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November 09, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-09

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___, _.. ..__ . __r_.

fl j indid n his trip than his health or
avisit to the historic tombs of our4PR L "
-- = forefathers. Surely Lloyd George
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE must have seen that his absence from
UTNIVERSITY OF MICIIG.N England at this' tinge was particular-' DEDICATED
Ay desirable, as hie could watch the T
Puibli lied> every morning except M4on'lay tmve vnsin that island em- JAMES K. POLK
during the University year by the Boadinfsminng eet
Control of Student Publications. pire, and yet h ave the ever ready all- THOS TAT AEAU
Members of Western Conference Editorial h ht ewsnot.tee.adta BUILT
:association. ( onsequently his p~resence could not'
.-,~r,-.h~t x,.,>rnfnn~r7 ll~t.\h~f~ tltuA Breakfatst Serial




(The Bos ~n Evening Transcript) Dn 1
Do we read, or do we merely ab-
rb 'what others. possiblv a limited




0 wmvwuw


The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otnerwjie
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,1
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of inost be graned by Third1 Assistant Post-j
mnastfri cnrl
Subscr iption by carrier, $3.5o; by mail,t
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, IMay-f
nard Street.
Ehones: E ditorial, 2414 V'nd 176-M; B~si-
nest, 960,
Sign td comimunications, not exceeding 300
w'i.-is, will be published in The Daily at,
the discretion of the Editor. Upon requi-st,t
th; iden:tity of communicants will be re-3
pnrdc- 'as confidential.
Telephones, 2114 and .176.3f
News iditor........ .......Julian E. AMack
City Ltitar........ ..arry. 111'"ey
.dttor it+ luBa~d Chairmnan. . . . . .C. Moriadtyj
Night Editors
1.. H.'.AL . A. B. Connable
It. A. ; . Ii.iske
Barry C 'r; .Garlinghouse
V nits V.iu.......Ralph N. fByers
L men' ........ ,....Winona lHibbartd
Telegra; ito..........R. B. Tarr
Sunday MaazineiAtor.....F. IL. Tilden
Music Editor.........Ruth A Nowell
Assistant City Editor ...isenneth C. ](eiiar:
Editorial Board

possibly have aredticcen ICI;v.wituh til
statement Lloyd George couldd go try
the. voting public of England, with
whomll he has always baeen a collosisal
leader, andl with thle magic ability
which lhe possesses , an! the political
luck whiich is proe:t'bially Ils, sweep)
his way to the ministry again with
an overwhelming avalanche of votes.
Lloyd George, however, as one writ-
er puts it, is a "leader without a par-
ty". With the break of his coalition
Sministry, and the 'so'idification of the
conservatives of En'igland into a uni-
fied party alter thie (tres~s of fihe war
was relieved, the, liberals broke up
into several camps. England t oday isr
torn between more powerful political
p~arties than- it has bad to face for
many years.. Although the Lloyd
George branch was not strong enough
'to swing the election to their leader,'
and he fell as a result, it still forms
a potent unit; the Asquith-Gray group
which is a survival of the old Glad-
!stone party can be deperdcd upon
largely to support liber al measures,
or even to vote with the labor par-
ty; the radicals divide thiemselvein be-
tween the labor party and the Maver-
icks whose opinion is worth nothing.
'Lloyd George then has very little
chance to regain his position through
the medlium of his own p~arty. 11ow-
ever, it is hinted, with a little moreI
authority than mere gossip, that Lloyd
jGeorge may pin his hopes on the la-
bor party. If the event should hap-
pen that Dr. Baldwin goes to the
people :with anl issue and is repudi-
ated, it is almost certain that the la-
bor party which now forms his maj-
esty's opposition in p~arliamnent will
pretdonlinate, and Mr. Ramnsay Alc-
' Donaild, who is the leader of the par-

This is the corpse of Aegeus old
Who tools his life when Theseus bold
Had failed to change the sails go sad

class, have taken, from reading? If
our readers care to examine the
thing and look at, the space allotted
in the daily- and weekly press to book
reviews and wh'at is ' meant for crit-'
icism, if they will remember that such




lhc ade h ate. hnkt is work would not be done in such vol- I
Came not in the ship hihbogtum ni a . with such distinct excellence
whic broghtwere it not -for, a. public that, asked
away for iti there will not be so much sur-
Survivors of the human preyIprsatorqeio:-
Through stroke of ,the ,sword which Tprse aor heueson eonei
reached 'its ma~rk " reading who devour bcok reviews, that
In the hulk of the monster grim and stimulated, nay guided" by the diet,
stark they may peruise the book themselves.
By aid of the string which guided the, There must be such, or books would
feet Inot be sold as they are. A definite
Throgh he ilet sgnlss pooy {class of readers approach reviews in
r street the spirit Qf conscientiousness that
bandsu tebav hold h verges' on reverence and pay a deli-
band icate compliment to the reviewers. If
Which came from Athens afar 'to the suhbilatad nutiuIe
land; uhbilatan nutiu e
Of a comely maid with vampire eyessathtabkiswrhedng hy
Who souht toit must be. The surn of knowledge
Who ough togain from love a prize or taste or' both will have been in-
For saving youth from Attica's shore crae.I"n~heohrhn e
Frmfligta ra eevi viewers say that a 'book is very bad
*Of the Minotaur so huge in span I indeed, then the careful reader will;
The an-odid bll ad te bll-avoid it as the plague. This, never-
Tha detmin teCea ayit.theless, is a beautiful dream,, for the
Tlrt deltin he retn lbyrnth Iunromantic fact is that reviewers do
G(To be continued) I not Itgree by any means, and thus the
ARISTOPHANES.l unfortunate reader is- left suspended.l
But we have a definite idea that
TO MY BLIND PAL there are' many voracious readers of{
I gazed into your wistful eyes, reviews and of "literary" newspapers
Topools prfudwthsu-et who let their. reading be done vicar-
C reach. , iotisly. Let us snot berate them nor be

A Wnder, Selction of Personal
Egraved c, hristrnasCards
Order Erl


ke "


Re ad the Want Ads Reac The Daily 'Classified" Columns

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e tiery two hours to 9:10 p. in.
Express: 7 a. in., 8 a in. and every
two hours to 8 1). m,~
Locals: 7 a. in., &:55 a. in. and
every two ,.Hours to 8: 55 P. In.,
11 p. ini. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40J
p. ni., 12:25 a. i. and 1:15 a. in.
Liiitedis:.8:4x7 a'. in. and every two
hours to ',S,;.'t. . 1
Express (irnaiimg h;'eal stops) : 9:50
a. nli. amnd e .ery Lwo imoim to 9.50
Locals,: 7:50 n.: in., 12.: 14 a. itn.

Paul Einstein

Robert Ram: ay
Andrew Propper

As Re-crcalcd bi GAY MACLAREN
Eng ine,,ers' and architects' Materials
Stationery, IFountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books
Cameras and Supplies
Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos

B. G. Baetcke R. S. Mansfield
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Idlen Brown Verena Moran
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=. X. Da~vis W. IL ,S-mnemari
1harold Ehrlich 11. l. Stote
£ . C. Fingerle K.I(. .styer
'. P. Henry N. R. Dijal
1.,orothy Kaz-qin S. B'. T: emble
Joseph Tinger W. J. Watnour
Elizabeth Liebermnan--
Telephone 960

. ' 1

I sought to, learn 'neath clear blue; superior. The descent to this Aver-
skies nus is softly and respectably easy.'
The tales of Love those eyes mightI When you read this kind of thing you
teach. cannot be said to go without useful
information 'and the whole conversa-
Seeking, I besought the aid of one tion is kept at a reasonably high
Whose deeds were coarse and vile, pitch. Yet if you will not occasionally
Thor, the God of Thunder and Dun, read books yourself and leave the re-
The realms of peacehe's e'er ,defil- viwesto' their bland devices you

NO 1 BESii
7 8
11 V2 13 14 15
1'3 1:) 20 21 22
25 2 27 28 2!)

2 3
9 10
16) 17;
23 21

toratn__<___ed will presently feel yourself in a posi-
Advertising .................. E. L. Dunne will be asked to fr amisty. tion where you let somebody else d
Advertsing ...................... C: Purdy, Lloyd George will probably be offered Causing a wind swift and cool,yortikn.frouAceanflb
Advertising........ ....W. Roesser yuIhnig.o yu eti lb
Advertising................ W. K. Scherer anl attractive place in the ministry, Raising large billows upon the sea, biness is the price you pay for it and
Accoc;uts..................... W. Christie!
Circutiation .............Perry M. Hayden and it would not be long before this' Casting riplets across the pool, ! it reveails itself, in a lassitude of the
Publication................Lawrence Pierce wizard of politics would be able to lie destroyed Hope and Life for understan~ding. It has' a meaning, the
-'Assistants head a party of ,his own. When Eng- me. fact 'tlaat some of the great critics
~eneCpa d.P olmkrland gets in a tight fix, bloyd George f OSNIY have said not sel omr that 'readers
John Conlin Harold A. Mlarka OSNIY
Allin R. Crouch ]3yron Parker is the logical mail to call on, 'and jms: Iktoslvs-i o nte
Louis M. Dexter HI. M. Rockwell Imut'kthiseesadnoaohr
toseph J. Finn IT. E. Rose when called on, he will be ready. Ti on a osnIyhsbe wehrte no n htadwy
)avid !A. Fox Will Wcise ._____ hi oI a oso v a enwhte hyejy n htadwy
Lauren Haight C. F. White --cnrbintoteclfrsmtme e vrieelie' fpreto,
JR~._E. Hawkinson R. C. Winter C(NFERE'+ , RFU rE otiuigt h o o oetm. YY l one f efcin
_________A C J, _NC_'I RFTR In the-earlier days of :his; career, how- but' one within the reach of all whenr
___________- AM PRSENT0001) eerhis work was not marked by we affirm that there is n6'tlii'n'"like
_________ - _____ Ai-ong thme iany conventions sche- the sonorous richness that distinguish- tough reading to teach a writer his
FRDY NOVEMBER 9, 1923 doled for Ann Arbor this year, the Old- es the lines. above. But he- has' trade, and he should always be learn-!
_______ - -- -- - -I .steadily been" improving, as the Ypres. ainmg. And there is nothing like tough
Night Editor-J. G. GARLINGITOUSE erBy'cnrnerakinaOi ent opus can testify, and we ,'Hope reading to teach the reader his trade:
- --~---- L ion of prominlenqe. t s estimated isome day to see his name enshrined in turn, to tell him what is style amid
SUPPORT -THE CROSS COUNTRY that at leatst two thousand boys, the; with those of Wordsworth, Sh~lley, what is not, to show him the vitals;
TEAM ' hiajobity of high school age, will bel and Keats. of thought put" into print and to form
Michigan's cross country team in attendlance at the gatherinig whichI He deserves particular praise~ we: in him that capacity for .judgmentI
which brought one of the six Con- will be hield here the latter hart of think, because he' had so successful- ! which exacts certain standards.
ference championships to the Maizef Novemiber. A nuber of lproiiinent ly reduced to an absurdity the theory Were Shakespeare ogrite us '4 re-
and Blue colors last year will goa men will speak at the conference, in- that a' young poet cannrot take. a tom- { view and criticism d~nci hs' pays,,
up against its first rivals on this eluding President Marion L. Burton,' bre attitude toward. life and make his the stuff might egod. enoug;hr tj
year's schedule tomorrow morning George Sherwood Eddy, author, and wor~k convincing. Poison Ivy, as he though not past argualent, but could
wheni~h Oho ad Ilinis eam IHarry White, secmretary of the for-. prefers to call himself for the preient, never comd up to the, play itself. You
will attempt to defeat Farrell's men in° eign dlepartmnent of India. is undoubtedly convincing; and his ;simply must read if 'you , are to uni-j
' !FIor the rst timge since 1914, the Old- Muse is a tragic one... derstand an' author and yourself. Yeti
triangular meet. The team has I.
er Bysronferenmce is to he held in; * * l fu lponfo lytdy
worked hard in preparing for this er1y l!f s'lpo ro a ody
meet in the endeavor to start off withi I Ann Arbor. The ineetinig should serve! Some mention should be made of the! content with the enjoyment and in-I
a clean slate for another Big Ten I a doub~le putrpose; it should aid the fact that there were in Van's night telligence by deputy, "Fear the man
title and, as far as the conditioilof visitingt stuidents and it should prove before last three conductors of Daily of one book" is' a trifle too pregnant
the men is concerned, the outloUk i' of" benefit to the University. colyis at the selfsame instant: Kel- and epigramatic to stand inspection,
bi h fo a Mihg n vcoy Wht Michigan youth attending the meet- ly Cai ia, nd owe w s a but it is a guide to what shlould lie
" ... ,. . 'ily' will have broug~ht before them .ost nm ntSn.te itte oa~ dione.

For College Neil
617' Paiird Sf'. Pltoije,1792
(E hlere ':I). IT. R., Stops- at Stit,)
Home Cooked Meals
Reasonable Rates

tuedaes and Sodas
fPrcscrip iio 's Ca:'cf ul1y Compo undcd




..r...,,.... . ..w...... ..... ..-- --- i

614 MONC IROE 1079-R....
- Satur~day NihtNOEMER1(
r Parties
For Gifts«k.. ny
IxFor All Occasions I'i
I PHONE 115 4I
Cousins & Hall ,.BY °DEWITS" NEWiNG
aE5~ ,A L;'II' I lVED PIIONE 480
Orchestra $2.75 '
G1 1. 1X1NI TI'AR TV AXE'SNI - Ba lcony :$2.20--$1.65-:1.10
. . .. . , : . .. . . i i .. . . . .

is needed now is the backing ofthte
student body.
Aithougm cross country is compar-
atively a new sport at the University,
last year. Farrell and his mhen wvent
down to Purdue and annexed the
western title in competition with fif-
teen other schools, Isbell was the
big star' of the meet and was judged
the all conference champion. With
his loss the 'team is greatly lm.Ini-
capdthis' year. The. men look Lo'odt
bat they will baove to be given a great
deal of(i pot if' they are to repeat
the pio i'il, .-,(,of Jo st year.
At (t i m~'country has comle
into the 'nsl, thie most popular
sports 1:o'T tarmore than 1500
turned out i ~s school to see their
team compete with tilme Dartmouth!
harriers. Football of course has al-
ways, been the great college sport but
there is no reason why it should ec-5
lipse other athletic activities. At Cor-
nell this does not seem to be true.
Michigan could very well aford to,
:ollow their example.I
The teams that meet tomorrow are
reported to be' the strongest in the
Conference. An ultinmate victory for
the' Maize and Blue may depend uponj
tomorrow's results. There is no doubtj

principles bearing upon and applic-
able to any organized Christian eni-
terprise. Cooperation, a matter of
paranmount imnportamice in any field of
endeavor, will be oiie of the mattersh
called= to the attention of the visiting
boys. It: is ' only by the experienced
adhvice of meon of affairs that a realiza-
tion of the necessity for cooperation
and conmmon understanding canm be
driven honme to thme minids of the im- l
jmature. Comprehension of time duties~
of citizenship which will devolve up-
on thenm in the future, and a better!
understanding among the boys, should
be the chief results of the conference..
On the other hanmd, the Univemrsity
will gain a great deal by having so
many proslpcctj e students visit Ann I
'Arbor for a fewv days in whichm tinme
the boys will have anm opportunmity to
get a "close up" of Michigani. By
talking and umigling with the Univer-
sity students,'time visitors will be en-
abled to receive a glimpse into the
vital elenments of life at Michigan that
they would otherwise not get by a
mere casual perusal of a catalogue.;
Tyhe conference, then, with its, two
fold purpose should; prove to be one
of tiemeiost interesting amid valuable,

rant, and for the other, lucky folk whoI
happened to be there at the time.
From the Times News ;
Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 7-Only, 20,-
000,000 of 105,000,000 people in' the
United States can be classified a~v in-
tellectual, Dr. William Starr Meyers, j

"War to End Wax"
Echoing the famous battle cry


successor to Woodrow: Wilson in the Preesident Wilson, a group of FrencTh
professor's chair at Princeton, told the x-service mtenercda monunment
Canadian club here. In the town of Leveque in honor of.
_____ Itheir fallen 'cbmrades, placing the in-
Rather. conservative, what?! scription ; Guerre. a ha Gue'rre" upon
* * *its face. At the unveiling of the im-
add Low Stories pressive memorial, the officials in at-
Jason, dear: tendance were much disturbed to findI
Over to Ypsilanti I went Into a! such a sentiment expressed on a mon-
store that carries a select line of books ument dedicated to heroic warriors.
and other drugs. Over the counterI Aroused by what they considered "in-
with the books was a sign apropos" phraseology which the sur-
FICTION IS DOWN vivors themselves had chosen, the
Won't you say something funnyk government asserted its righmt of cen-
about that? There must be somte- sorship over all monumental inscri p-
thing. tions and demanded that the bronze
Bennie. tablet bearing the slogan be removed.
This -is a hard one, Bennie. (pause) The tablet still stands in its posi-
Gues4, it's funny enough las it stands.E tion despite the governmental re-
* * *'~ Iquest for its removal, and when thmef
Letitia Dale, whose opus, "Thought," f Chamber of Deputies opens its session
was right under the words "'Blank!i ai b~noV~ ~h atrwl
Slug" the other day, writes, In, de- !come up .for discussion. Those -who,
manding reparation, and if not repara- question the sincerity of France in
tion, "at. least e. word of sympathy," trying to re-establish peace in Eur-
she says. ope may have their doubts set' at 'rest
All right,, Letitia; we're frightfully if it should be decided that the Great
sorry. War was not a "war to end war".
America takes a lot-for granted whemn
In comes another note from Leti- sne presupposes that all of the war-
tia, grousing because we haven't sent; ing nations were unanimous in the
her a word of sympathy. It's the' purpose which Wilson gave when this




Cneticnery sines s--Near Campus

We are pleased to offer a conifectionery business for' sale; it is located in one of the best
business districts, in Anti Arbor--thotisands of people pass in this block every day of the
year. The store includes:


Modern Soda Fountain.
Back Bar (with* large mirror).
Large Candy Showcases..
Over Fifty Chairs.
Fifteen Tables.
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National Cash Register.
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Gas 'Range._
Machine for making carbonated water.
P ,coI Jo 'fai*r making syrups.
All Necessary dishes, pots, pans, silver and
fountain and lunch service.

that a big crowd of rooters gathered affairs of the ,year.
at ?perry field to send the teanm off on
the Saline course and again to cheer
them when they return could do won- T1Wenty-F
ders towards winning the race. Cross
thea right i time awodmay soto fwin tenuaeetfight. tegi n t A oA

ive Years,
ich igain
the U. of N. Daily!


Owner will turn over I hrec-ihezr I.Case to puri-
fui ther finforn-mui o , call

equipment for operating soda
baser. Possession at once. For


From the files of
Novenmber 9, 1S98.



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