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November 06, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-06

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 38






Irregular Bavarian Bands Threaten
Advance at Thuringian
Berlin, Nov. 5.-(By A. P.)-The
central government, aroused by the ap-
parently dangerous situation created
by the Bavarian nationalist separation
on the Bavarian Thuringian frontier
has ordered the dispatch of three Ba-
denese Reichswehr regiments to the
region. These troops will take up po-
sitions behind the Thuringian police
with orders to resist to the utmost any
attempts by the irregular Bavarian
bands to advance.
The government will also issue an
appeal to all republicans to be pre-
pared to defend the republic.
It is reported that Chancellor
Stresemann has been definitely in-
formed that a nationalist "putsch" has
been timed to begin on Thursday, the
fifth anniversary of the foundation of
the republic.
New York, Nov. 5.-(By A. P.)-I
More than 3,000 aliens permitted to
land on parole after facing deporta-
tion may be allowed to remain here
permanently, it was learned tonight
when federal offcals announced it was
not certain that the immigration quotas
had been exhausted.
According to dvailable records the
quotas had been filled, E. J. Henning,
assistant secretary of labor, explained,
"but 10 per cent of the arrivals during
for other than quota reasons: illiter-
the current quota year are rejected
acy, disease and poverty. Then, a
large percenatge is excepted fom the
quota such as merchants, servants,
students, teachers, and previous resi-
dents of this country.
Bones'8,000 Years'
Old, Agree Savants
Santa Barbara, Cal., Nov. 5.-A
group of distinguished scientists who
Saturday and yesterday studied the
scene of the discovery of the bones of
the prehistoric man found in this city
recently by J. T. Harrington of the
Smithsonian institution, came to the
conclusion after- their Investigation
that the man had lived probably 8,000
years ago.
In he group that met here with Mr.
Harrington were Dr. Ralph Arnold,
formerly connected with the United
States goelogical survey; Dr. Robert
T. Hill, retired geologist of the Smith-
sonian institution; Dr. W. S. Kew, of
the geological survey; Chester Stock,
professor of pathology at the Univer-
sity of California; Dr. William Meade,
anatomist of Yale university; Dr. Lan-
sing Bloom, archaeologist, of San Di-
ego, and several others.

California Feels
Quake Tremblers
Calexico, Cal., Nov. 5.-(By A. P.)-
The most pronounced earthquake
shock felt in recent years in the Im-
perial valley was recorded today. The
Virginia hotel here was shifted several
inches on its foundations, and dam-
age was done to other buildings.
Each day give Jimmie his sup-
port. The broadcasting of these
through the wide circulation of
the daily brings satisfaction to
the advertisers. If you must be
satisfied-Try a Daily Classified.

Review Of Building Progress
Evidences Marked Advances

Marked progress has been made to- classes
ward the realization of the "new camp- held in

and all the lectures will be
the old laboratory. It is in-

us of 1937" since Dec. 15, 1922, the day tended to confine all the elementary
President Marion L. Burton publicly studies in the subject to the old Phys-
announced the building program. ics building. The building is expected
Some of the new buildings are al- to be completed by the beginning of
ready being occupied and are in a next semester.
state approximating completion. The The new engineering shops are
Physics building is complete with the being used at the present time. The
exception of the installing of equip- departments of chemical and highway
ment and some interior work. The engineering are already installed and
building possesses facilities for ad- it is expectedl that the structure will
vanced research work in concealed be entirely complete by the beginning
wiring, acoustics, and spectroscopy. of next semester. The University high
The basement consists of three floors school is now being used by several
which are so constructed as to facili- departments of the University for reci-
tate work with sound instruments, and tation rooms, due to the crowded con-
equipment for x-ray work will also be dition of the other buildings. The high!
installed. This equipment is all ex- school equipment will be installed and
ceptionally good and is equalled by i ready toy use by the fall of 1924 and
only one or two other universities in until then it is probable that the build-
the country. Tubes are being install-f ing will be used by the University.
ed in the structure to aid in the exper- Work is being resumed on the new
iments in concealed wiring and it is Hospital. , To facilitate the work
expected that the equipment will suf- temporary heating arrangements are
fice for the needs of the science for the being installed by running steam pipes
next 50 years. from the extension of the heating tun-
The building constitutes the first nels. The permanent heating tunnel
unit of the future structure. No lec- is now under construction and it is
ture'rooms have been constructed and hoped will be completed by January.
but few classrooms so most of the (Continued on Page Twi)


OF $22,000,600 IN FOUR


Germans, Americans Disagree
Interpretation of Treaty


Chopin's Master Derides Fair
Sex, But Likes Men And Wine

"Ah! So she isn't coming! Now we
can have a real time!" Thus inter-
jected the effusive De Pachmaa on
learning that an expected member of
the fair sex was not to arrive. "I love
boys, but, oh these girls! We can
have so much better time without
And he prattled on in a curious mix-
ture of French, Russian, German, and
English. Now here, now there, wav-.
ing his arms, and kissing his fingers.
"Ah, the Baldwin! C'est marvelleuse!
my piano is my wife. Je l'aime." He
adjusted the stool, moved the object of
his affection, sat at the piano, and'
deftly ran his fingers up and down the
keyboard. "I must get it adjusted, so
they won't laugh at me tonight. That
would be fatal!" And seating himself
once more he continued his mono-
"The light is bad! Turn them out!"
his order carried out he was once more
contented. The dim light from the{
skylight shone on the glistening keys.!
"Oh! the light. How beautiful!-the
daylight!" Again he ran his fingers
lightly up and down the keys.
"You know I arrived this morning
and practiced from 10 to 1 o'clock.

Then I had luncheon. You don't kave
wine, but I had some! Oh, the wine.
Why don't you Americans have it.
Vous etes. I'm-impossibles! C'est
terrible! Ha, ha, ha!"-all this while
still at the piano.
But he arose to meet some incoming
celebrities. He pranced some more.
He clutched our coat lapels. "Oh,
youth! It was glorious when I was
young! In 1881 I made my first ap-!
pearance on the concert stage in
Vienna. Oh, to be young!"
By this time just the four of us re-
mained. He ran from one to the other,
impetuously embracing us. But his
manager interrupted-"Allons! mon-
sieur, allons!"
More embraces! "I hate to leave you.
I wish you could come a ma salon, but
it is not large enough." An eloquent
gesture indicated that the Union suite
had not impressed him favorably.
"Allons, vite! "--the manager again.
We thought Vladimir was going to kiss
us all, but only one of our group -was
so favored. More embraces.
"Vite!"-the manager succeeded this
time. The little old man trotted and
tripped off from the stage and retired
to his "salon" to rest for his concert.

Certainty of Mechanics in Numbers
Allows Pianist to Emphaisize

Registrar Hall Announces Figures
For All Schools; Total
Increase 203



Eight thousand, nine hundred and
six students are on the campus of the
University at the present time, accord-
ing to the figures issued yesterday by
Registrar Arthur G. Hall. This rep-
resents an increase of 203 students
over the corresponding period last
The annual November count in the
registrar's office, the figures from
which are published as the enrollment
of the University in the annual gen-
eral tabulation of college enrollments,
also shows an increase in the granl
total enrollment of 349 students,
bringing the figure to 11,762.
Earlier predictions that the enroll-
ment would pass the 12,000 mark wers
changed by an unusuA1 decrease in the
number of extra-mural students tak-
ing work for college credit in the
School of Education. The registration
has decreased from 200 last year to 36
for the present semester. There is
the usual large number taking extra-
mural vocational work, but this, is not
d ntai iwith the U niv ity e fiw

One Senator, Seven Representatives
To Be Chosen In East and
Middle West
New York, Nov. 5.-(By A. P.)-
Those who watch the national politic-
al straws to see which way they bendI
in an off year election wind, probablyI
will get much satisfaction tomorrow.
First, there are only a few electionsI
for congress, and second, few issues
having a bearing on the next presi-
dential election involved.{
One new member of the United
States senate is to be elected in Ver-
mont. Porter H. Dale, republican, and
Hart H. Pollard, democrat, are candi-
dates for the position left vacant by
the death of Sen. Gillingham. His
term would have expired in 1927.
Seven new representatives are to be
elected to Congress, one in Vermont,
four in New York, one in Illinois, and
one in North Carolina. Little interest
has been shown in Illinois. Thomas
A. Doyle, democrat, will have slight
opposition, his republican opponent,
Lester Rodney, having withdrawn.
Students Hurt In
Gary Auto Crash

Washington, Nov. 5.-(By A. P.)-
Four decisions determining Ger-
man liability for American claims re-
suiting from the war, including those
growing out of the Lusitania torpe-
doing were announced today -by the
mixed claims commission.
While upholding broadly the Lusi-.
tania claims numbring 278, and ag-
gregating approximately $22,600,000,
the commission dismissed 3,190 claims
totaling $345,000,000 for the recovery
of insurance premiums paid by Am-
ericans for protection against war
General principles governing the as-
sessment of the American claims were
laid down by the commission. Three
of the decisions, including that upon
the Lusitania claim, were unanimous,
but in the other interpreting treaty
obligations Edwin B. Parker, umpire,
concurred with Chandler P. Anderson,
American commissioner over the dis-
sent of the German commissioner, Dr.
Wilhelm Wiesselbach.j
An important feature of the Lusi-
tania decision was the refusal of the
commission to express exemplary pu-
nitive damages. It held that such
damages were penal in their nature,
not compensative, and therefore un-
authorized by the treaty of Berlin.
J. N. Berkman, '26, was announced
as winner of the Otto Hans cup as
high man in the Union life member-
ship drive that ended last Thurday1
following a compilation of the results
by the committee . yesterday. Berk-
man had a total of 216 new members
to his credit, establishing a new rec-
ord. He was a member of team 9.
Second high man in the drive was
Fredrick Pinney, '25, captain of team
13, with 205 new men. Sidney Trem-
ble, '26, captain of team 18, which
acted as the flying squadron of the
campaign, was third ,with 160 names
and Bradley Haight, '26, captain of
team 7, was fourth with 66. W. F.
Austin, '26, captain of team 1, was
fifth with 63 signers.+
Team 13, captained by Fredrick Pin-
ney, '25, was high, team in obtaining
new life members with a total of 356,
establishing a new record. The second
high team was number 9, captain by
Alfred Holzman, '26, with 268 signed
and the third was team 18. with Sid-
ney Tremble, '26, as captain, with a
total of 201.!
Members of the winning team are
as follows: Carl Ohlmacher, '25; Her-
bert Wettland, '26, A. W. Haidle '25D;
M. 0. Blumenthal, '26; Dave Brom-
berg, '25; Clifford Pratt, '25; Lee En-
sel, '26; Harold Hale, '26; and F. B.!
Besimer, '27. The men on this team
will be given special recognition in the
form of some permanent souvenir as
a recognition of their services. I
All men participating in the life
membership drive will be the guests of
the Union at a banquet to be held at
6:15 o'clock tomorrow night in the
assembly hall of the Union. The
man and to the members of the win-
awards will be presented to the high
ning team at this time.
In addition, prominent speakers from
among the faculty and several student
speakers have been obtained to ad-
dress the campaign workers. Music
will be furnished during the meal.

coune inv its n iversuy regi g Seriousinjuries to one Michigan
tration since those electing such work
do not receive University credit. Most student and minor ones to another,
of the extra-mural work is given in were the result of an automobile
Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Jackson wreck in front of the police station at
and Lansing. Gary, Ind., Saturday morning.
Five Colleges Show Increase Hugh E. Gray, '24M, with Er-
Five colleges of the University show nest Burhans had left Ann Arbor ear-
an increase in total enrollment, the ly Saturday morning for the Illinois
literary college leading with an in- Chicago football game at Urbana, Ill.
crease of 150 undergraduate students. Both were injured when a Ford car
Total figures for this college, includ- plunged headlong into the rear of
ing undergraduates and students in their speedster in the Indiana town.,
extramural work and public health Gray was seriously cut about the face
nursing, give a total of 5,528 as when the glasses he was wearing were
against 5,266 in 1922. The Nurses' smashed by the crash, his wrists were
Training school has increased from cut, and his chest hurt. How serious-
188 to 192 students. This year's en- ly his chest was injured is not known
rollment in the Law school is 478 yet, but X-ray examinations are being
which represents an increase of 59 taken by the University hospital
over last year's figures. The other where he was placed immediately up-
school to show a marked increase in on his arrival here. Not realizing the
the number enrolled is the Graduate depth of his injuries, Cray continued
school with 542 registered. his trip, and not until his return here
Two of the large professional col- ' was his condition known. Burhans
leges display a slight tendency to- was not seriously hurt, although lie
ward a smaller enrollment. The en- was cut slightly about the ftacu by
gineering college decreased its en- flying glass.
rollient from 1,776 to 1,737 students,

Ambassador Jusserand " Discusses
Reparations Question
With Hughes
Washington, Nov. 5.-(By A. P.)-
Ambassador Jusserand, of France,
discussed the reparations questions
with Secretary Hughes for nearly twot
hours today. On leaving the state de-
partment the French envoy declinedI
to discuss the conference.1
The ambassador, who encountered a
large group of newspapermen as he
left Secretary Hughes' office, refused.
to say more than that his conversa-
tion with Mr. Hughes had been most
"interesting." He referred all inquir-
ies to the secretary. Mr. Hughes in
response to a request of the news-1
papermen that he see them sent out :
word that he had "nothing to say."
- _.1
Detroit, Nov. 5.-Let the rich church
"adopt" an army chaplain, the same
as missionaries are "adopted," is the
plea of Capt. Andrew J. Patrick, chap-
lain in the Officers' Reserve Corps.'
Captain Patrick also suggests that
the clergy "warm up to the army
chaplains and give them their undivid-
ed support."
"The work of the army chaplains is
very difficult," Captain Patrick said,
"and in many ways very discouraging.1
There is a feeling on the part of the
chaplains that the clergy and church
are not doing what they could in mak-
ing the burden lighter for both the
enlisted men and the chaplains."
"Would it not be a splendid thing,"
he asked, "for some rich church to
adopt a chaplain as their best friend
and brother, just as we do a mission-
ary that goes to some foreign country?1
In this way the chaplain would always
be in touch with the church, and the
church with the chaplain. The latter'
could make reports to the church and
keep it informed as to what lie is do-
ing along the lines of spiritual, moral
and educational work for the men. In
this way there would come many valu-
able suggestions, both to the church,
and to the chaplain." .
Captain Patrick said army condi-
tions are much improved over past'
"Parents of the young men who en-
ter the army need no longer fear their
sons are going to the bad because they
have enlisted to serve their country,"
he said. "On the ther hand, many of
them are better cared for than the
average young man in civilian life."
Junior Engineer
Committees Named
Committee heads and committeemen
of the junior engineering class were
appointed yesterday, and at the same
timearrangementsswere made for a
meeting of the class to take place at
11 o'clock today in room 348,. Engi-
neering building, to decide the matter
of distinctive dress for the class.
The committees appointed were: So-
cial-L. A. Cannon, chairman, E. M.
Graves, W. W. Kerr, Richard Gore and
T. G. Hlarold; athletic-0. XW. Read,

Committeemen to Co-operate
"4,000" Club to Complete
Swimming Pool



A concentrated drive on the part of
all Union committeemen in co-opera-'
tion with the present members of the
"4,000 clue" to secure the 2,000 sig-
natures necessary to allow work to
begin on the Union swimming pool
will be launched next Tuesday. The
move was decided on at a joint meet-
ing of Union officials and "4,000 club"
officers yesterday.
Pledge cards distributed during the
last two weeks-by the "4,000 club"
number 1,200. Pledges will be con-
tinued on the new list according to
plans of the committee. All holders
of these cards which call for pay-!
ment of $5 between Nov. 1 and 7, will
be visited by a Union worker during
the next two days and" given the op-
portunity to change his pledge to meet
the new requirement.
Under the system originated by the
"4,000 club" each student was given
the pledge to sign with the under-
standing that he would pay the $5
called for if 4,000 pledges had been
sectired by Nov. 7 and if he were call-
ed upon between the times designated.
The mote on the part of the board of
governors of the Union requiring only
2,000 signers makes the changing ofr
the pledges of all signers necessary.
The committeemen will be sent to
those who have already signed the
pledges in an effort to have the pledg-
es changed to be effective under the
nw systm.
The change of the "4,000 club" to
the present number of 2,000 was made
possible at a meeting of the board of
governors of the Union held last week
in which they agreed to lit the con-
tracts for the work on the pool as
soon as 2,000 students had signed
pledges agreeing to pay $5 for a
swimming ticket in the pool. This
move was taken with the understand-
ing that it was to become effectiveI
after the Union fair proposition had
passed the Senate committee on Stu-
dent Affairs.
The final incentive toward the com-
pletion of the pool was given during
the latter part of the week when per-
mission was officially given for the
fair. This will be -held in the Yost
field house in the spring, and will be
a means of raising the additional $10,--
000 that will be required above the
$10,000 that the present drive will
bring. This sum, together withnthe
gifts that are expected on the near
completion of the pool, with make the
completioi of the pool within the nextj
year a certainty. .t
All committeemen of the Union, both
chairmen and regular members, will
meet at 4 o'clock today in room 3021
of the Union. The meeting is being
held in order to organize the members
as a whole in the new drive that will
be launched to pledge 2,000 students
to buy tickets to finish the swimming
Those students who have been
working in connection with the "-1,000
club" in securing signers for the pool,
drive are also asked to report at this
time. They will work in connection
with the Union in the campaign.

By Ruth A. Howell
Vladimir de Pachman chattered,
chuckled and played his way into the
heart of the audience who heard him
last night in Hill auditorium. Iis was
far from being a formal concert; rather
it was as if he were playing a recital
to his intimate friends-there were
five thousand of them. And that audi-
encehardly knew whether to laugh or
listen; fortunately they listened.
His program was well-planned, for
the pleasure of the listener as well as
for the ease of the player. Big num-
bers contrasted with more delicate
ones; rippling with crashing ones;
major with minor.
Of his playing-well, it is divine.
Never have we heard such interpreta-
tions, such care in producing each
single tone. The capricious, and the
soberer, more emotional sort of thing
develop more beautifully under his
treatment than things of a louder.
more brilliant type.
He seems more concerned for his
audience than other players are. He
watches them, and his face and his
manner and his hands indicate to the
listener that he is trying to get certain
effects. De Pachmann looks to see
if it "gets over," as it were; and he
can tell, and is happy if it does. He
waits for the approbation of each
Of his interpretation of individual
compositions much could be said.
Technical and emotional climaxes he
never misses, but makes the mst ot
them. The faintest tone, that seems
hardly whispered, is clear and firm.
His every effort causes the listener to
feel vividly.
On behalf of the things he played,
we can say that de Pachmann proved
that there is at least one composer of
whom we do not tire. Throughout a
group of 20 exquisite Chopin numbers,
there was never a moment of weari-
ness because of an alert, yet restful
attitude maintained.
His best heavy work was to be found
in the second-Impromntu, which he
offered as an encore. The third Bal-
lade was played with less contrast of
tempo, more sweetness and less bril-
liance than usual. The Etudes were
characterized by irreproachable tech-
nique, color and spiritedness. The
Berceuse was lovely, while the Ma-
zurkas and the G fiat major Valse
were marvels of perfection in spritel-
ness and technique.
As to his self-praise, he was not
the monkey we expected; and on the
other hand he is just about as good as
he says he is. We never heard anyone
who could get so much out of, or put
so much into, Chopin's music. He
knows when a thing is difficult, and
why should he not warn the audience?
If he chooses to give the impression of
a tone slowly losing itself into silence,
by looking for it first in the audience,
then on the wall, and last, under the
piano, why, arte we not convinced that
it is lost? And a man of his age, ought,
as he says, to know more about the
thing that he is doing, than those who
have not studied a tenth as long. He
should be proud of the interpretation
he has worked out for himself. And
if he is not modest, do we care, as
long as he plays divinely?
Business Men Get
Madison Spec il
Ann Arbor business men have se-
cured special cars to run to Madison,
Wis., November 16, on the Michigan
Central railroad for the Michigan-
Wisconsin game.
The cars' were obtained by the
Board of Commerce as a convenience
to the men who would not care to go
on the regular student special. The
first car will be for anyone, while the
second is reserved for many and their
In order to secure the first car it

will be necessary to have the names
of 30 men intending to make the trip
at the local agent's office of. the Mich-
igan Central. To secure the second
car 20 reservations are needed. The

andathe Medical school enrollment
represents a decrease from the 1922
figure, 622, to the present registration
which totals 597. Other schools and
colleges to show a decrease are the
pharmacy college with an enroll-
ment of 75, a decrease of nine, the
Dental college whose 1923 figure is
344 as against the former number, 392,
and the School of Education grand
total enrollment including extra-
mural students which went from 395,
students to 280. The number' of un-
dergraduate students in this depart--
ment increased from 195 to 244.
Late Registry Estimated at 600 j
Estimated figures for the 1923 Sum-
mer session and for late registration
are added to the above for the grand
total enrollment of the University. It
is estimated that this year's registra-
tion of students in tme Summer ses-
sion other than regular term students,

Junior Engineers r
Will Hold Smoker
Prof. Evans Holbrook of the Law"
school, and Jack Kelly, '24L, presi-
dl t of the U i nnwill n k at the

aenL oi Le n n, WIL speax UM
Junior engineer smoker at 7:30 to-
morrow night in the reading room of 'Directories AlM
the Union. Bertram and Saxton will Y t d
entertain the assembly. Refresh- Sold Yesterday
ments will be served.
Unless the state board and auditor I The entire edition of Students' di-
Unestm tt or n uio rectories, numbering more than 2,8001
general can show good reason for their copies, with the exception of a few
action in withholding appropriation for, copies which are reserved for the fac-
uint Agricultural college exten ulty and the advertising merchants,
sion work, the supreme court will was sold yesterday at the booth in
compel them to release the funds. front of the Library., Two hundred
copies were printed this year in ex-
-Fire breaking out in the store room cess of the number published last

of' the C itv Il,i,' ' store- 10R Ei' IHu~fron





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