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November 09, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-09

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Artist Is Described As "Perfect
Mimicry" and of Great
Dramatic Ability


Giving a three-act play unassisted
imitating the original characters who
acted in the production when given in
New York with what is said to be al-
most perfect mimicry, Gay MacLaren,
dramatic artist extraordinary, will act
tonight in Hill auditorium as the third
number on the Oratorical lecture
course program for this year.
Miss MacLaren will re-create Gilda
Varesi's "Enter Madane", beginning
the play at 8 o'clock. In the opinion
of critics of leading newspapers in
this country, she succeeds in enliv
ening the imagination of her audi-
ence to such an extent that they are
unaware they are not witnessing the
original production witir all of the
stage effects, dramatic equipment, and
the large cast of characters.
"A Remarkable Personage"
"I consider Gay MacLaren one of
the really remarkable personages in
the dramatic field", says Dixie Hines,
New York critic and well-known writ-
er on dramatic topics. "It would be
quite extraordinary forany actress to
impersonate cleverly a single char-
acter in all the plays she does, but to
impersonate all the characters clever-
ly in all the plays, leaves one speech-
less in surprise and admiration."
Mrs. Thomas A. Edison is also one
of, Miss MacLaren's admirers. "Gay
MacLaren is most remarkable in her
ability to make her characters live,
and in holding one's interest from
start to finish without the assistance
of stage setting in any particular",
says Mrs. Ellison
TiCkets Remain
Another bit of praise is given her
Work by the Boston Globe. It says,
"If it should come to pass that the
expense of routing plays is too great,
a few Gay MacLarens and we will
never miss the acttial play."'
Tickets will be sold at the box of,
fice tonight In Hill auditorium, the I
office opening at 7 o'clock. There are
still a few reserved seats left fdr the
lecture series and they may be pro-
cured at that time. The general ad-
mission to the entertainment tonight
will be $1.
The audience is requested to be in
their seats by 8 o'clock so that there
will be no interruption after Miss
MacLaren has started the presenta-
tion of the play.
Alumni who return to Ann Arbor at
any time during the year will be given
official welcome by a new committee
of the Union that has been installed.
The committee will co-operate with
the alumni association and with Wil-
fred B. Shaw,'00, secretary of the as-
sociation, in meeting the men and car-
ing for them during their stays here.
The committee which will be known
as the alumni relations committee
will work under the supervision of the
general reception committee of the
Udiion of which Charles Livingston '25,
is chairman. Heading the new com-,
mitee will be William D. Roesser, '25,
as chairman. He will be assisted by
Joseph Gandy, '26; Allan Groud, 26:
Robert Bennett, '26; and Sidney Huff.
'26. Other members to this committee
will be appointed later.
The first work that the committee
will take up will be over the present
week end. A list of the alumni re-
turning to Ann Arbor for the game
will be secured from Mr. Shaw, and
each of the alumni will be personal-
ly visited by a member of the com-
mittee. They will be given every ser-
vice that the committee can offer and
aided by the committee in any bus-
ness thatthey have to carry out here.


Unusual Artist
Aigler, 3turfin, Yost and Denby Will Conditions to be Mutually Sanctioned
upeak At Dedication Exercises by Navy Department and
In Field House University
Ferry field and the Yost field house Voting unanimously in favor of im-
will be resplendent with colors of
Maize and Blue, Maroon and Gold, and mediate dismissal of students found
Red, White and Blue tomorrow when guilty of public intoxication, the Sen-
Michigan will be honored by Edwin ate council, in their meeting held last
;;Denby, '96L, secretary of the navy, night, definitely voiced the stand of
the Quantico Marine corps, and the I
greatest assemblage of notables ever the University in regard to the mat-
gathered at Ann Arbor. With the ter of student driking.
opening and dedication of the new President Marion I. Burton, in com-
field house and the Marine football menting on the acton of the body, de-
battle which will follow, Ann Arbor is Glared himself as heartily in accord
Gay MacLarien to take on all the pomp and glory be- with it. "It is a very notable action,"
fitting on such an occasion, he said. The resolution, as adopted
As the third number on the Orator- by the Senate is as follows; "Resolv-
ical lecture course, "Enter Madame", Line of March by the Senatetis a wody
a three-act play by Gilda Varesi, will The path that the Marine corps ed, that it is thie sense of this body
be completely enacted by Miss Gay will follow from the station to Ferry that public-intoxication of students
MacLaren tonight at Hill auditorium. field will be decorated by the local should be punished by dismissal
She is said to take all partsi with merchants in Michigan and Marine from the University".
almost perfect mimicry. colors and National bunting which A plan to establish a naval train-!
willalso be used atnFerry field. The ing unit at the University was also
line of march from the station will approved, upon conditions to be mut-
be south on Main street to Libery ually agreed upon by the Navy de-
street, east on Liberty to State street partment and the authorities of the
and South on State street to Ferry University. Further information with
fld regard to establishing such a unit wll
NIVfront of the Union the mien will befrocured after which it is pro
Saw ap and salute while President able that the matter will come up :
the Denby party to the University. The Senate also resolved that any
Edward C. Stark,'24, Appointed Chair- Regent Junius E. eal has been des- candidate alsivrsit t e
man of Committee in Charge ignated as the official representative candidate r a veri t
of Work of the University to meet Secretary team who knowingly misrepresents
Debyater__Ry_.Dop hshis eligibility, or who makes false
Denby at thie tran. Ray A. Dolph has statements regarding facts upon
VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS charge of the Marine transportation
PLAN TO SOLICIT 1,000 MEN in this city. After the short stop, the hi It dendsinhay b cted
men will continue the march to the to University disciplinary action.
In a last effort to raise the funds Yost field house, enterin; the great Dr. Frank e .Robbinscread the an-
necessary to start work on the Un- building from the south side in a col- nual report of the secretary of the
ion swimming pool, a new drive, in- umn of squads. ( Senate council.
tended to reach all students who have Dedication Program
not already signified their intention The speakers stand in the house
of pledging themselves to the pur- will be at the north end. To the music
chase of a $5 swimming ticket, will o ter aou an teMa1.s1lie
be launched next Tuesday, to con- march through an aisle between the
tinue three days. Edward C. Stark thousands of people assembled in the
'24, who recently had charge of the! great lhall, up to the speakers stand
Union life membership drive, will be where they will halt, forminga line of o
chairman of tihe committee undertak-" platoons. Above them, hanging from -
ing the drive. He will be assisted k the steel beams of the building, will Secretary and Jusserand Discuss
ingth div. e illbeasisedbybe the flags of Michigan, the Marine Problem of Anierlean
Robert 3. Hummer, '25, who willPobe ofA rin
havecarge. hewrk'2,fraterni- corps, the allied countries- in the Participation
have charge of the work in rGreat War, and on all sides the na-
ties, H. H. Hubbard, '24E, Paul Brus- tional colors. WASHING'ON MUST HAVE r
ke, '26, Benjamin Houseman, '24E- The dedication exercises will begin , FURTHER INFORMATION
It is planned to have 80 men in at 1:30 o'clock. The program is as
charge of teams for the purpose of follows: Playing of "The Victors" by Washington, Nov. 8.--(By A. P.)-
canvassing students. Each team will the Varsity band, the presentation of Final decision as to whether the Unit-
have the names of 50 students. Work Yost field house by Prof. Ralph W. ed States will find it possible to par-
in the fraternities will be done by one Aigler of the Law school and chair- ticipate in an extra enquiry into the
man in each house. If a total of 2,000 man of the Board in Control of Ath- reparations situation limited to the
pledges is secured by the end of the letics, the acceptance by Regent "present capacity" of Germany to
three day drive, contracts for the com- James 0. Murfin, addtesses by Presi- meet her obligations apparently still
pletlon of the pool will be let imme- dent Marion L. Burton, Fielding H. awaits completion of conversation be-
diately. Yost, a Military March by the Marine tween Secretary Hughes and Ambas-
At present, records of all students, band, and the final address by Secre- sador Jusserand.
from the registrar's office are being tary Edwin Denby. The ceremony There were no further developments
gone over by those working on the will close with the singing of "The in relation to the project in Washing-
new drive. The names of the stu- Yellow and Blue" ton today, so far as known. The sit-
dents are being divided into geograph- Gates Open at 1:30 nation was said authoritatively to be
ical groups, with respect to their res- After the exercises the Marines wll exactly where it was last night when
idence In Ann Arbor. They will all march out onto Ferry field where they the French ambassador left the state
bdenttvewedAt ersona y byn aire will be joined in a procession by the department after his second interview
resentativewofe Uron.y yVarsity and Marine bands and the with Mr. Hughes for the purpose of
Complete returns on the number dedication party. The march will pro- explaining Premier Poincaire's atti-
students who were formerly nmir- ceed once around the field and, as tude.
we ae their respective posts are reached, the in some quarters where there is
bers of the "4,000" club, and members of the dedication party and probably definite knowledge of the
willing to change their pledges to the Varsity band will drop out. The Hughes-Jusserand exchanges it was
meet the requirements of the new Marine band and troops will then ex- said that the American and French
campaign, indicate that practically all ecute a number of maneuvers on the view points were still far apart. It
of the 1,200 signers will be willing to field before the start of the game. . was said that the advices received yes-
cooperate under the new plan. Those Tickets to, the dedication exercises terday by Ambassador Jusserandt
who had pledged their support un- in Yost field house will be the same as from Paris and on which his ampli-
der the old plan were canvassed dur- admit to the football game. Anyone fication of Premier Poincaire's atti-

ing the past two days, the returns be- may enter by the south gate and the ; tude was based on his talks with Mr.
ing final last night. regular entrance to the field house be- Hughes had not furnished the Secre-
The men working in the new drive fore 1:30 o'clock. At that time all the tary with the exact understanding of
are largely those who worked on the Ferry field gates will be opened and French limitations that the Washing-
Union life membership drive, and ticket bearers must enter through the ton government feels it must have to
former members of the "4,000" club gates specified on the back of their guide its actions.
who have volunteered their services. respective tickets.{--
The local post of the Veterans of For-
eign wars have also agreed to solicit Barcelona, Nov. 8. - Earth shocks'
1,000 men. Benjamin Houseman, were felt Nov. 7 in California, Leorida UNION1LISTSBOO
'24E, will be in charge of their work. and Terrafgona provinces. rC RR _I PAr

_ _.._

Repudiation of Versailles Treaty is' Berlin Places General Von Seckt In
Threatened as a Possible Full Command Of National
Penalty Forces
Paris, Nov. 8-(By A.P.)-Frances Munich, Nov. S.-(By A. P.)-The
warned Germany today that this gov- Bavarian government has been de-
ernment cannot remain a disinter- clared overthrown by Adolph Hitler,
ested spectator in the event of an at-1 the Fascisti leader and the adminis-
tempt to establish a military national- tration placed in the hands of General
istic dictatorship in Berlin. Ludendorf, as commander in chief.
stic dictatrsip ins e in.p Dr. von Kahr, the military dictat-
The representation, presented ;o nBvra a utfnse d
through the French embassador in or in Bavaria, had just finished ad-
the German capital, was worked out' dressing a patriotic manifestation in
in diplomatic terms, but under the Burgerbrau today, when Hitler enter-
e:d at the head of 600 men. Hitler an-
polite forms used in such communca- nounced, that the government 4ha4
tions aspiring dictators were told to been overthrown and was replaced by
keep their hands off. a new government with General Lu-
France has no intention of interfer- dendorf as supreme head and Hitler
ing with German internal affairs, it as political advisor. Former chief of
was said at the foreign office tonight police von Peonner has been named
but a return of the militarist party as administrator of the country and
to power in Germany would mean the General von Lossow minister of war,
almost certain repudiation of the After Hitler's declaration his troops
treaty of Versailles. It is believed threw a cordon around the Burger-
here that the oppostion of the na- i bran. About ten o'clock tonight
tionalist to the succeeding German troops of the Overland and Empire
republican government has been due flag organization concentrated on the
to what they regarded as the luke- Burgerbrau and occupied different
warmness of these governments in quarters of the city.
their resistance to the execution of Conferences were being held with-
the treaty. in the Burgerbra-u and reports said
The advent of a military dictator- that Dr. von Kahr was attempting to
ship in Berlin would make useless negotiate settlement with Hitler. The
any more discussion as to the organ_ ,attitude of the police and the reichs-
ization of expert committee to inves- jwehr has not yet been disclosed.
tigate Germany's capacity to pay, it
is held here since the policy of thie Berlin, Nov. S.-(By A. P.)---Tele-
is eldher sncethepoicyof hephonic- communication with Munich
new regime would probably be an ab- pos comuntion wit MnIc
solute repudiation of the reparations i was interrupted shortly after mid-
debt. Hence, the French government night, the minister of defense has or-
decide. Hpnthe wFrnnhgnoternlyntdered the suppression .of all news
decided upon the warning not only as from Munich unless corroborated.
being opportune, but necessary. General von Seckt has been appoint-
ed commander-in-chief of the nation-
al army and given full military au-
CO*'[H T M ran 1naina flinenirPf


Chicago, Nov. 8.-Football sched-
ules for the 1924 season will be draft-
ed at a meeting of the coaches and
athletic directors of the Western Con-
ference to be held here Nov. 30 and
Dec. 1, it was announced here tonight.
The faculty representatives of the
''Big. Ten" also will meet at the same
time to give consideration to several
new rules governing the sport. As
a result of the charges of profession-
alism filed against G. C. Gerber star
tackle of the Wisconsin eleven it is
also probable that the faculty rep-
resentative will consider the adopt-
ion of a rule establishing Oct. 1 as
the latest date that ineligibility
charges may be considered.
The baseball and track coaches
of the "Big Ten" have an agreement
under which no cases of ineligibility
may be taken up after the start of
the season. Some of the football
coaches favor a similar agreement for
the gridiron season.
Athletic directors and faculty rep-
resentatives will hold a, joint session
Nov. 30.' The baseball, football and
track schedules for the 1924 season
will be drawn up the next day.
Fitting celebration of the 5th an-
niversary of Armistice day, Nov. 11,
is planned by the local post of the
American Legion in the form of a
military dance to be held tomorrow
night at Barbour gymnasium.
A legion committee has bleen at
work on decorations of an unusual
character. All ex-service men are re-
quested to come in'uniform to add to
the effectiveness of the decorations.
All arrangements have been complet-
ed with the University of Michigan
League building fund, and they are to
receive one half of the funds collect-
ed as receipts. Tickets are'- on sale
at Graham's and Wahr's book store.
A short supper will be served as a
part of the program, and is to be in
charge of the honor council, Miss
Helen Locke, '24, as chairman. Wil-
fred Hocking is acting as general
chairman of the entire dance.
Major William T. Carpenter, and
Mrs. Carpenter, Major Robert A. Ar-
thur and Mrs. Arthur, and Dr. Fred
Wahraand Mrs. Wahr will act as pat-
rons and patronesses of the affair.
Hazing Results
In Court Charges
Meadville, Pa., Nov. 8.--The Craw-
ford county grand jury today indicted
Gilbert Galmish, a former student at
Allegheny college, upon a charge of
assault with intent to disfigure in
connection with a recent hazing in-
cident at the college.
The prosecution was made by J.



Regents To Honor Denby and Alumni
With Luncheon In Union
At Noon

San Diego, Gal., NgV. 8.-Lieutenant
Commander Donal P. Hunter, U. S.
N., who commanded the U. S. Delphy,
squadron leader of the eleventh de-
stroyer squadron, the second defend-


Seventy-five selected alumni of the ant to be called before a naval court
c a n o martial in connection with the fatal
University will meet with President Honda crash, went to trial today.
Marion L. Burton tomorrow at the Charges of "ineffilency in the per-
fourth annual conference of the formance of duty" were read to Con-
Alumni association for considering mander Hunter who answered a plea
problems in connection with the Un- of not guilty. Commander Hunter
iversity. President Burton will open faces the same court that tried Capt.
the session at 9:30 o'clock in the Un- Edward Watson, the squadron coin-
ion with an address of welcome. mander, -and is charged with prac-
Regents to Give h)innler tically the same offense and will be
This will be followed by a speech confronted with much the same 'evi-
by Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the denee that was offered during the
engineering college on "The Present former's case.
Emphasis in Engineering Education." Capt. Watson was called as the first
Dean Augh Cabot of the medical witness for the second Honda defend-
school is scheduled to deliver an ad- ant. He stated that he directed
dress on "Medical Education" while Hunter to change.course after a con-
Mason P. Rumney, '08E, president of sideration of al' navigation. data . at
the Alumni association will conclude hand. He said that Hunter was act-,
the meeting with a talk on "New Pol- ing as squadron navigator at the time
icies of the Alumni Association." At I of the crash.
noon, the Board of Regents will give The witness was high in praise of
a dinner in the Union in honor of Ed- Hunter as a navigator.' He repeated-
win Denby, '96L secretary of the navy, ly insisted that Hunter gave all due
and other alumni. consideration to radio bearings, 're-
The 'alumni visitors will be enter ceived.
tained at dinner at 6:30 o'clock in the
Union, at which there will be a disI
cussion of the meaning of a cole<j>II
education. Regent-elect Ralph StoneII
'92L, of Detroit and Walter S. Pentield,
'OOA, of Washington D C.. will speak
on "What College Meant To Me." The U
student attitude towards college edu-
cation will be explained by Howard University classes which are 'now
A. Donahue, '24, and Egbert. Isbell, working under unfavorable conditions
,26L. "What College Should Mean" of l.ighting and heating will be given
will be discussed by Judge Iugo relief when 'the. University takes ov-
Pam, '92A, of Chicago and Arthur HI a erthe Catholic chapel at State St.
Vandenburg, editor of the Grand IRap.- and. Jefferson Ave. which was. pur-
ids Herald. l chased last spring. The Catholics
20 Officals To Be 4Here have abandoned the building, and
Many of the distinguished alumni classes will be held there beginning
who have been invited to attend this
in the near future.
conference will arrive in Ann Arbor 'The upstairs will be used to accom-
tonight for a regular meeting of the'modate the overflow from tie Zoolog-
Alumni association at the Union at ical museum, while those classes
alhi hep coutray reorga izat be n which have been accustomed to meet
in the poorly lighted rooms in Alum-
Taping a'6L, fel osecretar ofae ni Memorial hall will in al probabil-
association, will be submitted ity be transferred to the new accom-
Twenty of the 22 officials and direc- modations.
tors of the association are expected ( The Catholics, since the abandon-
to be present tonight including Presi- ment of the chapel have been hold-
dent Rumney;' Roy I). Chapin, '01, of ing their services in the Majestic the-

0 WIND *
If winter comes which beyond a
doubt is a possibility. You are
certain to require the neces-
sary accessories to enable you
and yours to continue to main-
tain a semblance of the pleasure
which you, are otherwise accus-

4000 Marines Se
Team Entrt
Quantico, Va., Nov. 8-(By A.P.)-
Cheered by 4,000 comrades, the Ma-
rine football team, which plays the
University of Michigan Saturday, left
tonight for Ann Arbor. After a ral-I
ly in the gymnasium the entire gar-
rison, headed by a band and bugle
corp of 200 pieces marched to the sta-
tion to give the team a send off.
Brigadier General Smedley D. But-
ler, commander of the base here, ad-

- Fr u 11InICIiIlt btIIVIt
.e Football Rooms that may be rented over the
tin For Michigan week end of the Marine game are
nowv listed at the Union and may be
obtained through a special Union.
romning committee. Those wishing
in Detroit Saturday morning, and on' accommodations may call at the ticket
the field at Ann Arbor just before the desk in the lower corridor of the Un-
game. Secretary Denby and assist- ion today or tomorrow where the list
ant Secretary Roosevelt of the Navy is kept.
department and Major .General Le Landladies wishing to rent their
Jeune, commandant of the Marine rooms have previously notified the Un-
corp will accompany the rooting con- ion through the committee in charge
tingent to the game. of the work, and a list of all those
Sale of Ol Continued available is kept. The price and quali-
Londoov.8.--ovnmntdo fications of the rooms is included in
Lndon, Nov. 8.-Government doub the file system.

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