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November 07, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-07

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Michigan's Great Athletic Plant <will
be Opened at 1:30 O'clock
Michigan's new athletic plant, which
will be the finest building of its kind
in the country when completed, will
be opened next Saturday afternoon to
the more than 12,000 people who will
see it officially dedicated and named
after Michigan's Grand Old Man of
football, Fielding H. Yost.
The interior of the building will
be practically finished at thAt time
with the great stands in place and
temporary bleachers will probably be
p'laced at the ends of the building to
take care of the crowd. Admittance
to the building may be made by the
football ticket.
Will Begin at 1:30
The dedication exercises will be-
gin at 1:30 o'clock; one hour before
the kick-off of the game. The Var-
sity band will open the program with
the playing of "The Victors". Prof.
Ralph W. Aigler, of the Law school,
chairman of the Board In Control of
Athletics, will give the dedication ad-
dress, 6officially presenting the new
athletic plant to the University in the
name of the board. The speech of ac-
ceptance will be made by Regent
James 0. Murin.
President Marion L. Burton, Field-
ing H. Yost, director of intercollegi-
ate athletics, after whom the house
is to be named, and Secretary of the
Navy Edwir Denby, '96L, will each ad-
dress the assembly. At the conclu-
sion of the ceremony the Varsity and
Marine bands will march out of the
field house and 'onto the field, follow-
.ed in a procession by the ..dedication
party which will- take-special boxes en
the sidelines.
During the first half of the gan(
the 'Denby party will sit on the Mich-
igan side of the field in honor of the
Secretary's Alma Mater, changing be-
tweenhalves to the Marine side where
the Secretary will be among his men
of the Marine corps. The march of
the notables across the field, accom-
panied by the playing of the two bands,
will be another spectacle of the
The Marine corps detachment to-
talling 1,500 men With a band of 300
pieces, will arrive at the Michigan
Central station at 12:30 o'clock Sat-
urday afternoon. The men will form
in line at the station and march up
Main street to Liberty street where
they will turn east and parade to State
street. The line of march from there
will be to the Union, and from. there
to Ferry field. President Marion. L.
Burton will ~welcome Secretary Den-
by and his party in front of the Un-
ion when the Marines will draw up
in line on the march, to the field.
More than 25 disabled marines from
Detroit hospitals will be the guests of
the Athletic association at the game
Saturday. These men will be furn-
ished. seats on the sidelines. Trans-
portation is being arranged by the
Packard Motor company in their cars.
The men are veterans who were
wounded in the world war, most of
them permanently.
Alumni to Attend
Word was received from several
more sectional alumni group presi-
dents yesterday accepting the invi-
tation of Hawley Tapping, '16L, field
secretary of the Alumni association,

to attend the dedication -of the field
house. Rex Dryer, '04, will represent
the Cleveland club, Carrol Canger,
ex-'17, the Grand Rapids group, and
Toledol will send a representative.
Anyone having, a ticket 'for the
Michigan Marine game can enter the
grounds at the gate specified on the
back of the ticket and go from there
to the Field House. The ticket to the
game will also admit the holder to,
the dedication exercises. The reserve
seat ticket stub, must be retained by
the holder in order to secure entrance
to the football stands and to occupy
reserved seats.
If holders of football tickets wishi
to enter Ferry Field before 1:30 for
the purpose of attending the dedica-
tion exercises, they can enter at the
east side entrance of the Field House
or at the south gate entrance on State
Llovd Leaves For

University And City To Unite
In Observuing Armistice\ Day
Fitting celebration of Armistice Day, their work will be considerably above
Nov. '11, which this year comes on the average. Mr. Earl V. Moore, head
Sundy, i plnnedby te Uiverityof the School of Music, will finish out
Sunday, is pannedisby the University{tle
f the musical program with selections
Services committee of Lane Hall, Har- on the Frieze Memorial organ.
old K. Latta, '24, chairman. The pro-! Arrangements for a parade have
gram includes one of the most ex- been made with thelocal R.O.T.C. and
tensive ever planned for an Armistice the National Guard companies which
day celebration. are stationed at Ann Arbor. These
Services will be held in Hill audi- two units will meet in front of the
torium beginning at 4 o'clock. The Natural Science auditorium at 1:30 o'-
principle speaker will be Bishop Thos. clock whence they will march to Hill
Henderson, of Detroit, wh6 is a talker, auditorium accompanied by the Var-
of note not only in his city but in most sity band.
of the lower peninsular. He has not: It is thought that over 400 ex-serv-
announced the subject he has chosen ice men will take part in the serv-
for this occasion. ices, and while the R.O.T.C. and Na-
In addition, the Michigan Glee club tional Guard units will be in full un,
will make its first appearance on the iform, no such ruling will be made in
campus, and will sing several songs the case of the ex-service men.
of a patriotic and religious nature. The Varsity band is to be stationed
There has been an abundance of ma- on the steps of Hill auditorium, and
terial from which to choose a Glee will furnish music for the formal pa-,
club this year, and it is expected that rade into the auditorium.




Executive Charges Ku Klux Klan
Conspired in Removal
Oklahoma City, Okla.,. Nov. 6-(Byl
A.P.)-Gov. J. C Walton took his cause
to the federal courts today in an ef-
fort to invoke government interven-1
tion in the series of tangled events
which has marked the political life of
Oklahoma for the last several months.
On the outcome of the action is
expected to depend the question of
whether 4he impeachment proceed-
ings against the executive will be dis-
posed of in the near future or wheth-
er they will await a final decision by
the United States supreme court. If
the latter condition develops, observ-
ers saw tonight many unexpected
complications in the situation that
would be unprecedented.s
The Governor applied to the United
States district at Lawton for a writ

Former Attorney for the Insurgents
Is Slain; Trial to be Soon

Union Life Membership Committees
Will, Help in Three Day

Lack of Information Necessitates
Delay While Waiting for
Washington, Nov. 6.-(By A. P.)-
Availability of American helpfulness
in the European economic crisis ap-
parently depends upon detailed expla-
I nations of the restrictions on the pro-
posed inquiry into the reparations
tangle. Up to this time, it was learn-
ed authoritatively, the Washington
government has not been able to find
out exactly what the French premier
has in mind in proposing to confine
the inquiry to Germany's present ca-
pacity to make reparations payments.
Seek Explanation
Conversations between President'
Coolidge and Ambassador Jusserand
today and between the French ambas-
sador and Secretary Hughes yester-
day, turned almost wholly upon the
effort to determine the exact nature
of the French restrictions. As it has
been translated in London, the French
phrase reads "capacity to pay at pres-I
ent and for a limited future period."1
It was evident that the ambassadorl
had been unable to amplify it suffi- }
ciently and had cabled his government
for a detailed explanation for which
government officials are waiting with
deep interest.
In view of this situation, it was
stated strongly that the statement
that negotiations had met a deadlock
was wholly without foundation. The
administration, on the contrary, re-
gards the door still open to American
co-operation in the search. for a so-
lution for the reparation problem,
provided the Allies desire such aid.
After President Coolidge's conference
today with Ambassador Jusserand,}
which lasted nearly half 'an hour, a
White House spokesman urged that
America exercise patience.
Is Delicate Natter
It was pointed out that Europe's
present economic plight had a historic
background which cannot be reme-
died on 24 hours notice. This is rec-i
ognized in Washington and although
it is felt in administrative circles that
the economic situation ist growing
brightertday by day, there is every
reAson to avoid delay in getting the
experts to work if the powers can
reach agreement on this course.
There is-no disposition to withdraw
the offer of American co-operation+
while there is any reasonable chance
that the Allies can find a way to avail
themselves of it.

Spoke On




r 1YGYr -----


Senator James E. Comizens'
Senator Couzens, ex-mayor of De-
troit, and one of the world's richest
men, who recently created a furor by
his stand upon the prohibition ques-'
tion, spoke before the Chamber of
Commerce yesterday.

FOX, PUBLICITY MANAGER OF j NEW PLANS CALL FOR ONLY , of subpoena, charging that the s'tate
ORGANIZATION, IS INDICTEDr 2000 SUBSCRIBERS TO FUND legislature participated in a conspir-
acy with the Ku Klux Klan to remove
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 6-Phillip E. Fox, Union committee men and students Ihim from office.
publicity officer of the Ku Klux Klan, who have been working on the "4000! Hearing of the action was set for
tonight stands Indicted on a charge of tomorrow.
first degree murder in connection with Club" will start today to visit the The petition asks the court to hear
the slaying- late yesterday of W,. S. 1200 members who have signed for the executive's charges that he is un-
Cobert, attorney for the faction of the club in an effort to have them able to obtain a fair. trial before the
the Klan classed as insurgents. Fox change their pledges to meet the new Senate court of impeachment, and,
was indicted today by the grand jury re if his charges are sustained, to issue
and at the offlee of J. A. Boykin, so- requrements decided upon as a result a permanent injunction against the
licitor general, it was said the trial of the recent action of the Union di- legislature preventing it from proceed-
probably would be called soon. rectors. Only 2,000 members are now ing with its trial'
Fox maintained silence other than eeded to make the Uion swimming
to say that Colbert planned to pub- pool, a possibility.
lish certain statements that would Under the old system the pledges
lih eran taeens ht oudwere obtained with the understand,NO U PU E LN
have attacked his character. Fox is wer btain with the d st-
editor of the Knight Hawk, official ing that $5 would be paid by the stu- OTr
publication of the Klan. The body of te dent If he were called upon during
Colbert wis taken to Savan yli last the week ofNov. 1, and if 4,000-sign- ' 1931,ULUIIIU
night for interment, ers had been obtained in the drive.
ght frintrmThe new action is made possible bya
an faction of the Board of Governors At
of the Union which will allow con- ed by the Michigan Union committeee
tracts for the completion of the pool on Freshmen affairs for the fall ath-
to be let as soon as 2,000 pledges have letic events organized under 'their
27;fl I fl been obtained. control. A total of 24 medas are to
21; The $20,000 needed to complete the be given to winners and runners-up in
pool will be obtained in this way and these different competitions.
Beckley, West Va., Nov. 6.-Twenty- through the Union Fair, recently du- Spedball as well as bowling tour-
seven men were killed by an explosion thorized by the Senate committee on naments are to begin the. last of this
in the Glen Rodgers mine of the Student Affairs, hod through gifts week. There are 14 intramural med-
Raleigh Wyoming coal company in a that are expected as soon as the com- als to be given to men on the different
remote mountain district 25 miles pletion of the pool becomes certain. teams in speedball, while in bowling
from here at 8 o'clock this morning. The Fair will be held in the spring 5 medals will be awarded. Cross
Early tonight 25 bodies had been re- in the new Yost field house, and it country teams are already organized,
moved from the shattered workings is the hope of Union officials that; and medals are for teams and not in-
and rescue crews were searching for nearly $10,000 can be obtained in this i dividuals in this case.
the bodies of the two missing men. way. The first general meeting of the
The mine inspector under R. M. An actual drive to increase the committee with the freshmen took
Landby, chief of the state department IIpledges who have promised to support place last Thursday. An opportuni-
of mines, had gone through part of the pool with a $5 swimming ticket ty for the teams to meet the com-
the workings but declared they were will be launched next Tuesday. At mitteemen individually will be pre-
unable to say anything of the explo- this time committee mephers of the sented today when the committee will
sion other than that it was confined Union, those who have been working be' in the activities room of the Un-
to one entry where all the fatalities with the "4,000 Club", members of the ion from 4:00 to 5:30 to answer all
occurred. Veterans of Foreign Wars, and those uestions and to insure a better un-
who helped the Union in the recent .p es
W life membership drive, will canvass in these competitions.
l the etire male student body. Following this will be a general
Dies Of Old Age IThe drive will probably last about meeting tich all teams and men
___three days. If the necessary pledges
Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 6-Crashing have been obtained at the end of this
tov. earhsw r ing!time, the money will be collected im- Cooley Will B#
to emov ls w hich had becom ediately and contracts for the work
to remove limbs which had become a Guest Of Honor
menace to the safety of the public, the on the pool will be let.
old Washington Elm, under whoseDECd
widespreading limbs 150 years ago, in th Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, head of
1775, George Washington assumed UiN U ULE S LEUVUY the College of Engineering and Archi-
command of the continental army, tecture, will be the guest of honor at
passed away as a living landmark.F PRSNa in iadneroNombr2
Despite every effort to save it, theate Hotel Statler, Detroit. Secre-
tree died during the last summer. U Utary of the Navy Denby has signified
Shorn of most of its limbs by the la---. his intention of being present, if pos-f
Sorms of1mosyrsithe solitam y elm, John Francis Glynn, the prison re- sible.
sorms ohf 10years d Cformer, who Monday afternoon ad- Invitations to this dinner were sent
c mon ,th ras sooda throughoutamb e a -dressed the Kiwanis club on preval- to more than 5,000. Replies indicate
common, has stood throughout the au- Ient prison conditions, delivered a talk that men from all parts of the coun-
tumn with an air of solemn dignitytoteLbrlcu nteUonas try prominent in engineering, naval, i
awaiting its final disposal. When the to the Liberal club in the Union last tr rmnn neniernnvl
wrkmn tu d to hard on a nearly night. Mr. Glynn, who spent twenty government,sand educational circles
sawed off limb the ancient trunk fell. years in prison as a convict, is exert- i -e
ing all of his influence toward bring- -
Montevideo, Nov. 6, 1923-Dispatch- ing about penal reforms. Crown Prince Is
es say the armistice between the Bra- In the course of his talk he bitter- i
Sziliangovernment forces and those of ly arraigned the present prison sys- till n Holland
tem as one which "Endeavors to train
the Rio Grande ihSul rebelshas been a man to lead a normal life by forc- Doom, -olland, Nov. 6.-(By A. P.)
brken__nd ___g __g __esum _. _ing him to lead an abnormal one." Confirmation was obtained today of
He blamed the absence of home life the report that Former Crown Prince
FORE! DUMBELL FORE! in the present day for the large num- Frederick William had not left Wier-
her of crimes among youths, and ad- inges where he has been residing
Sporting goods of all kinds are vocated probation fo youthful offiend- since his internment in Holland.
ers. Former emperor William is main-
at a premium. We have calls Following the address an open for- taming close relations with the lead-
every day for everything from um was held in which discussion of: er of the monarchist movement in
golf clubs to roller skates. If 1 problems related to the subject was Germany and is said to be hopeful
. f ' k or Ma I carried on. that present events in the fatherland



Students who took part in canvass-
ing the campus in the life member-
ship drive of the Union which ended'
last Thursday will be the guests of
the Union at a banquet which will
be held at 6:15 o'clock tonight in the:
assembly hall of the Union. The ban-
quet is being given in appreciation
of the work done by the men in go-
ing over the quota in the drive.
The award of the Otto Hans Cupk
to Jack Berkman, '26, high man in the
drive, will be one of the features of
the banquet. The award will be pre-
sented by Edward Stark, '24, chair-!
man of the life membership drive, whot
will also confer suitable awards upon
the members of the high team in the
drive. This team, number 13, was!
captained by Frederick Pinney, 25.
Jack Kelly, '25L, president of thej
Student council, has been secured as'
the student speaker for the affair.'
Thomas Lynch, '25L president of the
Union, will also speak, thanking the
men for the cooperation they showed!
in their work on the drive and ex-
pressing the appreciation of the Un-
ion toward them.

Protest Based on Fact That He
Taught Children to
Chicago, Nov. 6, 1923 --'eaching
swimming to a boys Y. l. C. A. to
earn money for university expenses
today was made the basis of a chargel
of professionalism against one of thl
star tackles of the Western Confer-
The protest is made. against l, C.
Gerber, tackle of the University of
Wisconsin eleven tn the eve of the
crucial Wisconsin-Illinois game Sat- l
i urday. The protest, if allowed, umeans ;
that lie will -be barred from all ctrl-
lege athletics on the grounds ita t"
was a paid coach.
Protested Last Year
The situation recalls a similar inci-
dent a year ago when the Badgers
prepared to meet the Illinois, a pro-
test came from Illinois quarters which
disqualified Murray another star
Wisconsin tackle. This protest
brought out the wrath of Big JohnI
Richards, then Wisconsin's coach,
and almost resulted in a severance of
athletic relations between the two
The attempt to have Gerber ruled
out of Conference competition, eman-
ates from a different source, accord-
ing to reliable reports here. Major
J ohn Griffiths, Western Conference
Athletic commissioner, however, re-
fused to reveal the source making the
(pripples Tcm
Faced with a shattered hue in the
most importait game of its present
season, should Gerber be declared
inelligible, Wisconsin athletic auth
orities hastened dn investigati on into
the charges. T. E. Jones, director of
athletics, went to LaCrosse to find out
from Y. M. C. A. officials the status
that the athlete held when he taught,
a boys swimming class there.
Gerber, rated as onme of t he star
tackle of the Big Ten maintained that
he had violated no conferencee rule.1
Before the season started ie submit-
ted his case to the athletic council of
of the University of W eo sin, and
after an investigation, was fotand to
be eligible.
I f-_
San Diego, Cal. Nov. 6-The story

Senator Also Discusses Present
Problems In Railroad
Speaking on the subject "Present
European Conditions,". Senator James
E. Couzens of the Michigan district
addressed an overflowing crowd yes-
terday noon at the luncheon of the
Chamber of Commerce club. Over 200
reservations for seats at the luncheon
were made in advance.
Discusses Conditions
Senator Couzens, during the course
of his speech, made public his conclu-
sions of European conditions 'which
he formed on his visit there last sum-
mer. On his trip he was able to make
many observations that would have
been impossible through the medium
of newspapers, he stated, and conse-
quently was able to place the :facts
viewed from the citizens' standpoint
at the command of his hearers.
The existing issues over which the
United States should concern itself in
European affairs has been used by
many Congressmen as a means of ag-
grandizement and political issues, the
Senator said, and the public should
ee the facts in their own light.
Participation by the United States
in European affairs has caused great
damage, the Senator agreed, although
the blame can be laid to no individual.
But the victories the Allies earned in
the war are useless, he continued,
until the economic results can be de-
Although Germany signed a state-
inment assuming the blame for the war,
and a reparations commission estab-
lished a sum of $33,000,000,000 as Ger-
many's debt to the Allies, less than
16 per cent of this has been paid. Of
ihis reparations debt, France i to re-
ceive 52 per cent, and the Senator is
in sympathy with the 'French in oc-
eupying the Ruhr to obtain a settle-
meInt. The United States, he added,
has consistently refused to allow the
Allied debt of $6,000,00000 to be
(drawr Into the Euiopean settlement
in any way.
flays Exchange
All through his trip Senator Couz-
ens saw conditions which he had not
been able to grasp through reports.
In Germany, new factories, new
houses, and a general prosperity
greeted him on every hand. This was
in direct contrast with the many
emaciated women and children he ob-
served, despite the excellent crops of
the German farmers. The cause is the
instability of the exchange system,
which is disrupting the internal com-
mnerce he said. Senator Couzens lays
the fluctuation of the German ex-
change system to the unfair attempt
of the influential German firms to
liquidate their reparations burden.
An impasse exists in the settlement
question, he stated. Until 'Germany
can take in more money by' their ex-
ports exceeding imports, the debt can-
not be lessened. This profitable com-
merce depends upon a friendly ar-
rangement. The IJUnited States is the
country best qualified to act as arbit-
rator in reinstating Germany, and the
Senator advises the intermediation of
the IUnited States, not in alliances or a
league, bt, alone to adjust the present
Not only will the United States be
aiding a good cause in such media-
liom ' lideclared, but economic beune-
fits from stabilization will result

Wants Private Ownership
Senator Couzens also devoted part
of his sneech to a discussion of the
transportation problem. Although the
railroads of the country have been
ivmg good service during the past
six nmonths, yet freight rates are doU-
ble what they should be, he stated.
Private ownership of railroads is pre-
ferable, but unless the railroads meet
tie demands of the public, the Senator
advocated measures by the govern-
maent to enforce'them to do so, or else
take over the r'ads entirely.
President Marion L. Burton, in in-
trod ucing Senator"Couzens, paid trib-
ute to'hiim as a man who had gener-'
Ously contributed of his wealth to up-
build the University.' Senator Couz-
ens is the donor of the 'new Nurses'
Home, ground for which will prob-
ably be broken within a month, the
President added.

of the night on the Honduras reefs
!when seven destroyers went to their
, g PO doom with a' loss of 23 lives was un-
i U U Ufolded from the witness stand today
at the court martial of Capt. Edward
OF 9TH LETICCONTESTS . Watson. After the prosecution end-
ed its case, Commander George Weil-
er, of Captain Watson's council, re-
In accordance with last year's cus- read an outline of~ the defense which
tom, the athletic department of the was offered but rejected when the
prosecution began its case yesterday.
Michiganensian is including, in the Various destroyers' commanders
j athletic section, action pictures of the' war enited in (1p in that. trnx

yonag oneandfadn c as h
Jongg on hand and need cash,
'hav tha ra-h- and

A delnhi Reviews

will turn in his favor.
Yl-_ ..W ' ...eww Fr1 .

I All fraternity cony for the t

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