THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PIl1V 1 [ i\ ,",.... 1 .: ~ .. DA1ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i~ulblicatiofl in tlr a Blletin is constructive notice tza all members of the University. C'opy received by the A sistant to the President until :0p.m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday Toume r'2)A ~ Fd1uI~ 3 3 'Nulber1 To the Faculty: All professors and instArtcton s d =silng t~o l;av~e he: saliary checks ry depoCSitcd monthly, mar.y a2anlg'e to do so at t>liC'C t iTyr's cGlier.,betore "-o;ember 26. ;5 .,1200~athi, Se:retary. Fil"tIty, College of Literature, ('v i I Thle next meetVng of the Facult~y will ':,held Mnl:0d, Novenihe 1.t'I2th, at 4 :05 p. rig. in the lectture roson of the Un2: v rsity LibAra rY. 'Thie businiess of the meeting includes. 1. A- motion to albolish Plani 1 foral niision. 2. Statement by Professor E. L. Daey cow,,crn i;a cott %nplatecd eor- ganization of the wVort in Business 1 iiinistrat ioan. American _Cheuical Sodiely, 17. of -I. 'Section: The next meeting of the local section will be fhell today,, November' 9th, at 4:15 p. mu. in the Chemical Ainlhlitlwatre. Profe:7ssor 1i. C. Whit- more of Northwestern University will speak on "Rtec-nt Devtloc~inieits in the Organic Chemistry of Mercury." All interested are invited to attend.,. ilif~,Secretary. Detroit Symphony Orchestra : The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Os yip Galhrilowitsch, Conductor, Michael Press, Violinist, will give'the following all-Tschailkwvsky program in 11i11 Auditorium, Monday evening, Novcniber 12. at 5:00 o'clock: Fifth Symphony, E minor; Concerto 01). 35; Marciie Slave. Tickets for individual concerts or for the rn mainder of the series (four more concerts) are on sale at the U'nivtnrsity Schoo0l of :Music. Ciarles A. ;Sink, Secretary. Faculty CoGnert Postponed : The Faculty concert announced' for Sunday afternoon, November 11, has been postponedl to Sunday November 1S' en account of tihe Armistice clay services. Charles A. Sink, Secretary. University of 211cliigaii Band : Capes will be issued today from 4:00 to 5;:30 p. in at Lane Hall. Spe- clal for Detroit leaves Michigan Central station Saturday at. 6:00 a. m., city time. By order of the Director, Williahm G(h'u och, .1r.; Asst. Manager. Players Club: The work shop group, and all others interested in this kind of pro- duction work, will mleet in room 205 M. 11. at 4:00) p. in. 'those who cannot be there may call me at 2308-M, Rioss L. Tylr (Wa torical Associati on Lecture : Miss Gay MacLaren will give the third nuniber of the lecture course tonight at 8 o'clock in Ihill Auditorium. She will read Gilda Varesi's comedly, "Enter Madame". The Box Office will open at 7 o'clock 'for the 1.urose of selling course tickets and single admissions. 'thie-ushecrs: are rc'ques>c~ t 1 o on lbtird <:'7:25. .1. K. Dun in, lPresiden t, Orvator ical Ass:ocit ion. GmnMay HIurtFrance MIICOIlDECLARED-IYIJST Caillaux Warns UNDERESTIMATED NATION W. I. KELSEY GIVES FIRST TALK' ON SPANISH SOCIETY LECTURE SERIES !"Mexico, Past and Present", was the subject of the talk of W. I. Kelsey, before La Sociedad Hispanica last night at T~appan hall. Part of the time Mr. Kelsey, talked in- Spanish, and part in English, and was able to present many sidelights- on the sit- uation in the tropical.- states." "Mexico is one of the most under-i estimated countries in the world",k said Mr. Kelsey. "She has great pos- sibilities as both a :social and an ec- onomic power of world-'wide influ- ence, and is rapidly coming to the front in both these directions. "The education of the youth of Mex- ico has just received a great stimulus in the recently organized government, cooperative schools. Under this form of vocational training, the child choos- es the task which pleases him the most and then is tutored by highly p~aid instructors so that he may pro- perly develop his natural faculties." Mr. Kelsey went on to explain the remarkable archiological discoveries which have been made in the lava beds of central Mexico, and which point to the, belief that this halt of theI world has the older civilization rath- er than. Europe and Asia, as is the nnm~nnr A-1nn rf k h n. n .. n Phone 265i2 IRVING. WAlIMOLTS, D. S. G. CHIROPODIST ado FF40OD19T 707 N. University "the brakes didn't work" ACRASH and some- one badly hurt. Carelessness on, the part of an owner' who j neglected to have his brakes properly adjust- ed and relined. Don't let it happen to you.j Bring your car around and let us -inspect the brakes without charge. Maybe they need an adjustment or sturdy Raybestbs brake lining, Better be safe than sorry. Brakes Lined* While You Wait We are Brake Specialists Prompt Efficient Brake Service Auto Specialty -Shop 219 West Huron Street 2W. Calllaux M. jCaillaux, former premier of France and later exiled for his "de-I featist" activities during the war, who! now looms up as an active figure in the coming French elections,' warns his country that dismemberment ofli ~WHAT'S GOING ON' FRIDAY 7 :(10 am-Holy Coinniuon :a11i hiam's Memorial chapel, Harris hail. 12 (A -ulver club. pietuure taklen atI Spedding's. t) .f0--Studenit Christiani association cabinet meets at the home of H-ar- old1 Coffman, 1101 Olivia avenue. 4 :00-Players',chub workshop groupl will meet in room 205, Mason hall. 4.-6 0-3Members of Y. W. C. A. and S. C. A. cabinets meet, south parlor, Newberry hall. 7 :00--eeting of freshman group two in room 323, Union. 7 :30-Alplha Nit meets on fourth floor, University hall. 7,: 1--Craftsmeni club meet~s in Vias- onic temple. g :OMi-Plny productioni ci s s presents ARISIE oPPIES O V Y. IV. C. A. AND AMnERICAN LEGION A UILARY TO CONDUCT ALL DAYT SALE In commemoration of the signing of the World War armistice, poppies are to be worn again this year, symboliz- ing the battle fields of Flanders. The Y. W. C. A. and the American Legioni auxiliary will conduct a joint safe of poppies tom orrow;, the sale contin- uing 'from 8 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon Those Who purchase poppies are asked to wear: them again on Sunday, Armistice day. Seventeen thousand poppies will be -1L -AAA"Xu..uuLVLcommonIUIIand accepted theory at pies-' Germany may be dangerous to France ent. - _____unless___________the _______breaking _____________up_____is______spontaneous._______________' Berlin; Nov. .-Jewish World War ,. Batsveterans-. have organized for, defense against rioters. .3 72 In 19 Years' New York, Nov. 9-(By A.P.)-Ty Cobb's batting record, to which lie --= added new laurels during the 19231= season, stands .out ,as one of tI:, j= 1F e tuL11J bright pages in the history of base-#9 ball achievement.j-- The Detroit pilot now has to his V s a credit the highest life-time average, .2; the most hits for all time, 3,454;~ and a recordl of hitting over .300 for'-- 18 consecutive seasons. Hle has been j over the .400 mark three times, tying' nder w~ear I the old National League record of Jes-!w so Bunrkett. I.- r -I For.. Kchillydys- r = Swiss Riobbed Sllk and Wool g ool- all stiles r1.1 TAKE THAT 2I AMIAN[ lIDE NOW .r- { See the beauties of Ann Alrbnr froin a- .: bove, Big three p~assenger plane. Ex- - rmv pic t. Smooth, saf flying. No -- $Each PaSSen3gerC L UTZ C ourse of 4~strution $100 Packard S#. and City Limits Clo hi g:Sor Read the Want Ads I- DONTOW w r I r i three one-act plays at Univers-ity! placed on sale, which were purchased hall. at cost from the Girl Reserve depart- ment of the Y. W. C. A. Members of { SATURDAY the high school- Girl Reserve club and 10 :30--Trianguhir cross 'country meet! older grade-school Girl Reserves will at Ferry field. !assist the women of the two organi-' 3(:0---Foothall game with U. S. Mar- zatiod's in the sale. Ines at Ferry field. The proceeds of the sale are to be 7 :45-Craftsmen club meets, Miasonic divided equally among the two organ- temple, for degree work. izations in charge. The American V :00-Arujistice dance in, BarbourE Legion auxiliary will use its share in gymnasiunm. assisting war cripples, and the Y. W. C. A. to promote work in Y. W. C. 1'U-NOTICES A.'s of other countries, for the purpose Look for 'veLoW' on the back of the prints we make. Thelc Anni Arbor Art association n. of furthering friendship among foreig nources an exhibition of famous; countries. Those in charge of the sal paintings in Alumni Memorial hall! say that -the proceeds are to be use Nov.5 t No. 1. Th exibiionfor a joint purpose, to heln erase th Nillbe reto v.t2 he eblic. ti effects of the Great War, and to prF Senors -rho have not yet obtained vn te as their photographers' 'receipts must;l' do so as soon as possible. The The University Chamber of Cor. Miehiganensian office is open from coerce ri t Wednesday in the F-conor 2 to 5 o'clock every afternoon except ics building. VW- H. Butler spokeo Saturday. "Problems That Confront Chamberse Sophonioro engineers are asked to re- C~mre"Absns etn o p~ort this'agternoon at 4 o'clock at I~dterglrporm Ferry field, to P. C. Eddy for speed- -_______ ball game with sophomore hi.ts. Daily classified for real results. ;ed li re- in- ofj oI- I.. ..'.'. .. .... u J ,d A lfan 4 h. V x tE } ~ .kJ d81 t_ , 1 ""' ._ i ~+ .a.o. ,\ \\ \ v ,, lt Prints of the Superior Sort The Girl Withi the Camiera Mind in "EINT ER IMADAME"I TOIIT'-11L 1 ADI'I'ORIUMI Van's "."ilad FRI SI an evidence that when you bring us your films you get the best results pos- sible, we use only. Velox-the paper that ex- actly fits the requirements of amateur neg. atives. Velox costs us more than other photo. graphic papers but we know it is worth- while because it assures you of prints of the superior sort. Painstaking finishing is a rule with us-m. not the exception. 7>"_1 _L_ 77_ 7 T"7 A Y