FOUR tK THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sedge or ability in athletics be barred j from participation). ---Does the task of instructing boys OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE to swim necessarily entail any "techni- UNIVERSiTY OF MIICUGAN cal preparation"? If not, why should' the Y. M. C. A. be considered any Published every morning except Monday differently than a municipal play- during the University year by the Poardin Contr ol of Student Publications. ground? These are things which must Members of Western Conference Editorial' Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches creditedrto it or nothewiswi credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of nstage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. PhonestEditorial, 2414 and 176.M Bsi- nes, 960. Signed communications, not exceeding 300 woi ds, will he published in The Daily at the disc-retion- of the Editor. Upon request, the identity of communicants will be re- garded as confidential. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones, 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR ' HOWARD A. DONAHUE News Editor...............Julian E. Mack City Editor.................Harry Hey Editorial Board Chairman.... R. C. Moriarty Night Editors E H. Ailes A. B. Connable P A. Billington T. E. Fiske Harry C. Clark T. G. Garlinghouse P. M. Wagner Spoits Editor...............Ralph N. Byers Women's Editur...........: Winona Hibbard Telegraph Editor... .R. B. Tarr Sunday Magazine Editor......F. L. Tilden Music Editor.............e.Rnth A Howell Assistant City Editor. Kenneth C. Kellar Editorial Board guideain the settlement of such charges, for to overlookthem would work an injustice both upon thea school and the individual concerned.' The conference is not a body of cold blooded statutes, but rather one guid- ed by precedent and resolutions.) Here is a case for weighty considera- tion where Michigan would like to see' justice dealt to Gerber, Wisconsin, and, the Big Ten. SHYLOCK AND PORTIA One of the disagreeable tendencies' of the American newspapers, accord- ing to discerning native and foreign critics, is the provocation of contro- versy. This penchant, which severalj times every day shatters the apathy of a nation engrossed in trial balances, stock markets and higher education, is indubitably little more than journ- alistic quackery in many instances, but the greater part is justified because it is demonstrative of an ability to keep a few hours ahead of the sun. It is with this propensity in - mind that the writer again directs attentionj to the contingency' of Ku Klux Klan-1 OASTED ROLL CAMPUS OPINION NOTHING A lASTING SHAME TODAY Editor, The Daily: Your editorial of recent date, headed THE HOUSE THAT DAEDALUS "A Regrettable Affair" deserves sev- BUILT . eral encores. This writer witnessed A Breakfast Serial another form of "thick-headed rufian- These are the sails so black and sad Ism" at Tuesday evening's perform- Which made the father think his lad ance of "If Winter Comes" at the Came not in the ship which brought Wuerth Theatre. During the entire away showing of the picture a group of so- Survivors of the human prey ; called college "gentlemen" in the and- Through stroke of the sword which ience were continually bursting Into reached its mark loud guffaws, the audibility increas- In the hulk of a monster grim and in.g , with the augmented dramatic stark scenes of the picture. By aid of the string which guided the This screen production is consid- feet ered by a great many to be the great- Through the silent signless spooky, est piece of art yet created in the street motion picture field, and it is a lasting' Of Theseus the bold who led the band shame, rather than a "regrettable af- Which came from Athens afar to the fair," that the pleasure of a great ..a m.nv n~nnn in witneain it h ad to hn De011.o26' A Wonder Selection of Personal Engraved Christmas Cards AT Order Early land Of a maid that hoped that that. fair prince Might some day signs of love evince If by her aid in that foul den Was changed the daily regimen Of the Minotaur with human taste IIIh 1- igntt ith -"At oiium+2 F . I 1 Paul Einstein B. G. Baetcke J.N. Berkman Helen Brown Bernadette Co G. W. Davis Hrold Ehrich TP. Henry'0 1)orothy Kam roseph Kruger Klreareth Liet B Robert Ramsay Andrew Propper Assistants e R. S. Mansfield n E. C. Mack Verena Moran te Regina Reihma .n W. 11. Syonemar' h H. R. Stota le - K. TE: Styer N. R. Thal in S. B. Ttemble r W. J. Wa.thour lerman BUSINESS STAFF1 Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVROT Advertising............... ... E. L. Dunne Advertising ... ..........C. Purdy Advertising. .......... W. Roesser Advertising............W...... K Scherer Accounts.....,.... ..........C. W. Christie Circulation ...............Perry M. Hayden Publication................Lawrence Pierce Assistants Bennie Caplan Edw. D. Hoedemaker John Conlin Harold A. Marks Aain B. Crouch Byron Parker Louis M, Dexter 11. M.Rockwell Joseph J. Finn 11. E. Rose David A. Fox Will Weise 'Lauren Haight C. F. White R. E. iiawkinson R. Winter ism in Universities and colleges. P i c t u r e-The University of Michigan in 1950 with a chapter S of the Klan or; any other law-at- any-price organization in full con- trol. , . , A professor who said that the President of the United States was an ass, dangles from a limb of Tappan Oak, while a frenzied crowd of his colleagues sings the Star Spangled Banner in beat with the oscillations of his body: a negro student, tied to the iron railing at the northwest corner of the campus and whipped to death for refusing to attend the Jim Crow section in Philosg- phy: a convocation of "knight- gowned" president, deans, and students in Hill auditorium: the abolishment of the Law school and the substitution of a training school for secret servants, detect- ives and expert hangmen: a Uni- versity police force at the instant disposal of the Dean of Students: all Catholics in the state in at- tendance at the University of De- troitt Jews saving funds to build their ovwn University: Psychology Which he indulgect with unclue haste Far off in the Cretan labyrinth. (To be continued) ARISTOPHANES Unfortunately there was one line in yesterday's Daedalus that was lacking a word; here it is, correct (we hope): Of that huge bull with 'bulimy' It's Our Fault This Is Late Last night I attended A Sorority Formal. An occasional couple Nearly freezing On the back porch Just to be alone. Two girls ,Leading their men Down the back, stairs Quite cautiously. Unintelligible apologies. I wouldn't tell Anyway. Corsages1 Stuck up here and there Hideously. An all A student Who should have been Studying. An arch cake eater . Spreading his stuff. A tall man Half -bald' With a short girl Quite fat. . . I like that girl in black. Chaperones Out of the way.. Carefully parked Three mighty fine men Here tonight. That luncheon Isn't so bad. One o'clock Apparentlyt Most of the women Take the men home.. My God Look at that many people in cte5 g I auvv spoiled by the barbarous assininities of,a few infantile numbskulls. - EATS!! THE WORLD MUST MOVE Best To the Editor: Chinese and American - I have read the item in your paper Dishes entitled,"Ku Klux Issue Flames Forth on Staid Princeton Campus." In that E ANN ARBOR article I note the expressed opinion CHOP SUEY HOUSE i of a professor at that college, namely, Service a la Carte "Princeton stands alone in its attitude' of righteous indignation against any 314 S. STATE ST.-upstairs movement which might be inclined to'ilild milI Ell'llIi upset the existing order of things." I am not in sympathy with the Klan. However, the professor's state- ment is typical, I think, of the sad state into which college attitude may 1 fall. Might I respectfully suggest to the professor that were it not for changes in the existing order of things all through the ages, such a college as Princeton ;would be impossible; such a nation as the United States would be unknown; and such ideals as we- entertain would be vicious radicalism. Be the Klan an evil or a good, the professor's attitude is a most certain evil. Such, stagnant thought is like burying one's head in the sand that he TAKE THAT "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no'. evil." All progress has been made by men who were not satisfied with the AN E existing order of things. It is one NOW thing to denounce an apparent evil; See the beauties of Ann Arbor from a- it is another thing to sit back in smug bove. Big three passengernplane. Ex- complaCency. army pilot, Smooth, safe flying. No "Going Up" stunts Galahad $5 Each Passenger Couirse of Instruction $100 YESTERDAY Pack cA By SMYTHE I. 1 D E I D -A\N N A RB-0'11 US L INE Leave Chamber of Commerce Week Days Sundays " 6:4 5 . n6:45 a.mi.- 12:,5 p. M. 6:45 p.m. 4:45 p. n- JAS. Ii. LLIOTT, Proprietor P1;o r,.'z-bl Adran, Mich. courses re-named mob-psychology c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 1, 2, 3 and 4. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1923 The picture, we agree, is a fantasy, but all things Klanish are fantastic. Night Editor-EDGAR H. AILES It also follows that"nothing that we have said here is necessarily, logical. EXAGGERATED INELIGIBILITIES Our President, with the cooperation AVith the expressedp urpose of the of the Student council, has taken every Western intercollegiate athletic col!- precaution to guard against the devel- ference designated to promote greater } opment of mob spirit which is so hate- cooperation and efficiency among the ful to intellectuals and sane morons members of that ,organization in ath- alike. A Klan regime would restore letic competition, the action recently the popularity of the mob. Dogma and instigated against E. C. Gerber, a Wis- tradition would rule supreme, flour- consin tackle, on the charge of pro- ishing the lash and the noose in either fessionalism appears in direct opposi- hand. Individualism would be oblit- tion to the principles on which the erated. conference was founded. Mr. William Shakespeare gave us a Ineligibility rulings on the basis of valuable lesson in law enforcement. professionalism have been the source Had he delivered it in a prose treatise of endless ill feeling between the var- [instead of through the drama perhaps ious athletic rivals in this section of he would have said: The law is not the country-. For.the second consecu- a fool, but an unwise administrator tive season, charges appear on the can make it foolish. Shylock demand-! eve of the Badger-Illini game against ed the. fulfillment of the contractual' one of the outstanding members of bond at the cost of human life. It the former's team. Not because of was the law and he would have en- the inconsiderate moment of this forced it regardless of the obvious evil action alone, has Wisconsin a right consequences. An unlearned judge or to be discouraged with the worth of the casual layman must have permit- such an organization- for greater "co- ted the outrage by his very ignorance. operation," but because of the incon- The law can best be interpreted and 'sequential and irrevalent basis of the enforced by those persons who, by action. virtue of their qualifications, have Malntaining -that Gerber should be been delegated to its administration. eliminated from further participation, in conference athletics because he un- " dertdok to instruct in swimming at a Y. M. C. A. sometime during the year, Twnty-Fwe Years the instigator of the action is either Ago At M chigan anxious to weaken the Badger eleven even through action decidedly un-1 sportsmanlike, in nature, or has a per- yrom the files of the U. oi M. I)aiy, verted t.-notion. of the purpose of November 8, 1898 the rulings - as drawn up by the the confer-ence officials, at the begin- The third annual banquet of the ning. The spirit of an organization University association of Detroit, oc- formulated for "the regulation of in- curs at the Russell 'house next Friday tercollegiate athletics" should, it ap- evening in Detroit, and many members pears, not be to rule out every pos- of the University faculty will attend. sible participant but to exclude only The banquet is to' be given in honor _ : t , ° t . . _ is I I I I Pile of dishes. . Anonymous. Enlightened policy of the Daily Il- lini, as expounded in a recent edi- torial in re the shooting of Philip Sharp: "The Illini does not condone thiev- ery. Not so at all. We have no use} for thieves whatsoever. "We do not condone thievery" The frank and open stand taken by this hustling little paper on one of the leading moral issues of the day is something to warm the blood of an old-fashioned straight-from-the-shoul-a der newspaper man like ourself. We congratulate the Illini on its clear-cut 'statement in this most complicated case. . It's a Tribute to the Noble 00 Sir: Would you call the action of the house committee of the H. A. M. M. (Home of All Michigan Men) in lay- ing down the heartless rule that "Fe- male Visitors may be shown any part of the building except the Union swim-' ming pool" the height of imagination? Blank SlugI What the dooce is this ad that keeps l- "_ _"" """ "_ "_""""_ _ "_ I _~ Mr. Hirshfield and Two Reports An interesting account of how a re -H1r B rushes port on American 1istory textbooks used in the New York public schools- - -- used anhe nwdoktpeEvery good quality desired is represented in the fine lire of was produced, and the circumstances attending its production was pre- j brushes we Carry. sented by the New York, Tribune i1 a recent issue. The report in the first Select your brushes at our store-you'll fid it a pleasure and place was undertaken by Commission- satisfaction. er Hsirshfield of New York city who charged that these textbooks in Amer- ican history were written as a part , of British propaganda and were de-TB& signed to teach American youth, that the Revolutionary Fathers were a bad r, lot. 260-204 .,-LIBERTY ST. The task of proving Mr. Hirshfield's-- charges was entrusted to a Mr. Devlin. This soon proved to be an error of }- judgment on Mr. Hirshfield's part for Mr. Devlin turned out to be a real The Chicago Temple, student of history and apparently Chicago, Illinois holds the theory that the historian's HOLABIRD & ROCHE. one duty is to tell the truth to what- Architects ever extent he can find it and to tell Drawn by Hugh Ferriss it-quite ' it quite regardless of the effect on legends. HIence it was no doubt a great surprise to Mr. Hirshfield to find that Mr. Devlin's examination of the.x- history textbooks failed to reveal to him any trace of the evil propaganda which the Commissioner knew so well to be there. Mr. Devlin admitted that' " better compilations were possible but the pro-British charge he dismissed as having no basis. z those adjudged violators of a rulingc after due and weighty consideration. To dispute the validity of a ruling: prohibiting participation in any var-e sity sport, by men who have beenc connected with any professionalN or semi-professional team, or tak-N en part in remunerative exhibi- tions would be folly, -but is it justi-L fiable to question the right of any mant to take part in a football game on; the basis that he taught a class ofc of President and Mrs. Angell. running in the Daily? D- Here, Nov. 26 Chancellor James H. Day, of Syra- cuse University, took occasion in his And then again, opening address to the students to De- Here, Nov. 26 warn them against frequenting places It's worse, we believe, than the 4000, where liquor was sold. He said, campaign. The only theory we have, "There are places in the city below formed so far (and we're a mighty us that you must shun as you would bright little fellow, you can bet) is the open mouth of- hell. If any one that it's some campaign by those in- I of you is caught lurking near the door defatigable Oratorical Association. We of one of these places you give notice never saw( such guys! Always cook- - +h rmh_ This, if the story is true, is what Mr. Devlin put in his report and appar- ently it did not please those for whom the task was first undertaken. ' At any rate, the report never saw the light of day. Instead, the job of finding propa- ganda was turned over to a Mr. Charles G, Miller and it was this one which Mr. Hirshfield signed and pub- lished, thereby greatly horrifying some and amusing others. As the Ne-m York Times comments, "Mr. Hirshfield's contributions to the document, aside from his signature, cannot be called of great value, though of course highly Literesting." Then too, we must not forget that the Commissioner was the source of moti- vation. "Bu73iliding a Piduire" f HERE the architects envisioned a picture, saw the modern office