TH1URSDAY, NOCVEM-BER 8, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE. ICHIAN DALY PACE SEVEN -- ~- im- ~Co xL A S S I F I uNs At 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. WANTED ~A NUMBER of energetic students de- siring to earn money during spare .hours. Congenial and profitable. wvork. For particulars, address the Garvin' Institute, 4109 Woodward }Ave., Detroit, Mich., WVANTED-A Salesman to sell and ~install high grade Radio . Sets. Some experience with radio re- quired. Schaeberle & Son Music ~House; 110 S. Main. EIHTHER 2 or 4 tickets to Marine game. 2336-M. 71 ,REE OR FOUR tickets for the Marine Cine.'Call 1242-M. J)ANCEN(G L~OCKSMITH ALL KINDS of trunks and door keys, iocks repaired, 'Keeler I1186)W, Hiti-! ron. Phone 2498. FORl lIIRE F OR HIRE-Cars and drive yourself.! Phone 153-R. ! ~FOR. IRENT' SINGLE ROOMN close to campus, $.3.50) per week. Its worth .$5.00. ]Must hurry. Phone 3153-tip. 1129 E. jAnn. SIX ROOMS southeast section oak;. wood work, furnace andi bath, 1501 S per month. Call McNutt, 561. OSTEOPATIC PHIYSICIA NS r Dr. Dorothy Sefla~rds 303 First Nat'l Banik 1314g. Hours by appointment Phone 33,3 F-i. 31IS(CELLANiEOUS Read The Daily , ;. T1ERRJACE GARIDEN I)AA-CI G3 ST UDIO "Classified" Columns TYPENYRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING promptly and neatly done. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 322 South State St., over "M" Lunch. Phone 99>-M CLEANING. PRESSING AND DYING. HERMAN, THE 'PTAYLOR, 802 S. State. Phone 3,241 -M Mexico City, Nov. 6, 1923-A presi- YOU will be more than satisfied with the food and service jDANCINGCOTS CHERRY HILL TONIGHT, NOV. 8 M1 USIC BY Michigain Melody Men a V . t 15 one-hour lessons for tai. Classes every Monday and; Friday P. M.L, 7:3,,0 to .8:30. Assembly until 10 o'ologk. We teach all modern, fancy,' ballet, and stage (lancing. AX7 . - ,,,1,,, t - +. 7;. a ,- /tr S .y t t +r t r y 4 at V, 've specialize .in teaching- chiild ren. FO"' UR ROOMS-Bath and sleeping Vuertli Arcade I porch-h eat, light and water. 1337 Phone 241-11 Bclser St. Phone 3331-M. AGOOD BEDS and rooms for the week Send. Phone 781-M. FOUJNTAIN PE 5 Wt aethe aumhorizea 'Wahl ana}{Read the W ant Ads zarsur Sevice Station. Call and see the new Wall "Signa-j dential decree. grants. the right to seize at will water rights for Irriga- tion in all districts where such rights are under federal control. (This sup-1 plemients an order of December, 1922.)I Rome, Nov. 7.-Tourist agencies re-' part. 21,935 Americans visited Rome _n , 1922. TuttlsLunch 'Room 338 Maynard St. South of Majestic t' . . w r TI-REE+4rTICKET~S to Marine Game, Call COO-WV. ; ~IRN AE tickets. 1121-J. e C Geor'ge. ' 9"WO TICKETS for Marine Game. i c Grugan, 119 N. Thayer. Phone 71-11.f $7.00. Dells 'Thery a-re the finest self -fill ing weo have seen. R4IDER'S PEN SHO.. 302 S. State St. I 11-1 Sunday Night Lunch' TWO TICKETS for ?Marine Ganie. t F(LVVA'IN LPEN I { Cali 126-W. IAWhy risk havingg your den lspcile(l AS MANY TICfjETS as I can secure 1 Wi:th vicious ink. Fill at our free for the Marine Game. Call Econo ii]tring station and be convinced that my' Boiler Co. Phone 1310.E our Sty cial formula Diamnond Writing TWO ARI~~ tcket. Claid is the best, ink for your pen. ' ! ARIN ticets.Phone 2037-3 j 1We sell 1% at standard prices. 1-0RIDES PP1-E. xtiI I THE, GREY SHOP Where The Grey Shop Pro1 924 AYPEWVRITTEN exam, thesis, or theme has A mnany advantages. It is easy to read, and makesa good impression; it is usually ®more fluent and more accurate, and it saves time. Use a Remington Portable for all your writing. This sturdy, little machine is compact, conven-~ ient, and complete, with the regulation four-row keyboard like the big machines, and other "big machine" features. It can be operated on your lap, if you wish, for it carries its table on its back. 1 ' _ip $. P YOU caaii buy a good, Foun- tain 'lIhn 'most anywhere,- but the only place you dan get one fitted by a .PEI SPECIAL-j IST to ,suit your individual style of writing is at . IDE4'S, 302" S. State "Street.. Ask the 01' Timerq--they kn~W Then drop ,in-let RltR see how you write-it wvill only take a xninnte- 4nd you, will' be fixed up with a pen tlq't will see you. successfully through 'thle wext four years--sand 40 years there- after. We carry the' best of all types of ,Pens, Evershiarp pencils, and fountain pen 'ink thxat~wll really work'.' Prices are right. Don't forget the add ress-302 S. State Street. t ~Crane 2451. 4ROOM MATE -Comfortable front room, 536 Elm St. Call409. j FOUNTAIN PN REPAIRING You want your Fountain Pens prop- erly repairedl. IWhy take them to an I I- '1";REE 'MARINE tikets.- Phone J. A. Hlanslovsky,,1145-N. 720 'Church. TWO TICKETS for Marine Game. Call Stonle 2451. d TWO STUDENTS wanted to ork-for ~ board at 609 Packard. ;fin Midg- et's Lunch. TWO MARINE GAME tickets. Call . W agner, Phone 627. TWO Marine tickets. Call 50.. ONE or TWO tickets for the marine 1Game. Call 1858-M. 6NE TICKET on 35 yard line plus '$2.50 for two together in north or Southi stand. Paul Damoo=,e. Call f}663-T. WIL PAY' $1.50 for 1924 Student.- -Directory. Phone 1384. w TWENTY tickets for the Marine gauze will pay at once. Call 732, 1100 hlill 'Street. TWO TICKETS to Marines game. i=Save this and call 1560-J.. 0~ FOUR TICKETS to the Marine Game. Call 1104. t'} 'tY~l. iIIt tRi'A IN GI ifALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock a(l '~Oliv r typewriters, Sundtrand ad- iug 'machine, ine-a-Timne copy 2holders, rubber stamps, ribbons. ;icushion"'keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. $ANN ARBOR TYPEWR~ITER j, EXCHANGE. Phone 86, downton c LOST iLOST Sat. :night near Unitarian Ahurchi purple silk uimbrella. Re- Sward. Phone 3011-4F. ONE YELLOW Budd wire wheel be- tween Jackson and Ann Arbor. Re- '~ward. Finder please call 355, 700 AOxfrd Road. j'ARKER DUOFOLD PEN-Monday ±Finder ;please cal1471- PIAR PIN with sets.' Please call ^Ottlie.Davs, telephone 1665-R -!N' CLOAK ROOM of Union Nov. 7 Finder will 'please send notes or phone Walter W. Tufford, 725 rOUNTAIN PEN-with XKWnonogram on Geddes Ave., between capus Zand Walnut St. If found please re- :turn to Martha "Vaughan, 524 Wal- 'nut St., or Secretary's Office, or phone 2100=IR. - TYfE WRITERS TYPEWRITERS of ,all maEkes Bbuoight, Sold, Rented Exchanged. Lieaned and. Repaired *~BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 322 South State Street, cuer "M" Lunch,. Phone 993- ti WE DFLIVER Remington Portables =:or other used typewriters, any lace =at any time."" Stacy R. Black, 604 L', t:Madison, 1809. DANAING AFTER MARINiE GAME :IN TPSI at Masonic Temple. Michigan Sirens. premier 7 pice orchestra. 1?aning at 8:30. FOR SAL 4 zVO GOOD 4 piece suits size 38; one blue $ 10 and one gray, $15. 924 rB ,'Ann St. 0' E FORD COUPE, $85. Well brok- ;;en in. Call 904-M. Ask for Ted. an dertalior?1 'Experienced workmari- 1l~i) to be 'had only at Rider's Pen Shiop. It costs no more. 24 Hour Pennu2,'er's Service. iicr enlb er thre place, 30 2-S. State Ix. Authori; ed I-ahl and isvershj'rpj OPTIC'AL Prompt service, first; quality mator- ial, thorough 'exa InAtions. Satisfac- tory results guaranteed*. C. S. WICKENS, OPH. D. 302 S. State, Anen Arbor. i I USICAl, DANC'E ANFTER MARINE ',GA HE :IN V P81 at the masonic Teniple. icl gan Sirens. premier 7 piece orchestra, i Dancing at 8:30. OF NEXT Pimli ortamee to your instru-+ strings, pure in tone a special- yty with us. SC~iIEB'EtpLE & SON, Music House A IIANJO- TKE for $6. You must see this to appreciate the value. Uni- versity Music Hoause.;. boo 4. Liberty Mavis' and Nunnallys' Candies I I p :' "..r raar~ .,.,""raar . ....... t ~aiaaari. aa aa a . .. aars is ....w. WHITNEY THEATRE: Saturday Night NOVEMBER 10 AUGUSTU S PIT OU presentLs IN A DIFFEENT CON'EDP A11 SEATS RESERVED PHlONE 4S.( Orchestra :$2.75 Balcony $ '320-$Y.6s}--1.10 .aw... Price, complete with case, $60. Easy payment terms if desired i ye-eharerConpii Anun A rbo~, )bleib. 60(1 Eaist :t'lllEII Str'eet wNRi +ti n _ r ". -.; " ra E ° , ,, ewe , . ji IT Q ' £ 4. S. *x .. s" G i ... . e . . .. f .,. to SCRIB~fr AM Ar AOF V0000 w at The Rates for the Remainder of the117ear Are: 4 $3.00 for~a Local S "srpi $4.00 for a fore1gn Subscription ~'-*1 . J If you have not subscribed yet, do so at once and receive your Daily for the remainder of the year. Know what is going on at Michigan and let the folks at home k now wvhat is going oan by sending them theDaily -Aa yr Am m m. _! } .i W ohm