rRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOTED CHEMIST TO SPEAK ER TOAYU Will Address Chemical Society News From Other Colleges I . :., ; ,. r Professor Whttmore, of Northwestern, Talks on Organic Chemistry of Mercury SUBJECT TO BE DELIVERED iN SEMI-POPULAR FASHIONS Prof. Frank C. Whitmore, of the chemical department of Northwestern university, will be the speaker at the meeting of the University section of the American Chemical society that takes place at 4:15 o'clock today in the chemical amphitheater. His sub- ject will be the "Recent Developments in the Organic Chemistry of Mercury." Professor Whitmore is considered the greatest living authority in his field. He is the author of the A. C. S. monograph "Organic Compounds of Mercury," and is the former secretary and chairman of the organic division of the American Chemical society. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Chemical Bulletin, which is the uil)bhcation of the society. The members of the University sec- tion of the American Chemical society- will give a dinner to Professor Whit-I more at 6 o'clock today in the Union.{ h a ye ti a th, na ye in de thl hn ba Penn State-Pennsylvania day will statistics the Varsity footballers have e strictly a student affair this year, piled up a total of more than two nd not a public affair as in former hundred points against their oppon- ears. Among the events of the day ents, while only 36 points have been ill be the Georgia Tech game, and scored against thein. soccer game may be arranged with --- ie Navy. Yalc--Among the many prominent persons who have expressed their Chicago-Class elections and nomi- opinions on the prohibition question ations will lie held in chapel this is Admiral Sims. He is quoted as say- ear. This will eliminate registration. ing in a recent speech here, "I believe that Prohibition is here to stay." Dartmouth-An increasing interest- serious matters on the ptrt of stu- Ohic--Harry (loge) Workman car- ents, and a corresponding increase in ried off the honors in the senior elec- ie desire to find and make iise of tion. He received 45 more votes than howledge which may be obtained from his nearest competitor for, president ooks is indicated in the increase in of the class. Don't We a Mollusk and Eat the Same Food Every Day TRY OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY Chicken Dinner -55c- the use of the University library, ac- cording to the report of the library Mexico City, Nov. 8.-Political rum- committee. ors today include one that Presdent Obregon will ask for a leave of abs- Cornell-According to the latest. ence. I Prof. Frank C. Whitmore Nationally known chemist of North- western university, who will address the University section of the American Chemical society at 4:15 o'clock today in the chemldcal amphitheater. , His subject is "Recent Developments in the Organic Chemistry of Mercury." A Star..-A Constellation u - GAY MACLAREN in "ENTER MA DAME" TONIGR-T-lIIIL AUDITORIUH University Restaurant 91 1 North Univ. p _ I nt ,:E Plasse Will Talk On Art Conditions In order to inform the American I students of 'the art conditions abroad, and especially in France, M. George Plasse of the Societe de Graveurs Modernes Francaises has consented to give a short address at 3 o'clock today in the upper gallery of Alumni hall.j Many of the etchings now on display in the gallery are the work of M.+ Plasse, and accuracy of upon them.. everyone. Student Injured in Game Henry F. Clark, '27, was injured while playing speedball Tuesday. He susttined a broken knee and is under care at the Health service infirmary. are remarkable for thej the etching work done The talk will be open to ts true efficiency to use Classifieds.-Adv. Daily .. Wallace Hoffman Fraternity Representative Underwear Full length, well fit- ting, warm w i n t e r weights if you like it. Athletic style if you prefer that kind. Wil- son Bros. make it all. $1.00 up Men Like .This Fine Shop It's a shop different from the ordinary. Here you get personal service, our mer- 'handise is all of the very best and our prices are lower than elsewhere. You'll like this shop too. Great Values in Shirts We've just received them from Earl and Wilson. White or modestly colored. With or without collars attached. Well fitting, durable, fine fabrics. $2.00 and up Across from Chemistry Bldg, A _ ,, l OVERFLOW DANCE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 SCHOOL .OF JN TICKETS MUSIC AUDITORIUM AT GRAHAM'S Pajamas You'll need heavier pa- jamas for these cold nights. We have sev- eral new numbers 'that will please you. $2.25 up. E. J. WEIMER $1.00 Couple 9 to 12 I- V5 MAIN STREET' with J. J. 0'I Opposite Elks 'KA IN-Shoes . .... " a 1 i I ti D E R Mt I i r Y I A L White Swan Comments on Dry Cleaning. It will pay you to read Facts are hard things to refute and White Swan wants you to know the facts about its modern way of dry cleaning your clothes. The White Swan has the most modern and up-to-date dry cleaning equipment in Ann Arbor. It is recommended by the National Association of Dry Cleaners. It is manu- factured by a company of world-wide i mp o r tance -who have been manufacturing dry cleaning equipment since the industry was founded. It is a system rapidly displac- ing the older and more obsolete systems in every section of the country. There are several good cleaning agents that will clean your clothes without injury. (White Swan uses CLEAN- ERS' NAPTHA, not gasoline.) White Swan uses it be- cause it believes it is the best, proven so by practical ex- perience and by scientific tests. It is used by all the lead- ing large dry cleaners of the country. White Swan uses the Bowser Clarofilter process of clari- fying its dry cleaning liquid. It is a process of filteration by which every particle of s u b s t a n c e foreign to the cleaning agent is removed. There is no fire used in clari- fying with its attendant risk to your clothing. Every bit of lint, all grease and dirt, everything but pure Cleaners' Naptha is removed in the process, making it fresh and clean before your clothes are cleaned in it. ABSOLUTE- LY NO CAUSTIC IS USED IN ANY PROCESS BY THE WHITE SWAN. Your clothes are cleaned by the continuous flow of this cleaning agent until they are thoroughly cleaned. The fluid runs out at the bottom as fast as it runs in at the top, and this continues until the fluid as it leaves the machine is as clear as when it enters. Step by step in its process The White Swan can prove to you by facts that its method is superior to other methods, and at every step in the process. We will welcome the op- portunity to do so. It's a fact. Better cleaning, betterpressing, better service here, always. *1 4 I' Cream I 11 The Lotion *4 '4' 4,, Ur 'er ': I. The discomfort caused by roughened hands or cheeks will be a disturb- ance unknown-after the healing effect of Dermal DePachmann and His' Baldwin To those who were at Hill Auditorium last Monday night it is not neces- sary to state how well he played his way into the heart of his audience. To the other, who were not there, well-they have heard all about it, anyway. But we should say a word of his Baldwin, for, after all, it was this instru- .ment that created the sensation. Of the piano, De Pachman himself says, "Ah, the Baldwin! c'est Piarvelleuse! my piano is my wife. Jel 'aime. We would further say that we have similar Baldwins on display at our store, and after DePachman finishes his tour we will have his for sale. Allmendinger Music Shop, 305 Maynard Street Cream. Made Only at G. Claude Drake's Drug and Prescription Store Stat and N. University Phone 308 I EVERYTHING IN MUSIC PHONE 1692 "The Quarry"~ WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY COMPANY o 1 ii - ii E