SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1923 THE MICHICAN DAILY PAGE FIVE CONCERNING DREAMERS NDOLENCE and aimless- NEWELL BEBOUT He is dead. Yes, it is- true that [ ress are the conventional dreams are entrancing, enrapturing, attributes of the dreamer. eenchanting:, it is also true that they The dreamer seldom wni"Within this goblet, rich and deep, metamorphoses? Think of life as ai are luxurious and that life is real. success in the world.- But I cradle all my woes to sleep. perpetual flow of rainbows! To who, on the ether hand, Why hould we breathe the sigh of dream is verily to live beyond life! BOKS AND AUTHORS Wahyem5 SucshOrpoldtheunavanthear? the iz;BOKSimatUTOR desires, success when he fear Lactzuz, for example, pondered on (Continued from Page Four) pen did and the fame Or pour the unavailing tear? the immateriality of the true man and gets mixed up in the chase after a himettomthedemptiness cofsarofm, Whichd nmes of creating loe doath will never heed the sigh likened hm to the emptiness of aroo, slave ship. As a result of this he exquisite masterpieces of Nor soften at the tearful eye; saying: A room is made by cutting gets acquainted with an African king, at is crta ot to be de edbut And eyes that sparkle, eyes that weep, out windows and doors through the one Koko, ruler of Fantippo-an en- t iseacerilyhottdo hespiscaed;fhu. Andleyesuthatesparkleeeyeslthatnweep, the dreaner-what does he care for Moust all alike he sealed in sleep...." walls, hut the space the wals contain ergetic monarch with a flair for the these things? He sleeps and muses (Anacreon-Moore) measures the room's value' postal business. Out of this friend-' gives his mind to reverie and en- But I knew a man who died from ship grew a number of adventures nd shisf. H o irre ie id oDreaming and lavishness, from one dreaming too much. A dreamer is and enterprises, foremost among them joys himself. How irresponsible is a point of view (which is natural rath- liable to misfortune just as the prac- a magnificent postofice, with birds dreaming iman! How happy: or than logical are the true pursuits tical man: he can overwhelm himself as the letter-carriers, and ambitious Nothing is more irksome than duty, of life, while industry is made synon- with thoughts. Life, it must be re- I programs of entertainment and educa- and duty commands the votaries of ymous with waste. "To live-to membered, is thrust upon us for the tion. This calls for more adventures, achievement. To live is to struggle dream! Both-what does it iatter? purpose of living it; and the emotions and so on to the end of a good big and to attain. But dreaming is an, To drean--peraps it is to live! and passions and sorrowings are in- book. One dreams when he forsakes rea- herent in our nature because they are Perhaps, as a guide to prospective easy task and to dream is to mount son and permits his soul to flow into resigned for exercise. But the dream- purchasers, I ought to compare these to the ethereal realms of fancy where ecstatic illusions and fantastic myths. ing man strangles passions: for he; books as to value, quality, and looks. soothing quietude fascinates one with A dream' is also a deluge of pictures detaches them from reality: and sure; If you consider size alone, Hugh melancholy visions. There is a charte rbursting upon the mind. When prac- ly there is no more contradictory Lofting leads over Sandburg; in ap- about that aerial kingdom of ideals ticality is abandoned and thoughts thing then an unreal passion. Imag- pearance the latter has the advantage. which can never be matched by the are inundated with multiform shad-- ination in any extreme degree is inim- Bt when I come to quality I give up egotistic delight aroused when multi- ows, then one is said to dream. ical to reason, and thus the very anti- completely; the whole thing depends tudes of admirers applaud triumph Dreaming is the activity of the san- thesis of human life when life is con- on bias, and bis in this case I do not and render to the hero of material guine, ardent brain while the body is sidered a struggle toward an end. have. I enjoyed Sandburg much, and ascendency glorious ovations. To in resnose. On a winter's day, for in-The man who fights and suffers also Lofting equally. I am as interested dream is to sink with drowsiness into stance, one looks at the maple tree, experiences the thrills of victory; or L oin eqyg of Dab-Dab the Duck as chimerical imaginings and to escape and the cofnslex twigs and branches in other words happiness is his: be- in the irrepressible feminity of Dippy hateful necessity by denying it. somehow merge into ferocious,, black cause happiness is the satisfying of the Wisp. Both of themiit seems to There have been men in every age diagons of oriental monsters which desires. Despite all religious argu- me, are the virorks of genius, but not whom history remembers because of are engaged in titanic conflict; or else ment, the desires of the spirit and of the same sort of genius. They have their improvident lives in which, be- are crouched ready to leap with merc- the mind are only a meagre portion poetry, fantasy, humor, and some tween spasms of uproarious mirth, iessness upon some prey. The irides- of all desires that are. He who yearns realism. Neither book is for children they surrendered themselves to phan- ' cence of mother-of-pearl or of a film for a purely intellectual life, really alone; Sandburg in particular will at- tom-making abstraction. We never of oil on water often undergo trans- yearns for a semi-life: and in time, tract the adult while he may leave the can forget Hafiz, nor Omar Khayyam, formation into valleys filled with div- after his bpdy has been denied and ten-year-old quite unmoved. A bankem nor Anacreon, nor Thomas Moore: for ers tinted flowers; or, again, suggest starved ofits whims, he will find him- may read of Dr. Dolittle and enjoy, they symbolize a radical instinct sometimes the aural colors of life's self 'in quitean hopeless condition. while the grown-up who follows the which is' present in every human- I emotions themselves. Emotions have He will find that he is an emotional adventures ofSlip Me Liz is apt to be being-an instinct which can never be colors: gray is fear and selfishness; hypocrite, that he owns nothing aside a subscriber to the Nation, The Nw abolished even though overcome. We green is deceit and tact; crimson is from illusions, and that, in truth, Republic, and the Dial. In Lofting we preserve the name Anacreon not so sensual love; orange is pride, ambi- even they are beginning to 'fade; In- have a true successor of Mrs. Gatty much for his betitching odes which I tion; yellow is intellectual power. deed, he no longer exists. In deny- and Lewis Carroll: Sandburg is in a sometimes we crave to read as for the Can you imagine what a tremendous ing half of life he has-'denied all of class by himself, a creator, succssor idea which he typifies: that life is spectacle it is to look into a sea-shell life; and in place of fervent pleasures to no one-and perhaps the prdecs- short and should be happy, and that and there contemplate the antagonist- and elegant, intricate fantasies he act- sor of none. How, then, can one com- earthly attainments at best melt into ic forces of existence struggling with ually clutches but the deserted shells pare? oblivion before the grave, one-another and undergoing constant of dreams. Life has escaped him. ' By Carroll Lane Fenton ore0hanJus a "Clean" Sirt You get more than just a "clean' shirt when you send your laundry to us. You get ashirt that is professionally finished- -eneckband, cuffs, sleeves, bosom and back and sides neatlylauidlered-a shirt that fits snugly and looks trim and jaunty. You cannot obtain such results without special equipment-it is not reasonable t oexpect suh' pro- fessional service from' a home laundress- You will find this equipmenit for the proper finish- ing of your shitts and' collars in'orur:laundry-we have at your service specialists who have spent years in acquiring this special skill. Don't be satisfied with less-send us your shirts and collars today. Cultivate that custom-tailored look which distinguishes the well groomed man. Our driver will call for your bundle-just phone. send your laundry to us FIFTH AT AVENUE LIBERTY . ------------------------------------ ---------------- ....