t' A PAGE FOTUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY - -- - -------- A NEW COURSE Z-1cLLaIj Pots made their first appearance on the campus a few clays ago and the 0 ~ ~ "R L OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TIE new freshmen as such, is now officially AR ____________E______________i__nn_____ the campusha few days ago6anAd t i// F I EDITORIAL COMMENT I Ri UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1 Puiblished every morning; except Monday A-«ring- tueTTivrsiy;+-y h . P adi d uring the U niverscity year by te e oari in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial' A sociation. The Associated 'Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for reublication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise1 credited in this paper and the local news pub- lisle( therein. _ S-niredl at the n .t flice at tAnn Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- na(l Street. Plhones: Editorial, 2414 and i76-M; Busi- ness, 960. Signed communications, not exceeding S3o0 wi c us w l h publishe in The Iaily at the discretion of the Editor. Upon request, the identity of communicants will be re- garded as confidential. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones, 2414 and 176-H MANAGING ETOR HOWARD A. D AHUE News Editor...............Julian E. Mack City Editor.................Barry loey Editorial Board Chairman.....R. C. Moriarty Night Editors E. I. Ailes A. B. Connable R. A. Biington T. E. Fiske Harry C: Clark 1. G. Garlinghouse P. M. Wagner Sports Editor...:........... Ralph N. Byers Women's Editor...........Winona Hibhard Telegraph Editor................R. B. Tarr Sunday Magazine Editor.......F. L. Tilden Music Editor.............Ruth A. Howell Editorial Board Paul Einstein B. G. Baetcke Helen Brown Theodore Chr: Bernadette Co Harold Ehrlich E. C. Fingerl T. P. Henry Dorothy Kan K. C. Kellar Joseph Kruger Elizabeth Iiel R. R. McGeort Robert Ramsay Andrew Propper Assistants J. J. McGinnis R. S. Mansrield yst E. C. Mack te X [1. 1.Pyor It S. J. Seh11it7 e. .W. L. Scratch S. L. Smith in W. 11. SLoncnian H. R. Stone N. R. Thal ,erman S. B. Tremble ge, Jr. W. J. Waltiour BUSINESS STAFF I ie ephone 960 F3US1NESw MVANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVROT Advertising .. ..............E. L. Dunne Advertising .............. Perry M. Hlaydlen Advertising.................. C. Purdy Advertising ...............W. Roc ssei Advertising................W. K. Schiere Accounts......................W. Christie Circulation....................Jno. lHaskins Publication................ Lawience Pierce Assistants Bennie Caplan Iarry J. Merrick John Conlin Donald McElroy Allin B. Crouch, Byron Parker Louis M. Dexter Edward B. Riedle Rowan Fasquelle S. A. Robinson Joseph . Finn IH. M. Rockwell David A. Fox H. E. Rose Lauren Haight Will Weise Ldw. D. Hoedemaker C. F. White Harold A. Marks THTRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1923 Night Editor---J. G. GARLiNGHOUSE newcomer has before him a very dif- TLE FAIRY IN ficult problem. A large school is in- YOUR hOME? deed very confusing to one who has I net as yet fallen into the routine AS we walked down the Diag this there; there is very little personal morning, watching the people read contact between student and profes- their Dailies, we heard an excited sor; and there is practically no super-ut vision over methods and hours of study. one person after another arrived at This places the freshman in a preca- the Rolls page. "Ha!" says we. rious position. It is taken for grant- Approaching a timid-looking year- ed that he knows how best to use his E'ng who seemed responsible for more time, how best to take notes, to read, than his share of the -buzzing, we and to review. As he frequently said kind of upperclassly, "Why the knows none 'of these things, he wastes big buzz, Buster?" 'much time and effort, and the result Ie shows us the little chunk of in many cases is failure as the ree- cloissonne in yesterday's Rolls en- ords at the close of any semester will titled "Announcement". show. "Sir" says the little buzzer, "this A step in the right direction would means that we ARE going to have a be a course in "How to Study" which chance to tell people why we came would be made compulsory for all to college." And the little buzzer freshmen during the first few weeks smiled happily. of-the term. It is true that no defin- On the strength of this little .in- ite system could be prescribed which dnte srenofhringthi e, th- will meet the needs of every type ogorgeous, sumptuous, magnificent. student. Still any student will profitpgorg zeus, asn-FIsT gncent - y princely prize again-FIFTY cents to by instruction in such elementary the hot dog that turns s the swellest things as the merits of a loose leaf or essay on why he came to this darn card system for lecture notes, the ad- University. If we knew why we'd vantages of classifying notes from as- signed readings, making outlines for come we'd write it ourself and grab review, the use of diagrams, and the the mon-but we haven't, frankly, any idea. . general distribution of time. * * * No mere teaching how to study will A enable the dullard to get through but As Green As- it ought to go a long way in diminish- "Dear Mother," wrote home a ing the number of E's and D's that freshman, "the people of Ann Arbor students try to "explain away" at are very unk'nd to us new students home every February and June. - Even the automobile license plater mock us." ---mier, 27. "ALMA MATER, K. K. K" - Mr. Emmer's little bit reminds us Down in Valparaiso, Indiana, there M is a little Univer a- o f1W nts that the frosh do get a bunch of raw rhich :l ,tcf r Vc deals. Everybody picks on 'em, from the established and reputable mer C5~' as~Oi~ci IYmiiVI a nigc ; nt ic io. iz:itit :1 -:a t chant-highwaymen who have their. wuwtry. Just 'N lly the Ksu KILLX i~ ambushes on State street-right down is anxious to obtain control of Valpa- to the lowest worm on earth, the raiso has not, like other Klan busi- Chimes salesman. ness, been told to the public. This Chimes cheese uses unques- About two years ago, it will be re- tionably vile tactics,. He' approache membered, the president of the univer- the greenest looking freshmen in the sity told his board that he would re- Waterman gym-poor little devils sign his position because the institu- who are wondering just when their tion had become "a hotbed of sedi- father did move to Saginaw, and won- tion". , This terrified desertion and the dering why they ever left home-and attendant publicity, may have attract- the Chimes salesman put his arm ed the attention of the guardians of around this poor lad's shoulder and "100 per cent Americanism" in their says: national campaign against the popular "Listen, Brother-Are you in on disease, mal-patriotism, or perhaps this Chimes proposition, old man?" they are looking for an institution And the poor kid falls for the sym- where they can educate their children pathy, and parts with his buck and a under history professors who do not half. teach that John Hancock was a sMug Well-that's busness, boy. You got- gler. ta get along in this world! The most recent offer made by the * * * Klan, is an endowment fund of $500,- Jealousy 000 to be given to the university in Jealousy is like a witch that'come payment for "founders' bonds". This with pussy-footed tread sum would undoubtedly aid Valparaiso And at our fireside sits and waits in keeping its head above water finan- Until she sees an arid space with- cially, but it would irrevocably mort- in our hearts gage its freedom. Where faith has failed to grow, The very roots of the Klan are cen- And there she strikes with fiendish sorship and suppression: censorship force by force if necessary. If they are able Until we, weep'ng for our wound to secure their ends through intimid- with tear-blind eyes, ation, what would be the position of a See naught but drops of blood, college president, whose institution And hells of hate and vengeanced owed them a half million dollars? The vows. tendency of the financial supporters of And then with foggish feet, she an institution to interfere in its ad- slinks away, ministration, is unfortunately un- And leaves the wreckage that she avoidable. In the tax-supported uni- - made. versities, this evil is almost neglible, Edna Smniit DeRaunn. but the smaller instititions, because of the narrow range of their adher- This poem was sent to the Gargoyle cuts, feel the pressure of outside influ- by which publication it was turned ence more frequently and with more over to us. It isn't very funny, is it? deadly results. * * * Valparaiso may stand between the Sir Careth-We await your arrival. devil and the deep sea, but is the deep Bring along Lancelot and Kay and sea deeper than the devil is devilish? any other of the boys that haven't got Education at Any Price (The Summer Michigan Daily) Is education too costly? This is a question that more and Tnore is be- coming a bugbear of discussion and comment among city and state govern- ments that are obliged to maintain schools on a progressive basis. This is a time when cities and states as well as individuals feel economic pressure and financial stress. It is a time when everybody preaches 'and few practice economy. At such a time it is but natural that the ques- tion is raised as to whether too much public money is going for educational non-essentials. Such charges must be first of all faced by school authorities themselves; they must be able to justify every expenditure. Extravagance, waste, and graft should not be tolerated at any time, and least of all during these bardI times. But it is safe to say that thf funds for education are the most con- scientiously administered of all tho,3- waised by public taxation. And yet there always are, and there always will be at few critics who raise the cry that schools cost too miuch. These critics are apt to forget that the price of everything else we have hag increased' profoundly. Food, clothes, light, land and transportation, and salaries and rent have become more and more expensive during the last :lecade; and the cosit of school build- ings, school equipment, janitor's ser- vices, and everything else that must be provided for in connection with an educational institution has obeyed the same law. But what of the charge that educa- tion is too expensive for the state tc afford? The only answer is that edu- ^ation cannot cost too much. The only, reply is that education at any price, as any sane minded and right hinkihg person will realise, is much ess expensive than ignorance and her playmate, immorality and crime. Our government is founded upon the prin ^iple of intelligent and virtuous citi- 'enship. .And the only means of in- ,uring intelligent and virtuous citi- zenship is by education-education at any price. :n. The fellows who own them 'vqn give you an invitation. 1) E WATCH FOR PIl OF1 -- THEARB____ AL TI EO RS ad IOAs WAdrl BOTfi HED FT DAONAL WALK Soft grain ,and I Pinked and schwd grain kathcr, the square t-oe o'f stvle, oud the 1 / KC broad tread Gf comfcrt l'ke - ~ Sa popular fsU1 sty!'. I youlwant to wear it all winter, you can, for it's a . :w. bear f r wear. f t :.~ci.~~r,'--~"A. - j _ - I a , i l iC '1.' -" . - ,'.L j 1 1R4 l., ~r I'- j THE RUHR SITUATION Chancellor Stresemann has ordered passive resistance in the Ruhr to cease. He has found that despite Eng- land's refusal to back France in her policy of aggressive occupation, the Franco-Belgian governments are de- termined to keep their military forces in tle occupied territory until their demands are met by Geimany. Bonar Law, in his last note to Pre- mier- Poincare, questioned the legality of the occupation. Poincare replied that France and Belgium were justi- Pled in their action under the Peace Treaty as they had not entered the ter- ritory until Germany had fully shown that she did not intend to fulfill her obligations, and that they were hold- ing it only, as a guarantee for further payments. ,He further said that as long as the occupants and officials of the Ruhr district continued to disobey the French authorites and to oppose the delivery of goods, a policy which he termed "passive resistance" the allied military forces would remain in the country. Only when this resistance ceased, he stated, would the military occupation of the district be relin- quished. Stresemann has now given the or- der° which surrenders the point. If it i3 cbeyed, the demands of France will be net. French authority will be re- spected and the workmen will return to the mines and factories. It is then only for Poincare to make good his promise to England in order that the former friendly relations between the two countries may be re-established. For a year these relations of the once such firmly united allies have been strained. For a perfectly nat- ural reason the interests of the two countries have been diametrically op- posed. France wanted reparations to rebuild her devastated territories. England, which. depends upon trade for her very existence, was just re- establishing her commerce with Ger- nany whin the cCujation ccar cd. Ccrmany's mness smashup com- pletely t lA eis market for British products wili the result that thous- ands of men in England were thrown r i . -f YESTERDAYf By MYt1jE Canned Goods An article in a recent issue of the New Republic quotes leywood Broun of the New York World on the Aineri- can press. "Travelling across Agier- ica," says Mr. Broun, "one is struck by the singular samenpss, of all the - newspapers. From Toledo, Ohio to Havre, Montana, Mutt and Jeff follow the traveller. The man in New York reads what Bob Edgren and Hype Igoe have to say about the fight, and so does the citizen of Portland, Ore- gon. New York and Chicago estab- lish the thoughts and opinions of ninety percent of all' the people in North America." The charge cannot be denied. This is an age of standardization. From New York to San Francisco and New i Orleans to Menominee, Mich., the same type dances to the same bar- Iarous dance-tunes, reads the Satur- day Evening Post and "The Sheik", plays golf and bridge, and keeps up with big league baseball. Every ev- ening thousands of women a thou- sand miles apart read the canned beauty hints, thousands of men dis- cuss the Teague of Nations and the coal situat~on from syndicated . arti- cles, and a whole nation laughs over ,Andy Gump and Mrs. Jiggs. Whole- sale standardization engulfs a nation. False Alarm The bankers" in convention at At- lantic City have agreed that txe coun- try today is enjoying real prosperity, but nevertheless are worried over the "radical" tendencies spreading over the country. They seem to fear the future especially as regards radical leg.slatgon towards the railroads, towards free trade, and government ownership. Their fearsare groundless. People will seek strong reasons before they ever attempt to dislodge the existing order of things. A few disturbances, a few fanatical anarchists, a few idealists, are not the -material of which revolutionary radicalism is con- cocted. It will take extreme suffer- ing and desperation to force people to turn from the known to the un- known. Those shipload§ of immigrants rac- ing here to beat the quota seem to be willing to take a chance on our form ......... - _ -- _- -----..... .. . d. ; i ~ . , r .. .. s.- 1.50 t 1 VAST. OB E ', .k ,1 . ., s ., _ it I Twenty-Five Years Ago At Michigan Reprinted fromgtle files of the U. of M. Daily September 27, 1S)8. Thie new instructors for the coining year are as follows: Lawrence Big- elow, chemistry; James B. Pollock, instructor in botany; William H. Butts in mathematics, and Shirley W. Smith, instructo.r in English. President James B. Angell will be the speaker upon the occasion of the first meeting of the Student Christian Association in Newberry Hall. ; Other speakers who have been secured to speak to meetings are Prof. R. M. Wenley, W. B. Hindsdale, and E. F. Johnson. anytlhng to do. You might have a shot at the new contest. * * Those of the office boys who fol- low the lodge doings at the grand old I coll inform us that a new handshake is having a great vogue among the sgootier frat clubs of the town. The new dope involves a crook in the el- bow and another one in the wrist, and the whole business takes place at a slightly higher altitude than the old-fashioned one. The motion has also chanmged, the new one being a slow pistonlike progression, instead of the honest: yank that served our grandperes. Whoosh. * * * Card of Sympathy We have just been informed that one of the faculty fell off his plat- form today. With great presence of mind, however, he prevented the pan- ic which might have resulted, by con- tinuing his lecture without a break e, I - a - - . EarTER American school in Rome. Lilt Only three students were by the crash, we are told; knows how many lie might tu}bed if lie had stopped. * * * awakened God only have dis- Prof. Jacob E. Reighard of the Zoo- logical department .of the University Tomorrow our first class meets for the second time. * * *