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November 10, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-10

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first. At once realizing the demoral-
izing effect which such spontaneous
Icharges will liave upon any team,
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE and the desire for retaliation which
Enot infrequently results, the Big Ten
a representatives would merely be rec-
'ublished every morning except Monday ognizing a fact which coaches of base-
during the University year by the Board in
Cntrol of Student Publications. ball and track in the conference'
Members of Western Conference Editorial schools provided for in a similar
.Aociation. agreement nullifying all charges en-
__ -tered after the opening of their play-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news ing season.
dispatches e >eitd to it or not otnerwie Before the announcement of the
credited in this paper sud the local news pub-
lished therein Badger tackle's ineligibility had been
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, officially reported, rumor spread over
chigan, as secnd class matter. Special rate the Wisconsin campus like wild fire,
,, ostage gatcd by Third Assistant Post- carrying the charge of professional-
aster (nracrl.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, ism against "Red" Grange, the phe-
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nomenal Illini back, on the grounds
et.Editorial, 2414 and r76M ; Busi- that he played with a professional
tess, 960. team at , Green Bay. Thus the na-
Si ned communications, not exceedint T300 tuiral reaction to what all Wisconsin
wos, will be published in The Daily at s students presupposed was -an under-
the dis:zretion of the. Editor. Upon request,
the identity of communicants will be re- handed trick to cripple their eleven on
arded as confidential _the eve of their most crucial game.
EShatever the source of the informa-
EIIITĀ£IL STAFF tion which resulted in Gerber's ex-
Telephones, 2414 and 176- H elusion from the play today,-the basic
data from, which the charge was com-
HOA RD A. DOA UE piled must certainly have been avail-
__________ able before the date present ed. In
News Editor..............Julian E. Mack thlut event, it was unquestionable
Cityr Editor............Harry lirey
Editorial Board Ci . C. Moriarty 'maliciousness which lead to the post-
Night Ed~brs ponement of the presentation of the


A Breakfast Serial
This is the end of that sad tale
Which caused in Athens the baneful

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
In the November 4, edition of the
Michigan Daily, Dean Humphreys
voices his opinion regarding students
who work their way through college.
It would seem that his experience i,
that barring a few exceptions the suc-
PQof cth whn of flt t la dlp

F H. Ailes A. B. Connable
R. A. Billington 7. E. Iiskeg s
Harty C. Clark JG Garlinghouse
P. M. Wagner
Snoits Editor..............Ralph N. Byers
Women's Editr...........Winona Hibbard
Telegraph Editor.............R. B. Tarr
Sunday Magazine Editor.....F. L. Tilden
Music Editor..............Ruth A Howell
Assisuant City Editor......Kenneth C. Kellar
Editorial Board

Paul Einstein

Robert' Ratnsay

Andrew Propper
B. G. I3aetcke R. S. Mansfield
I .N. Berkman E. C. Macck
lelen Drown Verena Moran
Bernadette Cote Regina Reichnau
G. W. Dzvis W. It. S'oneman
Harol Ehrlich, Ft. R. Sto;ae
&. C. Iingerle K. I. Styer
1~, ?~. Henry N. R. Thal
borothy Kamin S. B. Ti e nble
Joseph Kruger W. J. Wa.tlwar
Elizabeth Lieljcrmrn n -- -
Telephone 940

charge until Mhe present week.
The necessity of rectifying rulings
Swhich will perm-it such an injustice
to be comiled against any athletic
team or player is obvious when the
results of their enforcement are in-
spected. The necessity for rigid re-
strictions on all participants in in-
tercollegiate athletics is made even
more marked by such incidents as
these, but above all, a specific set of
enforcement rulings which will obviate
the possibiity of any unsportsman-
like rival taking advantage of Jhe reg-
ulations is called for.
Men of the Ilini get no satisfaction
in conquering a team deprived of one
of its mainstays through the un-
timely enforcement of an ineligibility
ruling and it is folly to presume that
Coach Zuppke or any of his aids in-
stigated the action. There is no glory
in a victory won in that way, and what
4t- 41 4

Where lay the corpse of Aegeus old cess of I e wa oe o i1a1 cuss aofes
Who took his life when Theseus bold not merit the effort. I wonder, how-
ever, if distinction should not be made
Had -failed to cl ange the sails so sad
Whic mae th faher hin hisladbetween the student who is seriously
Which made tfat sher think his lad bent on working his way through, and
Came not in the ship which broughtth nwh wrstmkepke-
awn the one who., works to make pocket-'
yway money for week-end trips to Detroit.
Survivors of the human prey Conditions being such that any man
Through stroke of the sword which here may earn his board, room, arid
reached its mark laundry with an average of four and
In the hulk of a monster grim andsy
starkI a half hours work a day, there is no
Ireason on earth why outside work
By aid of the string which guided the . ey
feet should iterfere with studies. Any man
out 'for major athletics puts in about
Through the silent signless spooky thtfmch timedi hi .tining
that much time during his trainig
seusthperiod, and no mention of such cause
Of Theseus the brave who led tha t sdenth panng
!Which came from Athens afar to the 1 httesuetwoi lnigt
landAwork, is willing to forego some social
advantages, and devote himself en-
Of a maid who had designs in store tirely to his work and studies. As it
When he should kill the Minotaur is iy opinion that practically all of
Who daily took in his dainty fins the 1504 students who utilize the em-
Those tender Athenian vitaminesp- they1500 student wdh utlie the em
lnounce) of that type, should the few unfortu-
nate failures brand the whole group
And sated his hunger ounce by ouncea
Far off in the house that Daedalus as not receiving value for effort put
bitin"? Apparently they should not, but
(FINIS. still Dean Humphreys' opinion is
INIS) justified for the simple reason that it
e * * * is probably based on facts, or appar-
ent facts. Many men invited to visit
Further Progress of the Bldg. Program the Dean after months on probation
givesn atr onhsoveryaio
It gives s a very real pleasure (as will very naturally try to arouse
the introducers so often say) to be sympathy by claiming the necessityw
able to give a favorable report on the for outside work, regardless of the
progress of the Building program dur- actual facts. Such claims, when un-
lug the month of October. The Yost founded, naturally produce a wrcng
Field house is the most advanced; in impression of the group of working
fact it is ready for dedication by the students in the University as regards
best little gang of dedicators in the their scholastic standing.
country. The Physics building is al- To warn men against coming to
ready throbbing with the beauty that college "broke" is to risk the loss of
will soon be its. But our comment the opportunity to develop for ours
on the nidl d livn' h a,,,,

A Wonder Selecion of Personal
Engraived Christmas Cards
- -------- A -------
2 AH A M'S
,,aA A AS &.
Order Lary
~ r -siu ~ n - z~~i~n - -c~-bs--~
im red olfH ose

Chine e and American
Service a la Carte
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Advc~tisig.................. 14 Du e i Illn wanti isi a~ LtI~)~iL~LU i -sjIU U U iL1 ~~p~Icutybaeadfals iies
- h iiiiwn satumphant strug-- Ml priue ana joy or the campus, country brave and fearless citizens,
Adve-tising-.....-................urney--gle with Wisconsin's best eleven men the Literary building, must still, we for, who will leny that it is a sign
Advertising. -..- RoescrIin the line all the time. Conference fear, be unenthusiastic; it has pro- if undaunted courage to undertake
Adve, tusinug .................W. K Sr ichrr fudutdcurg o-ietil<
Acco s....................W Ch istie provisions should be such as to as- gressed little. This month, though, such a task without the proper E-
--u--oene............Pe ier.hl;sure such and only such conditions we hear that an additional bricklayer nanciat means? And such are men
uin every Big Ten gridiron battle. It has been engaged, and with all three
Assisants that ought and must be developed in
?,ennie Chan Edw, D. hloedemaker is to that end that they are urged to of them working away, they should an intitution such as ours to shoul-
John Co n arold A. Marks perfect their rules. I accomplish something really worth
Alin B. Croolh IB ron Parker der the responsibility later. H__nc_,
eouis M 1. M. Rockwell While. let us encourage plucky individuais of
DavidA. Fo Will W ise I*1the shallo'v-pocket type, to join o tr
Lauren Tl'Tht, C. F. Wh'ite I Everybody in town is going to see rns h ekwl eesrl e
- I. 'i---- -n ----- ITwenty-Fiv Yefs I inter Comes." Everyone says it main ont't"e roadside via the Dear,
is a great photoplay, a truly supreme oflice, but the worthy ones will] reh1i
_Ag o At iMichigan bit of silent drama. But some rude the end.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1923!~louts have been laughing during the One Who Works.
SATRDA, 1, Iloftiest moments in the show; and
- From the files of the U. of Al Dail Y ftstm ensnthsh ;ad
Night Ed'tor--RAY BILLINGTON 'l.ythey have offended the aesthetic sensi-
-.._ - - - - ____ _____ i~~oe mb i er 10, IS899 iiis o el
bilities of a fella that wrote to the Y
SAIUTE THE MARINES ! il e W -a Daily the next day. Y
Hion. Ilerbert Welsh, who was an-
The great autumn game that each !o ed spak reth Inthe interests of science and truth By SMYTiE
Thencgreat autumnbgameethat each
nouivet to ~ea be orethe oodand justice we took in the drama last$
week holds hundreds of thousands of Government club next Saturday night nh usf; an weo mst ay tat
Americans spell-bound will be of has put off his lecture till next Jan- wh oungaPe'sol ay wasLA FEMME
Y in Ann Arbor. when Young Perch's old lady wasLAF M
special interest today i Ann Arbor. nary owing to conflicting business en- passing out, and Young Perch was The National Woman's Party at
Our guests and opponents are the gagements. It is not definitely known standing there doing a double ghost length creeps into the limelight of
Quantico Marines accompanied by Sec- yet who will be the next speaker on act with her, AND the orchestra publicity with the launching of a
retary-of-Navy Denby and many other the course, but very likely it will be played Nearer My God To Thee- campaign for a woman president: The
distingushed men of the country. Eugene V. Dels. We ,gave a very gentlemanly party, at present, is centering its at-
Under such auspicous circumstances --~~chuckle: only that, and nothing more. tention on the enactment. of a Con-
will the dedication of the Yost Field Four of the students who graduated stitutional Amendment which will
House take place. It will be some- with the class of 1897 from the Uni-' I make this possible.
thing of a ceremony at the shrine of versiy have gone out as foreign mis- IParis, Nov. 9.-The Ambassadors'
So iCouncil has been called to consider {
athletics--clean, strong, and manly. ; sionaries. the German situation "Men will pack up their political
Truly this is a red-letter day in the - --- * *,* troubles and leave the nation to a
history of the University of Michigan. The Senate will meet Saturday Political Note petticoat government with women in
We heartily welcome our guests; motrfing at nine o'cock in Room 2, The duties of the chief executive control," is the latest claim. Up to
salute dpr opponents; and anxiously University hall. At the session last of the U. S. A., according to Mr. a few years ago, the battle cry of
await the- blowing of the. referee's week, owing to the removal of the re- Woodrow' Wilson, are increasing to militant females was "Women's Suf-
whistle. striction against members of the Law such an extent - that the American frage." Has it succeeded? Very few
department becoming members of the , people will soon have to choose their of the enfranchised women come to
SING "THE VICTORS" Senate, about 10 new members were presidents from among "the wise and the polls and in a great majority of
"The Victors," if sung at Ferry field there. The resolution instructing the prudent athletes," which, he adds, is a cases the woman vote is negligible.
by the thousands, of students in the peace commission to stand for the very small class. Apparently it is true that "after you
stands,.spurred on by the cheerleader retention of the whole Philippines was 1 Conceive of the great change that get what you want, you don't want it
squad, would be a great inspiration to not disposed of at the last meeting so will be wrought in our nation's politics
the team as, it conies onto the field. rw il have to be taken from the table wuen this comes to pass. Instead of Was it Swift or Carlyle who inti-
It is customary for the band to play and further considered at tle meet- printing the candidate's speech on the mated that the world was populated
this piece as it parades across the field ing toii'orrow 'occasion of the laying of some jolly by apes and dogs? Smythe is not
just previous to the appearance of the -- -corner stone, the campaign biographies !'quite so harsh; he does not like gen-r
team. In fact this is an old tradi- The fact that the grave of one of will deal with his achievements on the eralities, and while he will admit that
tion, the genesis of it being that "The the presidents of the republic is today high school baseball team; with his at times the crowd is rather aggra-
Victors" is Michigan's fighting song, unmarked by even so much as a board - time in the 220 and 100 yard dashes; I vating, nevertheless, he insists that it
the song in which Michigan men shout although he has been under the sod with his record in the 20 yard back- takes not only apes and logs, but all
out their defiance to the invader and for more than 35 years, is, perhaps, stroke. Instead of showing pictures kinds of animals to make the world.
their loyalty to the team that is about news to many who remember when of, say, Cal and his boys in a family The thought is highly diverting.
to defend their colors. "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" was so pose on their lawn in Massachusetts,
At the previous games when the potent a political battle cry. And yet there will be snaps of Cal doing a THE OLD BOYS
band played "The Victors" there has it is true that John Tyler, the tenth couple of rounds with the mits, or Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn of
been no response. "The Maize and president of the United States, sleels lriving off from the ninth tee at the American Natural History Museum -
Blue" has been more reassuring but without a monument to mark his last! Skokie. .has been credited with the statement
there are many who hesitate on the resting place i Hollywood cemetery, In other words, the present pro that it is questionable if there has
words. Can it be that Michigan men Richmond. cedure will be exactly reversed. How been much change in the human mind
no longer care for their school songs? many of the qualified, ballot-heavers since the Stone Age. Men had brains
The Alma Mater, at least, should be President James It. Angell is giving in the last election knew that Warren of good size at that period, and in his
known by everyone, a series of talks on psychology before Gamaliel Harding was the remarkable ; opinion the gain since then has been
In "The Victors" Michigan has a: the philosophy section of the Chicago golfer he turned out to be? in knowledge rather than in intelli-
fighting song that cannot be equalled. Worman's club. - * * * * gence.
If everyone joined in to sing it when Now that are getting
the band trium-iantly parades the Sixteen thousand spectators saw' nearer and nearer to 4000, the problem The contention sounds reasonable
length of the lii-d to its strains, it Yale's mighty eleven defeated by of dedicating the pool arises to threat- enough. Possibly the man of the
would be a big imfluence in giving the Princeton Saturday with a score of en the peace of the campus. Stone Age was in general a shrewder
team the feeling of confidence and 6 to 0, in the most bitterly contested But to our mind there is only one and more self-reliant stavage. The
support, which is so necessary for a solution to this problem; only one ded- forest has no respect for the weak
victory. Everyone knows that a song game ever witnessed on a football ication that will in any sense suffice. and the incompetent. Society today
can be an inspiration if it is so in- !And that is this: is highly specialized, and high special-
tended. The words of "The Victors" Have President Burton, in a nifty ization utilizes even the weakest
were written for just such a purpose. The exclusively co-educational fea- tank suit, stand on the spring-board factor.

. ......,_....._.. r.., ._.._. .. ._. ...... .

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~l~ ~Y r~z


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