THE MICHIGAN DAILY___ ________ i I PIIIP 1927 GLEE CLUB Sweeney, T. E, Wyles, J. RI. Russell, °and Is not unknown to 'Ann Arbor ALUJMNI LEADS COMING P. W. Bitker, R. S. Miller, J. R. Cord- jaudiences. He is giving a series of IILIIIJU MEETS TOMORROWA on, W. E. Topper, G. R. Hlbrook, F. lectures on the subject of present pris- 'Ilffl __ A. Heart, N. Blair. e practices and is exerting his ifu . O S 'iUST DEDIC/AIDN The Freshman Glee club will hold1 Harold Jacox, '26, was appointed Ii- once toward the enactin g of rso ie itsfirt mc~ig a 7 'clck omorowbrarian oI the University Glee club at; forms. He intends to give. severalE a recent business meeting and smoker; talks here in the furtherance of thisj PRESIDENTS Of LOCAL C ROUPS' night in room 308 of the Union. Alloftelu.Tegecubwltae urs. ACCEPT INVITA TION OF first year men who have not reported a trip the week-e-nd of Thanksgiving, ----.-- TAIN o rotye r se od o going to Kalamazoo andi St. Joseph. C arry's (Class~es istributedj a t th is tim e ._________________________________________ _________________________ Letters of Ice -- hv cme Te oloinarease t rprtIot tme late Ciiaiei 's S. Carry, forpane avDom ETh flowngar ake o eprt o he Romance languages depart- from presidents of several sectional1fo the first mooting: R.. B. :filers, IPrisonf eor e met!ee lsrbuelaon1te alumni org anizations in ansxxer to an Stnly Fx .B uzL .Cm-I To Sp~"eak ITonight 1members of the department at the invitation from Hawley Tapping, '16L, bell, Chester Stapleton, W. H. John- frtofheyawendutoheilI field secretary of the Alumni associa- ston, G. 11. Likert, T. R.. Mathias, nefisswf hchersule nhisethhe I Lion to attend the dedication of Yost Russell C. Cochrane, W. E. Berger, H. 1 John Francis Glynn, who -spoke Sun- ia nbe'otk ar fte fiel hose n Sturdy o tosen a auch V.De rie, K.M. ricard night in the parlors of the Unitar-1 These instructors are continuing with representative. E. St. Aubin, F. C. Kampinga, VaskeyI tewoka rsn. Among those that have signified an J Nahabedian, G. K. Tracy, M. Finkle- ian church, will give a lecture on tewr tpeet intention to be, present are: Harry W.I man, L. F. Kummer, E. C. Mansfield,I "Prison Problems" in room 318 of the -________ Mulr x'3 f otWanm. C,.PecC BhF .Shc Union at 7:30 o'clock tonight undler the' Daily classified for real results. Carl R.. Henri, '11L, of Alpena; Emn-; N. T. Coilins, S. Phelps, E. A. Ruetz, auspices of the Liberal club. The fact _________________ ory J. Hyde, '04L, of New York City; G. E. Browne, W. C. Welke, E. L.!I that the meeting is to be held in the - Richard Hardy, '12, of Chatanooga, Blase r, 0. C. Koch, J. C. Consroe, O.; Union need not keel) women students# " U Tenn.; Thomas S. Hammond. ex-'07L,! Boeck, B. McKelvey, R.. Woellhab, L. away as arrangements have been made a jA.US9w of Chicago, Ill.; E. J. Walhlgemuth, I Shoemaker, C. Albracht, W. E. Krieg-! by which they may attend./ "11A, from Cincinnati, Ohio; Fitzhugh er, W. J. Dodge, J. E. Sherman, J. N. Mr. Glynn, aside from having spent j"r7 Burns, 192A, from St. Paul, ?Minn., and oidman, A. Grossman, H. P. Baecker, 20 years as a convict, has had wvide" -d- Totval Str'om, '08L, from Escana bha . . M. Gray, .E. ' D. M orton, R. B. experience as editor of the "C o1nvict"Th e St d n s R v P eu o i EThe University Health service hasj- been constantly filled during the past 10 days. Of tlhe four cases of bronch- ::'' ial pneumonia that have appeared at' the infirmary thus far this year three I are now under care. They are: W. P. ; Cusick, '25P, 0 . J. Kechlele, '27M, anid AT LAST!' SA L. P. Bull, '25L. SAM] : I t I I I .:, .. :. ,ChicagoIil. We Will Show ': l Clothes for the College Man ft I ft /fti ' -at- - ALLENEL HOTEL 1 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 fftNat Luxenberg Bros. ; ;, 1 I . slg your .friends in any Eastern college ft about Lt.XIZNBERG clothes and values. 1 1f I'( xf ft 1 F' -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - ------------- 1 Permanently ' ! GUOY WOWQL ' I 336 S. Sty I Ann Arb, Desigrn j BROAIDWAY Al 40" STREET MER'OP01TA OPRA HOUSE Bwo, ,I ®wiy 312 r' NW Grey, Wh..ft"mAitnd give. ns ourtto nery a di Argentone, $5.60. twentiveness which is becom- Fratyedge: ing to the college students No. 2400, white personality. Call KVNMTII (G. STRUNK Phone' 595 The FRATERNITY Shop of Chiicago 40. ..~ '3. AU.4a E lo O$ dOd.fP~R' t kfi # Od B °~ . ElIblSiu'w9./Y"'r~fiU *UU rl O".I I hm1'r1f UU lb I-I Fr YOUNG MEMIr g MADE BY EDERHEIMER: STEIN COMPANY _ I"I I-. a~I r _ EWith the beginning of winter you will be interested in the SSuits and Overcoats we have to offer. These clothes are the finest made by the FITFORM1r shops, 1= and they carry all the youthful conservatism characteristic 1~of college men. SAn early selection will insure you finding just what you want. _ 1= It never pays to delay at Corbett s. =1 I- Come to 116 EAST LIBERTY To ICorbeVI FATIMA M Ar