TI{URSDA1Y, NOVEMIBER 8, 1623 THE ICHIGAN DAILY . .. , 1 : .. . x .. t , . :. ,. ;. : .. . . ADYISOR TALKS TO, PONICALMA Mfrs, Molly Price Cowls De a beg ganuization of, Campaign Dilstricts Or.. FITED)A DlERF EXPLAINS WORK OF UNDERGRADUATES Mrs. Molly Price Cook, campaign Vdvisor of the University of Michigan League, and Frieda Diekhoff, '24, un- dlergraduate representative of ;,the ,eague, attended a 'dinner which was given last night by the Pontiac' alum- riae at the Lone Pine Tree inn on the Pontiac. road. Mrs. Cook gave a short talk in which sne Oes'ribed the plans of the Central Campaign committee anid of the organization -of the 16 cam- paign districts throughout the United States, emphasizing the necessity of co-operation of all alumnae with the AluniI'association. Miss Dlekhoff- spoke in behalf of the women of the University of Michigan, in which she: told of the nature of the work+id6ier by the League during 1922 and outlined their plans for the year. She brought out. the fact that during the fiscal year up to June 1, 1923, the undergraduattes had ;liven $3,000 to the campaign fund and an equal amount to the University of Michigan League bulding fund. The sum total that has been, made since the campaign began { from the various activities of the alum-I nae and undergraduates, which Miss Dlekhoff explained at length, is es- 1 timated at $100,000, although not all of this -amount has been. collected GreaestThe Y. W. C. A. Christmas worl .. 1phere will be a meeting of all corn- IPORTIA LITERARY. SOCIETY Jap n' G ea es shop will be open from 2 to J o'cl.ock mittees for the Panhellenic ball at W ILL D)ISCUSS VNIVEI{SITIES j Business Wloman today in the south parlors of Newberry i4:30 o'clock this afternoon n Barbour hall. Women who wish to ass st in! gyminasnium, "Universities" is to be the topic for the making of toys for the holpita I; discussion at the meeting of Portia ehiblrcn ar'e asked to comic at this! Mortarboardl will bt at 7:30 Literary society at 7:15 o'clock to-I " ne. o'clock tonight at the A0lha OmicronI night in room 302, Mason hall.ra- - Pi house. ' ous phases of the university movement rp.1e Girls', Mandolin club will meetI - in Europe will be presented by Mabel :":.r":.:}.:":"::at ; oclok today in Newberry ball. Daily classified for real results. August, '24, Margaret Lord, '26, Grace ::":::.: ~~~~~W H A T A R E Y O U D O INGle -~m .a d u siie irn u~ FRIDAY AFTERNOON?, Have you hopes? We have :. for ____fullichest of them. "Obey I j~t~ ve ingthat impulse" and phone 452 for tickets to tea on Fri"- " ~day, November 9, 30 cents. E Strikingly attractive are the silver brocade ,pumps form wear with the evening gown. They have Junior 'Louis . Vlnme. Yone Sauk1i heels -covered with the brocade and are moderately priced ; .. Mine. Yone Suzuk i is conmmler$1e.50 Japan's greatest business wYoman. Shec °-$l0..' is 71 years old. In 1893 she was leftcc' a widow wvith a small sum of money 'SCN FOR from her husband's sugar buginess. She went into business and failed, : started again and is now worth G5 million dollars, and is hlead of the in- * A ternationally known firmi of Suzuki and company. =},- t."..... t ... a.. . ........ ......... ............. ...."............... The club leaders' training course IO L H E wNll meet at 7 o'clock tonight atTH E Barbour gymnasium for the first les- fd son in basketry,- DA YS LEFT TO SEETee C All clues for Masques must be paid I Vii';: it since ysome outstanding memberships still, remain to be paid. A reception was held. following thel dinner which was attended by a large nu~mber of women, including the of- ficers of the Pontiac group, Mrs. F. S. Bachelder, president; Mrs. A. D. Rik- er, vice-president and councillor; Miss_ Ethel Lighterness, secretary, and Laura Julian, treasurer. Miss G f .rir r 1 .s.+ rf. rc .r .s before Saturday afternoon to Margaret Roa 2 41FAnt Unv o git~y ~U!~~ I' I t'1(IL ~ I (ii er that date the roll will be gone over Mllasques On Sale!an the names of all who have not paid will be removed. Mail orders for Masques' annuali Women must pay their junior tax of pi~oduction "A Thousand Years Ago," which will be presented Nov. 20 in $1 by Friday, Nov. 16, to Edna Kadow,! 1-ill auditorium, should be addressed to 1503 Washtenaw avenue. After that Catherine Stafford, '24, at Helen New-{ date the names of those who have notC berry "resi,.ence. The prices of seats paid will be Iposted. range from 50 cents to - $1.50. Maill orders' will be appepted and filled in Members of the lndu qtral.ccmnit- carder of their receipt until Nov. 10 tee of the Y. W. C. A. are requested when tickets will Abe sold on the cam- ; 0 be present at the 'meeting at 4I pus. ;o'clock today in Newberry hall. Kappa Kappa Gamma and Kappa1 ENR LLMET JATE I Delta will meet at 4:30 o'clock today FOR' TEACHERS SET' at Palmer field to play off their see- ond round in the hockey" tournament. The atesetforthealiualenrll-Both teams will be laboring under d'f The elae st fr th anualenrll-ficulties due to the continuedI incleentn menu of students desiring teacher'jwahradtesbeun ud posiions nes yer isNov.12.ground. The teams are well miatched, Mims Margaret Camneron, secretary ay~d the contest will in all' probability of the School of Education, states that be a close, hard fought coitest. Spec- from Oct. 1, 1922, to Oct. 1, 1923, the tators are invited to atter all of. the bureau has received 1,160 ,,notices of games in the tournament. .vacancies, with 299 calls from super- intendents. Out of an enrollment of __ __- 567. 459 candidates were placed in Ii w 61 Witi-ter V 1 STARRING PERCY MARMOT -COMING SUNDAY- "SOFT, BOILED" -AND-- TH"E GEORGE TTE TRIOE , , <.. h6 I11 I teaching positions in the last year., Calls were received from 39 states and territories and the Vnivergiity placed people ,in $8.I Athena Society Reviews Ku Klux Riau Various aspects of the Ku Klux Klaln were discussed at the .meeting of Athena society, Tuesday. The speak- ers were ?Charlotte Harrison, '25, El- lura Harvey, '25, Mary Barret, '25, and Beata Wagner, x'25. It was decideed t hold the initiation of! members at 5 o'clock Tuesday. jA committee was appointed to make de- finite arrangements for the affair. Organizations Miove Headquarters. Organizat ops formerly quartered° in the Community house, 402 South Main street, are established. in their new home at the Chamber of Commerce, Fourth and Ann streets. The baby clinic meets every Tuesday and Friday afternoons' on the second floor of the Chamber of Commerce. Havre,- Nov. 6, 1923-The liner, Par- is, bound for~ New York, has aboard # TODAY .FRIDAY AND SATUR- DAY 11 A p h t h d seflir 'ta t io n s lay of, society's wets, and furwaU of ide' ives / ~ ,~j:2- ~. a 1', &~~ 2 r t SH-OWS 2:00 3:30 7:00 8:30 i ;. many inn-keepers of Europe, going, to the World Hotel Congress. Romne, Nov. 6, 1923--The fifth an- ;nlversary'of the Armistice with Aus- tria was celebrated with masses for' the war dead throughout Italy. S _. AT THlE THEATERS $tes el-Today ' { i i 1 l 4 11 t _ t' ii j:Arade-Marshall Neilan's "The Eternal Three."~ Majestc-"Held to Answer." Wuerth-"If Winter Comes" Orpheum- "'When Love Comes." Ii VI I - II ?115t PJI~UI - nmmd ~~ - - ..- .j1~ U - V - EEC II lima 11",- Y sn::flt it' R I Evil I