt ywodgl....MayAs ou :suewhae fwaitingto . 2 Uncle Joe Gloomer. .Charles A. Sillon A crackerjack role for the ,a ofsin.'Onew gloios bulletin: ..~~. 2 Bill Burleigh.........George O'Brien star. A barrel of real play for T omn1.1 i.,iin si No, Tomi Mighan is SCelesti Rockwood ....Vera Reynolds laughs; a bag of sur- called "\VTiojjjc .mProf" To Nowot-pof 2Col. Lynwood....Hardie Kirkland =.Wistfull Moore.....Martha MaddoxAndto mhe tis bill Topcs Isaac Dirge..............Bill Gnder tY A~~~ ~)prcn asltl nentoa A :" a° 0 prcn aaotael i BIG SUR2PRIS5E Foreman................Mike Donlin iii{-sIteratadded x a La~YEOTJi5 ~~ notber Sta Comedy News You Will Always Find 'Irs clion I , Arcade COURTESY I Orchestra .s' QUALITY Coming Next Sunday---- AE MURRAY in "The French Doll" and y SUNDAY P.tIoI[III#!I MAtien AllSe Est. Pric Tt STDAI Est Prce 'R ddIes- EstPrce