1HE MICHIGAN DAILY . .. F .; n ... . i .. :. ~tea, " . . 'i ww wi..I .Mw.. n #. _ t t _ Tfl ERYflTO, jlIs Responsible VARSITY Tv FAcE IVRIINEb MSneay MINUSFor Marine Play SERCES OF THREE STAR LINEM Babpoek, IiKmo'w, :Neisch to Start In Y A rvrt Places of lMiulrhead, Vander- I 0SK IAL Voort and Curran -L M N '91111 , AEROPLANES TO BRING HAL IBRLL INt919AM ITItS:. OF OPPOSING, ELEVEN TODAY Practie yesterday for the Varsity COACh MATIER STILL IN NEED . football squ'ad as it prepares for the OF MORE CANDIDATES !- game with the Leathernecks tomorrow FOR TEAM- was limited to drill on the Marine for- -fVa IPractice for the Varsity basketball Y" matlons, Which are expected to be used squad still consists of the fundament- against the Wolverines.I als of the game, as Coach, Mather is The staff sent the squad through a anxious to have his men well versed ,-" "dimrmy scrinmmage" to work out and! in the basic principles before starting " perfect a defense of these formations on the finer points. j - and following this the squad workedl Last night's workout consisted of on its own formacions which will be drills in passing, pivoting, shooting, : tried against Beckett's men. A long with a scrimmage winding up the ses- signal drll ended the work for the s Th suad has been divied day,. thesqudmesnee wille : "be L "'tDil oa up into groups so that the same men ! ;:<;:I:my:MWy";: "v L . Iiglht Drill Todty work together each time. In this way This afternoon the men will be giv- the athletes have a chance to acquire en. only a light signal drill to keep the fundamntals of teamwork while them in shape for the fraca tomor- they go over the routine work. Piv- >AX :. rowo All of the new stuff that the oting was stressed strongly by the 1V Wolverines will display has been Coach, whose theory is that footwork taught"the men, and all of the mis- is the most important branch of the takes which cropped out in the Iowa game. Mather's system is based on game have been stressed and the Var- the contention that, other things be sity is, ready for .the, Devil Dogs !. . . . . .. . . . . .. ing equal, the team with the better..........ltoghno dfiitl sThe lineup, althgth a no detnieyfootwork will come away victorious announced, i expected to have three ltoughthere is a fair-sized squad new faces in its personnel. Michigan's working out at present, Coach Math two veteran tackles, Stan Muirhead er is still in need of big, fast men and VanDervoort, are both out of it who know how to handle a basketball. owing to injuries as is the case with Ourran who will'be replaced by LeRoy ed by the return of a number of men- Nisch at right end.. Curran; at Ares-edbthrtunoanmerfmn Netishanricappend.b Ca a le andwho at present are playing football. ent, is handicapped by a game leg and Kipke, Steger, Herrnstein, Palmer, ..j is in need of a rest so the coaches have Ipk, Btker, a edstn aler, decid~ed, not to use him againstth Blott, Baker, and Swan will report, Marines. for basketball when the gridiron sea- i First Lt. John W. Beckett ,sonicoses. BIJeoek, Kunow to Star son closes. First Lt. John W. Beckett, former However, even with the presence of, jhe remander of the team will no these athletes, the Coach's problem Oregon star and All-American tackle, dt.er, andte same. Uteritz, Kipke, will not be solved. It requires some who is coach of. the Marine Corps foot- has been working so well in the back-, time for a man who has been play- ball team. fseld, will ably take are of the second- ing football to accustom himself to team-! axy fse while on the linecnd the court. As Coach Mather express- Sdefenbe tsJhack es it, "They run for the corners, and Ilarvaird Changs Bliott wili;be at his regular berth and; the two guards' Slaughter and Steele, we keep away from the corners." Last Theory Of A ttack are slated: to open the tilt. Babcocki year there were several grdders whola. ail lay o of lte tck. Bostiok should have developed into basket- i place of fander ta le punwball stars, but were unable to make New York, Nov. 8.-(By A.P.)-Har- ll be used a~s his running miate in Ian impressive showing due to their vard is to meet the Princeton Tiger Muirhead's position. Both rmen have inability to shake off their football in his own lair in Jersey on Saturday, been going well tlroughout the season training, and adapt themselves to has- in the first Big Three contest of the and while tie albsence of the regnlars ketball. ,Iyear and supplementary to this fact is will be felt it will not weaken the ean .tThere are several places to be fill- the indication chat Coach Fisher of the to. any large degree. Neisch will be the ed before the season opens, and Coach Cambridge college will completelyedis- running mate to "Dutch" wh Mather is on the lookout for men card his former methods of play for will play his regular job at left end. who can qualify. The present squad this game., te Quantic'aggregation wil arrive is receiving careful going-over in the, Heretofoe, the Harvard cach has today by train and some by aeroplane. hope that he can uncover some men held to the theory that the quarter- IThis is the first time in the his'tory of who will fill the shoes of Miller, Ely, back is the brains of the team and the school athletics that members of Paper and Cappon, who were lost to should therefore keep himself as fit a visiting team have come for the the team by graduation. as possible throughout a game, and g ame by this method The fir t con-refrain from carrying the ball and be- tingent of Marines will get in. some- Theater Manager Censured 1 coming fatigued But Princeton will time this morning coming direct from Sam Green, manager of the Wash- find Joe McGlone, star broken field Washington while the remainder are ington theater, has been ordered to runner and triple threat back, calling expected this afternoon. close his theater at the usual time and the signals for the Crimson eleven. not hold midnight performances on Saturday nights. The police depart- It's true efficiency to use Daily Sport Snap ,ShoCs Iment issued the order after a disturb- Classifieds.-Adv. ance which occured at one of the Perov Hauhtnn neo nf AmAvn'la's shows. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. ENTERFINAL LAP Pinceton 'Wcets hluriard In First Big Three Contest; Notre Dame Plays Nebraska WEAKENED BADGERS TO PLAY ILLINM IN IMPORTAlNT GAME With the close' of the 1923 foot- ball season four weeks in the offing, about a dozen teams in various sec- tions of the country stand out as the best elevens that the year has pro- duced. In the East Cornell, Yale, and Syra- cuse have perfect records. In the mid- die West, this season has produced Illinois, Michigan, and Notre Dame as its three outstanding elevens. Califor- nia and Washington look best in the far West, while Texas looms in the All11 three of the most successful 1middle West elevens will be in for a real strugglei on Saturday. Notre Dame clashes with Nebraska at Liii- coin. Nebraska's defeat of Rockne's men was one of last season's upsets., and Notre Dame is out for blood. I1- 1inois is in for a hard afternoon wheii Harold Grange and his teammates will attempt to vanquish the powerful Wis- gven a seious seback Wopednesday wvhen Gerber, star tackle, was declared ineligible. If Illinois defeats Wiscon- sin, the game with 0. 5. U. on Nov. 24, will be all that stands between the Suckers and the C,onference title. Barring upsets, Carnegie Tech should have little trouble in defeatting the University of Detroit with the latter's sar back, Paul Hogan, suspended Xroin the squad. Chicago is favored to win from Indiana, while Purdue and Ohio State clash at Lafayette.' Interest in the East centers on the first clash of the big three, Princeton versus lHarvard at Princeton. Vieing with. this event will be, the annual Cornell-Columbia battle, :t New York, Wth. th dpsters fao il diCornel tao real battle when the tis clash in the Yole, bowl. The A ihasas Aggics: [wl opo the Army len at 'West' . esting game. Dartmoii' 'strong elev en will play Brown ,u dv~ty at Pro- vdence. Texas, the* ''nder team ,of ~he South, will combat. the Baylor out- it a The Penn State-Georgia Tech en- gagement' imt State CdfllEge is another In , acjz ~ re ,wl~l 4 n ral iter- Golden Tornado by Notre Dame has considerably affected the standing ot Withe Georgia team. Will Play Guard I uni~r iin i n n n~ For Marine eam' BVgiNU IIIIIWT ari urrvm H1HAIERS1 TRIANGULAR lMEETI$ERE 1 Sfouad Given Rest Today to -Insure Its Being inih Best C'ndition For Hard Test RACE WIUL E FIRST HARD TEST FOR MAIZE. AND BLUE Stephen J. Farrell, Varsity cross country mentor, is tendering his ath- letes a rest ioday as the Maize and Blue harriers are scheduled to partici- pate in one of their hardest meets of the season tomorrow when they match their wares with those of Ohio Statel and Illinois in a triangle meet on south Ferry field course at 10:30 o'clock. There is little doubt but that the met will be one of the most hotly contested affairs of the season as both Ohti and Illinois are reputed to have exceptional aggregations and there isn't a cross country fan in the 'West w~ho dloesn't know the power of the Michigan team. The Wolverines were champions last season and if anything they are stronger this season. Against the M. A. C, team, the Var- sity runners had little trouble in plac- ilon t'he squad and is a little lacking in experience. Nevertheless, Stove ex- pects "Mike" to place high tomor- I'9w. Shionefield and B~owen may well be classed with the best as both are runners of ability and experience. NihloPolhemus and Mason are the other Wolverines who wll be en- tered in the meet. The Ohio aggregation is fairly well balanced with Liske, Piper, Piper, and Wickoff the outstanding performers. All of these men finished well against Ohio Wesleyan last Saturday. The Il- linois teampis also well balanced and aso experienced. It is interesting to know that there isn't a single sopho- more on the Buckeye squad. Speedball players flocked to the courts 1n the basement of Waterman - ing the frst n'ne men in one, two, gymnasium yesterday in. preparation ' , =? ' ,was three order. Then on the following foI h oigfaent.tunmn ' Saturday the Maize and Blue harriers for the coming fraternity tournament, dHrwhich gets underway next Monday af- indulged in the annual flarpham tro- ternoon. Second Lt. George W. Mclienry 'hpy run in which some exceptional Although the entries from the hous- Second Lt. Georgo W. Mcllenry, de- times were turned in.. es number 23, which is not quite4 up frmMn Picking a winner for the race is 'a; to the record established lastyerbyCahecttfan aief year, the veloped by Coach .eckett nproblem as there are three men who tvenh' remisestobesheledrith Corps material, is scheduled to play at haven't bowed to defeat thus far this event promises to be one filled with one of the guard. positions against the sason. Aboetoreeaths farnhiseplenty of action as many new men, oerfitesonard aysiionsaginst the sesn All three of these men have1 some of which are pretty good, are in Wolverines on Saturday. lie tixs the turned in good times in the past and trainyng. scales at 205 pounds. all seem to be at the peak of their The entries for the tournament will Not the least promising of the inter- Mhgcateeaclose at 5 o'clock, tomorrow. Pair- sectional clashes will be staged at Harry Davis, without a doubt the ings will be made for the first round Braves' field, Boston, when "Bo" M- most capable runner on the Michigan Saturday evening and will appear In Bravs' feld Boson, hen"Be"Mc-Sunday's Daily. Millan, erstwhile star of Centre col- team, has turned the five miles in the lege, leads the Centenary eleven he good time of 27:00 this season. When now is coaching against Major Frank Hariy made this time lie wasn't push- Only three fraternities have placed Cavanaugh's Boston college team ed the slightest bit.TWickoff, of Ohio lists of their entries for the swiining State has also been turning in good meet, while 18 houses are scheduled times this season. Against Ohio Wes- Ito be represented. It is imperative Thomas Returns leyan lase Saturday this fleet Buckeye that these lists be turned in immedi- To Maroon Team1 runner traveled the five mile course ately. To ar onTe m in26mnutes, 42 seconds. iIn 1921 ickoff was one of the stars Today's schedule will wind up the Chicago, Ill., Nov. 8.-The Univer- of the Conference but in 1922' he was speedball activities for this week. The sity of Chicago's'' footIball team was I forced .to withdraw from school. It bigger..half of the remaining games materially strengthened today by the! will also be remembered that Garnet will be played next week, leaving the return of Harry Thomas, star defen- jWickoff, brother of the present star, more important affairs, the champion- sive halfback, who was declared inel- 'was a member of the 1912 Olympic ship games, for week after next. igible last week. -ieam. Davis and Wickoff should put ..Following is. the schedule for to- Thomas was lost to the team in tie ;,p a great race. day: 3:15 o'clock, team 1 vs. team 4, Illinois conflict last Saturday, but has Captain Arndt is the next best bet on soph lies vs. soph engineers; 4:15 o'- since made up his scholastic work. the Wolverne squad if his perform- clock, team 7 vs. tepam 10, architects Thomas will be ready to play with the ance in the Harpham trophy riun last vs. education, Phi Chi vs. Delta Tau Staggmen against. Ohio next, Satu- Saturday counts for anything:. Arndt I Delta. day. I finished second in this run and was One change 'has been made 4n the I I followed by Rearick who also ran a schedule, the architects vs. education It's tr efficency to use Daily good race. Reinke seems to come next game having been substituted for the Classifieds.-Adv. in ne.Reinke Is tfie only snphombre senior lits vs. senior i n Q SG1V 1 v;.g ;u r leers: game. 11t1111t11111 i1 itilalll~li tlitIIIIII1111i~ltlllf 19 HIP 111 I11 B3 lllalltilii Q i t 6 9llb iillil itili lti lllg i1 11111 tlflng -- I w - Just received a new shipment of those Snappy Bats-~ in Stripes Sand Figures. 1K'R& COMPANY SSouth State Street at William Street The Home of ietter Clothes Furnishings and Hats at Fair Prices aa.. w wr I s .._ I Reservations Now and: Saturday [ Ph one We Are Esueciallv Eauinned to Handle' #rfIo W AEr I m A R