PAGE MUMT THE MICHIGAN DAILY____ WtDNESDAY, NOVEMrER, 7, l q2- ._....._ } -. ' On Thursday evening at eight o'clock versity Hall the classes in Play Productic of the following one-act plays: "Toller's Wife" byv Cosmno Hamilton. "Modesty" by Paul Hervieu. "The Lockecl Chest" by John Masefil This is the first of the series of five be given by the classes this semester. ' at a nominal cost. Oratorieal Boird Neetiig's: The regular meeting of the Board wil Room 302, Mason Hall. French 17, College of Literature, Scie nee I shall be ,unable to meet my class in November, 8th, at 11 o'clock. gi P( ea1 '2, PE Ici tr. IT membcr of the Varsity squad until de- j k sharp in the auditorium of Unt- clared inelegible several weeks ago, on will give a public presentation played at the full-back position in yes:- terday's game. The Freshmen scored their first touchdown by intercepting a forward pass and running for the initial score. id. The second count came after a steady' programs of plays andi recitals to march down the field through the sub- rickets for the series may be had stitute Reserve line. Rt. D. T. Ilollister. _____________________ 11l take place today at 5 o'clock inj W. Dnni.. and' the Arts.. n French 17 op Thursday morning,~ Johni i..Efinhger. 1ofof their photographers" receipts must . ''C aracter, 2 do so as soon as possible. The Michiganensian office is open from2 - to 5 o'clock every afternoon except ja an Saturday. =2' ItE BRS F PER CSTDistinction RE~~ CEIV IDE PUBLICITY' ew E Union opera players are apparently2 To en2 yen wide publicity according to re- E2oo en- orts which occasionally reach the . asrs of E. Mortimer Shuter, opera di-2 ector, and other men active in the an- ual production. 2- For instance, one of the principal -w1.N ewv= apers of San' Francisco a short time 1 go gave a full sheet of its rotograv- 2: iv Q ae ls ur section to pictures of Lionel Ames, 14, and other opera players who ap- 2 eared in last year's production. Many,a fthe prominent towns of the South - ave also devoted much space to the= pera. 2$ ~ t Some of the stories publishied in 3 0 to _ ties "a great distance off are now in _________________ he possession of Mr. Shuter.- - - OUtED MARINES POSSESS .. y MANY FORMER COLLEGE STARS T ]~l (Continued from Page Seven) JL ) LLJ, it off tackle with equal ease. With im in the backfield are Sanderson, aifliack, a clever open field runnery Clothing Store = Lnd receiving end of the Marine ior-= yard pass machine, T. E. Henry, and- L. B. Payne ,who played with the Great- DOWNTOWN .tikes station during the war, both1 [eetfooted halfbaks who wield the tri- 4I,l nwwnw~i11Iitllluniillllllllllllmi )le threat: Felters, quarterback, has ;hownga-eat field' generalship this _. ..,_ re sonU. tf=(' nttoL5 o~n5U t o mLU 4U41 ie i JJ [ i' I:. fi k $10- A new shipment is here- iported Scotch grain, in black .or tan -Wide toe- English last--All sizes. VWAG11R&kCOMPAHY ,or Mfen. cs A ne 194 e I I ~ k[ I -w- .. Your Marine Go me I House Party * Flashlight by Lyndon. - w w w is ay memento - ___ ____ ____ _ -M I worth while - w PYYBLIIIR1905 I-4 -. 1BETTER SEE Group 8, room 304,1 Group 9, second ante room off the Ih: swimming pool, h. Group 10, activities. room. 1 h; 7 :400-I)e~folay meets at Harris hall. a: 8 :01-Amned:can Society of Cizvil eng- rv ineers meets at the Union. E _____ L THURSDAY. f 7:00 am.-H~oly Comniuion 0;5Il' WI- p liam's Memorial chapel, Harris hall. s' J2:OO-Culver club picture, laken at Spedlding's. a Vt U-NOTICES The Ann Arbor Art association 'F~ nounces an exhibition of famous I paintings in Alumni Memorial hall Nov. 5 to Nov. 12. The exhibition gaitS ' Mchigan, Felters may play FRESitl ' FOOTBALL MEN . DEFEAT RESERVES, 12.09 (ClY ftlffned fom ,Page'Seven)tI-.1 CHI EN( R IS T A/f A. CRAVINVG TORITNALON 'GREE'TING CARDTITON LEAVE YOUR ORDER WHILE SAMPLJE LINES: AR E UNBROKEN will be free to the public. Coach ±fishe'r' " teain' but did not Seniors iviio Mite trot' yet Obtalned- scrinmag 'oday. Mote,' Who was a s. _ r W r. It., y. AHR'S UNrIVERS ITY BOOKSTO0RE S 71A1V I SREET Sturdy Shoes, These Yet as soft as velvet. Accurate styles. Priced low because our overhead is low. $9.00 J. JI O'KANE. MAIN STREET OPPOSITE ELKS TEMPLE I STATE STREET v _ _ . . I Warm Coats L ea t h er Coats and Jpackets, Sheepskins, Sheeplined V e s t s, Feather Coats 'With a pelt lining, K n i t Coats, Slickers, Aviators' Coats and Helmets. SHIRTS Woolen Shirts in blanket pat- ternis, mackinaws, plain colors and 0. D. wool. army .blankets. Our stock is now complete. I1 -We wish to announce the opening-of a first-class market. We aim to get your patronage and inS return we will'give- you quality meats and satisfaction.- 60 Wite ..Iire Ir67EAST WILLIAMS 582-J i i i i t f i i SWEATERS Soft, Silky, Brushed Wool in plain and beautiful combina- tions. Also heavy rugged sweat- ers for outdoor wear and lighter ones for inside and under a coat. SHOES Munson Army Lasts-heavy and light 'weights-packs, high and low cuts, and hiking' shoes for men and women. Surplus DRIVING GLOVES Soft, pliable, warmly lined with wool. These are practical gloves. Real values at $o.00--$3.0-$.50o BREECHES Corduroy in several grades and weights, whipcords, etc. Also a complete line of knickers in all. materials. - BLANKETS Our stock of Blankets has been replenished. Wondrous patterns in plaids, stripes, checks and 0. D. wool army blankets. Prices reasonable..t PUTTEES, Just a special mention of these splendid Puttees. In addition we are headquarters for camp- ing outfit-s. Supplies Stores It "Pays to walk a few .blocks Read The Daily "Classified" Columns E. A. WURSTER 213 N. Fourth 'U U