1 lending our aid to the solution of such,
tr~tau 1"a t a problem of world wide import.
OFFICAL NWSPAER OF1 IIr: The other night some s tut~ dents and
UMVRSIY O MIIIIiAN a certain theater, owner of the city:
Published every morning 'except Monday (dcashed, tihe result being that the the-
dur'ing the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications. . atre owner was taken to the hospital.
-. ( .Several injuries to his headreued
Um~bers of Westefri- Conference EnditorialiSledatntobtbcueqired
Association.t o, leclle e e
-fused to press any charges against
T e Associated Press is exclusively esuensnhe-er o hl. Ia
itled to the use for republication of all news h~tdns hyweenthl.'Tk
disp4thes credited ,.to 'it or not otherwi.;e in1 into account the ,kind(1of theatre
creite inthis paper anrd the local news pl
ishcd therein. i t was, and the whole affair in gener-
1"n:icred at the posk)fIce, at Ann- Arbor,.
Yicliii n, as second class.matter. Special ratei,
of postag e grant~ed. by jFhird Assistant _Post-I
m-aster General.
Sobseription by Carrier, $3.56; by snail,
Offire' : Ann) Arbor, Press" Building, May-;
ua'(d S'eet.
['hones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-NI; B'isi-
ness, 96._I
Signed communications, not exceeding 300
wid,Will be published in . The D; 01.vat
the discretion of the Editor. Upon requecst,I
the ,identity of communicants will be re-
garded as confidential.
1, it :seens proper to believe that the
students involved in this affair are
decidedly not thle type of stuidents that
should be in this University. They
are thick-headed ruffihians, bringing'
no honor or good to their school, and-
only adding shamne. and littleness to
it. They paint it black in the face
of a great many people by just such;
outbursts of idiocy.
. Every year situations of a similar
sort arise here at the University. Stu-
dents forget themselves andl their res-'
Telephones, 2414 and 176-M
News. Editor._.............Julian E. Mack
City ?Editor. ................Harry fH,ey
Editorial Board Chiairmni.....C. Moriarty
- Night Edtars
F . It. Ailed A. B. Connable
R. A. Billington I. K. Fiske
Hiarr'y C. Clark J. G. Garlinghouse
P, ., i.-Wagner
-S poiass. ditor .......... ...Ralph N. iByers
Women's Editui... ....... Winona Hlibbard
Telegraph Editor.............. .R. B. Tarr
Sunday Magazine Elitur........ 'L. Tilden
Music Editor... ........uth A Dlowell
Assistant Ct dt . ent C. Kellar
Editoxial Board,
Paul Einstein, Robert Ramsay
Anic Propper
' G. ' tcke R: S. Mansfield
Bscrkrnaxi E i. C. Mack
1Helen Brown Verena Moran
lki Inadette Cote Regina Rei,.bmann
iC. W. PravisV1',. i.,>~ncnianx
Lr old r;hu<lich TH.'1R. Store~
Y;, (. Finc~rrl aK.-E',Styer
Joseph i.Kr W X. J'. Wa~tioar
Eliabeth 1 ,ie': rlua
Telephone 960O
Advertising.........E. TL. Dunne
Advertising C. Purdy
Advertising ....... W.Roesser
'advertising.........W. IL Scherer
Accounts............ .Christie
" :hculation...........Perry M. hayden
- Publtation.......... ..Lawrenice 1Pierce
*ponsibilities, and clash het
difficulties that cause the<
tion no little amount of
to att empt to clear uip.
k1think how they are Brea;
Y1the =pillars that so many
are trying to 'build upI-.
after alJ, people who art
ai n t t e U i e st , a the m ajority of the stud(
athey are rebels here. A]
thy retard school growth
Ibeing. Their plesence sho
tolerated. Insteadl their p1a
be filled by the many finer
desirable types of youth wl
able to obtain a universi - h y e t a il b o
to themselves and to the
T~here are all together toor
heads in the University, too
less ornamuen ts. Make roc
The arrangement made L
L. Reed, head of the scho(
iat the University of Tex
by members of the univers'
tra. will receive credit in
of music, has met with app
both the students and afat'r
institution. The Daily TE
the change as "an excellen
Ment for the mixing of clan
The stepl was takeun in
to improve the student ore
at the same time give ce
,tudents who were followin
of work outride of 1thec'
T1hese students in playing
chestra aree actively followi
ical course in the tiniversii
action which will give then
the school of music for the
just and fair.-
There are many otherc
tivities, however, which lilt
the student to actively pra
'campus activity, .;objects
adlong into
They littler
king down
- thousands.
They are,
e working
d not with
ent body-
nd as -such
h~ and well:
ouild not be
'aces shouldI
r' andl more.
ho are un-
ity training
th a credit'
eir college.j.
many dead-!
}many use-.
by Prof. F.
o01 of inns-
xas, where-!
sity orches-
the school
proval fromt
111ty of thatj
exan hailsj
nt arrano-e
!I' , j ,,,,,,E M1
IOIE (The Boston Evenig Transcript) 0A % v '
ate. IZE Preachers of Protestant churches
THE HIOUJSIETIIAT DAEDALUS which are constituent bodies of the
BUILT - Federal: Council of- the so-called _________________
A Breakfast Serial I "Churches of Christ in America" be-
This is the ship which carried away; gin tomorrow, here and elsewhere, a
Survivors of the human prey .clerical "drive" which will 'close on!
Through strokes of the sword whichi Armistice Da y with speeches from the .-A.. WX onder Selection of Persona
reached its marki pulpit in support of the immediate Engra ed'' h r tr a C rd
'In the hulks of a monster rimn and . nr fth'Ijie-ttsit
stark Permanent Court of the League of Na-
By aid of the string which guided the tions. The bulletin of the Greater
feet Bosto~n Federation of Churches, of--
Through the silent signless spookyj which the Rev. George Lyman PaineG R AM 'S
! street is the executive secretary and also
Of Theseus the bold who led the band chairman of its committee ons Joint B1 NSO H IGNLW L .
Which came from Athens afar to the! Religious Education, is in general
lfte and1 charge of the drive in Greater Bos- Jd r Ia y
Of te mid ithquite bewitching ton. This organization aspires to be
gaze "the common voice of Protestantism __________________________________
WVho knew how to penetrate the mnaze in Boston" and in that aspiration will'j-1~. 2 l!il
Where boys and girls were calories; raise its voice for the next week in
That served the hunger to appease ! support of. American membership in Ww
Ofththg bull 'bulimy' the League's judicial branch.
Which lived far off across the sea Patadpoecie onrbosA iE
Way down in the Cretan labyrinth, to this organization will find of es- -A
(To be continued) pecial interest the "sermon" which
ARISTOPHANES the Federation is circulating to be --
* *preached from every pulpit on Armis-.-
SONNT TOAPE AN itice. Day. It has been prepared by
Oh Pithecanthropus, they say the National League of Women Vot- .M
You' lived quite long ago, in fact j ers. It Is intended to sound the key- (_rrid y w
will admit, before my day note of the camnpaign by the clergy to 5,1-a
Five hundred thousand years or so, compel; the President and the Senate w:-
exact. of the United States to put their coun-.
Your skull tells of a u d a brain, a thigh I try into the League's Court. The "ser-..-
Bone 'shows you walked as I mp vw htAmsieDywl 111116111111lf 16116 I. ion"1 avows1ri" thati66i161i661I6161Armistice11611116161Day11111lill61I
soe eeh .wthco-
Soetehyou had with which to be celebrated in America wihon..
chew; fessions of failure and of sin" for the4 not the better part of virtue. A news..-
Well, I occasionally do, toe reason that peace has not been aclliev- ;paper is a public organ. It owes 9 !r'~ d the \Vnt Acts DETOIT UNITED LINES
Yourr size-but now T wonder why ed nor justice realized-in the face duty to the public which it can only EATBUD1
;Yon left no evidence to show of the fact that today- the United discharge by honesty, frankness, and Eiiel:0A.ST , 910 . m an
Me what I most of all would know: States is at peace with all the world, an absolute refusal to he Intimidated ph Ie ~ Expr Lmiess: 7 a. Mn., 8:1 a.' . and y
Weeteesmiihcnhoa? Frhraog~ ~ sro"Air when a matter of common imnportaince IIV.' I .ARMOLTS, D). S5C every two hours to 9:10 'p. m.'
Oh Pithe, in thy pithy world, is atae alestake. epntfoLC IlIK PODIST 1 two hours to 8 p n
icn*aecllduont rpnafrnd OTrH~roPD c rI ILocals: 7 a. m.,p8:G5 a. min u
Did you, too, love a Pithegiri? I their part "in the historic system of i]dN 10sf
A.F ann aggressive nationality and economic: That newspapers sometimes fail to'd7N niest every two hours to 8:655 p. m.,
A eaie IEdo their duty is a frg, concfu----------------------11 p. m. 'To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
riv a lry " . T h is - is th e sy stem , so th e fo e o epyn, 1 :2 . i . a d 1 1 . i .
Spark of originality exhibited by the; "sermon" reads,"which inevitably sion. They rsare, oafter eall, rthe i ipro- : LiinitedAYIltIi.1 S T 47a.OU. ND-~ttc
title of the show that starts Thursday - hurled one naon against the dutoototashwoaeree inf;, .~h aN1AN ABO' I'iI WSTBON
atteAclible and often erring. TherSasira-'imne) L~ies :7a d n viy S
athAr in a conflict for power, and which, Thes apia : W Chamber 'of Comerce hours to 8:47'p. m"
T H E E T E R N A L T H R E E " . i f i r s r i e , w l u l nt io i i n s in m o s t c a s e s , h o w e v e r , a e - - e e k a y s s u n a w i wpe s ( r a ~ g: 9 5
to warsagain."11So wlA hur aioixtGr-6:45 4..,n. 6:4s a ,n. xnesrsa~n l tos ::5
~laudable and this should minimize the 1:45 p. 4 p . - ' a m n vrtw ~rlt
The real, red-hot dope on the rea - many was ",a conflict for power", the su.iean1nintina4crsoi I1.-)e LIOT-M Adrrin, Mc. ILcl:75 .i. 21 .m
son Mich won the Iowa football game, gul ~wihAn~r.iut share at failures. -'enb t AraMc. iLoal:7:0 :n. 1:0-.n
2 Ieinie Caplan
John Conlin
Allin B. Crouch
Louis M. Dexter
David A. 6
Laurn Haigt -~t
R. E. H-awkinson
Edw. D. lVoe'Leinaker
Harold A. Marks
Byron Parker
H. M, Rockwell
-E -Rose
;; i' " eie
C. F. White
R. C. Winter
France's consistent objections to-
ward participation in any sort of
working organization for the, determ-
ination of Germany's financial status
taught in the university.
has become'the sole deplorable men- tivities merit recognition
ace to her own reestablishment on a; credits equally as munch
basis .<of satisfactory amity and un- chestra does. Action of
derstanding with the other nations of could be taken with regard
the world. Insistent objections to- in the university band, i
phraseology and terminology of each branches of college activit
and every scheme propounded, while! many other lines,, and wou
accompanied by whole hearted reas- combininig the campus act
surance of agreement in principle,th university courses in a
have failed to aleviate the critical sit- paraition for a future life
uation'- still threatening the peace
of Europe. -^-
Wheter Fancebelieves that liini-
tation Qfthe powers' of the proposed 7 weniy- Five Y
inquiry to nil will produce h work-I
able 'organization, .or 'whether she fears ' AgoA IYhc
the decision of such an investigation, j I.... .,.,.. ,,.
her condemnable "stalling" without r Froio lihe files of the IT, a
either refusing to participate, or giv- No eiber 7, 18.98.
ing her assent, merely holds up ac-
tion so much longer. England has In yep tofrci:4y's gamnes, so
successfully convinced Belgium anud more interesting scores;
Italy that something in the nature of Chicago 17, Pucrdlue 0; Yale
a definite, cold blooded analysis of 0; Princeton 5, WVest Poin
the situation must be made to achieve'- 23, 0.(S.U. 5.
any end other than prolonged turmoil.
The United States, in accord with her Prof. IT. C. Adams, mn
desire to see a satisfactory settle-'his class in political ecommo:
ment reached, hesitates to give hzer as-1 day said thait in his opinio
sent to the aftrement so long a~ nor laws coul(1 not be ebl
France holds oi . even though only til the counts decide to ai
on the basis of ininor .quibblings. suinptiv6 evidonce against s
Our desire to secure unqualified co- es Professor Adanis attr
operation from all the nations vital- successfuli operation of ti
lIy concerned has rightfully retarded factory laws to the fact tha
definite) acceptance to the plan by ecI of violation of factory laws,
-rcl ary Hughes, who is anxious to 1.s- adiIt presu iptive evidence
sure French participation at once. In
'he e v ent liat 'i-eiur Poincare doesl A ratlher severe joke w
not01, '-i ron iitu present stand Iupon a couple of co-eds on
~ wic in~s .-hathe investigating wee~. Somebody sent then
conferc, ec be ds.ted the power of tation to he present at a re
r ecommeding f !--duction ill the $33,-1lhe given at the home of
000,00u,000 r ;.ai ations figure, and re- and Mm-s. Angell by the Wor
stricted to an investigation of the ildiary. At the time set, the
present capacity of Germany to pay, dies presented themselvesa
this government may feel justified in, of the executive mansion pi
accepting the invitation to participate' enjoy a nice evening's party
In the conference, realizing that ev-F plan ation that followed di(
cry effort to insure Fr-ench cooperai- crease tIheir a iYIVP(iu ivon's
,s work and -a rcredi heDiy Iowan: Blott with qr ,9a"? - t his -is true: the °
of Michigan fell on the ball, and- settig aside o Armistice Day as'a
anchga wasAWRE atoc- :6
aattempt -1,Irga WREDatuh day of 6nfession caild< of penance-
andestrThend-.would seem td be ,alto,"ther, logical.
edit to the ;i.Th, Italics, as the big -boyrs say, are,,- But:whit6:f- the -.future?.W r
ng this line Yo'erghte'e"o el told in the "sermon" of the Federa-
class room. .ly Italics, but that's the techinical tion for ,Arniistice IDay that "justice"
in the or prs, - ** --- demnand~ that no nation declare in T17~re . o
,ity and heS atra ihtw a h the nanib -of patriotism that in any
itrana tof< pleas - dispute it shall be at once the judge,
In credit in ,ein,"hePasig So"I the party to action, and the exeen-t n iwoksou
show, the best feature being the tin"t ar u h etne"S
gls- b ad c ra n an t e ap a e t Japan is right in dem anding "in the
,wie lad c-rp. tihe firstat- sialas.bed-urai
eanmpus ac-,l eve k name of patriotism" that the question ani.c~
ceticela y vea ck-regards flsacta ;of immigration shall no longer be re-
petgodareadthaculwise teSae
pretty goo as the garded byth UnitedStes as a do- en y tl
wihaecracks pulled by the principals; but insi!qeton n he United States"
'Thes ac~- of, course we don't see enough shows iswogi-euin htdmn n
to know how many of 'em were lifted. "wog reuigtatdmn n
by school ! h eodatws' uhaic we are to be called upon from the pul-a e bain
as the or- I pits of the churches that are inem-
f tiskin jWhat disappointed us was that one'thers of the Boston Federation to re-
to service of the guys recited a poem that we pent on Armistice Day for our sins
n bsns ran in the col about a week ago. Fie, and to confess the righteousness of
busnes Zilch? For shame!'
ties and in * * * the Japanese demand?
uld lead to i Whenever the United States, in
wihYesterday we paid Dr. Thomas Lov-,
sold pe-We don't care, particularly for the- Roa Cthlcran ohe
woink. ; laces, although as these things go are ism consents to the inclusion of !in- lp
~,,all right enough; what we are con- mirto; mn isdmsi us
cerned with is the preservation of tions; accepts in any International
to a piffy. (Good word, that puffy; in oigpwrt h rts m
I~cr just thought of it on the spur of pare or any other empire, monarchy
SIthe moment.) All the other traditions 0or republic; and abandons its histor --______________
....ti..,....,}are second-hand, ready-r4ade tradi- ic system of nationality and the priv- yI1 Il1lltIltElhI3ilIiIll ll63[11111 lItIlai
()f 31. LDally, ( tions: they look as if somebody along I liege of fair and honest competition -
about 1890 decided that the U ' f M in thme economic progress of the world,W
oughta have some, and after inspect- the Nat4on may well set aside a day:- - -
dime of the in l h xsig traditions, decid- of sorrow and fasting and penitential
are these: ed that a Cap night,, and a Swingout, prayer. The Fourth -of July, howev-
S10, C.A.A. ; and a Senior Prone would just about' er, would he a more appropriate "Ash :
ti ;Csfill the bill. Wednesday" than the Eleventh of No-:
D~octor Lovell is homegrown and ac- vember, ,for' an America that renonc-:
cidental; he is therefore O.K. Oh yes es its precious heritage from the Path-r
adressing -the Diagonal walk is all right, too; e rs in favor of the husks of inter-
my yester-I and Mr. Graham is in a fair way to nationalism that many 'preachers in
in, the liq- become a wealthy plutocrat simnply be-1 politics are offering today.-
forc(ed un- ; cause he had the perspicacity to oh--
Leei r-serve that it had two extremities. d
Ihtdte We daresay you all sa* the fresh- TdIi' 'IHE WELL-DRI
ae prcaesn man theme on the Library bulletin i 1 SMT:E,. on correctness a
tt n csesboard. It was all about punctuationI
theu rt .ni ,tci __ _._ - . - - -w ill- -Arivc
teordinary foods
r~e tou y out? T hen you'l
. vaid menus that
s~crved .here daily.
,. 4
: ..i r.? , t.. . . ..
: r E:
'I I -I-
r "
s ta ir1s.,
Nickels 're-ade
A/YHili /H/IS /2III i iiIAY">1ffi/ I II i/i II li~tll/imAfM/ i l/ 11Y~ 11tl1 1/litl Ili11/i11!glli11/! /-
I -
' ... .. i
~SSE MANwo bist
rdidvdu lt n ~
~,r l~wOtic (1~ 4~~A -' - -w
vvas played
ne day last]
n an invi-s
eception to
men's aux-
young la-I
at the door
repared to
y. The ex-
id inot in-!
and is in nearly thie same ;highly ap- ' IuiSWence Her Icis-v-vtanoreu and hand%,R-i- - ' -i
proved position that President Cool-jIs Slenc , rle i
idge's photograph occupies. There is Have you read Lowell Mellett'st
also some note of the performance- article on the Ku Klux Klan in Ind j-in the l 1nmitable Scheyer fashion,- -
Ithat this Gay McClaren is gigt I ana (in a recent issue of the Atlantic). " h tsi am ntta ili.pa-
give in 1-lill hall soon. Little notices I charge which will bring deserved hu- t
ofthslay' ai-riinproraneI iiliation on the newspapers of that y to the disr iinating. (I~ May we not
es have also been posted in all thej State unless they make definite at- u
cls-om yteeai rtrcltempts to clear them selves. Mr. Mal- 1 sugaest that you come in and inspet-t
Association hounds. They ask the in- Lett charges that for fear of offend- "- the Otis, as well as the other Scheyer
structor if they can leave 'em there ling the Klansmen with possible loss = ' models we are showitlg? TeO I
and the instructors say that they don't4 of circulation and advertising, news-rTh O I
know just what the University ruling I papers of Indiana either are friendly
on the subject is, and then they leave! to the organization or else print noth-