TUESD"AY, NOVEMBER f, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY French Society Exhibits Works In Alumni Hall! An event of first rate importance for Ann Arbor art circles began- yes- terday in the opening of the exhibit of etchings and smiall' colored paintings in the upper gallery of Alumni Mem- orial Ball. The work exhibited is that of La Societe des Graveurs Modernes Francais, of Paris, France, and con- sists of more than one hundred etch- ings of many sorts. Most of them are in colors, and so closely and finely (lone 'that they clearly are the work of masters. Also on exhibit are more than one hundred paintings, mainly small, and which also are the work of this famous group of Parisiani painters. This exhibit comes to our country under the impetus of a rather inter- esting movement. The inovation of colored. etching*_ was begun overj eighteen years ago, but until lately found favorable comment only in Paris, There Georges Plasse, of the Societe des Graveurs Modernes Fran-, cais, with the help of such well known masters as Icart, Jourdain,, and La-, ojute, built up a school of colored etchings, and has as a result been able, to introduce into this country an exhi- bit so marvelous in its conception, and so exact In its execution, that it ha~ taken this country by storm. The exhibit comes to Ann Arbor from Boston, where it hung for some time in the gallery of the Boston CityIE Club. It received so much favorable t comxment that a tour of this country was decided upon, and Ann Arbor has1 fortunately been chosen as the firstt stop. It is scheduled to run through the twelfth of this month. It is un- der the personal supervision o M. Georges Plasse. M. Plasse will be at the :gallery every' afternoon, and willv be able to give many interesting side- lights on the w~orks. The followingI are the artists whose works are to be exhibited: - T. F. Simon, Henry Jour-I dain, Streth-Zampini, Richard Ranft, Manuel Robles, Chabinian, Van San- ten, Calbot, Lambrecht, Le Riche, Paul Emile Lacomte, Appey, Georges, Plasse,,an jseveral others. No adlmis- sion will be charged. Coining This Week News From Ot IllInoi%--Miany' notables attended the! Illinois hiomecoming this week-end. ax The list included soetin ned States CIO congressmen as well as Governor i w Small and Judge K. M. Landis. lbth °b., because of a mistake between the' Cleudelal Enigineecrs to Have Siuokerl gi neering shops btiilding. Major John then er C olleges dowvntow-n Westernx Union office in IChiemical engineering stdnsar'e roswl etesekr Iowa City and the one at the football ivtdt attend a smoker of the Am- OhoSaeTefield.I erican Institution of Chemical Engin- More than 300 foreign students are ObloSuit-Thedeans and registrar e guzzled in determiningt to what, A wire was held open for the De- ceering to take place tomorrow at 7 :30 attendinfg the University, about the !ass a student who graduates in the troit Free Press at the field, and then' o'clock on the third floor of the En- same number as last year. inter beclongs. The only conclusion cvy have thus far reached is that wc is a man without a class." ?. ~Purdue-The faculty have made a' Knwruling regarding thrropn of Illinolls-Students will not use the studnts A sudet wo ha faledcanmpus for surveying purposes any-, to pass in 12 hours is to be placed on I more. f~y: Jk . !probation for the following two semes- : tos. Ten i case he does not pjass IOberlin-~y Saturday morning, Ob- he will':e'dopped.>rr", erhin had already reached a student efecive immediately,.ha ingdrvewhich opened last W ednes- :{':?.'" :: V~nneota-Th secnd ll-nive- dy. hismoney hasbenpdgdy t tistaTh scod llunve- students and alumni and is payable F iyconvocation was addressed by rwti i er.rh is ulig Glen Fankof the Century magazine, to use the funds will be a new recita-' He spoke o "The Salvaging, of Civil- to aladawmnsgmaim .~.........ization." W isconsin-F ive men have been s P1RIU1-DEAE fortheRhoesscholarship. .....*... Fifteen menha madeaplctofo ;t~he honor.( HOUH EMS E El1aRyanHairvard-Many students are at-' Elsa, Ryantracted by the hopes of distinction. WESTERN UNION OFFICE AT IOTA{ Actress who appears in a new corn- This years' figures show a large in-! CITY HOLDS UP ALUMN edy, "The Circus Lady" Saturday at cerase in applications over last year. RELPORTS ALSO the Whitney.____ -KIen, cy-"Meow" 'is the cogno-! With the return of Hawley Tapping, FIVE TIIOUSA Ni) ON GUARD men by which the new campus hum-,'16L, field secretary of the Alumni as- IN MELBOURNE STIKIIE AREA' or magazine will be known. It will I sociation from Iowa City, the reason make its first appearance this week. 'for the delay in getting football re - Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 5.-Con- Tea-A ffrojteUnvrstcults for the grid-graph of the associ- ditions ini Melbourne were normal to- feloias-tnofplaea ot-easnvetyation in IHill auditorium was ex- day and the city authorities assert- plie.Reut oralaumigop ed that thme situationgrwn ou was declined here. However, the two east of Chicago that had gathered to# the police strike was satisfactory. teams have been matched for 1924. 'get the game returns were held ur that wire was switched to the Alumni association. This was done downtown and the operators at the field were not informed. As a consequence the wire which should have been used for send- ing out the returns to the alumni was idle for some minutes. Because of this the preliminary re- ports that should have started in hill auditorium about 2 :15 o'clock dlid not start until game time, 3 o'clock.' Alumni that had met at Detroit in the Armory, Chicago in the Monadonack Building, Grand Rapids at the Pant- lind Hotel, at Akron 'and in 'several other cities were held up.I lb ai ( I I 'c c E t In response to the governor's ap- peal to all able-badied men of mili- tary age* 5,000 special constables have been anrollecl. The city courts have convicted many persons of looting. Rome, Nov. 5.-Alfonso of Spain willj visit Victor of Italy Nov. 19. Alfonso 'will also call on the Pope. . I Put one'over on your beard i i f ' jTAKE THAT AIRPLANt RI D[ i NOWI j See the beauties of Ann Arbcr.frorni a- bove. Big three passenger plane. Ex- f { army piic t. Smnooth, sft tlyit~g. No "Going Up" stunts $5 Each. Passengtr Course of Instruction $100 Packard St. and City Limits 10DY RE RA orrtrdays you are not satisfied with this late model UNDERWOOD typewriter rebuilt by the famous Shipmsn Wad process. GREAT PRICE SAVING Direct toyufoth lrgettypewritrmfac-h 'tory of its kind to the world by ourmoney saving methordse. ' EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS y slltno Cnotice it while you enjoy the use of this wonderful machine. FREE BOOK OF FACTS Explaining Sbipmn eyeein of rebuilding typewriters and also valiichle information. uuthetpewiteindastry both instructive and entertaining. j STUDENTS Under our Special Student Customers EARN MONEY Saes Plan you can not only pay for your own typewri~a, but earn cash besides. la Sure to Get Full information on this Special Plan.l .ATr THE TRE'ATrERS Soren--Today Arcade-Agnes Ayers and Jack Hlolt in "The Marriage Maker" Majestic - Elinor Glyn's "Six Days" terth-"If Winter Comes" Orpheum-"One Exciting Night" Stage-This Week Whitney-Saturday - Miss Elsa Ryan in "The Circus Lady" Pocket Malted Milk!I Like to drink malted milks? Sure thing, Old Top ! Then why not eat.'em --- here's your chance. Pure Malted Milk Bars contain no cane or beet sugar Saffe for Athletes In Training Right size for your pocket. ,Go great at the game--at the show--on hikes--at school or in your room.p 5- At All Dealers - 5e Send a nickel for a sample. Thompson's Malted Food Company Makers of ''EMO the Incoraparable fountain drink 710 RIVERSIDE' waukeslla, IWisconshI Act Today! Mail $hipman Ward ifg. Company 3248 Shipman Building Mo4ntrose & Ravenswood laves.. Chicago Please send meg eiplalinU barg~ i ffr.' Garrick Go es" (D~etroit) -.- "Up She ii .... f I The Slickest Coat on the Campus! No well dressed college man is without one. It's the original, correctslicker andthere'snotb- ing as smart or sensible for rough weather and chilly days. Made of famous yellow water- proof oiled fabric.. Has all- 'round strap on collar and elas- tic at wrist-bands. Clasp-closing style " Button-closingstyie L Stamp the correct :name in your memory, and buy no other. The "Standard Student" is made only by the Standard Oiled Clothing Co., N. Y. C.. Slip one on at TINKER & 342 SOUTHS 1r STAT.E .ST)EET. A~ th e l'Worlds, Mita n dar d SHAVING.,BRUSH w Monday, November 12, 8 P. M._ Extra Concert Series SDetroit Symphony Orchestra :YOSIP ICHIAEL - - ARI-WTSH PRESS CABRILO ITSCH ioliist . w Conductor -All Tschaikovsky ProgramM Course Tickets-$2.00, $3.00, $4.0(}, $5 .00 Single ConcerIts--$a0, $1.00,_$1.50,_$2.00_ _ SSunday, November 18,4:15 P.M. Faculty Concert Series I~UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Samuel P. LOCK WOOD, Conductor_ =. RACE JOHINSON ORIA KONOLD LARTHARD No 1Adrission oVioloncellist No AdmissionCargt -Children under Twelve Years of age not ad. nutted unless they' first obtain tielket at the School of Music -Thursday, November 22, 8P. M. Choral Union Series COST FAN TUTTE OPERA CO. Direction WILLIAM WADE HINSHAW_ BRILLIANT HIEADED BY - SOLOISTS IRENE WILLIAMS ~ SStaige Scenery and Beautiful Costumes I _AFew Tiokets for Individual Concerts Available.____ Modyeebr4 8 P M. Extra Concert Series I DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA VICTOR Richard I .KOL.AR CROOKS Conducting 't'enor - - Course icets-$.00,t, $3.00, $4,0, $5.00 5 Single Concerts-$.50, $1.00, $1.10, $2.00) I Sunday, December 9, 4:14 P. M. Faculty Concert Series CONCERT BY FACULTY of the ITS i I RSITY SCHOOL OF MI SIC - S No Atfinissin C( ,itrcei-Childlren undeir Twelve .jri of 'ienunt A. - Kame...................................... St. and No ..................... pity .......................State........... l 1. .)1 L' f I d Take a Hike Then Have a -Bite You can dance Have a Marshmallow Roast here in our Fireplace --- your problem with enthusiasm. Tell us your needs. Let us give you valu- able counsel based on years of well seasoned experience. A card from you will place your name on our mailing Slist and you will receive our sales lit-" '"' erature regularly. g-