RAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRI DAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1923 WISCONSINGM Russin Violinist Will Play PEIAAt First Symphony Concert' D9,niYi' D0on vaii Announces Certainty Ok' Train; Reservations Pass 12ii Mark AVC(~IODA TIONS M AY BE S TCRD1 A T CION lDESK A special train that will carry stu- dents to t-he Wisconsin game on Nov. 17 will run, ii was definitely announc- ed y st rday, by Dennis Donovan, hou ;e ainagn r of lthe Unioi. The prICn't number ofs.ude'nts who h a e -made reservations fog the train make the trip possible. At the present time more than 125 have signed for the special, and with! the number of new reservations that are being made every day, there is no doubt that the train will run. Negoti-x 4tions with the railroad company that will make the special certain will beA completed in a few lays. Two hund-j Reservations for the train are still being made with Donovan at his office in the Union, and as many more than Michael Press 200 that can be obtained will be ac-1 commodated under the special rates. The renowned Russian violinist and In Russia he is acknowledged a lead- The round trip fare which must be conductor will be the soloist with, the or and JIas won great admiration both paid when reservations font the train Detroit Symphony Orchestra, at their as a conductor and as a violinist. Mr. are made is $15.16. Berth charges initial appearance here this season, Press will offer Tschaikowsky's. D in each direction are extra, $4 for on Monday, Nov.,12. This is Mr. Press' major for violin and orchestra, at the lower berth and $3.50 for an h r first appearance in Ann Arbor. I comling concert. " n' y" A dm ikal P lunkett, British admirality and most of the Admiral Plunkett never misses an American army and navy officers had opportunity to pay tribute to the work- To atch 1 aine Gam e Toorro pronounced impossible. He mounted ing and fighting qualities of the mem- fourteen-inch, fifty caliber naval rifles berst of his expedition. He says that on railway mounts and took them to; without them this chapter in the his- "Roarin' Oy Plunkett" otherwise Ad- the gunboats of Dewey's immortal the front in time to deliver 1500- tory of the navy could not have been miral C. P. Plunkett, U.S.N. Command- squadron. The latter was gunnery of- pound high explosive shells where written. He has been heard to re- ant of the Brooklyn navy yard and ficer and was then applying some of they were most needed. In his final mark that he almost feels like a one time skipper of the famous rail-- the fire control methods that later official report General Pershing de- Michigan man and his friends are way naval batteries that dropped made our navy the straightest shoot- clared that Plunkett's batteries had; betting evenly as to ,which team will fourteen-inch shells along the Ger- ing organization in the world. Plunk- played a vital part in the Argonne. get his applause. Ali agree, however, ett was in command of a five-inch bat- campaign which culminated in the that "Roarin' Cy" is certail to make man lines of communication durng'atendunosfrsmen. the lat monts sot te Word wa w teryand was working hard when Sims capture of Sedan. be in Ann Arbor tomorrow to attend I megaphoned down from the fi;hting Feels Like Michigan Man the Michigan-Marines game and to top some new-fangled instructionsj Nine of the officers and a large num- E meet his old battery shipmates, many about aiming the guns. After the or- ber of the chief petty officers and pet- "T YOUR der had been delivered twice aston- t y.officers who conducted this unique 1e ioming as thg . ished gunners heard above the roar exploint were Michigan men. Some**' Grand 'Rapids post of the American of battle "Go to hell! I'm hitting were former members of the Univer-jT hanksgiving Legion and will spend Sunday in the 'em every time!" wity divisions of the Michigan nayva Furniture City as the guest of honor In 1918 when there was a desper- militia that were established on the, u at the Armisticeday exercise there. ate need of guns that would shoot 25 campus as Michigan's first actual con- Shilpate of Sims miles. behind the German front lines tribution towards the war. Others = at, the is no more picturesque or and cut vital lines of communications, were from Grand Rapids and smaller -Craft popular figure in the navy than "Old Admiral Plunkett achieved what the towns. Plunk" as he is affectionately called by thousands of gobs who have been i - t s Arcade Opp. P.0. "bawled out" by him and a number 11l nor who have that memorable distinction'- including a present member of the1, University faculty, fully expect to hear SLEEP ANYWHERE, UT his voice rising above the locomotive A Re-creation b jGAY MACLAREN EAt AT EXS or any other yell that may be used T at crises in the game. In the battle TONIlT-IILL AUI O iU7 A THE CLUB LUTNCH of Manila Bay, Lieutenants Plunkettl A Ir 712 And S treet Wear State and PAckaktl Streets and Sims were shipmates on one of_ ___ - - - -_ Payment of the round trip fare to Donovan entitles the student to a re-. ceipt that may be traded for the reg-, ular ticket a few days before the ga*me! to a representative of the railroad i company who is to be in Ann Arbor. Theberths may also be purchased at this time. r ibry Exhibits Collection Of ournassoud War Pictures The REUL E CONLIN co. DRAMA Pictures recalling the days of the that which their fathers have suf- late war, made from the plates col- fered and accomplished. lected by Commandant Tournassoud {'Your delicate pictures are expres- sions of history wherein the artist will be on exhibition in the main cci- has put all his ability, the French ridor of the general library until af-, man all his faith.... I sincere- ter Armistice day. Commandant ly hope that our compatriots and al- Store for Men-Dowfitown + Classes in play production present-: - ed three one-act plays at University hall last evening. "Toiler's Wife" by Cosnio Hamiltoni, "Modesty", by Paul HIervieu and "The Locked Chest" by John Masefield. In "Toller's Wife", the story hinges on a blindman's belief the he has married the sister of a woman to whom he is really betrothed, her anx- iety when shd learns that he is to re- cover his sight and the subsequent disillusionment of "Toiler". The ac- tors would have been better able to show their talent in a better play. Ro- bert B. Henderson, '26, has the lead- ing role and Elizabeth J. Pike, '24, plays the part of his wife. "Modesty", a mirth-provoking con- edy is well acted by Lionel E. Ames, '24, as "Jacques", Marguerite Bissell, '24, as "Henriette" and Harold E. 1 its she, '24, as "Albert". "Henriet- te" is a young woman who imagines she wants a masterful man to tell her her faults and not to flatter her and shower her with compliments. The play is amusing and while the entire cast is good, the work of Ames is out- standing.} "Thd Locked Chest", is stronger of plot than the preceding plays. The scene is presumably in Norway. A peasant and his wife shelter a rela- tive against the anger of the terri- torial lord whose brother has been murdered by their relative. The peas- ant is both cowardly and avaricious and succumbs to the offer of money to betray the hiding place of the mur- derer. His wife who knows his char- acter, suspects the betrayal and changes the fugitive's hiding place in time to save him. The play ends with "Vigdis'" leaving her husband with. her cousin "Thorold The part of "Thord", the husband, was a character study and was done very well by Edward T. Gibson, '25. Lillian M. McEarchen, '24, as "Vig- dis" and James L. Maloney, '24, as "Ingiald", the lord of the district were both excellent. -S.M.J. 10 DAYS FREE TRIALpwan roneal day you are not t[tioed with t~is ae model U D ilROOD tGREf ATknPRnIxCE SAVING Dars Cty~ertrcc. tory of it kind in the world by our money saving methods. EASYMONTRLY PAYMENTS Go: thato noticelt while you enjoy the use of this woderfui'inahie. FREE BOOK OF FACTS j4wl e : m o rbii==Wr wae systemo e lig tyowrtera and also vabT. nfrmation abottbe tDewiterindutry both intrtive ed etertaiing. STUDENTS Under our Special Student Customers EAN MONEY Sales Plan you can not only pay for your own t pewriter, but earn c besides. te Sre to Get Full Information on this Sp cial Pan. ~Act Todayl $ Coupon Guarantee ;hipman Ward 74.Company sfreoboo f ea ;245 Shipman Building eOpDaining bargain ofer. 7 ntosc & iRavenswood Aves., Chicago ame. .... .......... ,.................... Gt.andNo............................. city... .............State......... I I lf ti . J,. Tournassoud,'ex-director of photo- graphic and cinemetographic service, for France, has accumulated realistic portrayals of all the phases of war,. the horror, pathos, tragedy and gldry. , Marshal Petain wrote of this col- lection, "Your documents give with an unequaled eloquence all the pictur- esqueness and tragedy of this war, the misery brought by the invasion, the glories of our resistance and our vie- tory. Your work is a. unique monu- ment, a monument of souvenirs, that the combatants in their old age will contemplate with emotion, and show, to their children so they may know', ' - AWAITS1XFINALC. I ICHES Scenery building for the union Opera, begun two weeks ago, is noi practically completed, sets for the tv o acts having been finished, except fort final touches. The set -for the first act is of a stu- dio, while that for the second is a gaudily decorated room in the home of the artist in the play. 'Tile scenery for this year's Opera excels that of all former Operas, says Air. Shuter, it! being wonderfully adapted to the type and character of the Opera. Daily classified for real results. lies twill understand the Fteachinigs contained in your work." The collection on display in the li- brary now was purchased from a fund donated by the class of '20. SOPHO ORE CDUMMITTEE APPOlI rMETS MADE Committee appointments for the class of '26 were made yesterday by, George R. Snider, president of the class. The committees are as fol- lows: social, E. C. Fingerle, chair- man, M. M. Rhodes, 13. G. Baetke, C ilbert Thorne, Richard Freyburg, Sidney Ruff, Ann Gale, and Elaine Stevely; publicity committee, Thorn- ton Waters, fall chairman, J. E. New- ton, Norma Picknell, and Charles Staf- ford. The athletic committee is composed of Grant Hicks, chairman, Miles Rein- ke, Charles Frank, and Samuel Wet- zel; finance committee, Robert Kipp, chairman, Page White, Carl Kane, Ruth Carson, and Harry Messner; and auditing committee, William M. Mc- Millan, chairman, E. W. Reinert, and Elizabeth MacDonald. DLeaVeA be omARBOr' BUS Ll CI Cwnral Time (Slow 'r ime) Le3.ave Chamber of Commerce New McGregor Caps, *2.50 Others-$1.50 to $3.0 Latest things in plaids from over thiewater. You'll wniit one for football games and nockabout wear. Conifort- able. Smart looking." Copyright 1923 Hart Schaffnt'r & Manz " ' I- ': 1111911111111191b191131 1839 k 'W ek Days Sundays .45 .r. 6:45 a. M, 1 2:45 P. t. 6 :4 5 P.m. .~..4:45 p.mn. JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor .hone 926-M Adrian, Mich. Best f Chinese and American GARRFC Dishes Wed.. Mat.-SOc to St.50 Sat. Mat...SOc to S2.0O ANN ARBOR i?'iST TIME IN DETROIT CHOP SUEY HOUSE "UP SHE GOES" Service a la Carte_-with- 314 S. STATE ST.--upstairs a Superb Singing, Dancing .a ll1111iii11119i 11191 i iii 11111111111i°°' and Acting Cast Extrordiary m 0", ts orTo 11S Gae $45 rushed Wool Scarfs, 3 Others-$1.50 to $5.00 In newest colors and combina-- tions that go especially well with overcoat mixtures this year. Other scarfs are of silk and wool in combination. YOu'll Like These Gloves at *3.50 Others-$2.00 to $7.50 there's every kind of leather that men are wearing this Bea- son. Every shade, too. -dme of the higher-priced ones are warmly lined with fur. c U. " )B; and Distinctive are these I "Ideal" Furs Indeed--that is the hind of furs you'll find here. We have emphasized two things when buying furs-they are: QUALITY-DISTINCTIVE- DINTV-NESS. You won't find a single garment here that resembles another fur coat in Ann Arbor. The fur pelts used in our garments cannot be excelled in quality anywhere in the country. That is why women are flocking here for their furs-and scores of women are bringing their last season's coats here for changes in design. If you are looking for that something which somebody else has not, then it will be to your benellt to visit us. Alterations and high grade remodeling work are also done by our experienced help, who can make you realize our standard of work- manship. BY Hart Schaffner & P'arx One of these big, warm coats will take you through tomorrow's game-4nd the entire winter-in complete comfort. Distinctively tailored of superb woolens in newest plaids and plain colors. Rich looking, yet not eX- pensive. Others $30 to $85. Seen e ui s Others at $30 to $65, These Hart Schaffner & Marx suits are smart enough for any company, whether at the game or at some informal party after- ward. Made of the finest fabrics, rich in clor. Tailored in styles correct for early Silk and Wool Hose, $1 Others to$1.50 A drop stitch style that's un- usually well suited for wear with low, shoes. Plain blank WHAT ARE YOU DOING rnivmm rM'trn&tnAmi '7 .0 of f 1 1 11